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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit >> back again with us tomorrow after the jump trial, stormy daniels back on the stand for redirects recross? >> jacqui: and might be one of the only trials ahead of the election when you have all of a sudden news about the other trials being kicked after november? >> all of a sudden ongoing and the democrats way, antrim has some significant victories. seeback here again tomorrow! thank you for joining us for three 'the story' with trays gallagher starts right now. >> good afternoon everybody, i'm trays gallagher in for martha
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maccallum and this is 'the story'. alive look at a capitol hill, about to hold a news conference after police cleared an anti- israel encampment at george washington university. it will take you there live as it gets underway in moments. the binder administration confirms a slow walking a shipment of my shipment of bombs to israel over concerns it could be used during a ground operation and rafah. 's defense secretary lloyd austin said that has not been a final determination on what to do with the weapons but critics say the move does not drive with this... >> president biden: my commitment to the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel and the threat to exist the jewish state is aren't clad even when we disagree. >> trace: brooke goldstein are here, but refers to the senior national correspondent rick jensen he is live up for us today at the white house, good afternoon. >> good afternoon, officials say they have paused that shipment
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of bombs over concerns of an offensive campaign and rafah, the administration for weeks has been dissuading to israel from undertaking, the also say they are examining other shipments. >> a specific shipment that we have put on hold, others we are reviewing. out of think people should make mistake that we have taken an with respect to some short-term assistance with our longer-term commitment to israel security. >> administration said israel has it to provide i credible humanitarian plan to launch a military operation in dense cities like rafah, a growing number of democrats are pushing president biden to hold military assistance to israel as it is early military ordered more than 100,000 civilians to evacuate a rough m republicans accused -- the white house to bending to extremists soon every stage, joe biden and his administration has attacked the government of israel and said stop killing terrorists, stop killing hamas,
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we should support unequivocally israel utterly eliminating hamas. >> in washington right up the road from the white house, of the press secretary was asked about police clearing the encampment and -- at george washington university staying consistent with these actions across the country, cream drawn peers that it's an issue for the uterus to leaders and local police. also in cairo administration said there's ongoing negotiations between in the u.s., israel, qatar and egypt over a possible deal for a cease-fire in exchange for a number of hostages. >> trace: live for us at the white house, thank you. let's bring in katie, at and also fox news contributor, i'm listening to rich scribner there katie, i can't believe you actually one pass this whole idea of we are telling israel exactly how they have to fight this war. you want the weapons, you have to fight the war the way we tell you how to fight the war. could you imagine the reverse scenario in this country were
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some countries telling us, this is how you manage your battlefield? >> well we would not tolerate it, the contradiction is here again because of the weapons they are stalling going into israel are precision guided weapons that would prevent civilian casualties and allow is old to go after the terrorists. but you have the president saying that he has an ironclad commitment to israel's defense, to the jewish people, to fighting terrorism. you cannot have that position while also preventing them from going into rafah, this 8000 hamas a terrorist still hiding out there, they are holding five american hostages with intelligence sources saying art in rafah. whether they are alive or not. so this idea he's trying it have it both ways puts israel, but also the united states at risk because what are the consequences of this decision that is being made for political reasons? this will prolong the war, it allows hamas it to remain in,
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and ensures an ob wars in the future and more civilian casualties both in the gaza strip and in israel not to mention outside of those two places. >> trace: as our friend eric cohen has mentioned, it gives hamas covered. let's bring in goldstein as well, executive director, brooks, the wall street journal had the following opinion, saying "the biden team had been blasting to israel for not taking a more surgical approach in gaza but in denying a zero precision weapons, it makes clear is a goal is not to change how israel fights, it seeks to stop azle from fighting hamas". there is only ironclad to support it israel does what the united states tells israel to do. >> you know one has to ask whether or not biden wants israel to win it this war. the truth is that israel will win, hamas it will be eliminated and the world will be a better
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place for it. and if the biden appeasement policy the letters to get over the seventh in the first place, right after october 7th of may october 7th, biden released $10 billion to iran, biden continues to allow humanitarian aid which we know is being stolen by hamas while american and israeli hostages are being held, qatar for some reason, the second largest state sponsor of terror also responsible for rugged over the seventh, a privilege status in the united states before october the 7th, biden it was a saying he was going to reward to iran with nuclear weapons. all of this appeasement policy is what encourages the terrorists to continue the war, but it is not going to work. >> trace: meantime, we are waiting, we could hear from afar left congresswoman, any time now. but here is what her quote was yesterday, "i urge the icc, the international come to court, to
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safely issue arrest warrants for benjamin netanyahu and a senior israeli officials to finally hold them accountable for this genocide as is always a warranted by these well-documented violations of the genocide convention under international law". i mean clearly, you have this divide in the democratic party, that it'll be fascinating to see how the president overcomes t this. >> her calls for arrest, of democratically elected leaders in democracy is absolutely outrageous -- >> trace: let me just -- sorry very quickly, was go to corey very quickly... >> governments to oppose student organizing under the guise of combating anti-semitism which they perpetuate openly and frequently. we woke up this morning to the starting to news that dc is a metropolitan police department have rated the gw gaza solidarity encampment and
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assaulted, pepper sprayed and arrested the nonviolent student protesters in is a middle of the night, while they were sleeping. this is all happening because of those who refuse to stop the ongoing genocide in gaza thank they can arrest and brutalized their way out of this situation. they think they can intimidate and erase the overwhelming voices for peace and justice, they think they can jail dissenters and signed the wide consensus among people in this country that there should be an immediate and permanent cease-fire. these students are here today to demonstrate that they refuse to be silent. from gwu, to washington university and everywhere else, students have been a flatly beaten without provocation commodity have been arrested and charged with disproportionate offenses, they have been suspended and barred from campus, they have been denied
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access to food and medical services, and care on campus. they have been barred from walking and -- across a stage on graduation, they have been wrongfully smeared as anti-semitic and a shameful attempts to erase the humanity of that many jewish students that have been instrumental in these protests. i know what these intimidation tactics, what these tactics feel like. i will never forget the brutality that we faced on the streets of ferguson in response to our calls to end of police brutality. police used tear gas, spray, rubber bullets, noise munitions, batons, shields, and boots against us. the majority of the national guard called as enemy forces, over government labeled us as black identity extremists? politicians condemned us, those of us on the front lines were traumatized but we knew that the time would come that would prove that we were on the right side
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of history and it did. time it will prove the same for the students currently protesting across the country. behind every attempt to silence a protester is an idea that those in power don't want people to hear, students are protesting all across the country because they believe our government has failed to recognize the common humanity of all people. they are protesting to because they oppose our governments silence and complicity in the death of at least 35,000 palestinians. they are protesting our governments complicity in a genocide and a humanitarian crisis of famine, disease and other pervasive suffering. and they are protesting the universities complicity in these as atrocities including benjamin netanyahu's ongoing invasion in rafah. were over a million people, including 600,000 children are sheltering with nowhere to go.
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luck, protests are not meant to be comfortable. it is meant to be disruptive. if you don't want folks to protest, then prioritize humanity, humanity over your donors, humanity over your property. this is how justice is warn though. it was true during the woman's suffrage of woman -- movement when the young woman were jailed and arrested which led to the ratification of the 19th amendment, it was true during the civil rights movement -- >> trace: we will continue listening, cory busch, we will let you know there's a new more news and as of the rest of the squad members come in and we will bring back a brooke goldstein and katie pavlich, your thoughts? and. >> as a first of all, there is no genocide happening in gaza. by the accounts of pentagon officials and by experts at west point, we have seen the idea of
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go through great legs to prevent civilian death inside of the gaza strip. designing that have been none? of course now but they have gone above and beyond in terms of the civilian death toll to try to avoid it and we have seen them over the past couple of weeks reopening aid crossings that hamas has repeatedly bonded to close them down. in terms of what she's saying end of the claims she's making about these "peaceful protesters". let me reach see what they were projecting onto the american flag outside, inside gaza lights the spark that was said the empire ablaze, this is on top of the students yesterday chanting for the guillotine and of the beheading of administrators. they have defaced george washington by putting palestinian flag, the same flight that is warn by hamas on george washington, and by their definition of an encampment, they have taken over violently property's on-campus and prevented jewish students and other students from going to class. that is not peaceful, that is illegal and that is why they were taken out by the police
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this morning. >> trace: brooklyn mentioned a good point because i can go through and refutes not only that but the whole rig isn't a thing, point by point by point, we were there, we covered, we know exactly what happened. we can go through and say here is what these protesters, these anti- israel protesters are doing good, our university at different our university. the narrative is all wrong, but it's resonating with a large section -- hold on,. >> they cannot arrest their way out of this growing to decide, every corner of our country, people of different faiths, different colors, skin ethnicity, back roads of different types of coming together and saying, palestinians deserve to live. and that is something that again we should honor and respect and love, on all of them for saying that over and over again. last night under the cover of darkness, testifying before congress before our committee, police pepper sprayed,
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brutalized and arrested nonviolent student protesters at george washington university. at 3:00 am. this is an exquisite attempt to repress it students exercising their first amendment rights to protesting universities complacently -- complicit actions in -- on behalf of israeli governments genocide of palestinians. i wanted to be clear, these students first madman rights do not and it -- >> trace: there you have rashida tlaib that will go on and on and on what you get this theme, he got kind of the narrative where they are going. and we can go through and reviewed all of these things but the bottom line is that this is wrong, what they are saying is wrong, a bladder they are resonating in a large section of the democratic party. >> not only is as wrong and are they full of lies, but of this is dangerous propaganda coming from sitting members of congress who are openly inciting violence
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and unrest and expressing to support for pro- hamas, pro tear agitators. and the one thing that people need to understand, and has to be made clear, this is not some sort of spontaneous student led uprising. this is a well-funded, planned and orchestrated, and what we suspect now is foreign funds coming in to show discord within our country and destroy us from within. >> trace: we are documenting where the money is coming from as well, brooke goldstein, katie pavlich, thank you both. breaking today, a small legal one for president trump, a georgia appeals court will consider whether fani willis should be disqualified from the election case against him. >> that let's be clear because you lied in this, i think you live right here? no, no. this is the truth!
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? is a knack. >> trace: an appeals court will review the decision to allow funny will is to remain on the election interference case, we are told is could push this trial to at least next year. remember back in february, willis unexpectedly walked into court and gave fiery testimony, denying that her romantic relationship with then a special prosecutor nathan wade impacted the case. watch... >> you are confused, you think i'm on choppermac these people are on trial for china's two on election in 2020, i'm not on trial no matter how hard he tried to put me on trial. >> trace: matter what occurred, former attorney general under trump's deneka bike, but first of this year corresponded, live for us in atlanta, good afternoon.
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>> a good afternoon, even if the defense attorneys ultimately failed to win of this appeal, just the fact that the court granted to them this hearing that will eventually take place, legal experts say is a real victory for the defense, take a listen... >> it's a massive one because one, it keeps everybody's focus and attention away from the underlying issues and the underlying allegations in the indictment and to focus on the conduct of forney willis. >> and it is all about a to delay the trial because the appeals court is it not going in to their next term until august. that is the same month when a forney willis had hoped to begin opening arguments in her criminal trial. an attorney for trump codependent tells fox news, up not be surprised of this issue is unresolved for the next at least 8-12 months, at the end of the day, this is the beginning
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of a long process. the order under appeal allowed fani willis to stay on the georgia election interference case on condition her former boyfriend, nathan wade, stab down as special prosecutor. >> he excused himself from of the case, what our argument is that basically this does not right the wrong. >> and this appeal will ultimately be heard by three judge panel, appointed randomly, but again no word of wind of this hearing will take place. >> trace: sometime after august, live for as an aunt of my atlantic ask me think. let's bring in former acting attorney general match what occurred, key thing to there, this is a long drawn out process, the judge, it is important to go back to march 15th when he was making this decision. he said "in the funding is by no means an indication that the court condones this tremendous lapse in judgement or the unprofessional manner of the
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district attorney's testimony during the evidentiary hearing to". and of course as everybody or members he added, "the order of its audacity". it is a one-man stay or go eventually? >> this is a big development, and the judge's order was written specifically for the appeal, he was very detailed in his factual findings and in fact as he read it, i'm sure you felt the same way when i read it, he felt he was going to disqualify the whole office including fani willis, nathan wade and everybody else that was involved in this case. he did not do that. but i think he punted, a bit of a king's solomon resolution for the case, remember he is up for reelection in november. so i think you try to be cute and knowing that court of appeals will look at this factual basis and say yes, the entire office is disqualified including da willis. >> trace: even of a court of appeal does not come to that it is difficult because that has been it so much pressure put on fani willis, it is so difficult
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is it not for her to remain as being credible into this case? >> that is true, you mentioned the judge's order who still maintains that the trial, he said it, an order of main diastole permeates the case which means it you are all liars, don't believe you, they just are not have the evidence to prove it beyond the standard unaided to meet but you all, i don't trust you, nothing is filed on belief. >> trace: i want to play the soundbite because this is fani willis on january 14th before the judge said any of this, watch... >> you cannot tell me, a woman of color, he would not matter what i do. my motive twomak my ability. i character would be comfortably attacked. asking, is a black man disqualified no matter his
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achievements? what more can one is see? cd that was taught what months before the judge said she was already kind of putting a narrative in place. >> this is what is happening all of these cases, from politically motivated it over aggressive prosecutors, you give this cases are falling apart, blowing up, unable to maintain that these aggressive trial schedules they hope to maintain. but her playing the race card is suggesting that these attacks were anything about her ethical lapses was also hurts as a case for her and her continuing on it. >> trace: i just want to say, we should note the classified documents case in florida and also on the backboard or -- back burner which leaves out with the one case which is startup again tomorrow morning into this case, stormy daniels take the stand again tomorrow, it looks like she is not doing the prosecution much good. >> know, and again, her evidence and her testimony is really not relevant to the documents case
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or the election interference case. it's been very salacious, think it is more prejudicial than ever been allowed, i think we're getting very close to miss trial. we will see how she comes off tomorrow on cross-examination and redirect. i just think the judge will have a hard time holding this together. >> trace: we will talk more about stormy daniels testimony coming up, matt whitaker always great to have your own, thank you. still ahead, david rubin onto the boy scouts a new gender-neutral name change.
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>> piers: [ ♪♪ ] >> my professor at the catholic school away into was a guy named riley, last name, and he was drafted by the green bay pac packers. >> trace: president of vita paid a struggle of it with a teleprompter in wisconsin, an event of where he tried to contrast bidenomics with the trump economy, is a new poll shows 38 percent of americans have confidence in biden's economic decision-making, that is by the way a near historic low train link bush, obama and trump at the same time and their presidencies. let's bring in foxbusiness, lords great to have you on. i want to play bit more sound from the president today and then get your reaction onto this. >> president biden: 4000 jobs, we added 170,000. the state of wisconsin, and
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employment rate is at a record low, some of the strongest new business growth in all of wisconsin. and it's only just beginning. we're seeing the great american a comeback story all across wisconsin, quite frankly the entire country. >> trace: he's in the midwest he's back talking about bidenomics, not a lot of people buying into their though, what are your thoughts? >> it is a tough sell, is looking at news reports of the local -- local is very saying, and they say we welcome of the jobs, we welcome the 3.3 billion ai centre but will the president -- food prices are up almost 20 percent, maybe our paychecks are all higher that's great, but they don't go a because the price of every thing else is hired to. people don't sink the economy is as strong as he wants them to see it. >> trace: you say to taps on want to give people some context, here's why, 2016 and 2020, here are the result of the
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elections in 2016 and 2020, 2016 president trump warned that weighs in wisconsin by seven tenths of a point, 2020 joe biden won wisconsin by seven tenths of a point and now you look at this and it says is that the economy getting or is, better or staying the same nec better, 20, where is 40, that is a big number and the final one i want to show his who do you trust more on the economy and you can see there, donald trump 53 percent, joe biden 44 percent. it is a very tough cell in wisconsin. >> so when he asked people, where we better off the fighters ago, they will probably say yes, and if they don't they may disable i don't remember talking about the price of eggs, on remember talking bout of the cost of insurance or the price of gasoline. that is what we remember under this administration. so you remember your paycheck going further. in 2019 we had incomes at an all-time high and a property
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rate at an all-time low. every racial group in america was doing better. that is what people remember. and then they asked themselves, okay,, let's talk about the next four years, which president's policies will be better for my wallet? will it be the spending of present biden, or the lower taxes, last regular asian a former president trump and might say the ladder. that's the decision that every american family is asking themselves right now. >> trace: it is interesting you say this is what we will remember because you spent a lot of time laura, we talk about the border, we talk about these protests and we, about crime, we talk about some of the things affecting people now but in the end you know in states like wisconsin, a lot of this will come down to the economy and how much things are and of the impression they get to take away they get from the economy. >> look, we got six months to go to the election. bottom line, it's usually inflation, and the economy that
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most important kitchen table issues twomak immigration also always a huge issue, not the number 1 issue for many voters but it is inflation. a lot of people are struggling are saying, my communities getting nothing from this administration, like all the freebies going to these migrants coming in. 's working for last, it is pressuring our wages twomak immigration is that the economy in many senses of the word. >> trace: you are exactly right? good analysis, speaking for coming and. a stormy day no sticking the stand for the second day of steamy testimony? as we learn more about the biden backing prosecutor who questioned her. >> the excitement and anticipation heads and new high she entered wearing all black as if on her way to funeral, the loose fitting plain black clothing draping from her salt -- shoulders to her toes suggested to the modesty of unknown.
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>> trace: tomorrow market statewide to of stormy daniels owner the stand, former president trump's criminal trial even with the judge called some of the details she testified around suwanee the alleged 2006 sexual in canada between the two "unnecessary". he still denied the defense motion for a mistrial. live outside the courthouse in manhattan it with more on what we can look forward to, good afternoon. >> hello, former president donald trump is criticizing the quartz gag order, he's not allowed to speak publicly about stormy daniels who testified yesterday, her testimony set to resume at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. she told the court yesterday that she met trump and thousand six in that the two soon after had sex. she also admits to hating to trump and previous the posting online, calling him on a orange turd, during one exchanged trump attorney asked daniels "'s you
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despise him and make fun of him"? daniels responded, "because he started". daniels testified how she met trond that is already golf tournament then went into great detail explaining how they allegedly had sex. trump's lawyers as you mentioned ask for a mistrial arguing the jury heard a damaging testimony completely unrelated to the charges that trump faces twomak the judge agreed that testimony went too far but ultimate lead and add that a request for a mistrial and trump posted on truth social today "it is a really bad feeling to have a constitutional right to free speech, such a big part of life in our country, so unfairly taken from you, especially when all over the sleazebag us, lowlifes and grifters that you oppose or allow to say absolutely anything they want". now trump is meeting with donors in florida today, you will fly back to new york tonight before coming back here to the courthouse tomorrow, as daniels is excited to take questions not
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only from trumps lawyers but at the prosecution has signaled they have a more question for her as well. >> trace: going to be interesting, live outside the courthouse thank you. let's bring in john, former deputy assistant attorney general now at uc berkeley law professor. great to have your own. i just want to know, was stormy daniels testimony allowed solie to humiliate trump because laura ingram had this to say, watch and we'll get your response... >> the new york judicial system, after watching this today and listening to the transcript and reading what we can read, has indicted itself. stormy daniels testimony is entirely irrelevant to this c case. >> trace: certainly not relevant to any falsifying of documents john, would he think? >> in the lobby have this idea, to allow evidence in and has to be more probative meaning it has to be relevant to proving the facts of the case then
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prejudicial. her testimony was the exact opposite, it was so inflammatory, so vivid, so destructive and it is so aimed at destroying donald trump's character before the jury, it should have been excluded because it almost has nothing to do with the actual legal charges which is how to trump accounted for in his own books the payments to stormy daniels which he does not deny were made sweet great, yeah, that is kind of the case, nobody is contesting or disputing these payouts to stormy daniels or the nondisclosure, the nda. they are litigating something that nobody disputes. when they actually, the defense, calls for a mistrial yesterday, was there a point or johnny's audit, they might get it? >> i would have taunt this might would have thought before the utah judge they might get one and they may eventually get one on appeal but does it judge has been brushing aside objections left and right, a lot of opportunities where he should have slowed down and considered,
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are there any legal claims going on here that encompass donald trump's conduct its? and really let people ask stormy daniels testified, has been barreling through to try to get to verdict asset fast as possible when he really should it, if you're going to go after a president for the first time in the history of the country, everything should be buttoned up and down properly. >> trace: i mean listen, the judge allowed to this testimony and then chided the defense were not objecting enough. anyway. senator john federman, said that if they spoke with a bright barrel last night and he said this... >> i'm a sitting senator, and i'm truthfully not exactly sure what his trials are about, how many, i think it's, most of voters in pennsylvania grades of a stark choice. so if i'm not a following it that closely, i don't think a lot of the voters there are going to, six months from now they will have a chance to vote. >> trace: one of the things we
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hear about that statement drawn is that it is hard to keep track because it's hard to keep track of one of the crimes are. this case of stormy daniels, and new york versus trump, we still don't know specifically what the felony is. >> that is exactly why the da did what he did yesterday. because he knows the legal charges, which are about prosecuting a federal crime he's not allowed to prosecute involving get an obscure campaign-finance law, those charges are so weak, i think is so likely to get overturned on appeal that instead of the da is trying to basically run like a reality tv show that is so vivid and striking in the mind that the jury will just be moved to convey donald trump because i just don't like him, they don't like his character, not because you committed a crime. >> trace: they know that it will get overturned, look sick it will get overturned by the conviction is what you need to because once you get the conviction drawn, you have commenced the people as this meant as a felon is that a fair assessment? >> yes, because i think the real
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audience here is not of the jury, it is better the more audience that is important as a national elector and it's november, he doesn't worry if he is versed on appeal as long as he gets those inflammatory information out to the voters. >> trace: that is a great point. thank you is always nays meantime, any opposite of the untold story podcast, martha sits down with former president trumps leo spokeswoman, the two talk about the significance of stormy daniels taking the stage in -- the stand in at new york's trump choppermac it is available now on foxnews nays meantime dana rublev and onto the scouts dropping the "boy" from its name for the sake of inclusion, that is next.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: after 114 years the
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boy scouts of america's rebranding, ditching the ward avoid instantly calling themselves scouting america. five years ago the group started accepting girls into the boy scouts and now ceo says the name change which goes into effect in february, "making sure everybody feels welcome". let's bring in dave rubin, great to have you on the show. i made a phone call to double check the girl scouts still don't allow boys into those codes. but now it is welcome to all. what are your thoughts on this name change? >> look, this is just the next extension of all of our institutions failing. i understand, or heard him speak about her that's boy scouts numbers have been going down and they're trying to rectify that and try some of these things to save they can fix up but it is actually okay if boys and girls have different things. there are differences between boys and girls, those
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differences between men and women, boys tend to like g.i. joe's and transformers and grows to be like barbie and easy bake oven, doesn't make any of those things better or worse in each other but they are different. men and women are wired differently, hunter gatherer, typically men, tend to do things that involved with things like the typically become engineers, woman and maybe become nurses be! there are biological reasons for that and i would say something like this, mixing these kids up, it's just another extension of, okay,, will check about gender with them. we'll talk about sexuality with them and all of these things that you can't talk about when they're off a certain age. we don't need that confusion, and i suspect that ob younger boys selling girl scout sentiments soon enough c3 make a great point, the truth is voice and girls are different and we not only think, it's okay to make -- have their own spaces. we have reams of data that shows single-sex courses in education in some capacities are
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extraordinarily important to both boys and girls, and if you take those away, it becomes detrimental. >> sure, i also wonder, so what is is going to do to the girl scouts? if the girl scouts are now going to say, okay,, we are just for girls but the boy scouts are whoever they knew name is, we are for boys and girls, so is it now the girls who happen to be a little bit of more physically active or a bit more into making a fire or campfire or attends, they will do more stuff with the boys and then the girls will just have less girl scouts to do activities with? it's one of these things were they are just throwing anything at an organization that is struggling which by the way, i don't know it's necessarily struggling because of having anything to do was nod mixing the genders. it's probably struggling to because times change, the boy scouts is over a hundred years old. younger people do different things these days, 50 or 60 years ago, boy scouts were big, not how to tie not undergo into the forest and do different
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things. now kids are playing a different sports, they're playing video games, online for better or for what is twomak some of these things are trying to put a band-aid on a problem or on a wound that is not relieve the main issue here at the moment. >> trace: they have 5 million in 20 years ago or 15 years ago, they had 2,000,005 years ago, now they are down to 1 million. 's want to play the sound eagle scout, watch this... >> i've had a lot of trouble in the past explaining to people that i'm not exactly part of the girl scouts program but i'm part of scouts. scouting america sounds a lot more inclusive of all of the other people that are in scouting. >> trace: even the kids are trying to figure out how to rationalizes, your final thoughts on this? >> a short, a while one to start confusing kids about gender and then we know all of the other institutions are failing to them in 70 ways, when it comes to education and everything else, you confuse him about that, you confuse and whether the united
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states is fundamentally good or a democracy or capitalism is good, you confuse him about the history of our country and our culture, next thing you know, those kids at a learning good skills as part of the boy scouts and girl scouts, they become the protesters who are wearing masks and calling for genocide and trying to burn down columbia got ucla, university of chicago. these things are not disconnected. >> trace: sometimes you just need your own space. good to have your own, thank y you. >> thank you. >> trace: right now president biden heading to a fundraiser in chicago after a campaign to stop with black voters in wisconsin as support among the key voting to block heat won by 83 points back in 2020, started slipping about it. then you pull showing 62 percent of black adults are obsolete certain they will vote in november, it is a 12-point drop from 55 years ago, and enthusiasm among young black adults is down 20 points. -- four years ago be! listen to voters in michigan... >> i don't know.
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>> we are all on the borderline, kind of lost him, but it's really kind of shaky. >> trace: a lot of questions, let's bring in our fox news put ago analyst, williams, fox news senior put ago analyst, gentlemen, welcome both of you. want to place on the form of the jason podcast, this is antonio brown, the former grade played, he said this about joe biden, watch... one not a fan of joe biden or white? >> no, i like donald trump. i've seen joe biden online, he [ bleep ] himself. falling over. like what is going on with him? probably do better with trump, but more businesses and come back in 2024. talk to tom brady on the phone one time, seems like a cool guy. >> a shadow donald trump.
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antonio brown does not appear to be alone and this, and lansky was moving a little bit. >> absolutely it is moving and have to keep in mind when it comes to young people especially 18-24, you see it in polls showing that donald trump has 3, those numbers are actually ticked up when it comes to older americans as well. when you look specifically at black man he has been resonating with that group, just like the clip you just demonstrated. the question is, how do you continue to push that if you're republican because from my understanding, donald trump does not have a lot of black centrex working in these particular areas and he should, they need to jump on that especially since you got hispanics who are now -- and you have the younger folks who support hamas or maybe the palestinian people who don't like what joe biden has been doing, those folks may not even vote. it goes well for donald trump and it benefits him.
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>> trace: talking about the polar, here is the nbc poll on the generational divide on longer black voters per maggie conceived there,'s age 18-49, 2e biden, age 50, six duceppe -- 6. we'd talk to younger voters, black or hispanic or white, same thing comes up, they are disenchanted to because they can't buy a house and a burrito $16 and they don't get it. >> the polls are consistent, there is a real threat to the biden campaign in terms of low enthusiasm. that could result in the low turnout, close election, trays that could be the difference. i think the biden campaign has to adapt to be clear strategies. most of black people overwhelmingly do not like donald trump. they did not a thing that he good president, i think that he's a racist. or the biden people have to do is say this is not about a
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referendum on what you think of me or what i did and do or whether there is the housing crisis, this is a choice election and the choices between me and a guy that you think, on of the economy, on abortion, on race relations, is it just an abomination. that is what is the biden people have to do. just make it very clear, this is a choice come november. you can cry and complain about this are that, but when it really comes down to it, do you want trump and the white house? anything that'll be a stronger message and all the advertising to uc to the black community coming from the biden campaign. >> trace: beccaria seller said this on the view today, and then you can go after if you want. >> a black woman have been the backbone of the democratic party for long time. black mine are the second largest demographic and for the past 20 decades we have been ignoring those warning signs, we haven't been listening to? black men care more about it then it just keep getting -- to keep from getting arrested, you
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had to talk to us holistically. >> trace: it is a fair point, go ahead. >> he does but just to go to the point, people don't like donald trump and a some of them you him as a racist, a lot of the sentiments applied to joe biden and the black community. a lot of young people feel that way around him. so just to apply that temple, it is necessarily tell you what are the ramifications of race is going to be. now, bacardi seller makes an interesting point here. and i do agree, black men in the democratic party feel as though they have been taken for granted, they feel they are not heard, they feel they are dismissed, and we are seeing the ramifications of that. we saw in 2020, we saw trump when it double digits over at black men, this will be the case here, because we had and naphtha. we had enough of the democratic party in our community decade after decade being dispelled. education and the migrant crisis in the city of chicago, when
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they are prioritizing at migrants over black folks who pay taxes. >> trace: 30 seconds to respond. >> thank you. i mean, the numbers up the overwhelming. washington post poll we had to face this whole segment is at 80 plus percent of the black americans see trump as racist, anything about the attacks that he has had on a lot of these black prosecutors, alvin bragg, new york, fani willis in georgia,'s you know, it's just constant. and i think you can to say oh, they think biden's races, they just are not happy. in many ways of the biden. but it is a whole different can of worms then whether thinking about. >> trace: .net my don williams, thank you both. that is a story wednesday may 8th 2024 but as always, 'the story' goes on. fox news at night 8:00 pm on the last, your world right now. [ ♪♪ ]


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