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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems costs on red chris, the police in the us detain at least $100.00 protesters that a university in boston. as the students lead movement against the war continues across the country, the officer of any age good to have you with us. this is now is your life from don't also coming up. it is really airstrikes hits rasa in southern gaza. the bombardment
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across the strip is killed at least $32.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours of growing anger and frustration in israel. thousands of gathered until a v calling for the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. on june the whole in front of the union buildings in pretoria with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election, the pro, nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. 30 years ago, the, the police in the united states have detained around a 100 people while clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston. the university says the protesters resorted to anti semitic floors, student demonstrations against the war on guns that had been spreading across the us. there are growing efforts by university officials and policed into the protests as been just over a week. some students at columbia university began demanding that their school
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divest from israel. that means cut their financial ties with israel students at harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university followed suit and protests spread from the northeast to campuses. in michigan, texas and california houses 0 correspondence are covering the story across the us in atlanta, in austin, texas, and new jersey for so we're going to begin with mike hannah, who is a george washington university in the capital washington dc. so mike, tell us where things stand where you are at george washington. here, domains peaceful it is. com at the moment. uh, police have uh, blocked to the road on either side behind the here, but they are in an observation phase. they say that they will not be moving in a while. the, the demonstration remains peaceful. the george washington university authorities awesome to move and then remove the in cap and tier this. they declined to do kelly
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d. c. police remembering that time in june 2020. when they disperse demonstrations in the street using that to on this and t, i guess clearly concerned about the optics of doing anything like that with what is a peaceful demonstration. so at the moment all remains calm, all remains peaceful. occasionally speeches from the organizes here behind me, police us at a distance, keeping what they say is a monitoring posture and not wanting to move in while it remains peaceful. a. mike, if i can ask you about another campus in the last few hours, we have learned that a 100 students were detained at a university in boston, northeastern university. can you tell us what happened there? yes, indeed, at northwestern university. let me explain because this is an important point of difference. george washington university is
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a public university. so the area here is public access. so basically anybody who wants to be here can be here, northwest and university, on the other hand is a private university. so those who are arrested, the a would charge with public press to press press parts because they were on private property. now also to explain further what happened at northwestern university, is that the organizes also police to move in the police did. so they arrested some $100.00 people, but only those without students identities were actually booked and charged by the police. so those with student cards were detained, but then allowed to go. so the situation very different in a way between a public space like this and a private space like northwestern university. but it still says that it is an unknown exact number of people who were arrested and then booked at northwestern university. what does appear to be the case is that those were booked with only
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other ones without student cods, those who holding student cods, who were able to be on that campus with it for you up to being detained. okay. understood it's and it's interesting to monitor how different campuses and different university leaderships are choosing to deal with the student protest movement on their campuses. mike, thank you very much. we're going to go to atlanta. phil lavelle is at emory university there. there were confrontations between police and protesters at emory they were on the 1st time you saw those pictures reflect saves and used coverage all over the world where you have those protest is on the quad, which is this grossey area in the center of the campus where people say that they were protesting quite peacefully and then a one point we had emory police, we had the atlanta police. we also had state trip assess, there's dozens of arrest students. people who work at the university outside is all
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taken into custody on those horrible, ugly scenes compared. that's what we saw 24 hours later on friday. it was i much comment effect. there was a big protest here about this time yesterday about 4 o'clock. so maybe an hour or so from now, and there was a 2nd protest in the evening. the big difference that was there was a lot of police yesterday. i mean, when we got here yesterday evening, we spotted one police call about a half a mile away down the road at the entrance to the campus. and there was no police presence on the precise. the said that that was what then enabled them to feel more confident to express themselves without fear of violence or intimidation. and that's what i'm hoping for today. now right now, every campus is, is pretty quiet. there's a few people around the on any process does have, but we are expecting them to arrive soon. they put it on social media 4 o'clock. so as a site, just don't do an hours times. they're expecting together. they are hoping that it will be a quiet calm or a favorite day, but i must tell you certainly the last few minutes we have noticed a bit of a police presence. we've had emory police driving past us. we had
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a call pop just not a shot, but a few moments ago. we've had police patrols on foot there, obviously keeping an eye on this because they know it's coming. the question is, how much will they get involved when this process does actually happen? and, and so do the students have specific protests? we know that there are some student bodies, for instance columbia, where they've made a list of specific demands of the university. and in columbus case, they say they won't leave until their demands are met. is there anything like that at emory to they will ultimately they went to the university to divest from israel, but the issue is that the process to a very decentralized, right? it's about one body organizing the process. they'll groups of different students doing their own things like that. it's process yesterday we have the protest at 4 pm, the peaceful protests the most through campus. that was one group. the event that we were at in the evening, which was almost like, i hate, i hate to use the phrase, it was more of a celebration refill. it was music. it was dancing. it was very good natured. they were here from a different group. i'm is a side group who we all told the,
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occupying another building and refusing to leave so that we were kind of doing the wrong thing. but the other thing is to note several, but what this is doing politically on 2 fronts. first thing, locally, the precedence of the university is finding himself on the increasing pressure. george friend was, was the amount you remember on thursday who justified the police coming in, who played the process on outside those. yesterday one faculty overwhelmingly voted in favor of the motion of no confidence in him, of the health of a nationally. we have president bite and he's to, to visit more house college here in atlanta, a separate university on may 19th and about is for some regulation events. but obviously the presence of the united states presents a mixed everything that is happening at the moment. the increased security, i'm many students who feel that they need to make that point is something that people are watching very closely at the moment. the indication from the white house is that visit will go ahead, but who knows what will happen as the coming days and weeks on fold?
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right to 8, you said it's may 19th so it's still a while away. one imagines, if the student protests are still going on and in a pretty big way across the country, by the time, by mix that visit, it's gonna be hard for him not to address it in some public form, a fill of l. thank you so much reporting there from atlanta, us on the ground and gaza is really attacks of killed at least $32.00 palestinians in the last 24 hours, including 8 children. 15 people died when is really forces show the home in the state of the camp in central gaza. a number of nearby houses were damaged. the army also bom, 2 homes overnight and rough, or at least 34388 palestinians have been killed since the war began. alvarez here is honey, who joins us now from rough and southern gaza. it have honey you, since we've been covering pretty intensively over the last few days, the student protests across the us. they're all tied of course to the war to israel's war on gaza to what's happening, where you are in the gaza strip. to tell us about that and the events of the last
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24 hours is well for the vast majority of people here when they're, they're following close to what's going on on us university. so what's going on right now is the shock and the frustrating because that doesn't seem to force these really a military to slow down the boxes when any, any signs of letting the, like letting off the attack across the gauze. and strictly, just with the surgeon the docs with are here and over crowded city or just been from the area. just something that is really military continues do to do without paying attention that to the level of the of impunity that they have right now. and there's, there's doesn't seem to be any, any way to stop it for the moment, but over not a talk. then within the past hour, just further civilian casualties and struck and level of destruction that has become many clearly visible everywhere. and rough estimate of wherever you go, there are piles of rubble that are blocking the roads and not right now we can
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safely describe some of the roads here are as rubble build roads in wood, destroyed homes everywhere, just passed a few hours, the residential home and eastern part of robust to be in another neighborhood where a residential home was targeted and destroyed. and 7 people from one family or reported killed at one's with more people are still missing under a trap under the rebels. and that's what we were told by civil defense cool members and terminates and local residents and the area who are working on removing bodies of from under the rubble to practice. they've doesn't what have survived these for elizabeth? that fact was tragic about this is the, the further internal displacement cause for ready display the traumatized population. people who are in the building or the surrounding area, display families or from the not the park, kansas city. a more reason. they from hon. you in the central area and a separate attack, there's really monetary targeted, more residential home,
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and then on the record, you calm down in the area between why these are the northern part of the camp itself were 9 people reported killed and it's free people. that's why the level of destruction is very shocking, where people along with termites and civil defense, if you are still searching for survivors under their elbows has been really more than 5 hours, is the attack. and it does become very difficult to believe that there are people who are surviving underneath the rebels being why the drugs continue you with their bus sound that is very annoying and causing distress and psychological problems and mental health deterioration. and it's not, doesn't seem to go away. yeah, absolutely. and so many of your live hid since the beginning of this war. we've been hearing this constant overhead sound of drones and we hear it once again tonight. um, honey, my hood reporting from rough and southern gaza, thank you very much. i a thousands of anti government protest as have been
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gathering once again intel of eve, as the government continues to face growing anger and discontent. demonstrators accused the government of dragging out the war. we've also been calling for early elections and for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reside houses here as bernard smith joins us live now live from tel aviv. i saw quite a crowd behind you just a little while earlier, but it's not so much anymore. maybe the protesters have moved. i know there are several protest sites this evening. what's it like and telling me several winding down for the evening. hey, there was a perhaps as many as 30000 people earlier on both here, outside the defense ministry at kaplan, scribe just behind me. and i in front of a tell of kind of a museum about not why the hostage come to families gather every night. a get the gathering momentum, these protests that you have been a since long before october,
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7th i with this time last year i would say it was people protested against the government that he's trying to change the way the judges were pointed to the supreme court. they picked up again in recent months as again people call for an end to the war and gaza the resignation of the governor, typically, but benjamin netanyahu, so that that can be new elections. many of the protests to say, say that yahoo is deliberately prolonging this war and gaza because it saves him from the ultimate reckoning at the bottom of the box. several birds, are you able to assess whether these protests are having any kind of effect on the government? because we say as a matter of course that they put pressure on the government. i'm sure they do to some extent, but i, i can't tell from the outside looking in that they have altered the government's behavior or policy in any way. no, they haven't. i mean, they are a constant reminder to the government as far as you can see,
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because you can see them, you feel them and the, and just here and telling me they were in jerusalem and caesar right? yeah. and another is riley cities to night. there a constant reminder to the government, but it remains very unpopular. i guess the difference this year from last year is that there's a much more mixed crowd because many people have lost faith and benjamin netanyahu, whose government and benjamin netanyahu. all the polls say that if there's a new election, then he will most certainly lose several homos released a video showing to is really captive. how is that sort of being absorbed by the crowds that have been continuously protesting for and demanding that the government secure some kind of deal to release those bulk of calls to the, to, to the families of the 2 men. so, you know, i lazy video is come as enormous relief. the 1st sign of life of that relative since october, the 7th, and those families upset as other families upset. time is running out. we need our
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prime minister to accept any deal. fast time is running out because there is this feeling here. the people know people feel the best colored round of negotiations. if they don't get a deal this time around, it could be a long time before there's any negotiations. again, i people so aware that those cap tips in southern gaza, i was much in the line of fire as any power steering's will still be that it is well launch is a, i don't know a lot military is sold but, but an indication of how difficult and challenging these talks are come from an advisor to cause a problem and it's about g dot, i'm sorry, he's giving his 1st ever interview to his railey media. and in the interview, he's revealed the frustrations of cas uh saying. so every time we got close to a deal that sabotage from both sides, he says, he says, is right on how much not showing it no commitment to reaching a cap to deal on a co deal 2 and fighting a gosh. yeah, that's
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a very interesting interview. and it comes just a few days after guitar said it was reevaluating its role as a central negotiator here and these and these, these thoughts. let's just hear as bernard smith reporting from televi. thank you very much for that to the occupied westbank. now. where is really forces have shot dead to young palestinians. this happened to the selim check point. that's near jeanine. the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with soldiers. these relays later prevented ambulances from reaching their bodies. a coalition of 8 groups that is trying to deliver supplies to gaza is holding a protest and is simple for the freedom flip, taylor coalition says 2 ships carrying 5000 tons of life saving 8 or unable to lee because they've been de registered by getting the so the vessels operate under that countries flag activists are accusing as well as putting pressure on the west african country as a big has more from
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a stumble for the organizes how the press conference a central is done. both now ship concepts, sales without flying. the flag, not 2 of those ships are flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so now over i have to say that those legs have been removed, including from chicago ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant needs political move, an unusual one. now organizes have the press conference and they said there was a, there was a request from the authorities in give me a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities with the destination. and the admission to gaza was a reference full. so that will also about the cargo and the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels, the bearing, the flags of these ships kinda upset sale at the moment. and there's no idea when
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they will be setting sale that some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the siege of goals and deliver that for me not to preventative and age will be returning to the home countries and some of them are very disappointed other the same, so this isn't the end. they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels. so they can set sail and try to break that seats on here. in istanbul, that protest taking place is a sit and that's been taking place full weeks, trying to keep a full for the people's minds. this will on garza and the front states and the fees and this the to still wants to set sale. now we've been speaking you after with a half and some of them are not saying that the best always complicit with israel on his board. goes up because they have caved in the political pressure. organizers say that they will continue to work. it tries to make sure that those ship set sale try to break the siege of garza and deliver that secure minded to an age of vague
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data. assembled the the still ahead on alpha 0, thousands of people in london have been marching in support of palestinians and pulling for an end to the war will have that after a short break. the the. now over the last week, the weather patents gone to clockwise about 90 degrees, such that now the rate is coming out through western europe. and the middle of europe nice in europe is rather quiet and actually warming up the temperatures into the low twenty's. this reading could be significant, but send a storm warnings on stuff they probably transferring to the east during sunday. rains, preferring spain, and still cold enough for a bit of snow from the parent to using the higher end of the old in the spine. and then the circulation and then all see means pretty pull weather for eastern scuffle . but this is all nice. and bowman actually gets woman who's in the baltic states
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and even scans and 8 here for the next day or so. but if you happen to be thinking of any holidays in, for example, the small items that uses pain, maybe you should think again, mondays know barcode that he'd spend the story in this a hell in africa throughout the last 2 or 3 weeks. and it still is, look at these temperatures, 45, across to bundles, 38, there was an i'll show breeze at tense, just bands. you would also get halter up to about $39.00 or 40 well above bits average. so it's pretty wide spread throughout this a how to there is right off the coast of the times of a there's been funding elsewhere in east africa. but the southern africa, though a few channels were in the full cross drive, is pregnant. the foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the, you're watching 0 reminder of our headlines. us police have detained about a 100 people while clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston. student demonstrations against the war on does that have been spreading across the us is really attacks and gaza
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have killed at least $27.00 palestinians, including 10 children and military bombed homes in the state of the camp and in russell and thousands of anti government protesters have been gathering once again until it leaves, the government continues to face growing anger and discontent. thousands of demonstrators have been marching in some for the palestinians in london account or rally was cancelled. so i think security concerns. but a smaller event by a group called enough is enough which supports is really actions still went ahead and central, but our false it followed the march his progress through central london. here's, here's what it is, right? as much as setting off a long white home destination. hyde park, as always, concerns about the latest phases of the war. and going to get the turn see for a full scale, the sales process. this is as well, the 1st box since the discovery spray, but i'll also hospital. i'm the 1st since the dramatic scenes. we've seen
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conferences in united states. we spoke to some students here actually. and while ago we are proud to be doing this is bill morris. this thing among students, and i think it's gonna be huge. it's getting a script in the whole states and around the world against bar. the semitism is also scheduled to be holding a box together at the same time. it's a cost all on the safe side. so i put those points to this as well.
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another account of protest by a pro is ro group did take place though a group calling itself enough is enough station. and a static demonstration alongside the pro palestinian march roots, a police concentrated as that area and cuts both protesting groups apart from each other, the pro palestinian group, then ending up here in hyde park, pull the reilly. they say that this, the 13th such and actually protest in london is the latest, but certainly not the last day and tend to continue with this action and support of gaza against the war party. suppose it was just their london in south africa has been marketing 30 years since its 1st democratic election, which signal the end of a part died. but the african national congress is struggling with opinion polls suggesting support for the a and c is dwindling ahead of next month's general election. jonah, how reports it was
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a celebration of the events that ended upon the date of the civil war and gave us to a new south africa. 13 years ago, president su rema pose said freedoms bills had run out to across the country. that they jo oppression. a new nation rooted in quantity. human drive is among the greatest achievements of modern history. on the 27th of april, 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. what became known as the rainbow nation. we had just spend a break freedom day and we is much easier way invited to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we are 10 plus south. and then since i was young,
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i know the events to 30 years ago still viewed significance, they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with rights, with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the problem is. so the better life, the role remains elusive. for many and what the world bank lists as the most unequal country on this $1.00 and $3.00 are unemployed infrastructure is crumbling, crime and corruption, rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties. the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and the ideals of 1994 south africans to put that promise many times before. jo, how l g 0 pretoria were nearly half of those under the age of 34 unemployed in
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south africa. one of them is valencia beloit who has been looking for a job since you graduated from university. this is her story. my name is valerie jesse and finally, i live in, so it's, and i, me, i'm unemployed. so tester can i study public relations from 2018. so 20222022. i graduated and then after graduating i stayed at home during nothing's been applied for what but nothing came up to me. so useless like i've just wasted. i know that or if it's miss mr. like i'm not doing anything to quote you to there's nothing all day i've been applying. if you could see my thing is in a day i play move at 6 places, but to no response. a thing for me, me personally, if i could find a job my, my left will be more is yeah. and then accessed what they said. department of labor
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has inter interested in spanish so that you can gain access to like the youth can gain access for them to find for me to find what can be more easy. i mean, i've applied for it's awesome. it's me being when i go to the system right now, the 1st thing itself is not working. and the thing is in this, and i don't know, i appreciate the opportunity to that the government has paid for me. and that's of this page for me, for the, for me to go to school for free. if that's the, that was the only thing that i'm grateful for the us that i believe me in this country. because of what the government is permission of life from a 1994. so now i haven't seen any change for me. ukraine says it's shut down $21.00 of $34.00
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missiles that were launched by russia and an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. and ukraine says it targeted to oil refineries and rushes crowds nadar region with drawings early on saturday. those attacks cause fires at the facilities. keith also said that it struck a military air field in the same region. is really forces have arrested more than 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war and gaza . those who have been released talk about ill treatment, lack of food and medical negligence in prison. alpha 0 spoke to omar, a soft, a 74 year old palace. the inactive is from ramallah, who spent 6 months in and is really jail. when he was released, his family could barely recognize them. the committee mackenzie. we met an automotive had the visual probably has a compatible modem, understand.


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