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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, the, the we news long from berlin is really tanks roll into rafa in southern gaza. israel takes control of the key border crossing inside the territory. the persian leaves a new ceasefire deal hanging in the balance. also coming on. joe biden condemns anti semitism at a holocaust memorial ceremony. the u. s. president warrens against the rise and anti jewish sentiments in america, observed since the start of the war in gossip and smiles and hand shakes as louder may have put to is sworn in as russia as president
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for an unprecedented 5th term clearing the way for another 6 years empower the nicole for at least 12 years around the world and on p b. s. and the united states. welcome to the show. israel's military has seized control of a key border crossing in gaza. and the army says tanks rolled into rafa in the south of the territory. that's a vital crossing point for humanitarian aid coming in. but egypt, the city also shelters more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians. israel has rejected the most recent proposal for a cease fire with hun loss, which carried out the october 7th terror attacks. but it is really delegation has traveled to egypt for fresh peace talks. after a night of celebrations,
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palestinians wake up to a familiar reality is rarely tanks converge on the key rough of border crossing. these really are me saying has taken control of the check points, guys aside. in the city of rough uh, people as searching for bodies under the rubble following dead leaves rarely strikes over night last night and cause these heavy guns by a very, very heavy bombardment with plains rockets, tank machine guns such a never in my life. have i seen this? i'm almost 69 years old, but i'm in my life. i've never seen bombings like this. i love your. how about on tuesday is real dropped. lift. let's have a rough uh urgent residence to leave the parts of the city for what it calls an expanded too many tyran area of the the order of food in many displaced belly,
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cnn's on the move again. now they're saying to evacuate from rafa, which we go. ton unit has ruined what is left they ruined our lives. there's nothing left. there's no safety and no home. there is no one but god has sent us. no, no, we don't know where to go and tell us where to go, and it's all my was the income unit, the safe place, my eyes on the 10th is the water. electricity is the food and drink and is it a safe place? because garza now has a nice safe place, the can wait on the move with our children and be confines safe to look on them. well, the arab countries to see us going to emphasize without children upon the use of whom us except in the cease fire was meant with joy on the streets of gods on monday evening. but i was late to israel's attacks. stop the celebrations.
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journalist kareem l g o r e in cairo, told us more about the situation in rafa. it was i looked and listened the whole day, 2 interviews no could come or been made for us. you know, there on the situation is really desperate of people running away from their 1st. many of them were displaced for some of the more than a 1000 times people ran out of money. people have no idea where to go. and then when they arrive to the different locations, this either some cases i'm not fit to receive so many people there is appropriate and pressed structure. and then i mean, just imagine the holes and cultures of the last 24 hours. first. as you saw, the flag switch hoping to lease because their home would become a comeback soon. then it celebration was the street because they thought it was over. and then again, military operations, but it's really no again, the negotiations in cairo. i've seen people uh, quite confused about what to think about the situation like that was during his car,
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him alga laurie and cairo, and middle east analysts. laura blumenfeld gave us her assessment of what to expect from the ceasefire negotiations in cairo. well look is seymour and a ton yahoo, or hardliner is right there. the anti compromised candidates representing both of their people. but i think they found that most worst come to a messy, and i see 3 options, maybe to get to that cease fire. it's kind of been a cease fire fever and we're hoping it will break for the good one of the biggest obstacles is trust. so we can have someone sort of stand in um and you know, stand for the various parties is really do not trust the home us leadership. they were thinking that they were gonna come to terms relationship with them before october 7th, and then they were sucker punched on that day and they won't be full. the get is their attitude, and the past seems don't trust the israelis, but specifically natania, who, when they're asking for guarantees that these relatives will keep their side of the
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bargain either from the united states or they're not quite sure they're gonna rely on the united states at this point, so they're looking to turkey, enter russia, and the 2nd possibility is rather than um, as your, as your previous corresponded, noted that there's the sticking point over the end game. right now we're involved in a blame game. but if we can get past that and talk about, okay, so is it a permanent ceasefire, or is it a temporary calm? it's rather than making it time based and setting a date, you make it conditions based so that you have to meet certain markers on for end of hostilities that could be another way forward. and finally, you know, we've been focusing a lot on incentives for success. and maybe we need to talk about the cost of failure. failure to achieve a ceasefire with a little bit more leaning heavily into the negatives that could potentially be doha threatening to have spelled from us leadership from guitar. and then on the united states side look tomorrow, in terms of leaning on israel secretary blinking has to present a report to congress entering a very simple question which is,
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is israel violating international humanitarian law and it's on flooding, gaza. but israel has been very clear from the beginning, but they want to continue their military operation until how moss is dismantled. do you think that there is a scenario in which a political solution really puts an end to this war? you know, i think right now um what, what benjamin netanyahu is always argued in terms of politics and diplomacy is peace through strength. let's get the military victory. and then we can move on to the diplomatic. i think that's part of the problem why it's falling on deaf ears. when you hear, you know, various voices, a reason saying bring us some. com and then we can look toward the horizon toward his tooth, a solution, and member of that normalization deal of saudi arabia that we were working on before october 7th. that's a big price for me to turn. yahoo! well, the normalization deal isn't, isn't it sort of jiving with him because he, he, what he's saying is we aren't normal. israel is not the normal israel until we can
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achieve that. she of deterrence that we had before october 7th, but there is a lot of pressure, of course, on that and yeah, hope because there are still so many hostages in the hands of a mazda and a mazda said that any military operation, or a further offensive on rough or would jeopardize hostage talks? do you think there is a risk that or that this is a risk that is really, is, are willing to take in order to achieve their military objective of dismantling. i'm us. and one thing that's on yahoo is doing was he's famous for a strategic gathering. and sometimes we wonder if even he knows what he's going to do next. and part of the problem is the israeli government is very divided a so as opposed to the leadership by the way. and it is a tremendous leadership vacuum and that's why you see president by and stepping in very forcefully to fill that gap. um, natania, who would argue that, you know, countries don't make treaties with a week. and when he said that he came out with the public statement,
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he's actually signaling to saudi arabia. although the united states has said, you have to choose between this operation and ralph off a major operation and peace with re a. he would say quite the opposite. the road to re, uh, the road to saudi arabia's respect is through rafa because we speak, middle east and middle east means might makes. right? hm. so does that mean that all the pressure coming from, from its allies, as well from the us from france, doesn't make any difference to israel at this point as well. he has said quite explicitly, actually on holocaust memorial day, if we have to we will stand alone and he was referencing world war 2 and he said, you know, there are times when great power stood idly by. and i think there's a little bit of a rib, a little bit of a job to the united states for not standing by or helping the u. k. as much as they could have perhaps during the bullets. i mean, this is all, i'm interpreting his words. you know, it's a kind of with or without you moment for him and yes,
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it's to save his own political future. but i do think that he really believes that if he can get back, you know, he's almost like a man trying to slow walk up a down escalator if he can make it to the top that will justify it all. and he keeps saying a little more time, i think the way that he could potentially throw the needle and we could get to a better place is if it's a pinpoint, minor and strategic. so i'm kind of incursion into rafa where there aren't mass civilian casualties. the president, united states will not tolerate that. he's made up very clear. then we could perhaps get to a better day by taking the border, sealing off the border with a rough off the egypt. yes, he's what, what he's saying publicly natania, who is we? we want to stop the smuggling of guns and weapons into gaza. but what i would also suspect is for this final showdown was seeing why he's also trying to prevent the mass leadership from escaping that was middle east analysts, laura bloomfield. thank you so much for those insights. great speaking to you. thank you. well,
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tensions on israel's northern border with 11 on are also escalating is really forces regularly exchange fire with a militant group has below which launch is rockets into israel, almost daily. tens of thousands have been displaced on both sides of the border is really residents say has blocked, must be pushed back to avert a full scale confrontation. nobody is. rebecca river is reports from the border town of mentor as a town devoid of peoples meant to la just one example of the many abandoned communities along israel's northern border with 11 on the cell just shows me around part of the evacuated town . damage by me, sile and anti tang fi is visible almost everywhere. about one 3rd of the homes and matilda has been struck sofa. the tuna is one of the most dangerous towns along the
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lebanese is riley border. it surrounded by 11 on on 123 sides and has hit almost daily by antique tank ms alpha. fact we told we have to keep on the move because we're actually in the direct line of sight of his blood lies. just as we're wrapping up days of rocketed loads and we have to take cover. all right. another heavy barrage nearby the military concerns around 65 real kids with find into the area. one of the biggest strengths since the war began. med david as a line says rockets and even the biggest threat to you moment because in the main thrust against my to that is on to tank me. so i was there me sides that have no warning system. we can't stop them for the, as it is as a, as a lie is one of a few residents who stayed behind a part of a civil defense team. and we're working with the military to protect the area. is really officials have said,
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for months that his billing needs to be pushed back from the board as a strategy. the people living in these parts agree is the only option for southern lawyer. the residents won't return here without fighting by them, without the removal of hezbollah from defense of my ultimate. we saw the horrors of october 7th in the south, and therefore there's no other choice. we don't want war, but we simply have no other choice. then none of the residents like comedy over in that feel the same. she and her family left the home and another board, a village on october 7th. and i haven't been back. i think a we have to see a change. something must change because we left the house without and i think the family has spent the past 7 months in a hotel and only now moved into this house about 40 kilometers away. deep inside the government, designated safe. com l says with out military action to push has been a back. she won't risk returning home with her kids. there is no option with no war
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. we must fee a on the citizens of the north border on the north and go to a confidence again, which we have not it. we in this situation of a, an onset and sick. right now we're living in a big uncertain, see. and how long can people live like this? so we must see something. it's a position held by so many as diplomatic efforts to broker a truce continue to fail. as buller insist that so long as round refuses to end its campaign in gaza, it will continue targeting positions in his rouse no no matter what happens. these communities are changed forever. with people putting roots down in new places on israel, northern border tons for now into no man's land. you
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as president joe biden has condemned to anti semitism as a holocaust memorial ceremony. speaking of the capital in washington bite and warned against the rise in anti do or sentiment and america during the war and gaza . he honored the memory of the $6000000.00 jewish people, murders by the nazis in world war to fight, and also announced additional measures to curve anti semitism on us campuses. those have recently been rocked by pro palestinian protests. of the president drew parallels between historical atrocities and the mos attacks of october 7th. here we are. not 75 years later, but just 7 and a half months later, people are already forgetting. already forget, that's a boss on vision list here. oh, some osh,
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a brutalizes rarely. there was some us talking content is all hostages. i have not forgotten nor have you. and we will not forget my commitment to the safety of the jewish people. the security of israel and it's right to exist as an independent jury state as are in class, even when we disagree to the w corresponding benjamin alvarez. follow to this speech from washington dc. benjamin. good to see, you know, president biden's remarks have been described as a call to action in combating anti semitism. what exactly is lied and proposing here? let's try present bite and said that one of the may are lessons of the holocaust. so that hate does not just go away, but hi, it's adding there. what stops and what stops anti semitism is all of us. so that more is needed by society as a whole. he said that hate against anyone should never be given
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a safe. how harbor he also said, the free speech is a fundamental rides in the us, but at the same time there is no place for hate or violence of any kind. he said, but never again translates to never forget as we just heard him there, that's important. a to not forget and also showing concern that less than 8 months since the october 7th, a tech people already forgetting. he addressed the surge of anti semitism around the world, harassment attacks and jewish students, anti semitic posters, and also sat that no one should need too high to just be themselves. that power of items were as likely to be received on the college campuses that have made headlines in the past days to this is not the 1st time that president biden speaks about. this for pointing me into a encampments that we're seeing in many colleges across the country. he wants events dressed, that it's in photo mental right to have the freedom of speech, but also saying that there's no place for hate or violence of any kind of we also
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saw party at disclose that it's important also to make it a difference that well, many of them wordpress pro, a protesting peacefully there were also some anti semitic a chanting. there's also what we saw it at columbia university in new york. and then we covered the recently set that it's difficult balance would be between a freedom of speech and on the other side, a low and old, and therefore also addresses as administration is also presenting in new measures also to the curb and to semitism, oncologist into us now benjamin by and talks about iron clad support for israel, but there have been many disagreements between is really and he was leadership in a recent months is support for israel within the by meant ministration as strong today as it was before the war and gaza started there has been frustration in washington way. they have any minute on yahoo with the is really prime minister with his government also. but the frustration is usually expressed behind closed doors. no red lines have been said that by washington and the for can
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also of cause not be in fullest. but despite the growing criticism and pressure on the wide host it, but present also used his address in today to renew his unwavering support for israel. you'd, you just quoted him. he repeated the commitment for the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel, and its rights to exist as an independent jewish estate saying that it's are in court even when we disagree. and that might also be referencing to the latest and military decision that washington strongly opposes a rough engage. that's what we've heard from the secretary of defense, also from a, from antony blink and from a president a bite. and so this comments coming to time board pressure is indeed increasing on the us to condition military a to as well. see the washington correspondent benjamin alvarez. thank you so much . i and we can have a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world today. adult fil mattress stormy daniels told a jury. she had a sexual encounter with donald trump in
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a hotel room in 2006. the former us president is on trial in new york accused of falsifying business records to by her silence. the judge denied a defense request for a miss trial on the grounds, her evidence was irrelevant. unless you would give you the authorities have detained to ukrainian security officials for allegedly planning to assassinate president of a lot of mirrors. lensky keys, s b, you security service says russia was behind the plan that you create in government, maintains moscow has repeatedly tried to assassinate zelinski since the invasion, 2 years ago. the div on the bad state media in belarus, say the army, is checking its readiness to the point tactical nuclear weapons, while neighboring. rochelle prepares for its own nuclear drills. losing liter, alexander lucas sango has said, dozens of russian tactical weapons are in bella. ruth, under a deal to deter the west of wonderment. brewton has been sworn in
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as president of russia for another 6 year term boot and took the oath of office, elaborate ceremony at the kremlin many western countries. boy, you called at the events because of the war and ukraine. booting says he has a secret duty to lead russia through a difficult period at the, in the grand kremlin palace in moscow, vladimir putin renewed his oath to serve as president for a 5th time. this is an all girls of the jewish food and stress, the importance of national unity in the face of increasing isolation due to the war, new crane. a problem he blamed on the west when you have the cause of him. so we cannot refuse dialogue with western states who but as a choices, this means that they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia. continued the policy of aggression and continuous pressure on that country for years. w a. we'd like to see what pops of cooperation and pace the immune
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victory at the polls was never in doubt put in one the election in march with over 87 percent of the vote facing no real oppositional. critics denounced the election as unfair and undemocratic. the widow of long time proved an opponent alexi nev only you who died in a russian prison in february. what's recorded a video from exile, encouraging her supporters to keep fighting with dodge list. and we might make sure that no one in the world police who installed neither in russia nor beyond its borders. it's difficult, but we have to make an effort. and that means persistent, stubborn dealer work is a narrow country, is ruled by a lie or a fees and a murder. but this will definitely end. don't give me the truth when i decide to use it. that way from that put me into the european union's top diplomat urged all member states to boycott the, you know, like you ration most state away from us. go to me, the position was clear,
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was going to be very difficult for the brain is so many people around the world to understand that we're going to see that putting someone evicted, waiting to not get a cleaning, of course responsive or for the or new grain elections that we can test because the way i not for the new the fan elections and then to at the end the navigation, it would be actually a contradiction. fair or not vladimir putin is set to stay in power for a while longer. by the end of the 6 year term. he will have surpassed soviet dictator, joseph stalin, as the longest serving russian leader and centuries. and voting is underway in the 3rd phase of in the us national elections. prime minister and the red drum body is thinking a 3rd term and cast is valid in his home state of garage bodies. hindu nationalist b, j. p is widely expected to with millions of people are voting across 95 constituencies
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. a key issue is use unemployment with half of india is 1400000000 people aged under 30. it will be used daily correspondence with india. i do. in fact, the chances of being helpless that even higher education, 9 times higher around $8000000.00 young indians into the job market annually, which is already over saturated. all that many find is disappointment. employment is in the region to 1442 percent. so that's perhaps the highest youth on employment rates in the world. economies sent those middle addresses that india, maybe the was fastest growing major economy. but it hasn't been able to take it to use a long one big reason manufacturing, which creates lots of jobs and other developing economies still isn't booming in in depth. you'll find the young people, i have no hesitation about, you know,
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trying to illegally migrate the into the united states. secondly, they are there, they're looking for work in the ex soviet union, the rest of the ukraine war the there's even attempted to go to israel to do construction work on the front lines because palestinian workers have been thrown off on account of a, you know, the gaza award that has been going on. so it's grim, it's very c burn us. so it's a big what was the last 10 years in my fish prime minister and the razor movie has gold. india is youth, the driving, forceful group, and promise millions of new jobs. those promises ring hollow, the young indians like the who studied hard, but feel like they're not a part of india as groups study. so i've got to confuse you home to what happened to you. the problem is that we're offering millions of jo. the only be the
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countries the future is made or if it is, yeah you, i have to have to use itself. it's on the deep deck. i very, how will the economy go forward and it's, i got the busy going because he, i guess i need this 30, that despite the disappointment, he hasn't given up his search for a job. he knows he deserves anxious vote. he says, for educated leaders to shape in this future and that's all from the news for now, but stay with us after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day and i hope to see you there . the
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a model of technology, human kinds, most valuable machine. the international space station here on the i ss reset just have been working together across the board is. and despite crises was over 25 years. close in 45 minutes. on the d, w, the
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little guys, this is the 77 percent the platform for these issues and share ideas the, you know, or the, i know we a north of bridge attached and then it comes. the applicant's population is rolling fast. when young people clearly have the solution, the future is 77 percent. every weekend on dw, but we'll tell you how happy the box was. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and
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for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w. and a lot of we were put in was 1st inaugurated as russia's president's back at the turn of the millennium. he pledged to preserve and develop democracy a quarter of a century later he sworn in for an unprecedented 5th term in office after winning an election. and deserving of the name democracy in russia is dead, as are too many of those who challenged hooton's grip on power over the last 24 years. opposition leader alexandro vall need died in an arctic prison just weeks before the vote. many other prominent dissidence had been.