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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  May 4, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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myth that always goes around if you filed an amended return you will get audited it turns out that's not the case even though the irs is cracking down and planning to do more audits this year. jack: for the irs only have one job and i did declared. >> were looking at norwegian cruise line in cl h, they got hammered after releasing earnings, the earnings weren't bad the guidance was a bad one analyst said you do realize they raised guidance and have a record book position they have no idea what's going on they might've paled in comparison to some of the competitors but after that drop they really do look like there a place to pie. jack: i still like his idea of the viking cruises but maybe this is a good sign. >> thank you for saving me there. great ideas from everyone to read more checkout this edition of barron' that is offer as we will see you next week on "barron's roundtable".
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♪ ♪ from the fox studio in new york city this is "maria bartiromo wall street". maria: happy we can to all, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position to for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo. police moving into crackdown on violent anti-israel protest raging on college campuses across the country. more than 2000 arrests have been made across 46 campuses and 24 different states. the senate considering a boat on the house anti-semitism bill targeting the education department and pushing the enforcement of federal anti-discrimination laws, republican senators pushing to cut billions of dollars in federal funding away from university to a seemingly placated by the anti-israel demonstrators on their campuses. watch. >> there is a rot in the university right now, let's take back all the money that we can, why would we give them our tax
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dollars when they hate jews and he israel. >> we are taking a look at how to condition that money. >> we need to get the resources necessary to do the investigations then they may see their funding cut. maria: joining me from the senate preparation committee senator bill hagerty, great to have you this weekend, thank you for being here. >> always good to be with you. maria: is this going to move forward taking funding away from the universities how will you decide who gets what? >> we pastor a massive appropriation package and will be looking at the next set right away it's coming up over the course of the next several weeks, this is a top of mind issue for most of the senators it's even a bipartisan concern, we have to address this, the campus has really let things run wild. it seems like this happens every presidential election year, you think about the occupy and wall
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street protest that took place back in 2012, you think about the blm riots now we had all of this, the college campus is a hotbed of discriminatory behavior of violence, you've seen all of the arrest, the american public are deeply concerned about it and those in the senate are concerned about it to it's a manifestation to the gei initiative that is gone way over the top. now they have the young people being indoctrinated in terms of the notion of someone is oppressed and they're not asking what is behind all of this, they don't seem to acknowledge the fact that october the seventh took place. the wars that took place there instead, they're calling for genocide in their own campus in the college campuses is becoming an area of violence and threatening behavior. it's got to come to an end that's what you see the frustration coming from the senate. maria: i'm trying to understand who specifically is behind us, the wall street journal had an op-ed this week, rules for
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campus radicals 2024 and they mentioned this website crime and a website for anarchist and antifa activists and radical leftist, recently they published anonymous reports from around the country drawing lessons from various campus protests, they revealed methods behind the mayhem and they tell people to occupy spaces where the classes are held and takeover buildings, who is behind it? >> we need to get to the bottom of who is funded all of this, it's clearly a supply chain being supported you look at the tents and the people moving to campuses, this is organized in some fashion a deeply concerning, i put forward legislation to stop foreign investors from coming in and affecting our elections here, swiss billionaires well-known to common and affect the outcome of elections this is very much part and parcel of the tide of activities that these people are forming and supporting and funding we should absolutely get to the bottom of it. it is completely destroying the
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sense of safety on a campuses, this is not what parents are paying for what students deser deserve. maria: your colleague tim con announced a bill that would stop any student who was convicted of a crime during the anti-israel protest from having the student loans forgiven, do you support that? >> absolutely, the student loan forgiveness exercise as you know will fail in court and continue to fail in court but the federal department of education is completely failed america, they spend everything, they can't get financial aid application even process, parents don't know what to do this year because of the ineptitude of the federal apartment of education and now the federal education is not doing anything about the civil rights that the supporting and overseeing pretty is a grotesque failure, tom is exactly right we need to put supervision in place and consequent is in place. maria: iranian state tv is reporting that shiraz university in iran is now offering free
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tuition to u.s. students who have been expelled over the anti-israel protest, shiraz university and biden u.s. professors to continue their work as well our adversaries are cheering on the protest and to think that somebody is going to say i was expelled from columbia i think i will move to iran and go to shiraz university, your thoughts. >> i think it underscores the fact that iran is behind all of this, you were calling president trump's administration we impose maximum pressure on iran and we squeezed her counts below $8 billion hamas and has below were completely defunded and president trump was able to move from tel aviv to jerusalem and all predictions know where we took down qasem soleimani and we sell piece break on the middle east as soon as joe biden comes in, he enriches iran stops imposing the sink should immediately and what we have right now is a direct bipartisan and joe biden should look at the mirror and ask him what's happening on the campuses and what happened on october 7 that is happening and look no further
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than his own policies. maria: meanwhile you signed onto a letter with three dozen other republican senators demanding more from that joe biden stop this proposal to bring palestinian refugees to gaza into america, the letter highlights national security risks with vetting the high risk population for terrorist ties to hamas, the white house is pushing forward sharing that they're taking the process very, very seriously, do you think that the white house is going to be palestinians from gaza into america when it that send a message to the anti-israel protesters that they one and got what they wanted even though they cause all the chaos this week. >> i think it clearly is these protesters, this is about the politics of the american election in 2024, were talking about minnesota, michigan, were talking about those states that joe biden needs to win to win the presidency and he's doing a
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massive appeasement exercise, you certainly not talking about the americans held hostage in gaza in doing nothing to get an address that situation and open but here we are $3.5 billion was put in the last massive supplemental package to pass the senate they did not mention this until the day the senate passed it. it they immediately talked about two offices one in turkey, one in egypt and these will be used to process palestinians from gaza into america, let me ask you this, the recent pulling 70% of gazans support october 7 attack, were not supposed to be bringing people into this country that support terror and been involved in it, yet this white house and the state department are confident enough about this and we can protect her own southern border i think americans should be deeply concerned, i certainly am. maria: were watching your work as usual, thank you for being here. >> thank you very much great to be with you. >> said a bill haggerty, janet yellen gets political with the treasury secretary says about another trump presidency and what it could mean for the fed and th
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maria: welcome back here's aware market ended the week after jay powell said more rate hikes are unlikely. this after the april jobs report showed far fewer jobs added to the economy that expected, the unemployment rate take tiger to 3.9% while february and march revision showed 22000 fewer jobs added than previously reported, meanwhile treasury secretary and former head of the federal reserve janet yellen getting political and the battleground state of arizona on friday making thinly veiled warnings that another donald trump presidency would be a threat to our democracy and economic growth referencing the january 6 the riots and pressing the importance of a politically independent federal reserve, joining me now interest-rate observer founder and editor jim grant. it's always a pleasure to see you, thank you for being here
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this weekend. >> you are entirely welcome, i would not be any place else. >> article in the journal saying trump's allies are planning the big restructuring the federal reserve, meanwhile president joe biden gave a speech the other day and said we will get interest-rate cut ended up be a month delayed, did he speak with jay powell, is a messaging to jay powell to cut interest rates, talk about not having the independence of the federal reserve, you have a sitting president telling us that interest-rate cut is going to be delayed by a month. go ahead. >> joe biden speaking of long tradition of president johnson and nixon and roosevelt, fdr and truman of course i don't think there's much new here except the reaction and janet yellen and what is new is the dependence of the federal reserve on the treasury department in the fed
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as we would say in the private sector, this sounds like a provocative word and certainly a disturbing one but every week the fed reports his own finances and is called h for one form and it shows that the fed has a witness without notes and the fed is $123.6 million in the hole to the treasury it is borrowed that much against its mounting operating losses and it pays out five and a half or so and it earns 2% to 3% and no way to get rich the fed is losing a lot of money. the fed shows negative capital. >> is an important point that you make and i appreciate you making it i want to get your take on the macro story, on friday we got the job numbers we could than expected that sparks
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a rally in stocks as were back to believing that the fed is going to cut interest-rate at some point, how do you see things? >> i think the fed wants to cut interest-rate, the legacy of 0% or so rates the legacy of money growing on trees has been an important consequence in enormous buildup of buildup and government and what business and government don't need is higher rates of interest, however, if the fed needs to protect the integrity of the dollar that's the holddown of the rate of inflation and a has to address that with higher rates that's kind of what it has. everyone is hoping and praising enter praying for the were rates and exhaling vitally what they seem to be getting them. maria: do you think there is still a chance that we see a recession in the second half,
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nancy lazar from piper sandler is telling clients she's sticking to her base case that we see an economy in recession in the second half because things are slowing and not all that good when you peel back the onion and she also says that will send unemployment up about 4%, your thoughts? >> nancy is one to agree with rather to disagree with that is to be respected. you never know, i have expected a recession for the following reasons i've expected one because the yield curve is negatively meaning higher rates are higher than longer, money supply growth had came off dramatically but lo and behold the anticipated recession has not yet materialized and nancy is certainly on point that there is a strong possibility. maria: we will leave it there, jim grant, always a pleasure.
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thank you so much. good to see you, jim grant is the founder of grants interest-rate observer, we are following the money who is funding the chaos on campus and that's to get a recorder was on the call with the organizer of the columbia protest hours before they begin, what he learned about th (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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[shouting] maria: the nypd releasing body cam footage of officers arresting anti-israel protesters who barricaded themselves inside columbia university hamilton hall on tuesday night.
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were learning about the group that helped coordinate the chaos. the people's forum is a registered charity with operations made possible by millions of dollars in donations, they held a meeting in manhattan hours before the demonstration, washington free beacon senior investigator reporter joe simonson sat in that meeting over zoom and he joins us now, great to have you thank you for being here. can you tell us what you heard and learned from the zoom? >> thank you for having me, absolutely. during the meeting which lasted two and half hours you had senior employees of the people's forum which as you said a self-described marxist group funded by left-wing millionaires held a planning session both for may day protest and also for escalating the columbia protest and essentially what the organizers of the meeting said we want to re-create the summer
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of 2020 that was with cheers and claps. after the individual spoke the attendees broke into separate meeting groups and talked about how to escalate the protest against israel, hours later and a lot of the attendees had come from columbia, hours later they were back at columbia and that's with the protest got much more serious as you mentioned illegally occupying the building as one janitor said holding one of them hostage. maria: exactly, that was incredible, the people's forum is made possible through donations and you reported that the groups operation is made possible in large part by a 12 million-dollar donation from goldman sachs charitable arm, tell me about that. >> exactly, goldman wants to be very clear that this is none of
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their money this is simply a client directed fund except it's run by goldman sachs and goldman sachs employees basically do the day-to-day operation to keep it up but that's exactly right the individual likely directed the $12 million donation to the people's forum in 2019 and the 12 million-dollar donation was the largest single donation that the goldman sachs philanthropy fund gave that year. goldman sachs gets really upset when you mentioned this because they pretend they had no choice and if any client wants to donate money to any group they are happy to oblige, i personally find that rise ebola. maria: you also reported that sing us an american businessman who lives in china and he reportedly helps finance the chinese communist party propaganda worldwide, tell me about the ccp connection here.
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>> absolutely neville sing him as a wealthy individual who moved to china and he calls themselves a maoist, his wife, if your viewers are familiar with code pink which is far left anti-war organization that defends china so the new york times has covered this individual and others have covered this and is proud to work with the ccp and attend ccp meetings any funds left-wing organizations in the united states including the people's forum this is not just a normal anti-israel group this is a group that after the october 7 attacks in israel, if you remember in times square, the next day they were people celebrating these attacks and celebrating hamas. there is an individual waving a swastika around that protest in time square that was so horrifying was organized by the people forum which is funded by this individual neville singham that lives in china.
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what's disturbing a wealthy american businessman subsidizing the chinese government propaganda, again this is an organization that wants to overthrow our country and the worst part, he gets a tax break he funds us and gets to write it off on his taxes he gets to donate millions and millions of dollars to a group that calls for a revolution which in itself a violation of the irs code and that the rest of the country gets to subsidize that he pays less taxes to do the chinese communist party bidding. maria: that is incredible to me i call this the philanthropy scam, the only way is this scam but you have the groups that claim that they are philanthropies and understanding their money to political ideas and then getting tax breaks. >> that's exactly right, this is a huge problem within the nonprofit structure of our tax code in the irs has no interest
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in enforcing this at all, all these group shutting down bridges that were occupying college campuses that are engaged in violent anti-israel protest or protest meant to disrupt congress virtually all the groups behind it are charities that's what they're called they are charities just like the red cross. the irs again is clear, you cannot be encouraging or organizing lawbreaking you could not even have members that your events were doing lawbreaking, the irs is plainly clear that your charity staff should be revoked and the irs is nowhere to be found on this, that's one of the most frustrating aspects, the groups of millionaires and billionaires i get to donate and write it off and we have to deal with the consequent this. maria: that is incredible, we appreciate your time this weekend, thank you there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care
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♪ ♪. maria: welcome back, one thing you need to know ahead of next week consumers are gearing up for brand-new apple products as a technology has a let loose of it on tuesday, rumors about product announcements to come in updated ipad widely expected after no new models released last year the event comes after apple reviewed a decline second quarter revenue this week with the decline in iphone sales up better than 10% we will be following all on "mornings with maria", join us wednesday 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox business. i will see you on the fox news channel this sunday 10:00 a.m. eastern life for "sunday morning futures". have exclusive interviews with elise stefanik from new york, rnc co-chair lara trump, former director of national intelligence don ratcliffe and nypd commissioner ray kelly, join us live sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern on fox news channel. i will do it on fox business


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