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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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it is wednesday, may 8 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. president biden is back on the campaign trail today, he's going to chicago in an a effort to gain minority voters and push his bidenomics message. a new poll finds biden support among black voters dropping, it was 87% in 2020, now at 64% in 2024. new york governor kathy hochul commenting on the black community. watch this bombshell. >> right now, we have young black kids growing up in the bronx who don't know what the word -- what a computer is, they don't know, they don't know these things. maria: they don't know what the word computer is? paul, your reaction. >> every kid in the bronx has a smartphone that is more powerful than the computers were five years ago. hochul is an accidental governor. thshe proves it every time she steps forward.
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it's a very ignorant remark. it shows how removed she is from her consiher constituents. the computers are going to sink her party and it's why the numbers are dropping for support for p joe biden. joe biden. they can't manage the message anymore. social media that people have access to, as opposed to just three major networks, you can get around it. it's on your phone. whites see it, blacks see it. hispanics see it. truth is breaking through. maria: it's no different from what we heard before from the democrat party which totally takes the black community for granted. remember this infamous moment from joe biden. watch. >> it's a long way until november. we've got more questions. >> you've got more questions. if you have a problem figuring
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out whether you're for me or trump, then you ain't black. maria: really? lee. >> i mean, i it is to tone dea. maria: cringe-worthy. >> it is cringe cringe-worthyy level. he's losing the black vote. he's losing the his b hispanic . he's losing the young people vote. a majority of young people are going for donald trump over joe biden. it's a huge shift from where it was in 2020. it will make it very difficult for joe biden to win in 2024. maria: what about the liberal media. this is another tone deaf moment for democrats yet, jen psaki sharing her theory on why republicans are supporting former president trump. watch this bombshell. >> i think there's two categories. there's obviously the tim scott category, that's embarrassing to watch, cringey.
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i watched it many times. i think many of them want to be close to power. they also assume or have this thought in their mind that maybe donald trump will go away. maybe he'll go to jail. maybe he will die, not to be too morbid. but -- he's not a young man. who knows what's in their minds. they think maybe i'll be behind ovaloffice. maria: what do you say to something like that? >> what is she thinking. it goes beyond ghoulish. it shows inincredibley poor judgment. i don't know what her point is. do you think if he doesn't get to the finish line you'll be in second place and therefore be able to take his spot? no, no. that's why she washed out of the white house. if you were wondering what happened to her, she washed out of the white house and went to
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msnbc because that's where people like her go. maria: what do you think. >> i think it's ironic that that's what she's generating. on her side of the aisle we have a presidential candidate we don't wish any ill on health wise, but really donald trump is running against kamala harris. that holds more veracity than what she is positing here. she belongs on msnbc because that's just really out there. maria: you look at what's happening here in terms of the reaction to donald trump winning in all of the polls. i think that's really what's behind all of this. lee, how do you see that? because i think all of this conversation, the reaction from jen sack psaki, et cetera, is a reaction to the polls. they're getting nervous. >> they are. you're starting to see flop sweat. there was an article that came out in politico over the weekend talking about how there's no
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more swagger in american journalism. what that really was, we've got to get tough, as if they need to get tougher on donald trump. what haven't they thrown at a him? let's remember something else. there's a third can i date. cornell west -- candidate. cornell west with is not only african-american, but he apelts to young -- appeals to young people. he's been having rallies regarding israel and palestinians and what young people are facing. i've seen numbers as high as 4 or 5%. that's going to come from the biden side of things. that's going to hurt. maria: lee car carter, how dou see all of this? >> it's fascinating watching how the liberals react to donald trump. it's clear to movie that they do not understand the republican voter. they do not understand the trump supporter. they're so far out of touch and it hurts them every time they communicate because they seem like they're consist condescendy seem down on people, don't seem
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to be inclusive. all the things they say they are, they aren't. it alienates so much of their base. you see it happen in the polls over and over again. democrats, the party of the elite. when you look at the polling on donald trump, he is seen as a man -- this is something that really i think democrats miss. he's seen as a man who cares about the american people. 80% of people believe that donald trump cares about people like them. and so many of the liberal elite don't get it. they miss it. and it's really, really powerful. donald trump is seen that way. maria: yeah. >> and the more they're out of touch with it, the more i think donald trump wins. maria: it's a great point, lee. let's take a short break. we're just getting started this hour. uber out with quarterly results, they lost money but the revenue was better than expected. we'll show you what's happening here. the stock is down better than 7% right now. we'll get into it on the word on wall street coming up. that's coming up after this break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is kings view asset management partner, mario and also joining me is adam johnson. i want to kick off with adam. moments ago we heard from uber, reporting mixed results. the stosk is down 7%. the company beat on revenue but it is reporting a big loss in earnings. forecasting lower second quarter gross bookings, reporting that trips you grew 21% year over year. also, anheuser-busch reported a double beat with profits up 2.6% but sales to retailers were down better than 13% due to volume declines of bud light because of customer boycotts. later we'll hear from airbnb,
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arm and a mc entertainment. uber is down 6 and a quarter percent right now on the loss, 32-cents a share loss. adam, your reaction. >> yes. i think actually the key word here is mixed. mixed on uber's numbers, though the stock reaction is down. that is because, maria, the algos are in charge. they're programmed to look at the earnings report and it checks the box, revenue, earnings, guidance, ebitda and everything has to be positive in order to get the all-clear from the algos. if not, alg os hit is, that's what's happening now. revenues beat. ebitda also beat. earnings were light. part of why some of the numbers were disappointing is there's a revenue recognition change that's happening in some countries whereby costs have to
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be deducted at the top line level. and therefore, you're not seeing the flow-through down to earnings that you would have seen in previous quarters. so i think that's part of what's going on. eventually, and by eventually i mean over the next hour, hour and-a-half, analysts are going to look at a this and walk into portfolio manager offices and say i think this is down for a technicality. the guidance is slightly higher than it was and that's what matters more. i think what you're seeing now is alg os hitting it because of the headline. analysts will come in and argue for buying the stock. maria: what would you do. >> i would buy it. maria: when you compare uber to what we saw with lyft. lyft is rallying today. >> yeah. as it should be. uber is a much better business model, i'm much happier with uber. remember, actually, uber started becoming profitable last year and that was largely because of the delivery business. they now move as much stuff as
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they do people. that has been the key to uber's success and why it has pulled so far ahead of loaf. lyft. i see this as a technicality, the way revenue recognition has to be treated for tax purchases in several other countries, not the u.s. i think that's the hiccup. maria: great point. >> i own it. i'm not going to buy more. i already have a full position. if i had new money coming into the fund which be buying it along with a number of other stocks. maria: a big interest is interest rates. let's look at the 10 year treasury yield as we go you through the fed speak. minneapolis federal reserve president said yesterday it's likely the central bank keeps interest rates where they are for an extended period of time until officials are certain inflation is on track to the 2% target. the 1 # of year -- 10 year is p 2 basis points. there's a 64% chance the fed will cut rates for the first
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time in september. what are your expectations for rate cuts. >> i'm so glad mr. cashcarey said that. he is saying what everyone is thinking. we've been saying this time and time again. all year, maria. a originally going into the year we thought we would have six rate cuts. the dot plot headed by jerome powell said there's going to be three. i believe we're lucky to have one if at all any. i want to talk about stagflation, number two, correlation with yields in the stock market can and three, the effect. first and foremost we have stagflation which means high inflation and low growth. we missed gdp numbers a few weeks ago. we came in light and we still have high inflation. core pce, the quarter year over year was 3.7%, the last three months it's been trending upwards, not downwards. second, if you look at yields and look at the treasury market, any time the 10 year gets at 4,
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7, 4, 75, money erodes from the stock market and goes into yield. you look at the two year treasury it's the same pattern with interest rates above 5%. what does that mean for investors? that basically means this. i personally think they're going to cut one time but i think if we have higher interest rates for longer and god forbid they actually continually raise rates which i don't think they're going to do because powell said last week that we're at peak rate and that rate hike is unlikely, i think that would be disastrous for the economy. you have credit card debt at an all time high. you have 401-k withdrawals at all time high. you don't have middle america without the consumer and the consumer is struggling right now so because of all this i think we have high inflation which is stagflation and i believe neel kashkari said what everybody is thinking, we're lucky to get one cut. maria: everything you laid out is what stephanie pomboy has been saying for some time.
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highlighting the crinks in the armor in the macro story. here she is last week on this program. >> this is the conundrum for the fed. the economy contrary to wall street's perception is not strong. what's driving the economy is nondiscretionary spending and within that 1q gdp n number whee the spending was on housing, healthcare and insurance. real disposable incomes rose half the pace of total real spending. so how are they sustaining this? consumers obviously as we know are drawing down savings and running up credit card debt just to keep up with the rising cost of everything which is why i guess powell feels like this inflation situation is really sticky and proving to be a little more challenging for them. you know, the journey from 9 to 3 was the easy part. getting from 3 to 2 is proving much harder than i think they expected it would be. maria: mario, that's why nancy
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lazar from piper sandler is expecting a recession, second half of the year. >> yeah. i think that was a great interview and i couldn't agree more. the last mile is going to be the toughest mile. and i agree that there's going to be many headwinds along the way. i'mflation is stubborn. it's tough. get to the 2% target objective that the fed is saying they want to, i think it's more of a pipedream. i think personally that if inflation was around 2 and-a-half percent and we start lowering the fed funds rate, because maria, look what's happening in the economy. look what's happening in the banks. yesterday new york community bank just got downgraded. that would have been another bank failure if my new c fail me that company. i believe the last mile will be toughest. they said oh, the fed, they
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don't want to be political. i believe they were late in raising interest rates and i think they'll be late to the game in cutting interest rates. maria: we'll see. mario, great to see you this morning. thank you. adam, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. when we come back, 15 house democrats penning a letter to president biden about taking executive action at the southern border as the budget committee is holding a committee on the cost of the crisis later today congressman chip roy is here with more on that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. house republicans leading the charge to sanction international criminal court officials if they target the united states or any u.s. allies that do not fall under its jurisdictions. the icc is reportedly considering arrest warrants for top israeli officials including prime minister benjamin netanyahu over their handling of hughhumanitarian aid in gaza. rashida tlaib is calling for the arrest warrants to be issued. joining me is texas congressman chip roy, a member of the house judiciary, rules and budget committees. you're one of the leaders on the bill. tell us about it. >> maria, great to be on. this is similar to tom cotton's
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bill in the senate, introduced with thomas who served in the idf. look what we've got are a bunch of radical extreme leftists at the international criminal court. they're trying to go after prime minister netanyahu and our friends in israel for simply doing what they should do, defend themselves against radical terrorism that we're seeing being deployed against them by hamas and unfortunately the biden administration is not only mia, they're actually facilitating and trying to help hamas rather than standing alongside israel. now you've got the international criminal court who want to criminalize the prime minister and leaders of israel defending themselves against radical islam, radical terrorists. it's insane. the bill would sanction them, would restore president trump's rightful policies which would put sanctionses in place if the court abuses their authority and goes after our allies. we should stand along side them.
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we are proud to lead the effort in congress. brian mass is an inde indispense ally in that. maria: the united states paused weapons shipments to israel because of the rafah offensive. how do you pause shipments in the middle of the war in israel. >> they're not standing along side israel. the.they paused the shipments. i opposed the foreign aid bill which was passed last week which we knew was going to be used this way. we knew the administration would block the money to israel while money is flowing to hamas with humanitarian aid intercepted by hamas and a lot of republican colleagues were all too happy to work with the administration to send money to hamas at the same time money is going to israel. we need to stand up. congress needs to use the power of the purse and demand the
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administration stand up. unfortunately, we gave up that leverage. this bill is a good effort to try to provide more incentive for the icc to do the right thing, to negotiate. but the administration needs to be replaced. that's the bottom line. maria: let me get your take on the border. you're right, you've lost your leverage at this point on the border. house bu budget committee is holding a hearing on the cost of the biden border crisis. yesterday, 15 democrats wrote a letter, urn urging biden -- urging biden to quote immediately take action to restore order at the southern border and fix the broken immigration system. what is the cost of the border crisis? >> thanks, maria. you know it's election season when you've got democrats, 15 democrats starting to say we need to do something about border security. maria: good point. >> they've been mia. unfortunately, republicans keep giving them cover. joni ernst and i have brought in texas witnesses including the county
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attorney in kenny county, one of the main thoroughfares where people come into texas, they're definite stating the county. they had at the beginning of the biden administration they would prosecute about 150 crimes a year. now it's 15,000, maria. the cost is astounding, something like $150 billion a according to fair, pure cost associated with illegal aliens coming to the united states. our counties our overrun, our jails are full, hospitals are full. law n forcement have to do the job that the federal government wwon't do. texas spent $13 billion through operation lone star with all the efforts to secure the border of the united states because the federal government refuses to do its job. it's astounding that republicans have been campaigning on this for years and they funded it. i'm so sick and tired, republicans campaigning on doing one thing an not doing it. i can promise you that come november, if the american people would give the house back to republicans, and elect president trump, there's going to be a
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reckoning in republican leadership. you're going to do the job the american people sent you to do or you're not going to be a leader of the united states house. maria: we would like to see that. we would like to see that materialize because viewers have been waiting for a long time for this border to get secure and we don't know what the true impact will be. god forbid we have an attack, terrorist attack. congressman, i want to get your take on this upcoming election because you and house speaker mike johnson will hold a press conference today on what you're soling the safeguard american -- calling the safeguard american voter eligibility act. it will prevent noncitizens from voting in elections. i recently spoke with ken paxton. he told me right now when you come over the border, these illegals are being given social security numbers and voting forms. so how are you going to prevent them from voteing in. >> well, look, you're exactly, and ken is exactly right. that's what's happening and you just saw recently the news out of south carolina where their own health and human services
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south carolina hhs confirmed they are basically having to follow federal law to give registration forms to people when they come to get their welfare, get medicaid, when they're here illegally. you can't make this stuff up. our bill would end that. our bill would force the states to follow our laws, the federal government laws to be able to say look, you've got to provide proof of citizenship, documentary proof of citizenship to register and vote. if you're voteing in a federal election, purely constitutional. i'm a limited government guy. i don't like the federal government telling states what to do. in the united states if you vote in a federal election, you're determining the president of the united states, you better be a citizen. this is simple. this is not a hard question. republicans should stand up and say you will be a citizen to vote in federal elections in they the united states. that's what our bill does. maria: here is texas ag ken paxton on this program last week. watch this i'm convinced these
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people are not going to just vote in the future, they're going to get social security now so they can assure victory just like they did last time. maria: so what do you think. he said that is happening. >> that's right. ken is exactly right. i served in the attorney general's office with ken and they're doing great work, trying to fight off all of these ridiculous policies of the biden administration. but we've got to do our job in the congress. this goes back to the fundamental question for republicans, why did you come here? it's not to give excuses. , not to use the phrase we've got a razor thin majority, we can't do it. we need to do what people sent us here to do. use the power of the purse, send strong bills to the senate, force biden to the table and work to get trump elected, build a majority in the house and get the job done next january. i promise the american people i'll be holding republicans accountable to do what we said we would do, including making
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sure citizens vote. maria: we'll be watching your work, congressman. thank you. >> thanks, maria. maria: chip roys is in d.c. quick break and then judge merchan denying trump's requests for a mistrial after stormy daniels gives testimony with plenty of irrelevant information yesterday, salacious details meant to embarrass trump. we'll speak with former fbi special agent nicole parker next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort. maria: welcome back. michigan governor gretchen whitmer declaring a state of emergency in some parts of michigan after a string of
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tornado cheryl casone with details. >> powerful tornadoes plowing through the state of michigan leaving trails of destruction in their path. in portage, 50 people were trapped inside a fed ex building. rescue crews were able to get them out before anybody was hurt. homes and businesses were completely destroyed, several people were injured. more than 140 million people from texas to maine are at a risk for storms as the weather continues through the week. well, fulton county da fani willis indicating she doesn't want to testify before the georgia state subcommittee investigating whether or not she misused taxpayer money. willis saying this. first of all, i don't think they even have the authority to subpoena me but they need to learn the law. i will not appear to anything that is unlawful and i've not broken the law in any way. so this committee is examining money spent during the investigation of former president trump an whether that money was miss a misappropriate.
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ilhan omar hit with a censure revolution after she referred to some jewish students as pro genocide. she made the remark while visiting columbia university. omar's daughter attends barnard college. congressman don bacon said the comments were slain did your sl. elizabeth holmes has more time cut from her prison sentence. she was sentenced to more than 11 years behind bars, she's serving in texas. she had two years slashed last summer, now she's getting more cut. then there's this. a delta flight forced to evidence aca wait at the gate after landing -- evacuate at the gate after landing due a small fire under the nose of the plane. watch. >> oh, it's on fire in the front of the plane. >> it's like on fire. >> the plane is on fire. >> crew members noticed smoke
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as deplaning had just begun, they deployed the slides. the airbus landed safely from cancun. the fire starting after the ground crew plugged in the power underneath the cockpit, the nose of the aircraft. so you don't want fire and fuel trucks in the same same vicini. maria: judge aileen cannon postponing former president trump's classified documents case, this coming after jack smith and federal prosecutors admitted in a court filing that documents seized during the mar-a-lago raid are no longer in the original order. they say the team failed to he preserve critical evidence in the case. jim jordan is investigating whether evidence was altered or manipulated after it was seized. i discussed this on sunday with former director of nation if nationalintelligence, john ratc.
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watch this. did the fbi tamper with this? >> the famous photograph that we learned and the government had jack smith and his prosecutors have had to admit is that was staged and the top secret classified sheets that all the public saw and said oh, my god, look at those top secret documents, those were placed there by the fbi and what jack smith admitted in court this week was that in his words, they mishandled the classified documents and misrepresented those to the court. maria, that's a kind way of saying we tampered with the evidence and this reeks of cross fire hurricane when the obama biden administration fabricated evidence before the fisa court, lied to the court about it, to pursue donald trump. maria: joining me now is former fbi special agent, she's now fox news contribute eor, nicole par.
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we learned the fbi is stamperring with evidence. you -- tampering with evidence. you can't make this stuff up. >> i worked in the fbi miami division. i was an employee there when all of this went down and full disclosure and disclaimer, is was not part of that investigation. if i was tapped to participate i would have respectfully declined because i don't agree with how things are unfolding here. maria, this is not about how you feel about president trump. this is about equal and fair enforcement of the law and the criminal justice system and thank goodness we have judge aileen cannon, a u.s. district court judge who is saying enough. like look at all a of these pretrial motionses. we're not going to proceed with the court day on may 20th. president trump and he enjoys and should have benefit of a fair due process. the way they want to proceed right now us not fair. the more you're learning about this investigation and how the fbi handled it, it's unraveling at the sales.raveling
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at the seams. when you execute a search warrant there are strict rules. you should not slap on covers that indicate a level of certain classified information when you have not even read those documents. and you know, i really think that -- kudos go to this judge. we're seeing a very clear difference between judge cannon and other judges that are handling different trump trials and cases and he's not getting a fair trial in many of those situations. maria: it's extraordinary to me that we keep having a repeat of the cross fire hurricane investigation. that is the lie that hillary clinton made up that trump colluded with russians and it's the same group doing the same stuff at the top of the fbi and the democrat machine trying to take him down. i mean, it was also evident yesterday in the courtroom, stormy daniels is going to be back on the stand tomorrow in the former president's so-called hush money trial, this after the judge denied trump's lawyer's
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request for a mistrial. daniels contradicted herself yesterday, she admitted that, quote, she hates trump. the judge warned she is giving irrelevant details to the case that have nothing to do with the business records. she's coming up with salacious details about the so-called sexual encounter she claims to have had with trump and has nothing to do with what he's being charged with, business records. here's what the former president said about it all yesterday. watch. >> so this was a very big day, a very revealing day as you see their case is totally falling apart. they have nothing on books and records and even something that should bear very little relationship to the case, just disaster for the da, for the soros backed da, it's a disaster. maria: nicole, your reaction? >> i mean, it is a disaster. how is much of that information that she was providing even admissible? as an agent, when you're
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prepping for trial, you have suppression hearings in advance. you know what's going to be presented, what evidence is going to be presented, what's going to be tolerated. when you're in the courtroom there are objections left and right. for the judge to allow her to continue to ramble on about information that is totally irrelevant and it's tainting the jury. it's not right or fair. the problem you have, maria, is that president trump didn't really have a fair chance in this jurisdiction to begin with. okay. as an agent, you know the jury is everything. we would hope that we operate in a country where your case is as strong as the evidence. but the way that it is now with these political cases, your case is as strong as the jury. and the individuals who are listening to this. he is in a jurisdiction that is predominant livids that quite frankly did not vote for him, don't like him and it shouldn't matter. but the way things are going in the country right now, that matters a lot. he starts under the gun to begin with because he's got a jury that isn't favorable towards him and they're hearing the
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onslaught of information that taints him as an individual that is irrelevant to the facts and the fact the judge allowed this to continue is absolutely disgusting to me. this is not how our criminal justice system should be working. maria: i mean, look, he said, you know, he was uncomfortable with some of the details that she was coming up with but still, he allowed it. and just to try to embarrass trump. meanwhile, look what's going on in the rest of the country. all of these people who are committing crimes and getting right out and committing more crimes and then this chaos on campuses, at least 35 people were arrested this morning as police cleared out an anti-israel encampment at george washington university. they had to resort to pepper spray. protest theprotesters were hearg the word guillotine.
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alan dershowitz said he's afraid some of these protesters will ultimately become terrorists them selfs. watch this. >> when hamas comes to america, and they will, and they approach some of these kids who chef been grooming for years -- who they've been grooming for years, they will help them plant bombs. this is not just about israel, tel aviv, this is about new york, washington, san francisco. this is measuring. the terrorists are coming here. among the people at columbia university are people who will become terrorists, who will help hamas, who will be -- i are represented many of the centers' protesters during the 1960s and 1970s. some of them turned from advocating terrorism to becoming terrorists. maria: nicole, your reaction? >> i absolutely agree with alan dershowitz. he is spot on. again, here we are in a country
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that claims we don't tolerate this, we're not going to tolerate hate, we're not going to tolerate violence. it depends on what side of the political spectrum or social spectrum you stand. i have not heard a peep f attory general merrick garland or christopher wray getting out in front of the american people saying this will not be tolerated, we're going to enforce laws on these individuals. i've heard nothing on the federal level. why, maria? why? i can tell you after january 6, full force, full force, everyone knew it was the number one priority of the fbi and doj. yet these individuals are terrorizing jews on campuses nationwide week after week. where is the federal criminal justice system? they are nowhere to be found. title 18, u.s. code, harboring or concealing terrorists, we cannot have future terrorists being able to run free in our country. maria: unbelievable. >> this is not free speech. there's a difference between free speech and vie license and the fbi is -- violence and the fbi is saying this is first
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amendment right. i have agent friends who are frustrated saying why is the fbi saying this is free speech. these are h are potential hate , terrorist acts. anyone who believes they've been a victim of hate crimes or civil rights violations, call the fbi and they will look into your complaint. maria: this is all the result of federal agencies, our premier most important law agencies getting politicized. that's what this is about. nicole, oles g always great to k with you you. >> thank you. maria: nicole parker in florida. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue.
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it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. well, the world of car racing colliding with the growing advancements in a.i., artificial intelligence, generative a.i. software company zabata a.i. merged with andretti acquisition in march to help gain a competitive advantage on the racetrack. joining us now, racing legend mario andretti and christopher savoy. gentlemen, great to see you both.
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thank you so much for being here. mario, i'm a friend and big follower of yours. i'm thrilled for you. i know both in new york city to ring the nasdaq opening bell. tell us about this partnership, christopher, start with you, tell us about zabata and how it's helping andretti global's racing performance. >> we're doing generative a.i., the same type of a.i. that chatgpt and these kind of things are based on. we're using this in the indy series with andretti global to predict things like when an accident might happen, when a yellow flag might be thrown, which helps us design our race strategy and hopefully win races. maria: that is awesome. mario, whats has been your experience? tell us about it. >> well, yes, first of all, good morning, maria. great to visit with you. and, yes, in the sport, the way the sport has been evolving over the years, i mean, one thing that personally i've always embraced for the team to just
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aveil ourselves with the latest technology possible and of course as zabata just filled that void or that box and as christopher said, there's so much -- there's so many moving parts in our world, you know, as far as strategies and it's never the same. so this is one way to really just identify specific situations and be able to react, have plan a, b, c, and be ready to go and whenever the situation changes, if you will, from one to the other, so again, it's -- you're trying to gain as much advantage as you can towards the competitors in every way and when we obviously associated ourselves with christopher's company, zabata, we i think-a-i think we found something that
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just increased our dimension in the team and again, it's working. [laughter] maria: so your son, michael and your grandson, marco, have carried on your legacy as race car drivers. tell me more about your iconic career and whether or not this represents a new era for race car driving. i mean, i'm sure watching your family carry on this tradition has to be so special for you, mario. tell us about how the industry has evolved and how new technology takes it to a new place. >> well, yes, maria, as far as the family, my twin brother aldo and i started this mess and then -- and on each side there are four race drivers on each side so there are eight of us and we are with a third generation on both sides of the family. so again, it's a family business as you can see and i'm so proud
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of michael when he stepped out of the cockpit he just wanted to get into the ownership level and i mmean, he's not happy with jut discipline. the sport is rich with several top level disciplines, not only here but abroad. i mean, even as far as australia. and his ambitions are clear. he just wants to get to be part of all of it, all of it, and again, as far as the technology, you know, actually even i learned from one discipline to the other what can be applied, just like when i was driving different categories myself, you'd be surprised how that overall a experience really works for you. so again, experience, is experience, knowledge is knowledge, and you put it all to the work. maria: what else should we understand about this tech? >> it's really mind-blowing. if anyone's played with
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chatgpt, these types of things, the kind of analysis you can do and we're actually applying this to numbers and the race cars they have a lot of sensors, there's a lot of data. there's an enormous amount of analytics that's necessary to win a race and we're just kind of taking this to the next level in technology. the great thing about it is, it's applicable to so many other things, the time series data we use in racin race equally applie in pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, banking and other areas as well. maria: really fascinating. march yow, let me ask you this, chairman jim jordan launch an investigation into formula one and the owner for denying entry. they have concerns with apparent aanti-competitive action. what can you tell us. >> formula one was at an
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exhibition a couple weeks ago in washington, d.c. with the red bull team and they were obviously doing some burnouts up and down pennsylvania avenue, creating a lot of good noise and trying to expose formula one to the states and with the interest that actually even the netflix series created with the one show that drive to survive, anyway, all of a sudden you have three races in -- three formula one races in the states here and -- but anyway, the bottom line is we're vying for a spot in the series and the commercial side of the series is sort of created a roadblock for us. maria: exactly. we'll see how the investigation plays out and whether or not that does prevent further roadblock. great to see you, gentlemen. mario, christopher. we'll be right back.
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