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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 6, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[ applause ] >> greg:, temps, i was 20 audience, i love you america! >> trace: good evening trace gallagher it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 on the jma in los angeles and this is
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america's late news, 'fox news @ night'. breaking tonight, i day of rage overwhelms a night of stars, more than a thousand protesters descending onto the stars scattered medi-cal's site and your exciting and there was a very heavy police presence with about a dozen arrests being made. will have a breaking news update on that a moments but also breaking somatic, lumby university this way for the white flag announcing the schools university wide commencement ceremony is canceled after weeks of on-campus protest mark another campus redline has been ignored, this time at mit, or the school said leave the encampment by 2:30 pm, in a half hours ago, or face suspension, but thing came in is still up and running to make ashley's live with the latest in the protests across the country, good evening stuart hello, some protests and and others, negotiation deadline set for harvard leaders by demonstrators or proposed union encampment on campus passes with
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no deal. officials from columbia announced today that the schools university wide commencement ceremony has been canceled after weeks of protests! with the commencement just weeks away, harvard interim president is calling for an end for a disruptive encampment changed on the institution's iconic yard. threatening to spin our consequences, alan governor something cameron favors the voices of a few over the rights of many, and with finals underway some harvard students are fed up. >> they are anti-semitic on a visceral level, the calling for intifada, the calling for the destruction of israel, and quite frankly the encampment has to be dismantled. >> describing a few people starting, anti-semitic, on a visceral level, the calling for intifada and they are also calling for the destruction of
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israel and no uncertain terms. quite frankly needs to go, the encampment's needs to be disbanded. the protesters calling themselves harvard out of occupied palestine have not been clear about it the next steps but at mit telling students to leave think him and thereby 2:3r full suspension, the president says the threat of outside interference and potential violence is a real. ucla, more arrests today as students were turned to campus after last week's unrest. as a law enforcement in it technical here is doug imitators at uc san diego and graduates waiting house training flags interrupter the ceremony and you may stay with michigan over the weekend. when tim over a dozen arrests made tonight in new york city as protesters descended upon areas around that star-studded met gallic, we are tracking the latest there is that continues tonight. >> trace: you will get back to you as an news warrants, life
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for us in new york, thank you. [ ♪♪ ] fox news at night commonsense department thinks the anti- israel student protesters are being coddled and understood, get the students who want to get to school are being undermined. any colleges like columbia and ufc, the real students, the studying students, won't even get a normal commencement, again, the same people whose high school graduations got blown out by a pandemic are now getting screwed over by a group of academics. and many won't get the jobs, because the executives with the keys to the covenant jobs won't hire from schools that caved two protesters per! thirteen federal judges won't higher law clerks from columbia because of widespread anti-semitism. so the judges fed up with hate are now hating on all columbia resumes? and the starting students at columbia are also watching their
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teachers and faculty go on strike in solidarity with anti- israel protesters. who is in solidarity with the kids i want to go to class? and in berkeley, instructors are flying palestinian flags in class and encouraging students to write "stop bombing babies on a sticky notes" then post the notes on the door of a jewish teacher. this is not -- berkeley, is a second grade class at a berkeley elementary school. common sense is stunned that seven and 80 euros and now being to be late to hate. without spring in colombia university junior, eden yadegar and rabbi mentz, thank you both were coming on. first question coming out of commonsense, what if you wanted a law clerk, who is in solidarity? what teachers are in solidarity with those students were still there? that is the question for a starting at columbia because he wonder who is on our side?
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we are on the right side of history yet we have to fight this. >> absolutely, thank you were having me back. it's shameful really at the essence that's what it is, it's a shame that columbia students that either have nothing to do with these anti-semitic anti-american protests, or openly oppose them are now being subject to this sort of discrimination that should be directed at the students protesting and partaking into these illegal, and authorized encampments and protests. instead all students have to deal with the consequence of the fact that columbia's habitation has gone up in smoke. i blamed the columbia administration for their inaction as well as a student protesters in a situation and had to face the consequences of their actions. >> as anybody facing the consequences, rabbi to you, the new york post writes the following on the subject, by
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rolling over colleges approving -- or proving to the protesters or taxis are working and the adults in the room are running scared. who loses? the overwhelming majority of students who have nothing to do with the mayhem. when they are saying is that eden yadegar uses and the protesters when. >> this is the way you do things, you go protests, destroy whatever he wanted everybody goes, okay,, we will get whatever you want. we must understand something, colleges and universities are business, is not just a place. your business has gone down the drain. it's not just all my, what about all the people from london and from around the world who fly in to look at our institutions and all their pride and glory and joy they say you won't have a public thing? i planned tickets to come here to be with my children. you have to go, if the people to be able to celebrate, it to give in to make brown university today said we will give into the terrorism on our campus, this
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only empowers and emboldens the trouble. >> trace: 11 a play the soundbite, he wouldn't op-ed in the wall street journal, now the university president at university of florida had this to say, watch... >> we believe in the right of free speech, we believe in the right of reassembly in a can try to persuade people. but what you see happening at 70 campuses across the country is instead of drawing the line at speech and action, a lot of universities bizarrely give the most attention and the most voice to the smallest, angriest group. >> trace: he said we believe in a robust debate but you can't just bow into the troublemakers because you are afraid of what they will do. >> absolutely and exactly what he's describing is what has happened at columbia university, mit, harvard and 70 other universities across the country. that has been a red line, a deadline for the encampments today at mit we saw that was repeatedly pushed back that was ignored. as a result all students have to
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face the consequences of not being able to go to class, not being able to take the exams they have studied hard for, and not have a commencement of the end of the day. that's what we are dealing with. there is no adult in the room at many universities, columbia included, these administrations have completely advocated leadership to an angry mob. >> trace: speaking of the angry mob, is a mercy of some anti- is a students got a little bit of pushback here, watch t this. >> usa! usa! usa! >> trace: it's not everywhere rabbi bases some students pushing the back, they're pushing the back for the country and what is right. >> it when i saw that i was like wow! i'm an american and we had to have pushback, we have to hold onto it is bootable about this country, these anarchist, let's not call them protesters cutting the art and i because, everything that is important to us. they will go anywhere. you think this is over?
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at the moment all the kids get out of college? watch this summer they will go to every single place that we hold dear. it usa, come on everybody! common out! let the other side be heard. >> trace: a friend of us said mike about to come on and a few minutes, jason rantz, he said there will be these autonomous zones it was out of the george floyd era, and guess why they are. we will have him in moments, thank you both were coming on. best of luck. thank you. >> thank you. >> trace: here we go again, four years after the capitol hill autonomous zone, the fiasco on seattle, student protesters at the university of washington i added again. setting up autonomous liberated zones on it campus and the colored of the university of gaza, life with the latest on this left-wing lunacy. >> good evening, we all remember a few years back we had total anarchy in seattle when we had that protest a zone established. now there is a brand-new
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so-called liberated zone that has popped up on campus at the university of washington. take a look, this is what anti- israel activists are now calling the university of gaza. they say they have established as autonomous zone on the campus, it even has a library and a medic area with approximately 50 tents now set up. this is a list of the demands that activists are making, including divestment from israel, at the cutting of ties was bowing, and the ending of so-called repressions a pro paused in students, faculty and staff. take a look at some of the signs in the camp including the gay male painting and on binaries free palestine. those are couple of signs that would not go over too well in real-world gaza and one professor says there are no free speech rights in that camp. local seattle journalist reports, a computer science professor at the school was essentially stalked and harassed with umbrellas who were cosplaying security as you tried to walk through the camp, here
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is that exchange. >> oh my, what a tragedy one is based on camera. >> i'm in a public space taking pictures of what i see. i have the right to do that. you have the right to walk near me with an umbrella. >> is so far it appears that universities just allowing that camp to remain, local police are taking no action kamaka the president has said that you demands the cut ties of the boeing will never happen, that is because boeing has an a to more than $100 million at the school, they have employed dozens of their grads and did they have their names and several campus buildings because it's made some pretty big donations in the past. >> trace: boeing has been a great partner for them, bell, thank you. let's bring into the man who does the pacific northwest better than anybody, seattle radio host jason rantz, bell was saying, you call this two weeks ago on in this trope maggie said this is what will happen and they had it. >> at right -- i could write out
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of this code for the next several weeks at this point! the are following almost exactly what led to the loss autonomous zone courtesy of the black lives matter movement. folks that are taking advantage of this particular movement, a lot of people on campus are definitely students but a lot of definitely not students and they have decided to camp out. there is now over 150 tents because of the university of washington is a run by a feckless president who is allowing this to continue. i have to hold an internal memos passed around through some of the jewish leaders on campus, from a security standpoint or they are not going to get involved until there is a life-threatening emergency. essentially somebody needs to get hurt and that's when they will actually do their job and clear this illegal encampment. >> trace: i want to play bit more of your exclusive, touchdown on those professor literally walking around, walk around for seven minutes and 23
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seconds, followed the entire way, here is more of that. >> oh my, what a tragedy one is faced with on camera. >> while you putting it on camera than? >> on when a public space taking pictures of what i say. >> is this necessary? okay. could you just do us a favor and get out of here? >> no. what are you doing here? this is a public space, people are allowed to be here as long as they are under university regulations, you are the ones not obeying regulations, you are the ones or should be out. >> trace: my favorite line, can you just get out of here? now i can. your thoughts? >> i mean you don't have free speech rights of this autonomous zone just the last one. if you are a zionist did they will target you and they do this all the time. they are masked that because they are knowingly breaking the law, they will track you, they will trace you, they will stand in front of you we are trying to film something, they would try to get you into a physical
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altercation so they can justify attacking you. it is so absurd. again to this as being allowed to occur. i don't know why anybody assumes this will end well, we were called the capitol hill autonomous zone, dad and it with the murder of black boys and do so i wonder whether or not we will see violence, i always see hope we don't but i'm concerned. >> trace: a matter of time but i wanted to get this kind at the university of chicago protest or releasing list of supplies, hiv test, dental dams and plan b.? final thoughts? >> sonic they really don't care about palestine and freeing gaza, sounds more like they want to make sure they don't spread any stds or get anybody pregnant as a hook up with one another. >> trace: jason rantz, thank you a good call by the way on the autonomous zone. u meantime former president trump was willing to go to jail if it means defending free speech! trump made the statement after
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the georgia new york versus the donald trump case died in him with jail time if you continued to violate the gag or republican night, good evening. >> hello, good evening. two trump organization empl employees, one past testify today payments made to michael cohen, including contracts signed by former president donald trump himself, when another witness testified that trump knew anything about a plan to reimburse michael cohen for paying stormy daniels $130,000 per! a big moment of that many are talking about today is the judge is threatening to jail trump before your future gag order violations, finding trumbo thousand dollars, for a tenth violation today for previous comment he made about the jury, and the judge warned "it depend -- defended is that hereby put on notice that if appropriate and warranted, feature violations of its lawful orders will be punishable by incarceration".
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here's trump's response to the possibility of being jailed. >> mr. trump: my free-speech is far more important than jail kamaka make that sacrifice any day. >> here are the checks for trump to michael cohen, he received $420,000, for more than what he paid daniels, trump maintains all payments made to michael cohen were in fact legitimate legal expenses per! former trump organization controller jeff makan he testified he helped to execute the payments to michael cole him but you never spoke to trump about what he was actually being paid for. now tonight, is it prosecution estimated it's going to take about two more weeks for them to make the case, that's a longer timeline than trump wants. he is pretty upset with it while leaving court today, he said he believes it's an effort to keep him in the courtroom and off the campaign trail, the trial resumes and i 30:00 o'clock tomorrow with a new witness on the.
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[ please stand by ] city a lot of time off the campaign trail, live for us, thank you. u let's bring in matt whitaker, at late -- great to have you on kamaka our legal team was in court processing this whole thing, where they are pointing out is that alvin bragg and his team are trying to prove that trump intended to defraud the voting public by squashing get the stormy daniels story. they just can't figure out what defrauding the public of exactly what? what you think about this? >> good to be with you. without the most powerful testimony today was one of the accountants saying that essentially he was the one that categorized these as a legal. it was not donald trump, it wasn't anybody, he have limited categories to put these expenses and in their computer system and you categorized them as legal expenses because they were to a lawyer. to me that's kind of the end of the case. it shows that don't trump did
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not falsify business records. he's absolutely right, this is a complete effort to keep him off the campaign trail, wasn't poorly, he kept from talking about the issues that are important, like the south and border where i was just last week. >> trace: i was talking -- thinking about talking one of the issues that are important, the judge also had this, according today "loss thing i want to consider is in jail, you are a former president and possibly the next president, but i will". could imagine document to the response of the judge part of the four president in jail for violating a gag order that is a unilateral gag order? >> remember that people of new york are elected representatives said a thousand dollars was appropriate for violating some of these court orders. it is almost unconscionable because this order, the gag order itself is on constitutional, it's preventing the person that is the leading contender for the president of the united states in the fall from speaking out, on issues gag
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anything at the end of the day, if the judge puts president trump in jail, it will be such an outcry that you may have swung to the election of that point. >> trace: lawsuit want to hear your take on this, this was breaking commands from fox news digital, quoting "the democratic national committee paid trump prosecutor matthew calendula". rumble the former number 3 doj, thousands of dollars for political consulting in 2018. in other words the number 3 guy doj is now prosecuting trump for mike and he was a democratic political consultant, i have about 30 seconds for you. >> a political operative. always see this person is in the one, he went from the department of justice as number 3, then to letitia james office, make sure that gaze is moving forward it with civil charges that he is now appealing of. and now one of the trial lawyers. this is obviously an effort by
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the left coordinated through the white house to keep donald trump off the campaign trail and prevent him from talking about the important issues facing the american people. >> trace: so far it's working, matt whitaker great to see is always thank you. meantime coming up there are no reports of explosions and a smoke in the direction of rafah as israel begins targeted strikes against hamas operatives, meaning a proposed cease-fire appears to be in grave jeopardy u it later in the nightcap, anti- israel protesters using to them i can flag as a sign of hate replacing it with palestinian and hamas flags. for many of the u.s. flag as a, a symbol of hope. what is the american flag mean to you? do you fly at home? are you proud to fly at home? why or why not? we want to know, let us know on x. and instagram, @tracegallagher, we will read your responses in the nightcap. [ ♪♪ ] forgettable scenery with viking.
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's. >> trace: breaking turn it is always conducting targeted strikes in the gaza city of roth! meaning the mission is underway but it comes as of the really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a cease-fire proposal agreed to by hamas is not yet in israel's best interest. the senior national correspondent at kevin corke is here with information. >> israel's army says its conductor targeted against hamas in eastern rafah and urging civilians there to leave. armed factions and it gaza fired rockets into southern israel in response, there is really operation beginning after hamas accepted as cease-fire deal which was then rejected by israel as a being far from meeting israel's demands and was even deemed by some to be "a ploy".
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it is not clear to men what exactly hamas had agreed to, where to the proposal is sought to include the release of hostages and the return of displaced palestinians within gaza. meantime president biden has repeatedly warned is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to go ahead with the offensive and rafah unless in the idf could secure the safety of civilians with the president repeating himself during a call earlier today. soon we have been very clear that we don't support a major ground operation and rafah, putting them at a greater risk more than a million people that are sheltering there. you not going to eliminate it an ideology to military operations but does israel have the right and responsibly to limit a threat to the suffered on the 7th of october? absolutely they do sue front. >> of course it was october 7th at hamas storm southern is her killing about 1200 people and is using a more than 250 hostages black sins that more than 34,700 people have been
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killed in gaza's city life are is in new york, thank you. let's bring in a former special army who trained with the idf, derrick anderson and a veteran of 80 special operations counterterrorist unit, thank you for coming in. so hamas has exhibited of the framework of the cease-fire, israel says no, not yet. they are going into rafah equity make of this and are you? soon as he gets so premature, i think everybody pulled the trigger quickly what is will never agree to anything! i think what you're seeing now is a continuation of what we same hebrew, a pressure cooker campaign that forced the remnants of the last -- into the corner of gaza which is rafah. exactly what israel wants to do. so now what we're seeing are seeing is israel saying enough is enough, we're going to go in there and finish the job, the last six or 7000 terrorists.
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israel has a lot of experience moving civilians around the sector, regarding the the deal that was agreed to, i say and i don't represent israel but i'm sure israel will say the same thing... give us proof of life. i was the hostages are live and then we can chagla making a deal. no mention of the hostages or who is alive, the bodies, are they dared to? israel kind of fed up. >> trace: or give us the hostages, let's see the hostages, let's release the hostages and maybe you surrender and there's a cease-fire talk, what you think? >> i mean right now hamas has truly interested in having any sort of cease-fire, coming to the table with the hostages vermaak they'd be coming with over 100 hostages they still have. they will not be rocketing israel this past weekend. they would not have the iranian backed fundraisers with 300 plus
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missiles into israel. i mean if you look at this from an israeli standpoint, for every second, every delayed, every week they are holding go off on doing the roll (ph.), going into rafah, that gives hamas operators in that area the opportunity to that of ideas to put up obstacles, to move around hostages, maneuvers our own forces, resupply their ammunition to make any rockets. so israel has an interest in moving quickly on this. and i think hamas was really just using deployed to try to buy some time for themselves. >> trace: a lot of people have shared that view, meantime going into rafah, the biden administration decided to withhold weapons and ammunition from israel, a bizarre move. wall street journal saying the following, the u.s. should be putting pressure on hamas to surrender and release the hostages, the more hamas things it's bin saved by u.s. pressure on israel, the less likely hamas is to agree to a cease-fire. that his arrest before extending
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to the for several more weeks or longer. >> of the longer the white house keeps israel on a leash, the greater the escalation of these pro- terror, anti- somatic protests and cameras are going to continue to escalate. all over this is connected to the war in gaza, it's all connected to a zero, it's connected to his was operations vermaak israel finishes the job there's nothing else to cry about, israel will finish the job anyways, now the u.s. is playing politics and saying we will hold back weapons, okay. it will take israel longer which means the biden administration will have more protests, more incitement, more anti-semitism and more -- at 200 plus college campuses. by the way once of the school shuts down for the summer, where do you think those protesters will move? into the city, in the streets, half of these people are not even students a law enforcement is being crushed right now. it's time to let is will finish the job and you guessed is
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right, this is about time. these guys are sitting up booths suited lastly go do they need to go into rafah you money they set for a longer time, rafah is a must. >> is will has the right to defend themselves, we saw this with isis in syria categorizes got bottled into a small area but then we hammered them. that's how we were able to take out isis, it is still factions out there but this whole biden administration trying to pull back some of the ammunition they're trying to -- this is just another biden administration blunder in the middle east, they did this with afghanistan where they waited and waited, and hide no plan. they did it in their response on october 7th when the biden or did menstruation waited and waited. we see the biden administration dime and time again, equivocate on them support to israel, it's absently ridiculous comment we have to stand strong with israel and continue to be steadfast with them. >> trace: we keep saying they
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will learned this time, we keep saying some reason, aaron cohen, derrick anderson, again quite click. other breaking news, escrow 14, the lower it -- the star liner space capsule, we will have to weight at least one more david eby hearing taught when nasa astronauts was supposed to lift 50 minutes ago or so what was canceled because of a technical issue. senior correspondent is at the kennedy space centre with more on the next launch window, it evening. >> at things were going so smoothly tonight, trays, until this. the astronauts was trapped in their seats, they were inside the capsule and then the lions made his call, take a listen. >> engineering team evaluated the vehicle is not in its configuration where we can proceed with the flight today. so we will initiate our scrub and recycle operation.
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>> trace: >> you la which makes the atlas at five rocket which was to launch the star liner into space deducted an audible buzz in an oxygen relief valve onto the rocket second stage. astronauts exited of the spacecraft and returned two quarters while engineers work into tonight -- into the night to determine whether the valve can be repaired quickly in time for a second launch attempt as early as tomorrow night or whether the valve needs to be replaced which could take days. as for the spacecraft, boeing had to make some safety improvements including the strengthening of the parachute system and improve -- removing a proximally 1 mile of electric insulation tapes that posed a fire hazard. last week and both astronauts convert about a flying in-store liner and looked forward to the test flight. >> it we got our finger burns in every single procedure that exists for the spacecraft, and that is part of what the test process is?
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>> we are thinking about is not only for our flight but for the flight of this, one, two, five it, everybody that will fly the spacecraft, you want to make it as best as possible. >> trace: >> it's exciting to dog at the international space station for nad mission, after that the space capsule will return to earth by parachute but it instead of a traditional splashdown which you normally explode for you as space capsules, it will land at a desert landing site out west. >> trace: jonathan live for us dana florida, thank you. coming up, a pitstop for former president trump at formula one at miami grand prix and the crowd goes wild chanting usa, you as a. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪
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she always thinks of other's first... but for one day, it's all about her. celebrate mom and all she does with thoughtful mother's day gifts from weathertech. treat her to laser-measured weathertech floorliners and cargo liner to keep her vehicle looking like new. keep mom's phone in reach with hands-free viewing with cupfone. she can feel like she's on cloud 9 with the anti-fatigue comfortmat. or pick a gift card and let her choose. find these american made gifts mom will appreciate all year long at happy mother's day from weathertech. >> trace: haven't heard that chandon a lot, former president
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trump got a warm welcome with chance of the usa at the miami grand prix sunday. the resumption in south florida pretty notable when it comes during his criminal trial in new york, rising poll numbers and protest on college campuses damaging the democratic party, that's bringing states political panel, blake masters, gop chairwoman, california, jessica millan patterson. it's kind of amazing because he look at that and that's really this robust chance for the former president. were you surprised by that at all? >> and nobody should be surprised, of course the mainstream media wants to watch every single development that is happening at this highly political trial that is taking place in new york. everybody else is paying attention to what happened over the last four years, the are excited for so many like president trump to back in the arena, you're excited for change can make the haves and the chaos that has come with president biden. >> trace: talking out of the chaos, igen sake blake masters was on the view today.
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she said this about her biden doing more interviews... >> young voters also voters of color could stay home, as to convince people he'll be the one fighting for them and the other guy is fighting for himself pretty much. has it worked effectively entirely yet? no. >> trace: she wants him to do interviews with friendly media, because the howard stern and to be was just riveting. you have to do make a come on! lake, your thoughts? >> as usual, just gets everything precisely backwards. joe biden, thinking he can convince everybody he is the worst president of all time. not shocked at all the trump got that kind of pro americup pro trump recession, four years ago under trump everything was awesome. low illegal immigration, low inflation, fast-forward five fires, those countries in trouble. high inflation, tons of illegals, all joe biden's fault, the people running his administration so no, people
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want from bognar thank they will get him to three it's interesting, leg talks four years ago. this is support among those under the age of 30, a look at it now, you have trump on the left-hand side sank plus five? up 24 points, that is a 30-point swing, that is deadly to a campaign of. >> it's deadly to a campaign and sound the only demographic happening here, why is that? the issues affecting everyday americans are really hurting them right now. when we say that the fed have raised rates 22 times since february 22, this is ridiculous, 11 times since february 2022. it's a day because he can afford to buy a home. what did kids want to do at that age can make a. >> trace: each, by home. next thing blake masters go to the right track, wrong a child. look, right direction, 23 percent yes, wrong direction
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69 percent. awfully big number on the right hand over the screen. >> who are the people who think the thing is all right that's crazy, it's almost amazing it's not 99 height and a one. 70 percent of americans have their heads screwed on straight, they know how awesome things were with president trump, maybe they didn't like the tweets, i don't care, yeah, to dog gassing, you had food, cheap housing, things are great. biden is just so that -- surrendering our sovereignty and throwing our country away. people are mad. >> trace: you can get 70 percent of the preparation to agree on the color of an orange, because people are so divided. glace like you both to weigh in quickly on the protests, these anti- israel protests out college campuses, how badly is hurting the biden administration? soon it's dividing the democratic party but a shot come as a surprise, the democrat party and the progressive wing has become an incubator for this kind of radical behavior. is going to hurt democrats when
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it comes to november,'s notches would biden up and down the ticket sue and i agree with jessica look at the democratic party their coalition is fracturing. the only thing that is holding them together is their hatred for america, their hatred for white people, their hatred for jewish people, for christians and conservatives. on the other side have patriotic fraud boys, standing up for the country working hard and one half mind, want to defend the flag and that's a choice people have been november. i know what side i am on. >> trace: blake masters, jessica millan patterson, thank you both. [ ♪♪ ] first up into nights while videos, it appears the u.s. team competing in the beer made a sale grand prix wok is about a bit too much impact as david eby one team member accidentally hit the wrong function causing the boat to capsize, sending five alpha the six crewmembers overboard, no serious injuries but i did do pretty significant damage to the boat itself.
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social media uses in arizona captured multiple videos of this kind of strange light in the sky, look like an extremely bright white orbit surrounded by you fob, at many spike lading about what caused the phenomenon, jumping straight, jumping straight to extraterrestrials! you know the whole phone home and stuff. we will let you know, maybe nightcap. hero named margaret led to the rescue of amazing 85-year-old woman shouted clinging to a tree on a colorado ravine, the police officer had his partner searching in the woods when it margaret caught the scent, the one that back safely with her family. if you have a violator to shared, shared with us at @tracegallagher. and coming up, what is the american flag mean to you? do you fly it at home? are you proud to fly it at home? tell us why or why not? is that time to look into what is happening across america,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] suited we're back with the "the nightcap" crew, kevin corke, jessica millan patterson, rabbi
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mentz, tonight's topic of the flagpole, into his reproach his reproach as does globalizing the american flag as a sign of hate replacing with policy and from lost flags on the other side of the u.s. like it is a sign of unity to counter protesters gag police officers and students going to extremes to defend it, what is the american flag mean to you and our current climate meaning do you fly the american flag in your home, if so, why? jessica millan patterson? >> we fight because it's the will of freedom, that is the reason, as we are watching some of these protests unfold. freedom and the freedom of speech and that the allowing of people to be able to question their government and question was going on in the world. that is freedom and that's why they fly it soon after 911 i kept the flag up for the entire year for homeowners association and said yoke, it's time to take it down. i love the flag, is to go to a ballgame and i get goosebumps, every july 4th at eight to
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have to see far flags. i'm an american brand, white and blue through and through nobody will take it away from me. and i love seeing the flag where i can see it. >> of the flag represents improvement, the constant improvement of our condition and that is a think we can all be proud of. >> trace: thing that's exactly right, ashley strohmier? >> we do fly the flag in our home, when we bought our house. the countless people who have died, who died for that symbol of the flag. so it means everything to americans. >> trace: it really does. bill melugin? soon and makes my blood boil when i see the u.s. flag being burned, i decided to free speech, collar when you see these people show up with hamas and hezbollah flags in all these palestinian flags you started to get to a point where it's, okay,, you like them so bad, get on a flight and go to lebanon and gaza. you know?
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>> trace: it's respect, it's respect right white and bluemac we have a flag, we live in it when the area, it's counseling turned around and i turned back around so it flies. do you fly the american flag u yes 93 percent on x., instagram 87 percent, leo, i flied because i believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness also to honor my high school friend who do not come back from vietnam. patrick yes, comes up on memorial comes down after thanksgiving. joe, we always fly the magnet fly, it gives me a sense of pride. jason? soon at yes, to me the flag is about unity and resilience, someone who is jewish americans think is alarming to rise in anti-semitism, i need to be inspired by both of those th things. >> trace: thank you for watching the nightcap, we will see back here tomorrow. tive than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth.
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9:00 pm
all right. [ ♪♪ ] >> hello everybody


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