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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  May 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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untie that is beyond any incomprehension i have. >> it is the lit motive of today's show. >> john: but if you don't get rid of hamas you're leaving a fat there whenever it reemerges but how do you destroy hamas without incurring civilian casualties that we'll be untenable for most people? it's hard to figure out the. >> sandra: israelis argue we've come this far and we have 4 big gaze to take out and it than we have a limited hamas, allow us to do it. we will seek xo for is not clear with the budget ministration we'll. >> john: go and were still waiting for a response on the news hamas expected the cease-fire. we will sea if we get anything. we'll be back here again tomorrow good to be with you love your foreign policy expertise. >> sandra: thank you remi john. >> john: working at the white house ashley did do something. >> sandra: there you go. >> john: figure joining us on john roberts. >> and julia turner. the story with martha starts now it. >> martha: thank you john and
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jillian good afternoon i am martha maccallum and this is the story were keeping a close eye on the activity at the courthouse right now where president trump is in the middle of a criminal trial here in downtown big apple. the judge finding him for a new gag order violation and the judge gave him a stern warning this morning saying if this happens again the former president could and up in jail. live update from the courthouse and we will speak with a trump attorney. first new reaction from the white house. after the big developments this afternoon we're tried to dig through this and figure out what's coming together here and what might not be. hamas got out in front of this and said they accepted casey's fire proposal for the war with an -- israel. it happen after president by the had a conversation earlier today about 30 minutes he spoke with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and israel told palestinians they should evacuate parts of rafah about
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100,000 hitting the road to leave rafah which of course is indicative there could be a ground invasion which the white house says they do not want to sea but israel says has to be done to finish off hamas p. john kirby moments ago at the white house answering a question on this. watch... >> we want to get these hostages out. we want to get the seas are emplaced for 6 week and agrees humanitarian assistance. last thing i want to do is say anything at this podium that will put the process at risk. >> martha: we will have mike pompeo and moments and get his take on what this deal sounds like what the parameters look like. which side and how these sides are playing this game at this point. our correspondent jeff paul reports live from tel aviv. let's go straight to jeff. hello jeff. >> reporter: mr that we know that hamas released a statement saying its political leader had a phone call saying he agreed to
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this cease-fire agreement that is on the table. the question now is how will israel respond? we know the government is reviewing the latest proposal and could have a decision as early as today are soon. at the same time we are seeing some scenes develop causa where shortly after hamas announced they had agreed to this latest cease-fire agreement that you saw what looked like were celebrations in the street clearly a lot of people there happy about this possible develop it. the details of the agreement remain unclear. however, it could involve an exchange of hostages for palestinian prisoners as well as a pause in the bed and. hamas previously did mended a permanent cease-fire and full withdrawal of israeli troops however is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has long said there cannot be an end to the war until they eliminate hamas by going into rauf. that's where today the israeli military started morning residents to evacuate.
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the idf urged roughly 100,000 palestinians to move to the humanitarian zone. is really him -- military described it as a limited scope operation and not large-scale evacuation however for the civilians who have been told to pack up their things and leave, there's also frustration frustration and concern about their safety. >> the israeli occupation told people to go to raphael and it's a safe area. today they are telling us to get out of raw thought. where will they go? all these crowds? 1.5 million or 2 million civilians? where will they go? should they go into the sea? smacks of the big question, will hostages be part of this agreement and what happens to rafah? the region waits and sees. martha. >> martha: thank you with that jeff. we bring in the second -- secretary of state mike pompeo a fox news contributor. always good to sea you. let me have your reaction to
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this report this afternoon. what does it look like to you? >> it feels like in the best case a jailhouse conversion which is hamas can see the handwriting on the wall and israelis will run through the stop sign president biden put in front of them and will do the necessary. they are trying to delay when people say we have agreed to this are that until you see the document and know what's in it we have no idea if hamas has agreed to anything. and i would remind everybody watching today hamas agree to a lot of thanks over time. they're the ones who broke the cease-fire at israeli wasn't occupying causa since to those in 6 they haven't been there. it's all a direct result of the decisions hamas has made. i'm hopeful that it will be returned but equally hopeful israel we'll be permitted to continue the mission thereon. they have to defeat hamas and it can't be the case that it's half
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a look because that will end up with more october 7's martha. >> martha: we didn't hear it from john kirby and he wasn't asked what you expect these people living in israel to do when the rest of hamas left behind starts to regenerate for the next at over 7 because they made it clear that's exactly what they plan today. i just want to point out that the live shot we are looking at right now downtown tel aviv israel, these protests are the families and friends of hostages they are obviously animated by the potential that hostages might be coming home. it's obviously what everybody wants and there are american hostages as well. is there a way to release these hostages as part of a deal? hamas wanted an end to the war that was there sticking point.
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now there is saying hostages can be released. what would israel agree to hear? >> we've seen what they agreed to the first time hostages were released they traded a bunch of vary dangerous prisoners they were holding. we know what happens when you release those prisoners who get someone at the current leader who orchestrated october 7th was once an israeli prison and traded for hostage actually the body of a hostage. the danger here martha as we so desperately want these families to have their loved ones return to them. i'm purring the israelis and americans held are alive and healthy but make known the stake this will rinse and repeat. there we'll be more hostages taken by these animals hamas. we have 1 task and when president biden allows this morning estate meant to go out and say we are denying israel the military needs thing -- means they need we will deny than american resources congress just voted on, i promise you the hamas leader sent a portly the leaders in iran think it's a
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greenlight to continue to hold out and take these hostages and take more. we focus on the moment here and i get that. this has been a long struggle at beef got to stay after it. >> martha: it's very clear what the message is from the white house. jackie asked the question if you'd stay with us 1 second, let's just listen. >> them to work it through they know what's happening on the ground and we've always been very clear about that and will continue to be clear about that. will continue to call for peaceful protests and, you know, dissent cannot lead to disorder. so will continue to be very clear as the president has been and i have been in so many of us here in this administration have been. >> any idea why they would not respond? >> i would refer you to the dc police that's something for them to speak to. >> and obvious reported plans
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for the u.s. to bring over palestinian refugees potentially can you tell us anything about where we are with that and i know it would depend on coordination with egypt. so far they've been resistant to cooperate. what can you tell us? >> i don't have anything further. i was asked this question a couple times last week i just don't have anything to share. >> his tomorrows speech going to be brought -- >> martha: former secretary of state mike pompeo. it all ties and. these protests on college campuses, the pressure the way houses always leave feeling in in an election year, their admonition against israel do not go into raw phone and all of this is kind of of peace. then you have this story that the biden ministration is putting a hold on a weapons transfer from the united states to israel. i don't know how much clear a message can be than that.
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>> martha that's exactly right. it's all about peace these are deeply connected. the administration has sophie or escalation that they've created it. they've so feared these protesters that they've created them instead of basic rule of law and order here in the u.s. and supporting our ally israel unequivocally they've said israel continues this it would be hard to tell the moral difference between hamas and israel. it's both nonsense and dangerous. you get precisely what we are seeing today in both places. here at home on our campuses and in the middle east. >> secretary pompeo thank you very much always good to have you. >> with us thank you have a great day. >> martha: obviously that's a breaking story we'll have new developments and bring them to you throughout the course of the hour. is there a deal to end the war between israel and hamas? this scene has become increasingly clear to all of us and familiar to us all. this is the new york state supreme court in new york city. former u.s. president donald
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trump behind the doors to the right. we wait for an update. the judge in this case said clearly this morning to the former president that the thousand dollar fines for gag violations are not working and that it leaves him only in jail on the table for any further violations if he defies the gag order. trump attorney jesse been all standing by next. >> i was in miami this weekend and reporters were asking me questions the same questions like you're asking me and i had to say abigail gorder and can speak about it never happened before ever. number 2 it's a fake trial. they have no case , balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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earlier today the judge of former -- threatened to put the former president behind bars if he violates another gag order saying the "magnitude of jailing the possible next president is not lost on him". he said that while making his point. jesse been all standing by, rest tonight boy outside the courthouse today. hello nate@hey martha. on the stanza it was deborah terrace off a bennett joe supervisor the trump urbanization whose work there and still does for 24 years and counting she is responsible for between 50 and 60 accounts. gretna she is detailing her job responsibilities on the witness stand, saying if a payment is approved, she cuts a check and sends it out but approval needs to come from higher-ups. she said mom to go a payment to michael cohen was signed off by alan weisel barry of former cfo of trump organization and trump's son eric trump. she said trump was only 1 who
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could sign a check coming from his personal account in that policy continued after he won the presidency. this is all after he was threatened and as you mentioned with jail time this morning. he was fined $1000 reviling the courts gag order and acknowledge the fines don't appear to have much of an impact on trump and threatened to jail the former president if the violations continue. marchant said as he mentioned he understands the magnitude of this and added "'s the last thing i want to consider is jail". you are a former president and possibly the next president. trump said this morning that he feels judge marchant is taking away his constitutional right to speak. martha. >> martha: thank you very much nate with that we bring in trump attorney jesse been all not representing the former president in this case. welcome back. you're thoughts on what the judge had to say this morning on whether there are further violations he would consider jail time for the former president.
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>> this is truly dystopian what we're seeing right have pierced something we've never seen in history of our republic. let's look at the order he filed that said not only would trump need to take down statements from his social account but also from his campaign website. there's never been a case in american history where a judge has said you can put things in a campaign website without it offending the court and getting permission from the court. and you also have the fact that much of his order is actually vary vague. so when president trump last week went to the court through his lawyers and said i want to be able to post these things, is it acceptable? judge marchant just refused to give the answer 1 way or another effectively laying a trap for him because at the end of the day right now, what we are seeing is the process is the punishment. the judge wants to be able to have control over what president
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trump can and cannot say. at something we've never seen an especially important as we get information. the district attorney employer -- employee who is the lead prosecutor in this case ends up he was actually a pool -- political consultant for the democratic national committee in 2018 and went from there to the justice department under biden he was number 3 before he went to go after and pursue president trump in this case. sonu got a very political prosecutor who is going after and using his position to put a political opponent in jail and trump is prohibited from even discussing backpack that something that is externally dangerous and 1 of the biggest upfronts of the first amendment in the history of our republic. >> martha: thank you jesse. we hope to have a continuing conversation with you as we move through this it's moving quickly. i understand it could wrap up over the next couple weeks. thank you jesse.
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how former president trump's trial is playing in the polls as president biden's former secretary sounds the alarm about democrats in may's stay home. come november. >> young voters and voters of colour could stay home. he's got to convince people use the 1 fighting for them and the other guy is fighting for himself pretty much. has it worked effectively entirely at? no. >> martha: who better to ask steve helton and brian kill me coming up next
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how do you cashback? despite what hamas is saying we are now hearing the response from israel. moments ago israel saying hamas had accepted his cease-fire proposal. benjamin netanyahu's office said the proposal is far from israel's requirements but saying that they will send a delegation of mediators to meet with the negotiators and israel's war cabinet has unanimously decided to go ahead with the ground operation in rough pack the aim of which is to clear out the last 4 battalions of hamas. to keep the pressure on the terrorist organization. the military it's striking targets in eastern rough right now it says. we saw the evacuation of 100,000 people earlier it is ongoing but
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despite the pleas from the white house to not go into raw fight is clear that benjamin netanyahu and the people who support him and israel are behind this move. we will keep you posted as we get more reaction and develop there. take a look at this of former president trump at the miami grand prix yesterday. watch this. [ cheering ] [ chanting ] >> martha: what a roller coaster right? in court 1 day then you go to the f1 race and everyone is journey 1. a new poll shows there are a lot of loyal supporters out there. 80% continue to support even if trump is convicted. 16% say they would reconsider their support if that were to happen and 4% say they wouldn't support him if he was convicted. with me now is steve helton, fox news contributor and host of 1 nation and branco made show
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great to have you here today. what is your reaction to the poll numbers steve and reaction at the f1 race? >> you know martha i think some ways connected to the previous story. people now look around the world and they say there is chaos everywhere. we have weak leadership everywhere, thanks seem to be falling apart. so what do you want a place of that? you want strength. if there is 1 thing donald trump's projects it is strength. it's been his key political strength so it's that contrast with the way thanks are going in the world that i think is causing people to say look we want some of that fact, please. and you went on to the economic status of the country and all of the numbers that show people were better off on donald trump was president and people aren't enthusiastic. this is what the left just can't understand. most of the media can understand, they are so obsessed with their own narrative about how he is a threat to democracy, they just can't accept and
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understand the fact donald trump is archly popular. >> martha: so speaking to most of the media this is joe scarborough this morning watch this. >> 2020 obviously a referendum on donald trump and i just, with all he is saying about the fact that he has to say something shocking and new every day just to sort of amp up his base. 2024 will also be at the end of the day a referendum on donald trump. >> does mika ever get to talk? a couple of thanks. it's not shocking instruct. for example to connect all the stories donald trump comes out and says the judge is terrible what else is new. then he goes columbia just cancelled their adjust which is awful they should be able to. just how the 1 problem. number to the things should be stopped it's only gonna get worse okay number 3. handling the public directly when it comes to israel you have to wake up and understand who your friends are and what party is finally with you. because as you know we got this
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last night that this administration as far as i know and it's the first time in my left on their withholding ammunition and military hardware to israel. in the middle of the war this is the time to do that because you don't like the way to act? did you notice 2 weeks ago they came out and said the idea violating international rules of war prior to october 7th would've sentient 1 division in side the idf and this is how we treat our friends. to your question of the grand prix this is what happens when you show up at a ufc event. they don't say, please co-opt what they do is they sea him on the jumbotron and they cheer. it's a risk in time a politician goes out. you probably go crazy if he was your guide. we don't know what's what happened and is unscripted that he goes to the grand prix i don't know it's only the third time they've done in miami. they due in miami and they let them. he picks up 1 garage to go to and they win the race. and he leaves. i washed all the videos to prepare for this and i looked at all the different view -- videos.
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he was greeted by people in the garage and the locker room attendants as he walked out he shook everybody's hand. to thank he just spent 5 or 4 days in a courtroom 9 hours a day hearing what a terrible person he was he comes out and says he will have a fundraiser and race $76 million entering today i will go to racing event and be treated like tell me the sporting event in which joe biden would be chaired. >> i can't think of 1 objectively. and last friday he left court and what straight to the fire department with pizzas and 1 minute you are at the defendant and the next everybody's cheering you on. steve a quick final thought. >> it's reminding me of almost as if we've gone back to the pre2016 donald trump. the celebrity guy, the guy who transcends political boundaries. he is just a popular guy who people loves for his celebrity and energy and personality. >> martha: he likes like i.
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>> exactly. we remember for years and we don't need to be reminded by joe scarborough what it was like between 2016 and 2020. got it. >> it was something jack parr taped on, if you want to watch it jack parr show predated johnny carson you got to look at it. >> he was stuck in england at the time. [ laughter ] >> martha: alright. brian and steve think you guys great to sea you. shark tank investor given a living on the anti- israel protest on college campuses now cancelling graduations for a handful of people it turns out who are winning clearly because everyone else is missing their graduation will make him back. >> you don't have to agree with the israel equipment but a lot of the protesting and a lot of the words being thrown around on these campuses are actually vary anti-semitism
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e this is just terrible. for all these families, columbia cancelling their big traditional graduation ceremony for the entire university after the nypd cleared out protesters, that's where the graduation would have been where there are protesting. individual schools will still have their smaller ceremony where you can go where your major is and pick up your diploma. columbia said they might plan a festive event to replace the big graduation next week. harvard faces a deadline of 5:00 today and negotiate with protesters refusing to leave an encampment with graduation just over 2 weeks away. university said students who do not leave will face suspension. we see captor protests as well like graduates who are at the university of michigan this weekend. watch what happened... [ chanting ]
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's. >> you can't see it here -- there it has. this is what they did act that pushed us down to the middle aisle in the middle of the graduation ceremony what a scene that was. meanwhile at george washington university the statue of our -- former president george washington with a scarf. look at that image. don't know anyone who, look at that. like at the university take that down? university staffers hung a huge american flag behind the statue. a few hours later there's an image projected onto the flag which -- with the words genocide joe under them. let's bring in clay travis and former secretary of state for hillary clinton and attended and graduated from should say colby appear great to sea you both
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thank you for being here. 's what is your message to the university and why can't they clean up their own statue on their own university property? >> my message to them is this is unacceptable. 1 thing i don't think has gotten talked about enough is there 20% jewish right now. it has on of the largest jewish student populations on the entire united states campus footprint. the fact that according to the president of gw the dc police will not take action to clear out these squatters doing what you're seeing right now. this is a failure of our nation's capital to protect students who are on campus there and enforce basic law and order which by the way they're feeling on all fronts. but given congress is there and there is so much oversight that exists of the district of
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columbia, i'm surprised i haven't been republican congress and senator individuals who reached out and said this is completely unacceptable, we have to put an end to this. gw is failing at an only to educate but protect the students there. nearly 30% jewish population, 1 of the largest jewish populations in the entire country, how do you think those jewish students feel walking through their seamless? it's unacceptable and must end it's ability or across-the-board. malic -- may be given the jewish population the biggest failure of any university to handle. >> martha: and if you're breaking laws or rules of the campus they have the right to not allow you to graduate. we only people who didn't graduate for doing stupid things. i can't understand why the shoe is on the other foot. they should be discussing
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whether or not those individuals who broke the rules not who peacefully protested are not being denied their graduation and other people are. >> i thank the president should and will get out there on campuses. it is part of protests i condemn any protest that incites violence or that's anti-semitic. but we have to understand that this is a defining moment this generation similar to anti- vietnam protests and anti- iraq war protests. >> the white house said the president has no plans to visit these campuses. what do you say to that? >> a few things. first of all to go back to your question about the flick, you know, i'm sitting about a mile from where it is and i've half a mind to go to the statue and pull it down myself. i bet i would get in more
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trouble then the people who put it up. 's i'm not from the wing from the democratic party. at thank there's a difference to what he said people are missing. people were anti-apartheid and anti- vietnam and anti- tobacco, all sorts of thanks. the difference between this and that is when you're anti-apartheid year not standing 10 feet away from connors, you are not as he said 28% attendant at the university here. this is a lot more like desegregation when you are in close proximity to the people you're protesting. accounts as a great deal of potential violence and do different dynamic. and terms of the present at thank it's an incredibly difficult process and i'm not just saying that to get them off the hook. it's now going on in 46 out of 50 states. it's own going in alabama and massachusetts. kansas as much as new york. i could say why aren't there
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republican governors doing anything, it's because it's not that simple. i'm appalled at what harvard is doing. not only do not negotiate with terrorists, you don't negotiate with people who sympathize with terrorists. >> yeah, and you bring up segregation and on constantly reminded of the marshals who protected the way for young black children to get into the schools. i would love to see law enforcement protect the way these 2 students to feel comfortable at their graduation and to make sure nobody prevents them from their graduation that they aren't. there is no backbone and no spying going on in these campuses where it's happening. it's stunning to me that they -- were not protecting the rights of these students to graduate and get the graduation they've earned. great to sea both of you thank you.
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this breaking moments ago an american soldier detained in russia on charges of criminal misconduct. the army said it happened last week in the white house said they are aware of reports the soldier is stationed in south korea and travelled to russia on his own but so far no other comment. we'll stay on and get you more details as we can. and coming up shark tank star kevin o'leary explains why anti- israel protesters on college campuses he believe are going to have a hard time will have a hard time finding a job. these people are screwed. plasti. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers
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a terrible terrible story about these young men. and an american and 2 australians were killed during a surfing trip to mexico. prosecutors say they were apparently murdered for their truck or the tires on the truck. what an awful, awful waste of young life. tony watts is a friend of a victim and will join me in 1. burst she correspondent jonathan hunt reporting on this from los angeles. gone think back everybody was talking about this tragic story. what have you learned? >> it's also cocky official confirmation came from mexican authorities after the identification of bodies from family members who travelled to mexico following the disappearance of the servers and days later the discovery of the 3 victims. their bodies were found at the bottom of a remote well.
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american jack carter road and has australian friends others jake and colum robinson disappeared shortly after colum robinson had posted these pictures on instagram of what was up to that point and idyllic surfing adventure in mexico. and 1 picture the white pickup truck mexican prosecutors say thieves tried to steal when the young surface resisted the attempted they were shot dead according to mexican authorities their friend brad hess also told those they never previously had any problems in the area. >> going down there seemed so say ben is marketed and everyone can do it and it's great it's baja bright? although there is cartel violence it's almost like it's been cordoned off. >> reporter: and he says he hopes mexican authorities will hold killers responsible and explained to the families of the victims exactly what happened. martha.
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>> jonathan think you very much. with that we bring in tony watts a friend of 1 of the victims come on robertson who is a great lacrosse player. that think anyone who is a replayed across or have kids who play lacrosse know who this human is. tony can't thank you for joining us. i notes vary early in the morning and australia so thank you. i know you wanted to tell us more about callum and you had the opportunity to meet his brother jake as well. the parents of loss these 2 terrific sons. >> just beautiful people. they had an amazing joy and an amazing life. his passion for lacrosse and people in general was just unheralded. anyone that picks up a stick in their beautiful game we are family and you hurt 1 of us you've hurt all of us.
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and i know the lacrosse community around the world, the environment is reeling from those with such a lovable bighearted presence like cal. >> martha: tony tell me what your relationship was. cannot be played at stevenson and maryland. and wanted to go on to professional lacrosse. how did you intersect and know each other? >> i met cal back in 2013 when he played national lacrosse for western australia here. he only replayed 1 year of national cross in australia for western australian peer he won a national title so he was one-for-one. and then he got the call up from his good mate at stevenson and went on. i will say he never played in a junior representative lacrosse, he was just like his brother. they were hard workers and everything they didn't like they
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earned. >> martha: yeah. i mean these 2 brothers and their friend it's impossible to believe what these families are going through right now. they are big, athletic guys, not the type of people you worry too much about. 's on their out in the world. but now learning 550 americans have gone missing in mexico over time. and it really does wake us up by guest to the dangers of even having fun in that area. it's so sad to say tony but these guys are not people you would worry too much about right? >> i'm 5 feet 6 inches and 1 and met cal every time he gave me a hug and i came out to about his breastbone and hat big man was just a beautiful heart. he will be missed. he probably done more in his lifetime than most of us will ever dream of and we are lucky
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enough to come across kyle and his brother jake in a room they would -- >> martha: tony i want to thank you for being 1 of those. i read your facebook posted and i felt strongly and are heartbroken that the loss of your good friend and buddy and this is just an absolute tragedy everyone needs to be aware of. thank you tony wants for joining us today i appreciated. 's. >> martha: thank you. so the ceo of an online health business said companies like his eager to hire protesters on college campuses is now offering a clarification. mr wonderful kevin o'leary explains how he is weeding out potential employees involved in the protest coming up next. and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor?
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: ceo of online health committee his and hers says he's a year to hire him to israel because -- is hitting back at criticism of his post saying that he meant peaceful protesters. museum about seeing moral courage is greater then a college degree at the top of that x post. shark tank stark kevin o'leary says he's using ai facial recognition to spot job applicants in applicants in the crowds and abc's misbehavior for not working for him. kevin koe good to have you here reminded technology is amazing and i know you say that even with a mask on your pc can sort of tell by body movements you can pretty quickly identify who a person is, right? >> you can. this technology was used widely -- weathering the incident back in washington have the right on reminder called every single individual as you know and so it's widely used not only domestically. it's use in many countries most advanced use of it right
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now is the united emirates you even need a passport anymore. went to enter the country wants the facial recognition plaque i was scanning they know where you are every second of the day that wherever you are. and they tell you that but it makes it very streamlined. as long as you're not breaking the law you're in good shape. >> martha: andrew dunham of the hymns and hers company you said that if you -- you would fire him for this. why? >> he would've been gone a second after i started post because there's a bias to what he was saying. whole point of being a ceo and i think we've learned is already in many ways let's go back to anheuser bunch and about life situation, you have to read the room. you have to understand who you serve. when you have a business you serve your employees or customers, your shareholders and your opinion you're allowed to have one brigand is not the opinion of a company or your employees or your shareholders and many other customers that we we live in a very divided country 50% of your customers not agree with you, all of
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the time on every issue. so the key is to shut your mouth and understand what your role is. so every -- any ceo in my company that have control of i tell them you are unbiased. you are, you know, nonpartisan. you serve the customer and the employee and if you fall out of line i will back you. it's that simple. one hundred% on. >> martha: i think, you know, during black lives matter with all this pressure to release corporate statements and, you know, all of the ceos casually see the incorporates ammo on all of these issues and you are so right. a corporation is in place to employ people and to make money. that is why there exists for and, you know, thank it can go for university presidents as well feel like they are being pressured to make -- to take a stand on all these things but, you know, just a few seconds here but if you'd like the protests are wor working. the white house is getting tougher and tougher in isr
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israel. so what do you say to those protesters was a look at this is working. i don't really care about my job. >> that's fine. i have no problem with protesting. we had put this in student campuses forever. the point is if you break the law that was different note in verses ten years ago, we have four k. resolution imagery at night -- he regularly don't care -- put this for anything you lot will -- you break the law i will know about it and i going to hire you because you broke the law. and want people breaking the law. is that simple. if you're a coo of a public company you start getting involved and in partisan issues your idiot. is that simple. >> martha: calvin pickard think you. always good to get your perspective. >> daycares before that is "the story" what is monday, may 6. another racial tomorrow with -- "your world" starts right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: you are looking live in downtown new


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