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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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there still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state bill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the . the thoughts of robin, which email just do use outlook by headquarters here in de la, coming up in the next 60 minutes. a warning that palestinians and gone. so we'll see. but as for the food and medical aid, as well as close as the rough football of the crossing prime minister, benjamin netanyahu says these 5 proposal, how boss is agreed to fold shoulder as well as demands for the boss says the bowl is now in israel's combs make no mistake. the full scale assault them rough uh
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would be a human capacity to un secretary general condense, a closure of for the crossings at the gaza, and calls for an immediate cease fire deal and thoughts or something presented on the war to us. the heavy rains that have left the path of destruction. thousands of people be pulsed from that. the welcome to the pack of there are now no way for people to get out of gauze. a full aid. i'm guessing bounce off to is there any forces to control of the palace to the inside of the russell border crossing? the us equity general has now was that a full scale invasion of rough a by israel would be a strategic mistake, a humanitarian night. but one of the half 1000000 palestinians to be sheltering and rather than being forcibly displaced once again, but with the rest of calls are reduced to rubble as the sites that have to go out
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a couple as soon as possible from russell on the move. yes, again, these palestinian families in rough, grep what little they have following forward is from the is really military to evacuate or risk death on all the, one of my families made up of 4 people there also for others of my brother's family, totaling 8. where can we go? i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it down. as many here were forced from central another and cause that this cape is very bombardment that what told roughly would provide safety with is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving. who will come with the how isn't this place from? i'll shoot you a, a to on the sierra 10 to daniel bella. rafa, and this will be the 5th displacement. on monday. we have no idea where we'll go. the situation is bad. couldn't see throughout the night,
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which shows over our heads is very tanks have blocked the roof on board crossing, sporting show, cold, and any essential 8 coming into the street in a lot, blah blah blah blah. the closure of the roof are crossing has prevented the entry of trucks carrying mits and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization, and has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who were waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old lumber of the holy. she and her cousins, sustained injuries and is rarely s troy. last month. they would post a schedule to get treatment approach. and the last one, i love that today, my name was that the buddha and i should travel to get my lex treated. they hunt. i'm supposed to have an operation because the boat requesting a shot today. i couldn't travel on sob because i didn't leave today. off the 7 months, so for the path,
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for more than 1500000 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid, into a district with warnings, they could be fed the depleted 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate now and say there was no plan be for the people in rough or target kept as in oh, just a rough rough i had a story now the events of rough or, or insulting as he signed negotiations by could by counsel and egypt being held in conroy, israel's prime minister says the proposal from us has agreed to full show of as well as demands instead of the land is real, will not allow him us to return to root in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue the project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em
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. us. our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. how bosses will know they've, as well as military aggression, continues at rafa. that'll be nice. these 5 deal, the senior spikes, person, full home us, a saw behind them says it's up to israel has to whether or not the deal go through . no, i do. i'm not good at that. i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know is a knitting out, was quote, and the behavior and attitude after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives. what threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military as well and shut that out. there was an operations that were reporting from outside of the country. stephanie duncan is in the jordanian capital,
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but that explains the if it's caught in the way to reach sci fi deal. i now have old players in cairo. you have him, us, you have israel, you have called us, you have egypt, and you have the americans live by the head of the c i. a william burns has been engaged in intensive shuttle diplomacy. arrived in cairo on friday. i'm asked, how does it get a delegation that is all refused to send one and they said only once, the masters response is positively then when to doha, called out, then you have the positive response, then these rays, as we see, they sort of reject to that but not really because they still sent a delegation. so i think we have to say that there remains momentum in the sense that a deal isn't off the table at the same time. you see the operation in the fall going ahead in some form. i think we can say that it's not the mass ground invasion that the americans have insisted will not happen, but it is something that is certainly playing into the hands of measuring yahoo
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right with allies. we also heard him say that, you know, is really presence on the alpha border on the palestinian side is essential to stopping have masses ministry capabilities. a boy said they wanted to present along that border. and he also said that the offensive was vital key really to bring the captives home. now this goes against the majority of his really civilian to say that any of that fall sense of will more than likely be a death sentence for the captives that remain alive. just briefly, how about the books person earlier said that the 72 old female captive had died due to his reading shelling. we call and confirm that independently. but that gives you a sense of the kind of pressures that netanyahu is under. they are crucial times. they are pivotal times. busy all the players in cargo. now we're going to have to wait and see how things play out over the next few days. well, just explain why stephanie's reporting. follow up on benjamin. nothing. you all his confidence in his well, his band out. is there
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a site with reporting from outside of the country is now a top white house official said that i see saw the long gauze i could come very soon and the chaise has should be able to place any remaining gaps. the us state department says adults as sensitive, but it may be possible to push through a final deal i'm. i did not accept the proof of ceasefire proposal from us, responded and in their response made several suggestions. it's not the same as accepting the scenes that we saw in gaza when you see people coming down the streets and celebrating what they thought was a ceasefire. number one tells you just what they've lived through. me know, that obviously be really see just the joanne people say it's what they've lived through and emotion and thinking that they might have some hope that this conflict will come to an end. but also i can say for everyone here just confirms why we think it's so important to get the ceasefire agreement over the
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line and why we are going to continue to push forward. it's like how that has moved from washington dc. well, having declined to comment on what from us, so as an acceptance of a sci fi deal, the state department spokesman has now come out to the comments on the matter, saying that a must not accept the cx 5 proposals, but they made a response. he goes on to say, they say they responded as people do in a negotiation process, but it was not an acceptance. now, this is a complicating factor. given the fact that the parties will be discussing this matter in cairo, given the fact that a month in this view has accepted the cx 5 proposal drafted by cut to an egypt and some sources indicating being endorsed by the united states. so it would appear that the only party that is not accepted, this drafted c supply proposal is in fact israel. but the talks continuing in cairo,
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the us remaining hopeful that that will be some agreement in these ongoing negotiations. but the us phase of discussion of the sky to, to uh, when it comes to reports about alms deliveries, to israel. now, several reports indicated in recent days that the us has suspended some shed shield um shipments including those of precision guided missiles as a way to use leverage to post israel to come to some find of agreement. the question was put at the pentagon. they declined to comment and it was also put to the state department spokesman, who had this to say our support for israel's right to defend itself, our support for israel's right to ensure that october 7th never happens again, remain strong and with respect to any individual shipments i'm just not gonna speak to them from here. for the record, they had been several occasions in recent weeks with the state department has commented on ons transfers to various countries. and sometimes the sanctions on
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such transfer. busy however, what, when it comes to israel, it would appear that they simply do not want to discuss the matter. my kind of, i'll just sarah washington, just bringing natalie clifton. he's a senior advisor at the quincy institute full responsible state craft and join us from new york. mr. clifton, kentucky with us on al jazeera. can i just begin by asking, we've asked many, a contributors to i'll just say era what they think and where they think the pressure is and who's got most pressure on it. is it the us? is it how much is the israel from what your seeing and reading and hearing? where do you think the pressure is and who's almost? well, i mean, i think 1st and foremost there's an incredible amount of pressure on the civilian populations inside gaza. that's where a lot of the attention shouldn't be in terms of a political pressure, a little bit is ongoing. here, i think the pressure is on of these really government on that and yahoo. but i
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think perhaps more importantly, there is a growing pressure on the vitamin ministration. you know, what we've seen in the past 24 hours is the creation of a new political space, both in the us and the international arena, where the commonly repeated arguments that the ball is in her mouth as court to release hostages and agree to terms for a cease fire, that smell increasingly hard to, to make. and i think what this really draws us towards it is that it's really hard to see. this is anything other than a total failure of the 5 administration policy of embracing nothing. yahoo! well failing to bring meaningful leverage, the bearing of israel in shaping is more plants. so of course we have israel digging his heels inside. they're not happy with what the parameters of the agreement or what, how much those come back with. yet how my son, the us on the surface seems assigned up to this deal. so what do you think the is really thinking will be now certainly from the political side, because let me on the middle military side, we're seeing obviously the rough uh, uh, board closing now with the israel taking control of that of the aerial bombardment,
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continuing as well i mean, i think you're, you're, you're right, it is a political dimension here, which is that doesn't make, provide and nothing yahoo, the political cover from his own far right. um, so in that sense, it does create benefits for him, but it only exacerbate it's really frustration the americans are experiencing as the recipient, as, as the, as, as the, as the, as the source of so much of these really military aid and the diplomatic cover of the un, when it becomes increasingly apparent but nothing yahoo has very little interest in securing the release of hostages and even when they are meaningful efforts being undertaken by interlocutors in, in, in color the injections and the american parole and try to broker this deal. so it really does well, he may per create some political cover for an ethan yahoo in a narrow sense on the international stage. i think he's probably more isolated than the youth. and he has been to talk about the initial stage because for the last few days now, latest and most of the main western capitals of old,
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insane. no rafa incursion, humanitarian disaster, catastrophe. it shouldn't happen. nothing you all you certainly is not listening. yet the, the respective public way, they know all of these democratic societies be they the u. k. all the usa are up in arms, you know, demonstrations on the streets, demonstrations and university is causing a, not the dynamic, another fish between politics and the public. a. ringback look, i mean the bottom line is the, well, the current situation is clearly not what the bottom administration would have wished for. they are ultimately tied to it if not complicit in every thing these relays have undertaken as a response to the attacks on october 7th. and that includes the death of over $34000.00 palestinians and gaza. they have time and again, well as he does, he just pointed out, express their concerns that reservations about the actions that he is really are taking on the ground. they refuse to use the significant leverage. then the us has
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with israel, instead choosing to again provide diplomatic cover, military aid and attendance only words of concern and caution. and as you're, as you're showing just just discussed in the past few days has been discussion of the potentially a couple of arms transfers being, being held up from the us side. it's a little unclear with the terms of audi are and they have so that that is a former progress, but one does have to ask, why did it take so long? why are we at this point now? and why we put so much effort into trying to negotiate a ceasefire deal that was uh, presumably ensure the release of the remaining is rarely hostages inside gaza. when this is the manner in which nothing yahoos, government has responded. do you think we are heading towards the inevitable, a rough spring caution, and that nothing y'all. he really isn't going to listen to anybody. i mean, we certainly are headed towards that that much is clear whether or not there's something that could be railed at him. yahoo!
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from doing so, i think that's anyone's guess. my best guess is that certainly all of the interlocutors who have been playing a role and trying to put together what, what appeared to be a ceasefire or deal that the boss was actually willing to take seriously to negotiate on and potentially come to an agreement on must be both very frustrated, pulling their hair out as well as trying once again to see if there's any way to change the tide of this for the question is, can that be done with the existing tools that they utilized, or whether there will have to be something more meaningful a more meaningful form of leverage that goes beyond statements of concern and goes towards actually taking account of the united states as a role in this conflict. be really good to get your insights and your opinion that i'd be clifton the from the quincy is to thanks very much for joining us from new york. thank you for having me. so let's take a closer look at rafa. it's a 60 full square. i come up with
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a city in the southern gaza strip along the border with egypt. it says a critical entry points for humanitarian aid. i was told by his body forces on monday night. maybe 2 thirds of gauze has population sled that which is rolled up, tied to the so called say so. no, it's time to move to 1500000 displaced palestinians. it has an average of more than $22000.00 people per square kilometer is 5 times more crowded than it was when the war began. united nations has described rough uh as a pressure cooker of dispatch. generally don't, don't kids, the president of refugees international. he says the situation involves a resembles that of other conflict sides, but the delivery of aid was deliberately obstructed the battle damage patterns that are visible and does it today look a lot like what besides the tool that po, for example, of similar tactics of obstructing aid in the war in yemen up, you know, so there are absolutely precedents for what we're seeing,
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i think what is what i think that's unique about cause a is in a convergence of a lot of those different difficulties all coming together to make it one of the most challenging environments for delivering aid in recent memory. well, there's never been hit groups operating and gaza for being forward for decades. and many of the 8 organizations that have been working there have long standing operations in gaza and have been forced to significantly scale those back as a result of the the difficulties of accessing the territory. now during the because why attend as a result of the well documented instruction by the is really military. so they're all the usa id would play within the us government deliberations is typically to provide some of the ground truth of conditions to talk about. you know, they are a channel for relaying a lot of what they are hearing and seeing from their he, mandatory and partners. so what, what is the ground truth that their partners are relaying about the difficulties
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they're facing about the conditions that they are finding out there been some indications. there was a weak document, a few weeks ago that usa idea heads that forward to the state department in the white house in which they catalog, much of the obstruction that they've been seeing from these really governments that, that was part of this process by the us government of assessing whether israel's conduct has been in line with international law, po, usa, i, these findings that report isn't that we document indicate that at least you know, they don't, they don't see as real as behavior as compliant with that. but ultimately, that decision is one for present by and then he will take us a ideas, advice, and kind of in stride along with other parts of the government. to you is that because the general intended guitar rush has appealed forward and to the blood, shedding garza, he says, the in time at least is at risk. if the fighting continues, it will be frederick's. if weeks of intense the problem, advocates cvt for piecing garza. you know ceasefire no reviews of hostages and the
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devastating of fantasies in dropbox. outright. straight to my appeal for both parties to show the political cottage and sped of no effort to secure agreements not to stop. the blood shifts to free the hostages and to help stabilize the region which is still at the risk of explosion. christmas lady has more from you and headquarters in new york. the secretary general has called for a cease fire before what was notable about this. is it was the 3rd time in less than 24 hours that he appealed for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. and he did so as the prospect of a full scale invasion into rafa was lumen. and he noted that that would be a humanitarian nightmare. and he also noted that even friends
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of israel had said the same that an invasion, full scale of rasa would be catastrophic and shouldn't happen. it's noteworthy that the united nations has refused to assist any evacuation of displaced people in rafa to another area to allow for such a military operation. the united nation saying that there is too many people in rasa, that moving them would be dangerous and that there's no place save for them to go given the areas that they're being directed to are already over crowded and lacking, of water and toilets, and other essentials. that people would need so in addition to calling on israel and her marcy made a direct appeal to nations with a sway over israel to try to get them to stop that invasion.
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the to the, the use, the ukraine state security services. it sold that assassination attempt on present motivates that landscape. and the top military and political figures key says it's detained to ukrainian security officials. it says, applying to kills that. i'd say that the cases of russian spies agency a being behind the plan, the ukraine says that repeat at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since restrooms, ages in 2022, john home, it has more from keith of the national security service. if you crime yes, be or put out quite a lot of details miss seems to been more than one plan here. one of the plans was to kidnap and then to president wrote him is a landscape. this was involving 2 cardinals. who have been arrested, allegedly this was involving them in the attempt to, uh, get on side. uh, people in the military that were meant to be protecting credits, presidents landscape so that they could nothing amendments. assassination could
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take place. so that was one of the plans that the russian security service b s s page was allegedly developing on the other one was also at to assess tonight the head of military intelligence carrillo, who donald and ukraine, and the way that they were the plan to do that involved at the members of the state at security service that were meant to be guarding him and also guarding of a security officials revealing the location of where he was staying. that was then going to be a real good attack. and then a drone attack to more pop anyone that was still alive and then and miss all the cost of that to eradicate any trace of the driving attack. this is a little, obviously, according to the s b u, the national security service of ukraine. and they mention the fact that these 2 colonels hit that they've arrested, they said that they have handlers from the f as bait russia, security service that we're trying to get the ball rolling on base. by the way,
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a patient is being sold invoice, 50 to about as the russian president of the lovely ceremony at the kremlin. but i see that you need it begins and you pay, we did office a wide range of domestic and foreign challenges lie ahead. dosage of already report so from must go the legs, the legs, you know, that age voted in a familiar path for vladimir put him on his way to st. andrews hall in the kremlin grand palace as he walks towards becoming the long, disturbing leader in russian history. for the 5th time, vladimir put, has been sworn in as the country's presidents with nearly 2500 people in attendance . but notably absence for leaders and western ambassadors. the russian president addressed the dignitaries and the nation with gratitude and promises on you to let them get away. and i won't be able to over here at all fucked dissipating in this special minute video patient as everyone will fight for the fatherland. you
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citizens of russia have confirmed the correctness of the country. is course. this is of great importance right now. when we are faced with serious challenges on top of the agenda for the 71 year olds, former k g b officer to ensure russia survival during this promotion was time with western powers. on monday, put in signed a decree, which ordered nuclear drills involving tactical weapons with russian troops base near ukraine. an order following what officials called provocative threats from western officials regarding not ruling out sending troops to ukraine to ensure russia does not when the war is the main challenge. what do you me to put in? use a to my daughter it. it's not a laser, some between the restaurant and the rest of them calisha and in is this for each or actually in the fiber to war 2 is a sufficient that are shot feel so for will not lose such
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a credit report. but another trend ruby no, a nuclear one, no look, look at the source. a lot of me put in one his latest term and office in march with the highest vote share in his political career. 88 percent in an election that had the highest voter turnout as well with nearly 78 percent of the population taking part, but with no real challenge to his reign. his victory was a foregone conclusion. photos that 6 years in office will be the most housing yet for the veteran leader on the domestic front, all opposition has been silenced or exiled. and for us, freedom is no non existence. russia is the world's most sanctioned country, but the economy has not collapse far from it. all the while western powers are threatening to send troops into crane, a fact which compose the biggest challenge yet, for the man that's been credited with saving the country so far. or since avari l
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20 moscow. now the death toll from flooding in brazil, southern states, a vehicle under the so as reason to at least 90 dozens of towns are under water of the heavy rain slash the region for days. volunteers from across present, la helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety. and then the 130 people missing a lot in america, editor. we see and even is important. allegra and southern prism everywhere, you know, people have no water, no electricity, no. the storage has in this part of town, which is downtown. completely come up so that the water is that you see behind me in this area are absolutely contaminated. in fact, the doctors are here giving out medicine for not just for roses, just being chase and you see a lot of boats and rubber boats even serve boats. while volunteers come in to try to get people out of this area there in the homes, the buildings you see, just behind me, the police is not letting us get any closer because the electricity company has
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been here trying to connect something despite the water. so that the hospitals that are nearby can have power. so it isn't very, very serious situation here in the city of war for legs a and in is going to have a, which is the city of 50000, just across the river. it's even worse. we is completely covered by water. we were there earlier today, and it was naturally desolate situation and desperate for the people that are being risk and one by one because big ships of boats can't go in to get them. so you need these tiny little loadable devices. anything you can't get to rescue them, it's put takes days and weeks more before everyone is safe. well, still head hey on. i'll just say we're just going to describe the type of coding roughly. we'll have the latest in paris and london plans go to the polls and indeed are the prime. and this individual movies campaign
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from some polarizing rhetoric, the west australia seen a few decent thunderstorms recently, but there's not much left now i have to say, so you maybe had your lot before cross gives you most of the sunshine, but we all sing try to develop into showers in the back of queensland or pots of science and started maybe not so much on wednesday, but on thursday. that's enough or maybe a flashlight. not many people live here, but if you do, yeah, you catch it up the car stuff, new southboro and queens and it looks like it on shore bree. so quite another crowd . an occasional light. child's name was not in use even fine looking day on thursday, but maybe the cold sized or try stretch unless it's cold enough of smoke in land. even the level is not much admittedly, but some of the same as we say good bye. only slightly to the rainy season it into
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the easier it's still with eastern side. so the ways it uses where it looks, rector's and possibly into a box or maybe having to singapore as well. but maybe good news. the sheet of late forty's. lesson time with me and is being replaced by still keep it, but let's hope the weather was widespread sunday. so it was pretty open to vietnam on the southwest to china where of course, he's just popping up the existing feds on the drag. mostly charged looking fine and dry and the korean peninsula as to japan, after all the rest there on tuesday, wednesdays to a few showers. the a 106 kilometer stretched remote and perilous jungle. the only land route to south america for migrants, tequila, side of the united states. a voyage, but for some loss none the less for accomplished families, it's
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a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on. adjust your wilts to caught a duty in a grove using for the p. use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request of the
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book about what challenges there was news on with makes the whole robin a 100 by default on top stories. these really been entry has seized in close of the palestinian side of the rocks of border crossing. it's a vital entry point between garza and egypt and used to transport humanitarian supplies into the street. as well as private assistance homicides, sci fi proposal for children as well. as demands and you'll get to be all he said to the all the will press the head with this offensive and rasa thomas. and since the poll is now in east rails coals and the top white house officials says that the us sites to get the deal on gauze very soon so that the good shape is, should be able to close any remaining guidance. the state department says that tulsa, sensitive with the final agreements may be pushed through, as well as the boss of both said, that delegation is the car right? the cx, 5 told the police of the university of chicago has played an empty war and kind of
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midway hundreds gathered in solidarity with palestinians and gaza. tensions had been bouncing up to students called for the university to divest from israel to a 100 reports. the campus police here at the university of chicago swept in around 5 am. as students were sleeping, there were dozens of tents and the students that occupied an encampment in a large space out here in the central quad of the university of chicago talks had come to an impass. the university said it could not agree to the students commands. faculty came out on monday and said they supported the students, many of them and the students remain in camps with knew that something was going to have to come to a head. well, campus police came in and they tore down all of the tents that students had pulled up the area with the breakup with the encampment at the university of chicago as people here at depaul university. wondering will they be next?
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we are very much concerned. as of right now, but obviously if things can tend to change by tomorrow or the day after or even by the tonight, you never know. when chicago police were called in to break up a demonstration at the school of the art institute of chicago, they showed little reluctance to come in interest, dozens of individuals, john henry, and l g 0, chicago, for the university protests voltage by the cost of your west students a degree in symbol demonstrations, despite please come down and recent weeks in front of the students. that size is power valued outside the college, calling for more global attention on the latest attacks on reference southern casa adults with in cambridge university loans in the united kingdom have become the latest sites. the student comes with that more, less demonstrations in e k. for the 1st session, popular as will flip protests in central powers. there are no notes supply moves, a free palestine. i love go talk to, i don't run for some, a few 100,
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a pretty tough to say on the test, but i've received leak in central powers. they all care to come straight to show solidarity. they say with a product to people that sort of concern is the israel i, in rockford, i pulled him on the international community to sort of israel's actions and rough or i'm also they all concerned about what is happening with the people involved and who have already suffered uh say, march systems ration comes off to several other demonstrations. we've been involved, they've been last week or say, mainly led by univers, cuz the student's date of birth is do you think that's a really all a generation that needs to ride up and be heard? we have the ability to use our voices. and we're trying to do that for people that, that aren't, but don't have a voice. i feel like we need to come together and have a unified voice, an idea of what it means that the results i was calling the testers. they're all good to say. and denounce what they say is growing up,
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police refreshing when it comes to the sort of protest. and that's because you think some of the students 1st test the evacuated by police in the way that some of the students have said, is heavy, high, just french presence of mind, whom i call a direct facility. or in the way, in the french press he said look, he a fluid as a fox, the young people were using that voice. he said that there is free speech across the suit that they're interested in international affairs. but he said that it wasn't as high as far as he was concerned, that what he called the minority of jews of making life difficult. locating universities, fathers to butler, i was just, there are cars has been hastily convene and reactions. it is wrong housing in to ross on the corner for an immediate for the u. k. to end the supply of all the is around and now in utah the people around the combination of your background and they all united in the same stuff in garza. well, just
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a kilometer away, students from university college of london. and so let's say thing that a protest earlier i spoke to one of the organizers from the public to me. and so desirous he found page benjamin all about what we're here to the mom. what should be the obvious consequences functions? opponents really should be treated like any rights of using states and immediate answer on sales. and the you take government supposing action by the international criminal code, the r c c have indicated they may issue arrest warrants for vents from that. you know here we should support that process. i'm the ongoing investigation in the i c . j for outside down the street, 5 minutes to reach you so you're not not doing residents, it's not clear if he's inside and whether or not he can heavy is tom. so what is the new york man
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sign in on that front? yet in march, you need is unanimously agreed that as well must not invade rafa. we said that the international community must now put in the reaction the source, the the to his by the soldiers have been killed and it has belong, try and attack the strike load from southern doesn't hit targets near the northern is really town. and the tula, it was one of a series of attacks by his blog that included rockets. so these really all me says it's instruct several has blot buildings and compounds and stuff and live in a typical to has moved from near the lebanese is riley border to is ray. the soldiers were killed in a house. butler claimed drone attack on mentally that as a town along the border in northern israel. they weren't. the 1st is really
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casualties since the confrontations began 7 months ago. but the we, we have noticed is that hezbollah as a tax become more lee, so when it wants to send a message to these various hezbollah opened up this front to help relief pressure on its ally home us in gaza. now with the, with the strikes on rough in gaza, you are, you're gonna expect of the, for other fronts the, the groups that are allied with how boss to escalate and step up pressure also to help relieve the pressure pressure on him us. so this front is very much linked to what is going on. now they're still our international diplomatic efforts to try to m dot for and hezbollah has repeatedly said an end to the war on god. so will, will hold the fighting. but the biggest question that is being asked here is whether or not that will be enough for is route will hold to the fighting and
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return to the situation a pre october 7th, be enough, or will they, you know, insist on has well, i'm pulling back from the borders right, the officials have said they are ready to use force and has what us position has been to. they will only agree to not have a visible presence along the border. so the situation is quite tens along this front line. the, the, the situation, the trajectory of the conflict, the nature of the conflicts feel very much the same in the sense that both sides are still large. they can finding their attacks to military targets, better for their else as the, the southern up in on rescue is in south africa. all searching for dozens of people are missing. after building collapse, at least 7 people killed at the construction site and the city of george and the cape town, the somebody, the ripples $42.00 people are so full to be missing in the rubble. at least 200 emergency personnel has been watching through the past 24 hours to try and rescue
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as many people as possible. the head of disaster management has told us that it's a complex operation simply because of the amount of steel and concrete, they have to dig through the fault in music into amount of large machinery. but once they get closer to those trapped under the rubble they, they have to dig by hand simply because it is sensitive and, and some of the area they have to dig through is unstable. so far the risk huge, the t 3 people but still $42.00. others remained trapped and strapped under that collapse building. and the emergency personnel have said that at least 7 people have been found dead. they do say, however, they remain optimistic. the remaining car reached by the amount of people that the risk and for the next 2 days, this will remain a search operation because of the large amount of people they still have to find under that problem. let me down below 020, george. the wisdom tape,
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so that for some chinese present shooting thing as being said, being for the latest that gives you repeat until the aurora is on a symbolic day. 25 years ago, 3 chinese gen this was killed during the daytime bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade. or correspond stopped by somebody pulls off on the sub in capital belt, right? so it'd be a, has gone out of its way to make the chinese lead a feel at home arriving from france, where you have critical talks on trades and russia. teaching thing has chosen one of china's most dedicated european friends for his 2nd stop. so it'd be a, has long been trying to become a member of the european union and decided to look east towards our pull. it is to have the best education because they don't want to to be defended from anyone. not from sign up for me, but i shop for them. they dropped in because we want to build our economy. the cheese arrival on this day is no coincidence in 1999 nay, to bombs,
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destroyed the chinese embassy, killing sweet chinese journalist. it was part of a nature bowman campaign, and the former yugoslavia united states at the a tech on the embassy was an accident. china has never believed that this right with a chinese embassy used to be. it's not only meant to commemorate the victims of may 7 for many, and so it'd be china. i'd also marks nato, a russian. i'm a ship sailing offers that meant towards the west with his visit on this particular day. many believe president eugene quinn was to send a message to the military alliance. according to analyst, you wants to point out double standards in the west and nato's war mongering tone when it comes to russia. in contrast to china's messages of peace and dialogue, china is like, it's the, it's the futures we're oriented towards the future. we may be pushed by the west. we may be pilloried in the u. n. we may be sanctioned,
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but we have friends that are going to be is incredibly important in the years to cons, symbolizing what they call the iron collect. friendship is the country's largest deal planned and submitted april teaching thing had promised to rescue the plans and say 5000 jobs. his promise came at a cost with this n g o say an air pollution from the plan. as cos, cancer rates to go up. we have the economical benefits that's, that's true. but we have a big problem is that police of color quarterly shouldn't be the siege of being good seen because it's so, so we started diversity man that we did economic of benefits. if you come sans, also 3 started on the place to administer this as a free trade agreement with china will be cancelled as soon as his country becomes part of the you. but until that happens, if ever it has found less demanding front, when it comes to democracy under rule of law, step 5,
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some l g 0 in bel. great. the municipal people have cast the ballots. and the 3rd of india, 2nd phase general election, it took place and the less than states on the indian territories. but the indian government has failed to get visas to, i'll just the correspondence to cover the story when we consume should be for pulse in from 3 of india, 7 phase general elections, prime minister and arrange a movie cost is valid. and his home state of goods it up nearly 300 parliamentary constituencies have now bolted for the representatives. that's modem, hospital to the governing b, g b fee did most candidates in the slightest phase in 2019. the body spells the region, winning of wood shop deal thoughts. the selection movie is seeking
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a system is very low this year in a way is a festival of democracy in india and around the world and is developed what a good things have all in the world in its setup tool system. and i believe the election commission does is a lot of praise for this but the election commission is being criticized for failing to act against hate speech. ahead of the 3rd phase, the btn cannot share the 17 2nd animated video on social media. it shows opposition leader wrong. we've got the disputing federal funds to muslims. the election commission has now ordered x to remove the video after complaint by the congress earlier, multi wrestler to muslims, as in to try to get a new campaigned riley job the, the in response to kill a unit of the congress body shed is queen short of an online order for the human
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backbone, saying the election commission needed to toughen up an act against the prime minister and his spotty, a, b, b type to do a psychological mind game by basically giving the glad i didn't call it a $400.00 plus seats. and opposition did updates all the tasks on 400 saying that now, why do they need these many seats a big come with this kind of group majority data going to make fun of them and go changes to the constitution and to our society. this is basically and if it's the full evaluation and voting booth, it seems what's on the minds of voters is fall from the rhetoric of politicians. many say they want the government to tackle unemployment and the rising cost of living. well yeah, that have been cut out, but yeah, the situation is very that it's almost like industries are shutting down. the government has provided no benefits, there should be changed. that's what i want. your name with name, mary. i did the issues arising prices and unemployment. there is no work,
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children are roaming around, aimless and jobless. i think the next phase of elections will take place on may. the 13th, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote during the 6 week period. the results expected on june, 4th, and many hope the outcome. they bring more employment and reduce the cost of living and the consumption grief. as you see here. and just to remind you that i'll just average, unless we don't granted visas by the government of india to oppose on the election . so we're reporting on it from outside of the country. so police in indian administer because we have concern that the coming of all of its most wanted level commanders in the region has happened. officials say that he was close up in a gun fight with security forces on monday night. incident comes the week of the reinforcements was sent to some districts in the region following an attack on an indian, apple's calm voice is in this off the score of
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a new device. one is identified as a foster daughter. he belongs to the theater category, and it isn't significant achievement for us. the reason being that he was very much involved into all much more than 18 cases, months have gone balance and 80 a push tens of thousands of the homes. but there's hope that the call will be restored to the kind of a nation after it. so in a transitional presidential council, last week, dozens of displaced families and pulled her friends are in need of humanitarian aid . as to some good physicals keeping a household together when there was no proper roof to speak of him. oh, she's doing her best to support her family in the whole past. they've been forced from their home to this a makeshift camp on the grounds of a high school spike and gang violence has forced them here. sometimes i shout so much the other day, i could only think of a parent who took bleach to drink until my got past, because i see the misery i sofa. i like don't do anything about it. i'd rather die
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. she has 2 daughters to feed and to protect a criminal gangs control about 90 percent of the capital city and much of the country. on average, one person is murdered every hour. the surging violence has displaced roughly 360000 people across the country. listed the keys. yeah. where local everything is complicated. for example, when it rains we can't sleep. we have to stay standing because water flows below us . so everybody stays standing. there's no way they can lie to rest. international observers have welcome the establishment of a transitional counsel. last week it put an end to weeks the political deadlock and brought fresh hopes of a return to order. but at this camp that the displaced haiti's most vulnerable still waiting for help. 60 by the state leave. just think about
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these people who was suffering and don't have anybody by the side. if i get international organizations kind to help, but organizations are not patients here. hope the political transition will bring security and a chance to return to their homes. if this i'm getting food alger 0, still had, hey all the, i'll just it renews out. tony chang in the jungles of mamma plus thousands of young men and women, comes and joined the ranks the pro democracy for the
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the the
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me most the government has done conscription, age men's and leaving the country for work as it continues to suffer losses and backgrounds with the groups, the new law was introduced last week up to tens of thousands of clients, a visas to avoid military conscription. in the 3rd of his special reports from inside being about 20 trying. but some of those who draw the fight, the hunter then joined its ranks and through to the back of the price point as children from the hidden positions. for the moment, however, their enemies imagined and their rifles unreal to new recruits. but they have no doubts about what the training for. so if i have to, yeah, i would prefer my may target is like to become a ministry delta. but if i have to, so i think i would do that. if i choose to clear the p, but that's fine. uh does not because of the hate of the sewage job. so i
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focused to, i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully the military sponsor planes drilled on an open that parade ground. put through the paces in the baking heat, teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came as the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the middle the region to join the ranks . the military has been showing all its new come scripts to mount seem to the beach . if a bra spend. but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill the ranks on
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the on. those are fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras. contrast with stores from new recruits. we say basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them. on some, the general who friedman m. uh, from british rule on the, on the actor who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit the base, forced conscription makes resistant force is stronger. now what accepts that load? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more use joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for that belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony chang, l 20, eastern me,
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m 9 is 5 report from inside me. and most any trying looks at the people's defense falls, the pdf and the scientists who are taking on the hunt. now get now is marking be 17 under the 3 of its victory. i have a french forces in the back of it in the end to it seen as a pivotal movement and ending french colonial rule in what was then indo china. the us supported funds of the conflict that ultimately led to the vietnam war, but prize reports a wage stove 8 weeks in a remote board area, or of northern vietnam. the battle of jim getting food would have global repercussions. a modern french force defeated by a gorilla army, despite support from the united states. the battle and indo china is critical. and i expect the french, dwayne. it led to the us building the void left by the defeated french, but they couldn't stop the news. ultimate victory in the viet nam will 20 years later. this is
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a mammoth display of national unity because fighting and the feeding, the foreigners as part of a legitimacy of the regime given pride of place at the celebrations, vietnamese veterans of the battle now well into the 90s in the okay, so you are young at the time you used to hardly mean we can have enough to wait, but we enjoyed it. no one complained. go and joining them, some of the loss of iving members of the french garrison is that the g? it's a country in which i suffered enormously. but today i have drawn an unimaginable strength from it. beyond the inexplicable, this sign advisory comes as vietnam is still reeling from corruption scandals that have forced the recent resignations of seeing the political figures for the government in hanoi. it's a welcome chance to display national pride in unity, public broad. i'll just say era. and you can follow the stories on our website stuff, sarah, dot com. and that's is the news. i'm really excited to have more news on the other
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side of the break. but until then from me and the news our team have in time, i'll, thanks very much for your time. and your company, the, the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum to fear, water, and swim in ecuador communities of fighting the corporate joints in a battle for survival and to save the love of the work. how does he was you see doing the fine glass the
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. ringback the one of the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to come of a freebie unfairly? ongoing coverage. the india selections on out is the era of a $27000.00 her wing photographs as completely can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than mass that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian
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government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the in the morning, the palestinians in garza will soon run out of most of food and medical aid. as israel closes the roof of border crossing the i'm on the inside. this is island, is there a line from dell also coming up? make no mistake. the full scale of salt on vasa would be the human capacity for you and such. a general condemns the pleasure of border crossings into garza
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and calls for an immediate cease fund deal. ukraine says it has foiled a plan to assassinate president.


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