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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 6, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: busy newsnight unfortunately that in all the time we have left this evening as always, thank you for being with us and make initial possible. please save your dvr so you never ever ever, ever missed an episode of "hannity." in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile in your face. have a great night. [cheering and applause] >> ♪ ♪
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>> greg: yes! yes! of course! of course, you're happy! you should be happy! happy monday everyone let's get started okay? social media users speculating that a video of president biden shows him pooping himself. well at least he stands for something. [laughter] the biden campaign has announced plans to shorten the presidents speeches. is part of a bigger plan to make the most of what little time joe has left. [laughter] the judge overseeing donald trump's trail has once again cited him for current temps for making a gag order and threaten him with jail time. i would like to see that karabela from india jail. in a week he'll be selling drunk -- trump branded shavs. [laughter] and al bye at least five or
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mack this weekend trump appeared on stage alongside lightly -- likely be be contenders at mar-a-lago. kristy nguyen would have been there on time but she said her dog ate her plane ticket. [crowd groans] the publisher of her upcoming book has announced it will remove the story about her meeting north korean leader kim jong-un. evidently the meeting was scheduled but kim canceled after he found out she wanted to have it in a gravel pit. [laughter] according to the most recent jobs report, more women are working now than at any time in u.s. history. and similar news, my dishes have never been cleaner. [laughter] yeah. wake up at everybody. after weeks of protests on campus columbia has canceled his graduation ceremony. students are encouraged however to right on zoom. [laughter]
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mcdonald's is bringing back the confetti cookie dormitory but only in canada living many american fans upset. yet another reason for job a high who moved to canada. [cheering] don't ever leave me, joy. [laughter] ten more whistleblowers are prepared to speak out about the problems at boeing. memorial services for the whistleblowers will be held at a location to be determined. [laughter] to the monolog! columbia university canceled graduation ceremonies thanks to the anti- israel encampments that keep popping up like post spring break utis. no protesters won't get to throw there coffee is in the air and make the whole campus look like a pizza hut tablecloth. [laughter] this after students demanded the school cancel finals and a passing grade so they wouldn't be traumatized by the damage if they themselves
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inflicted. some revolutionaries. that's like che guevara our egghead user build to have his very dry cleaned. last week somebody we've all been waiting for finally showed up. the adults. remember them? they used to run things not just pay for them. and men but -- what was i was about a between two forces. that brain and internet br brain. the internet brain is the kind are easily susceptible to crap on the internet or mack it's kind of like what brain but without the joy of earning it with jack daniels. internet brain is campus brain, social media brain and karen brain held together outrage and socks not. that brain is a response to that and says fine, we've heard enough, no go do your homework. and over the last few years, has have an infective internet brain. another unleashing it on us or mack internet brain tells you you're entitled to a key role that matches your every desire. advertisement internet brain tells you that abstract
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issues out there matter more than yours possibilities he here. internet brain tells you that instead of studying for finals you should pitch a tent on your campus lawn chant slogans about an ancient conflict you know less about than your actual then demand a passing grade anyway. and that if you do it loud enough for nation of 9 million on the other side of the world will cease to exist. but like what happens when the babysitter lets you stay way past your bedtime, of the fun and games are over when dad gets home. and he's patient but not that patient. so it's that brain versus internet brain and as everyone knows after all the crying, screaming, threats and demands, that is going to win, kitties. so save yourself a spanking. let's compare internet brain and that brain or mack that brain lays down the law when nonsense gets out of hand. no mom has ever gotten the kids in line by saying "wait till your nonbinary community organizer gets home." [laughter] dans brain lives in the world
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of pay bills, change tires, mowed lawns. in vital things getting done. meanwhile internet brain has strong opinions on building a carbon neutral report written by people too weeks to lift a hammer. internet brain doesn't focus your problems. inexpensive by seeing the world's problems are yours. that brain says no, hamas is not your beef. mother's day is. get your mom a card and some flowers. the internet brain offers big problems you can't handle. climate change, the middle east, global inequality. that brain know that such an obsession great anxiety and says savors the lecture on marxism in peru, have you paid your phone bill? internet brain also forces kids to compare their lives to others, generating envy that leads to mental anguish. that brain says, "i know kelly and ashley made to aspen on spring break but we're going to your grandmothers. you know that kind old lady
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who might not be here in a few years?" that brain sees what the inter- brain! internet brain doesn't you. it makes you crazy like a bad boyfriend and that brain is not so much enforcing the plan is calling replete or mack most of these kids know their causes and commitments are all issue. is the equivalent of a school play and that is badly produced, it becomes boring and the parents aren't so much enjoying it as they are tolerating it. in fact, many of them want that brain to knock them into line and so after weeks of hamas cosplay who shows up? yet the adults, colors officially the president of ufc who told the kitties the fun is over. as a result ufc has been cleared out twice with no injuries or riots. disappointing most of the media, of course. rotor has at least a play of adults in charge too. worthless were told their schools are not a care. that is a bad brain. i'm surprised he also didn't yell at them for touching the thermostat or threatening to turn the car around.
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of course, the cops were a massive that brain here. no shootings, no real injuries and assorted patients patients only at that could have with brats. so looking out over the campus landscape now it feels like that brain is returning. even s&l it showed that that's as quickly as the dodo had to admit dads are right to call bs on the protests. >> you're daughter must feel so supported when she's out there. >> was that now? when whose daughter is out there? >> under protest? >> no no no no. you are bugging vaughan let me find out she's in one of them damn tense instead of the dorm that i paid for. and supportive of yellows kids protesting, not my kids. my kids know better. alexa vanessa and crazy, she ain't talking more for you that, readers. because let me tell you what is free? about here
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>> greg: not bad. at least the show is heading an unfamiliar direction of humor. so as internet brain condemns fossil fuels we need dad to take them smacked tell them. [laughter] and when internet brain says trans females can play in women's sports that brain says kulak's arm wrestle for the keys to your car. see that brain is not just a party pooper and obsessed with consequences. that dad loves his kids enough to be -- [applause] let's welcome tonight's guess! he looks like the guy you'd want to cheat off of. host of the guide bendtsen! [cheering and applause] is a blink and appended one shahed-136 sooner or mack
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hose about you started night jimmy failla. [cheering and applause] >> greg: she is cute as about specifically covid-19. new york times brittling author fox news contributor kat! and if you sent his arms to ukraine kathleen wynne. new york times masling author comedian and former nwa world champion, paris. [cheering and applause] >> greg: guy you're an expert at this as someone who looks like they're in college yet also is a dad, do you feel that there is some sense of, like, adult responsibility reentering the room and -- >> i think it is definitely true. although i'm hesitant to go out a bunch of other boys to people who are a way late to the game and saw the university of florida you pointed out the handle that really well. at usc --
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in the s&l sketch that you meant -- this lesson -- [laughter] the s&l sketch that you played was the old open. it was as we pretty funny and what kind of sad about it is in retrospect ken thompson's character there is this working class that is talk about how he will be at columbia's commencement ceremony picture on his daughter and then two they later at columbia cancel the commencement ceremony. is pathetic. these people are absolutely pathetic and i think the loss in prestige that we are watching in realtime for some of these places is absolutely deserved. >> greg: when your kids get to that age are you going to send them to a fancy-schmancy school? let's see -- >> ncfst as mastering 20 years. things could look very different from anything to look very different in 20 years. >> greg: interesting. we'll be at columbia. [laughter] jimmy, you and that which is really scary. >> stop it. >> greg: i mean it's scary.
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do you agree with guy that the internet that isn't having as much -- i mean the internet brain is winning? >> yeah, i mean every kid that lives by internet brain -- i think there is clear. to the point you're making about schools, ufc i would give them credit for one thing. in california it's hard to tell who is protesting in the tent and who's just living in one you know what i'm saying? so there is, like, issue number 1. issue number 2 for me is that it is turning -- only because -- but issue two is as a former cabdriver i know most of hamas, you know what i mean? so -- i don't know where to go with this other than to say i want no real dads to win and i feel like we've entered a course correction where there about two. >> greg: you always connect
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cabdrivers -- every time you're on the show! you smear our cabdrivers! >> that's what i come from, that my background! >> greg: they're not all terrorist! >> i have no degree, i have no education, i don't have your budget, i don't shop in a danny devito collection! come on! laws it's all i've got! >> greg: that was really loud and that i'm getting scared. [laughter] >> it's okay. it's okay. [laughter] >> i'm way too white. >> go upstairs. [laughter] >> greg: where are we going? kat, you have that energy. >> and like to think so. [laughter] [laughter] using that s&ls get kind of nailed it in a way or do you think it was just -- they were dumb. >> maybe it's more of a question for me, gutfeld. [laughter] >> you know, colombia is
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observably expensive so i think it's like 70,000, 80,000, something like that to go there and, you know, what you are mentioning is only thing that really made it worth it was the prestige of saying that you got to go there. that -- i don't think it's really any better than a lot of other places. but it's like you went to an ivy league school? you don't have anymore when it comes potentially controversial even embarrassing, then how do these schools get people to pay that? because i don't know how you get people to be that even no but it's also really sad too because these kids -- is 2024 all of them probably didn't have school graduation because the covid cannot or don't get a college graduation i climb here which is supposed to be one of the best schools in the world. and take it out before you know based on price and the tuitions? the out of country students which i and they always pay full price. it's okay remember out-of-state when you're an out-of-state student, you would pay for tuition for a state school? so that's why they have so
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many thousands of these -- on american students! i don't even know what i'm saying is this point, paris. >> i think it's permanent -- funny how we all come in -- is the bad brain. but look at the dad we needed to bail you out. the black dad. [laughter] apparently were not unicorns, we do exist and whenever there is trouble, we can come in the room and say this is [bleep]. it was a perfectly good why there -- gathered i can adopt him anytime. >> greg: they can't do it. >> so they need the brothers to bail them out once again. to a look at this sketch so much as funny as, like, how typical. know you need us. were like betelgeuse. say black guys we times, will come on the show and we'll settle it. >> do you think that is because they have to make sure the white guy isn't the hero in the sketch? >> to be that effort to right a joke is the same thing. you did a great job. but it's the point. it had to be a black dad and
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i guess the smart asses will be like -- oem lcm is because in imaginary sketches but we are here. >> and by the way the school at columbia and some of these other places that actually have more leverage than they are willing to wield because it's so true, it's a piece of paper with a famous name on it that these kids want more than anything. and if you threaten that, like, that might go away for you, were going to expel you. ninety-eight% of these people would be gone in an instant because they're cosplaying. don't actually believe have to stop and if they all of a sudden feel like the dream of getting that screamed piece of parchment might go away, that solves a lot of the problems and they wouldn't even play hardball at the little [bleep] >> greg: i have to move on quickly, jimmy. before you left off in that funny jackets. you want to say something? >> know i'm very patriotic. i was just going to follow up what he was saying. these quotas have driven the body of my committee college
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degree of two to 12, severe. that's a big deal. >> greg: up next biden's keep economic aid doesn't make the grade. [cheering] like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication,
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astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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>> ♪ ♪ >> announcer: ♪ is come your way, hey, it's video of the day. [singing] [cheering and applause] >> greg: watch biden's keep economic aid rash as he tries to explain cash. jared bernstein gives us our video of the day. you may be the chairman of the council of economic advisors but don't ask him about money. it's like michael moore trying to grasp the concept of soap. [laughter] watch bernstein struggled to answer whether u.s. borrows currency you just print ourselves. >> like you said the window dollars to why does the government even --
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>> well, the -- and people by the bonds and lend them the money. yeah, i guess i'm just -- i can't really -- i don't get it. i don't know whether talking about, like, because it's, like, the government clearly wins money, it does it all the time and it clearly borrows otherwise we will be having this conversation. so i don't think there's anybody -- anything conf
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confusing. >> greg: not at all earmark what did he just say? that's from a documentary called "finding the money to go i think it should be called "finding the idiot." i never thought i would wish kabbalah could come in to explain the situation. [laughter] jimmy -- >> i watched it. and what he's trying to say. >> greg: what is he trying to say? >> greg: >> were all -- [laughter] how is that guy in charge of yukon? okay? we had larry kudlow there in the past and cut little obviously can articulate modern monetary theory or anything in between. that dude actually starts doing -- on the impressions, he's doing a walk in -- walking impression. so how can we print money and borrow it? he goes well -- is going a walking. it's embarrassing. >> greg: he said when you are again -- when you say again that they should be something that you already said. that actually --
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what was he trying to say because while i was a what he really said but he said when the fed buys bonds in increasing the money supply, when the sales bonds it withdraws money. so what did we just watch? >> he did better than i thought he would honestly. this is just -- this is just one example of what happens all the time. the government all the time has people who have even know even less weather talking about influencing policy and even in larger way. it is kind of sad that he's supposed to be, like, the economy, and you can do better on that but think about all the things the government is involved in. most people don't -- the will be voting for building don't -- relating and if you know nothing about and it's why don't have any faith in any of them because i think this is -- mirror for associate think that this level of incompetence is were at all in our government. >> greg: where they appeared to him, tyrice? >> no. needed to give more respect to the chief economist.
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[laughter] achieve! which means when he walked in the room can achieve the top guy. that the top guy! chief economist! i don't know nothing about this and i could've lied way better. [laughter] like, i would've been like for several -- he's comfortable with it. like, that is how -- you thought after the interview he would've gotten fired. he could've been a guest on the show, he wouldn't see him after commercial. that would've been someone else sitting in this chair and we would've pretended, like, he never existed. chief economist! i don't know -- what do you think? >> greg: i was waiting for him to say the election was flat.
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>> he had to get that one in. [simultaneous talking] [laughter] >> he doesn't know about money so we're all good. [laughter] >> greg: >> you know who are the best day at the white house when this video cannot? karine jean-pierre. she sat back and said fin finally, someone else is worse. is probably sitting there with her popcorn saying jared, you need a binder, he should have brought your binder because that was not leveled bad i think. >> greg: get this, guy, he has no degrees of economics which negligible against him but should, i should hold -- but he went to the manhattan school of music and has a degree in get this, social welfare. that is the problem. nobody should have a degree in social welfare. >> i think is from colombia, i'm not even getting grandma and i think it's actually
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from columbia. >> greg: that might make sense. >> but he's the achieve! economist. top dog. number 1. the guy. >> at least the president is in full command so -- >> he's well aware and he's concerned. >> greg: you know what's funny is were still answer that -- why do you borrow money and then pay interest on it when you can just print money? i don't even know the answer to that but i'm not the chief freaking -- >> and this spring were going to circle -- >> isn't it crazy to think the previous guy was better with money and you had a gold toilet? that's crazy. >> greg: don't knock a girl -- gold toilet. all right. that's my nickname for william the main. [laughter] up next to bizarre scene and a possible time machine. [cheering and applause] that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ [cheering and applause] >> greg: i just don't understand that opening. tonight on "time travel news," in to the magic shell he went and time and space got bent. a series of videos from a guy named alex shaw has apparently gone viral whatever that means in which he claims he captured a time traveler on a security camera on his airbnb in florida. in the video cd tells how a strange man's neck under his property, went into his shed and then emerged a day later looking a way older covid-19 watch...
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until the next day, right here. no indication on the camera that somebody in my backyard and this guy leaves my shed. and he looks right at the camera too. like i left my shed. but he's the craziest craziest part. this looks like the same guy, maybe, glasses, whatever, but look at other guy. here's the other guy. he noticeably age. looks the same -- looks like the same guy but age. so him again and now him. same facial features, lighter here. i don't even know what to think of this -- at this point. >> greg: there could be an easy explanation. he went on vacation without his balance of nature. [laughter] all right kat. you know what's funny, it's a crazy story but i believe h him. when you listen to him, he is
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not making this stuff are. he believes that there is a time traveling porthole in his shed. there's no reason for him to lie. he knows is going to make them sound crazy. what do you think? >> is also not going to do any favors for his airbnb property. >> greg: it's not! [laughter] >> first of all time traveling thing i want to stay far away from that especially it was going to make me look older. [laughter] -- there's always cameras everywhere and thus might have all these rules, like, wash the sheets and then okay i'm going to film you okay just go to a hotel, they have no short -- so it's much better. >> greg: you have -- when time traveling. you don't want to time travel in to the future because you get older but possibly dead. what if you say tyrus i hear me out, greg has a time machine i want to figure out what everything will be like
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in 20 years and then it's just black and it's because i went to my own bed and i'm not even -- i can't go back! because i'm dead! was going to want to try -- them traveled the future? >> while that's the story not me. [laughter] this is the greatest story ever told. [laughter] he walked in young and he left old. yeah. if this works offered because i need to go back to 2011 just for a minute. [laughter] have to make a couple of corrections. that's all i need. fifteen minutes in 2011, to have to go to a drugstore walk work, couple of things. [laughter] we can't fall for this. the leaves don't even match counter different times of the year. it's all good. at least you slipped up for the first time. but again i guess its a lot
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-- don braid attention to but what's crazy is there actually is time travel, dragon found -- dragonfly do it all the time. they see so fast dc before you moved so it's okay cool before they slow down time. ethical scientific thing. check it out, guy. but this ain't it. alecia i like come out with some cool kind of outfit at least. is literally in -- he's in the scorching dad retired golf soccer shirts. there's no her plug in the future? >> greg: i do experience them traveled -- do you ever fall asleep when you're tbe on and the tv sinks with your dreams and it acts together? guy, it like how do -- how does my brain know what william shatner is saying because it in my dream and -- i'm actually time traveling to know what will happen next on the television, guy macniel follow me? no.
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>> greg: no? would you like to follow me? >> no. >> greg: would you like to follow me? >> go to gym. [laughter] >> greg: i experienced time travel would you be because his show on saturday night feels like it takes forever from 19. [laughter] >> listen that one critic we always get is people wished it went on longer. [laughter] >> greg: which one wants to talk about this story? >> what's his incentive to lie? tiktok views. >> thank you. >> that's why. it went viral for a reason. it's not the same man. it's edited or something and of story. >> greg: yes. >> am i wrong? >> greg: cosign. nobody in the audience agrees with me and disagrees with regard. >> airbnb stands for bed and [bleep] okay? here's the deal. if it really is an -- okay?
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going in to the shed to get the key gimmick whenever you get an airbnb and the owner is an online other like the keys in the mailbox or the keys and then -- and two tyrus' point the idea that we are so sophisticated realtime travel 30 years in to the future but we dressed the same in 2052 or whatever year would be, i went to community college i have no idea is so stupid so no, it's fake. it's tiktok. -- >> they're both looking at the camera -- [laughter] >> greg: by the way, but bear is going to be doing an hour special on this video on fox nation because we believe we have some -- we have some interesting, unfolding fax as this is happening.
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>> bread is like, don't drag me into this. [laughter] >> greg: i'm getting a course. but doesn't have any idea about the story and i don't blame him. >> listen in an work in the pulley and i am i it's not working for him. [laughter] >> greg: coming up and he played a famous loop what makes me want to puke. [laughter] ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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>> announcer: a story in five words. >> ♪ ♪ '. >> greg: a story in five words. skywalker stacks up to joe. watch... >> the president gave me these if your glasses. i love them -- the merge, i was ready to be asked to come to the white house to meet the president. the most legislative successful president in my lifetime. it just shows you that one person can be so influential and so positive in our lives.
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i called mr president he said you can call me joe and i said can you -- can i call you joe kenobi and he like that. >> greg: tyrus, okay you know mark hamill. >> not anymore i don't. [laughter] >> greg: you can see where he is militarily but figuratively, what the hell -- what is up with that? >> first of all he's probably one of the most successful voiceover actors ever -- he does a lot of work not in front of the camera at which we can tell and apparently they have some dirt on him because he was reading that against his well. [laughter] he is known for his tremendous voiceover work. he's been the joker, he's been all of this -- iconic characters and cartoons so this court -- i don't have to give a speech with some pizzazz and he owes somebody a favor at our favorite -- had a video of some -- and he did the best he could. i mean i should -- interesting you love is to be
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remembered for this -- but you took the job, actors will do anything so -- but i guarantee you he left they're going -- this is not going to come out. [laughter] >> greg: look at -- in a short clip of him again -- just show him, guys. a look at -- i know -- i'm in the other thing. yeah. he's dressed like he runs a biggest pawnshop. [laughter] >> the president or him? because the president -- >> greg: i mean this picture, the one of their. guy, is and it cannot stand that they try people are like this to make the press corps feel special? like, it really does feel like showing tell okay local we have here, he's the police captain. [laughter] >> yeah. there will be a big boat mover with electorates. everything, 20% more but, hey, look at that, joe b1 kenobi. established and i got a big
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laugh from the press room mack what a pity left? greg kading you know about parallax -- pitty los. [crowd groans] >> greg: was unnecessary? i wasn't making fun of you, yet. anyway. is that it? you're going to and under the charback me? is that how it's going to be now? is this how is -- it is how we're going to roll to make it is going to finish her thought which is an attack on the host was just trying to do his best on a monday. with some very -- as a social stories. they're not that great but you know it's monday, it was a slow weekend and we have jimmy on here, typical jokes about -- >> one day gym is on -- >> greg: he's wearing his massive jacket and, you know, whatever. were mr? >> you're asking me if there is it. my answer is... yes. [laughter] [applause] >> greg: jimmy?! using this helps bite and at all? >> no.
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nobody wants to sea star wars called ds -- empires. >> announcer: you know what i'm saying? tran 19 it's so sad. but i can't help but remarked that mark hamill right now looks like hunter if he went in that time machine and came out. [applause] doesn't he look like -- >> greg: he should play hunter biden in, like, one of those 40 hour ones where they do the recreation. >> thank you. but you know why he's there? either terrorist's theory that it was paid and had -- but by then -- likes repeat -- c-3 po b1. >> greg: recovering that in the next segments. your foreshadowing. >> they go. in the last thing i would add 20 that you mention nasa because as if this was a base show that the show would be the challenger tran 19 people say you are a massive star wars plan.
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>> whose one kenobi? >> greg: he's a favorite -- famous mexican. [laughter] >> i figured. i figured as much. i've never ever seen a single second of any of these movies and the more stuff i see about it the more i am glad to not be a part of it. [laughter] >> greg: he actually looked fairly well -- healthy for a while and then he got crazy face. why do these people get crazy face? it's okay you know, what's the other carrier has crazy face? [bleep] i'm looking for melissa people are crazy face -- >> your notes on this? >> trenin has a pretty -- >> greg: the nero. then there has crazy face. to get involved in the world and their kind -- and of like -- there, you know, immune from the real world and the -- they have internet brain. >> while you were talking it just hit me. the reason why he is doing it
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because a few months ago he came out and bashed all the new star wars. he bashed all the movies. he said oh, yeah, great idea you just took my movie and switched it and put a woman in my role. real original disney. and then they made a phone call and now he had to go to the white house and show the emperor how sorry he really was. >> he might be right because jeffrey katzenberg is helping on the biden campaign. so that my time. there's only one other cra. luke skywalker did hook up with his sister which is very biden ask. you know? is all about before i have to move on -- we've got a special edition of who detective. [cheering and applause] with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> announcer: when brown comes to town, you need a man who won't blush at the sound of a flush. [laughter] you need the poo detective. [cheering and applause] >> greg: tonight on poo effective date joe biden crap his hands? if it -- making the rounds online where he suddenly stops, classes speed and firmly on the ground, holds a
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stance reminiscent of someone who just dropped a bomb on his boxers. [laughter] here it is in slow motion. notice a slight bending of the knees. and the distressed look on his face. and it begs the question, did he crap his pants? guy, i am the poo detective but a yield my time do you remember that light. [laughter] look like a man whose soil his drawers? [laughter] >> ever or in the video? look, i know -- it does seem possible. why did it take so long for people to certify this video? >> greg: this is considered the -- [bleep] your parents. there might be -- there might be a second pooper. [laughter] >> like us that i'm kind of with guy on this one -- why me? but to be fair his wife is 10 f,
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security guards are another 15 feedback which would basically be [bleep] themselves. you probably heard it. >> that's what sold me too. he actually see his wife look and then she says nope and turns away. so i'm confident and i'm so comfortable saying yes. >> greg: you been nine times out of ten accurate in predicting 90 -- poo crapping. >> i really don't get enough credit for it. >> greg: yes. >> you're an expert. >> greg: all right, jimmy, what say you? >> first of all -- does that make background the rc no? here is. this breaks my heart as an american. like, i'm a patriot, a -- i really don't want this in our president. he [bleep] his pants and you want to know why? it's not because of the stop is because not only did he put his pants. just to be clear.
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okay this is someone who does this regularly. we know this, why? because he stopped and he leaned and. why? because that makes the cleanup easier if you get it all the way out. this is an experience pants [bleep] and that's unfortunate but was that the democrats -- negative had newsom. >> greg: someone understands this. >> is have aware quick inquiry. and ib and it out of this segment? [laughter] >> greg: were utterly going to more of you in to the segments. >> thank you for taking the story. you didn't have to do that. [laughter] >> greg: that is our last episode of poo detective probably for it while. [laughter] no waldendorf -- do it in a week. don't go away, will be right back. [cheering and applause] so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business.
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8:00 pm
[ applause ] >> greg:, temps, i was 20 audience, i love you america! >> trace: good evening trace gallagher it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00


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