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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Swearing In of Rep. Tim Kennedy D-NY  CSPAN  May 7, 2024 12:35am-12:48am EDT

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democratic representative elect tim kennedy was sworn in as the newest member of the house of representatives. he won a special election last week in new york's 26 congressional district to replace representative higgins, who resigned in february. the house has 217 republicans, 213 democrats, and five vacancies, which means at this point in time, speaker johnson can only afford to lose one vote on any party line measure. lays -- the speaker: the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir. i have the honor to transmit here with a copy of a letter received, from the co-executive directors of the new york state board of elections, indicating that according to the unofficial rules of the special election held on january 30, 2024,
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representative timothy kennedy was elected. signed, kevin mccumber. the speaker: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? mr. nadler: i ask unanimous consent that the gentleman from new york, the honorable timothy m. kennedy be permitted to take the oath of office tad. hiss certificate of election has not arrived, but there's no contest and no question has been raised with regard to his election. the spe the speaker: without objection. will representative-elect kennedy and members of the new york delegation present themselves in the well. all members will rise and the representative elect -- all
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members having risen, the represent i have -- the representative-elect will please raise his right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemy, foreign and domestic that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that you take this obligation freely without any mental ■reservatio or purpose oaf vaition, and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? mr. kennedy: i do. the speaker: congratulations, you're now a member of the 118th congress.
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without objection, the gentleman from new york, mr. nadler is recognized for one minute. mr. nadler: thank you, mr. speaker. as dean of the new york delegation it is my distinct honor to rise today to introduce congressman-elect tim kennedy. i can think of nobody better to represent new york's congressional district and succeed brian higgins than tim kennedy. as a life-long resident of the area who grew up in a blue collar family, he embodies the values of fighting for the little guy that makes new york so great. he's been a formidable advocate for our reason. as chair of the senate transportation committee he
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secured $100 million for the niagara frontier transportation authority, helped deliver railroad investments for our roads and networks. beyond transportation he's been a longtime champion for western new york's work force an economic development, evident through his support for the northland work force center and the revitalization of buffalo's iconic central terminal. hays steps into his new role, i speak on behalf of the entire new york delegation, we are confident tim kennedy will continue to fight tirelessly for the safety of our congressional district. now i yield to our newest member, mr. kennedy.
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mr. kennedy: thank you, congressman nadler. my colleagues in the new york delegation, mr. speaker, and leader jeffries. i stand before you humbled by the opportunity god has given us to be together in this moment. this awesome and magnificent responsibility granted to me by the people of western new york. i'm grateful to those who have entrusted me with their vote and their confidence to represent our beloved buffalo, naira region in the united states congress. i want to take a moment to recognize my family who is here with me, my wife katy, our children -- our children connor,
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erin and padraig. i also want -- i also want to recognize my parents, martin and mary kennedy. and my in-laws, dave and jane dirk. my brother john also made the visit down along with many other family members and friends. i'm grateful that they can all join us here today. look down on us, our by by angel bridget, along with so many family members and friends who passed on, whose spirits remain with us here today on this auspicious occasion. they are no doubt toasting and celebrating in the heavens above. calling buffalo, new york, and
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america home, where the o'bryan, o'don neu hue, doubtmire and sterns, mccarthys and duffys, mixed all together and the result is a kennedy. hay -- i hail from the city of good neighbor, the community of good neighbor, the original home of the seneca nation of indians, the village of buffalo, burned to the ground by the british in the war of 1812. rebuilt and incorporated in 1832. the western terminus of the erie canal, helping to transform our nation through improved commerce. a border community with our greatest ally, canada, to the north. a region surrounded by great lakes and in between, one of the greatest wonders of the world, niagara falls. the grandeur of the falls is only surpassed by the people who
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have defined the region around us. today we stand as a community of day pais trot i think citizens who have always championed democracy and freedom. from the days of serving as a final stop on the underground railroad, to the niagara movement, the precursor of the naacp, which was formed in our community. the equality and justice these leaders strove for over a century ago is yet to be fully achieved. and there is still so much work to be done. in buffalo-niagara, we walk in the foot stoaches frederick douglass, harriet tubman, dr. martin luther king jr., mary talbot, shirley chisholm and so many other civil rights leaders and in their spirit we march on. it was niagara falls that made buffalo the city of light.
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and while we've seen our share of darkness, buffalo is see regular surgence that generations only dreamt of. as a melting pot of ethnicities and cultures are helping to redefine our region and an economic renaissance has taken hold. we're a working class community with a belief in achieving a better life and the american dream through education, honest, hard work, and perseverance. i believe the character traits that define us in the buffalo, niagara region, are the same ideals held by all americans. i believe the hope we hold as a western new york community in achieving our greatest potential is shared equally by all communities across our country. i look forward to working with you to change our country for the better. i'm hopeful that we in this chamber can demonstrate
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leadership on a world stage that our fellow americans can be proud of. and i wish to thank once again, me people of western new york, for having faith in me to lead our community and our country in the united states congress. god bless us all, god bless america. i yield back. >> since 1979 in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress from house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings, and committee
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meetings. c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary, no interruptions, and completely unfiltered. c-span -- your unfiltered view of government. >> tuesday on c-span, the house returns at 10:00 a.m. eastern for general speeches followed by legislate business at noon. members are considering a bill to prohibit the energ department from issuing or enforcing ener sndards on a variety of home appliances that areot technically feasible or justified. members may also try to override president bin beat -- president fido's veto leslation that blocks a collective bargaining rule by e national labor relations board. at 11:00 a.m., president biden wi speak at hocaust remembrance ceremony at the u.s. capitol. at:0he senate returns to
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vote on a confirmation. senators will also continue work a five-yeareahorization bill for federal aviation administration program current faa authority expires th fday at midnight. on c-span3, education secretary miguel cardona testifies before uslawmakers about his department's policies, priorities, and budget. you can watch live coverage on the c-span now video app or online at >> explore the wonderful array of mother's day gifts wting for you at discover books, apparel, home decor, and accessories. there's something for every c-span mom. plus, evy purchase you make those toward supporting your nonprofit operation. start by scanning the code on your right


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