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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm IRST

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take it home simply. i am your host at the sports equipment store in the iranian grand store until 2:00 in the morning in tehran. good evening, dear compatriots. we have arrived at 17:00. we present the news of this hour. the minister of mining industry and trade announced the monitoring of mineral reserves in all regions of the country until the end of this year. according to mr. aliabadi, this year the ministry will take help from all domestic and foreign capacities to promote mineral exploration in the country. the good thing that needs
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to happen and hasn't happened yet is discovery, we first need to know what we have, unfortunately in this section , i don't think it's done well, it's not done well, it's not done enough. it has to be done. we made a plan to monitor almost the entire country by the end of the year 1400, to use all the capacities , we are saying that we are here now , we will know what we have when we get there, because we are just after the plan and the same plan that we have now. i said, for example, people know what we have, now these are going to be auctioned , people's project funds can also participate in these projects, which are very profitable, so people's participation in increasing our production in the mining sector is also being monitored in 43. we did shows in most parts of the country there are very good anomalies , third year students of universities, scholarships. they become university educators.
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the president of farhangian university said that this year 10,000 students will be attracted to education with scholarships. those who have passed 2 years of their studies with a series of gpa minimums, the minimum conditions we set, we call these. from that scholarship year, they will actually be educated and like the rest of the children, they will actually be trained in some kind of education force and will receive salaries, and from there, our force. will be guided in this direction, the courses that the university will take in addition to those courses those who take the courses required by us in their own university , they will take exactly two degrees, that is, both their main university will get their main degree, and in fact, they will get a degree that they can give and farhangian university. this will be a joint work between the two universities. from the beginning of june, receipt of a check is required to register information in the real estate and scam system
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. there are three banks that have more than 100 empty houses, they say more than 100 to 20 to 300 to 400. summary of the last official statistics about vacant houses related to the census of penetration and housing is in 1995, of which two and a half million vacant houses in the country, the ministry of roads and urban development announced that the vacant house index is 5% in all countries of the world, but this figure for iran is around 10%. on the other hand , the most vacant houses the report of the research center of the parliament, housing hoarding causes house capitalization and the growth of the rental price . the parliament has approved the identification of empty houses for people to register their houses in the real estate and accommodation system. the authority
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for verifying the residential information of people is also the result of controlling the price of houses and rents for each tour the type of services provided by the government is the issuance of passport certificates, national cards, fuel cards, all of these depend on the fact that the address is retrieved from the real estate and accommodation system. the government also supported this resolution. notification of the first vice president to the executive bodies. providing services to people without codes. one of the real estate and housing systems is prohibited. according to the law, 15 devices must join this system, except for the new education and training. we and the organization, in fact, the ministry of roads we are bringing it up and making it operational, and this is one of the projects that will be operational in the coming months, but for now, only two services of the central bank in this system. activated, for the first
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service , we considered issuing a hand check for this purpose and registering a card in the shoprak system , the latter of which is only a warning. because it is a process that usually takes a few days, here there is a chance for a person to ask him at the branch that if he has not registered his work, he should go to the real estate and housing system and do this based on the latest statistics of the statistics center in 1400. more than 55% of urban households and more than 25% of rural households are renters, and this means that the management of the rental market can facilitate the lives of many people. at the end of april, watershed management was carried out in seven flooded provinces. according to the deputy director of watershed management of the natural resources organization, the implementation of this amount of watershed operations
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has reduced 70% of flood damage. the rains at the end of april flooded seven provinces of the country.
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at the end of april, it was wasted due to the lack of watershed and only 35. the rains were saved the market of bird sellers buys and returns to nature . he, who has been familiar with nature for many years , considers releasing birds as a sign of friendship and kindness to nature. every once in a while he visits the market of bird sellers and buys them.
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the birds are released from the cage. today i got four pigeons and 6 tom birds. mr. khabeer believes. the bird should not be in a cage. he brings them back to nature. i really enjoy when i treat or release an animal. this environmentalist says that buying and releasing birds is a blessing he had his life. these birds that were released started to sing. well, i really think so. it's a kind of thank you, and i try to be in a place where people can't capture it again. my personal opinion is that this is not an expense, it
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will definitely be better in my life, mr. khabeer's son, every once in a while. bar accompanies his father in freeing the birds when i see that the birds are finally freed. they will go back to their normal lives . i am very happy about this. my father gives me some money every week, but most of it is for food. i'm buying animals, this father and son in addition. besides paying attention to the birds, they also help to clean and preserve the environment . try to use less things that harm the environment, especially plastic , plastic really destroys the environment. what about the future? what about our children? what about our descendants? do n't they think they will be hurt? well, they are things. they have the right to live on this planet. this citizen of shirazi has been in love with nature for many years. it is to keep this sign of friendship and kindness of respect for the environment alive in hearts. razieh parsai
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of shiraz radio and television news agency. hello expert the weather will be with you. in the name and memory of god , greetings and good time, i have the presence of you , dear viewers of the khabar channel. for these coming hours , we expect that in some parts of our country , there will be coverage of eyebrows for the northern heights of khuzestan province , chaharmahal bakhtiari, kokil rahmat, fars province , parts of isfahan, yazd, kerman, parts of the northern heights of hormozgan, south khorasan, and parts of sistan baluchistan with an increase sometimes we have rain in these areas, and due to these rains, in addition to rain, we expect lightning and wind to happen. in other
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in the regions of our country, we are predicting a soft to slightly cloudy sky for the next few hours. for tomorrow, in parts of hormozgan provinces , parts of fars province, parts of kerman province , as well as for sistan baluchistan , we will have rain, lightning and wind at times. we expect for monday. we should have almost a peaceful jerbi in the country. in the form of regions of our country, we will witness a clear to slightly cloudy sky. only in the afternoon, sometimes the eternal increase occurs in the areas of the central alborz height in the western parts of our country. but from the day on tuesday, a new rainfall system will affect the western part of the country, again the rains will come from the western regions of our country. it will start and on wednesday, these rains will spread further and
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cover the western and southern parts of the country. in the next few days , strong winds will prevail in the eastern parts of our country for razavi khorasan, south khorasan, sisistan balochistan. yazd- kerman, some areas of semnan, sometimes the wind speed will increase, the wind will be strong, dust will rise, the visibility will decrease and the air quality will also decrease . also, by the middle of the week, we expect that in in the regions of our country, we will see an increase in temperature . for the next few hours , we will have a clear sky, sometimes a little cloudy, and a strong wind. the next day, the weather conditions of tehran province are expected to be mainly accompanied by wind
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. in my opinion, this house is inhabited by a stranger who wants to export a grocery store to create transparency and competition action can be taken in the country to remove the signatures of the work that we like on the lives of our people in support of women and on this eid night, from the need of imports , they have work obligations, the foundation of the family and children, the necessity of making the
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construction worker's aid bill free of charge, insure that family. those who have up to children should buy a car without lotteries , fall in love with iranians, break the silence with your child , your tomorrow is beautiful. barton applied for a license 5-6 years ago it is so difficult that one regrets the applicants. business licenses from the past years had to go through a long process to get a license , like these applicants, each of whom was waiting for a license for 5 years. i was getting
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a paper called a license forcing the applicants to start their business with documents in hand. if they were traveling from one department to another, i would send them to those organizations. i gave 5 million to the previous boss. i gave this gentleman 3 million and 15 million tomans per month, the rent was only for the permit, you must have an acquaintance there, but in the union, you must have an acquaintance , removing these twists and turns was ordered by the parliament many times. the important issue is to create transparency of competition and facilitate the licensing system. it is up to the business that , god willing, big steps will be taken for this issue and the previous patterns will be changed, a change that required a new plan. the plan to facilitate the issuance of some business licenses. a plan whose number of opponents did not even reach 30. it was approved with 203 votes. this plan , god willing, can prevent any monopoly
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the limitation that may be imposed by the executive or the legislator includes mistakes. the market, the capacity limit, the trade union limits , we removed all of these. finally, this mehr 1400 plan was approved to change the paper and signature-based licenses to electronic and transparent licenses, and to the dark era of rentier licenses, closed guild circles, job monopolies and golden signatures. let's put an end to dear people and dear entrepreneurs, the issues that are mostly in the hands of issuing licenses. they are in trouble, we will not keep the promise that they proposed to fulfill, the mechanism that is proposed here , whether in public or private forums or in commissions with statements that were read. the statement has been signed by 160 respected representatives from the islamic city. representatives have spoken many times to facilitate the issuance of permits. permissions should
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move towards notification-based or registration-based permissions. this plan can unravel the plan. for the electronicization of licenses in two categories, registration-based and approval-based, which became a law on march 24, 1400. our duties are to follow up to enforce the law. connecting the devices to the national license portal was so important for the representatives that they did not fail to follow it in the devices. the butterfly union certificates are issued in an independent system. well, according to the law, this is not accepted. yet. trade licenses have not yet been granted. well, this is a huge part of the businesses related to trades and chambers of asalaf. all violators and complainers should be brought to the judiciary as a matter of urgency, so that according to the aforementioned law, the judiciary will also deal with it outside of the usual procedures and procedures. put immediately with these reminders and
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follow-ups, the law came into effect in march 1401 and facilitated the issuance of class licenses. all requests are registered through the national license portal. 90% of them are registration-based, which means they are issued in three days. within a few months nearly one million people who were waiting for their business license got a license this way. from home and without exchanging any papers , send the complete documents above, i will give you the license in three days. as soon as it was uploaded, after 48 hours, the image of the rocket was sent to us. he did not charge us any additional fees. with the continuation of the parliament's follow-up, the law to facilitate the issuance of licenses is now being implemented with the progress of 98 and there is one
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more step left until the day when no business can be started in the country. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to
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the rah quds program, the special news coverage of the supporters' protests palestine is welcome in american universities. these protests have intensified compared to the previous days . in this program , we are going to review the latest news and reactions to these protests, and also our experts will accompany us in this program. based on the latest news, student demonstrations in america has increased its support for the palestinian people to about 60 universities and educational institutions. according to the latest images that have reached us , there are also protests in england, france , sweden, and australia. it will be, but now mr abdulhamid shahrabi, an expert on international issues , is in the studio with the quds road program. in introducing him, i can say that he lived in america for 9 years
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and was a student at texas state university , a university that is now the site of protests in support of palestine in america, and he is studying political science at this university. they are now the director of research and planning of the latin american house, mr. shahr. welcome. i am having a conversation with a former texas state university student. someone who , perhaps, when he sees the pictures of these protests, remembers what is going on there. i want to know you now these protests that you see, the pictures that you see, how new it is, how old it is and how it has existed in the past. i say hello to you viewers. your program is good, the fact is that it is pleasant for me , when i look at what it has now , tate university is one of the universities that you
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mentioned, you mentioned 60 universities in other countries, rome, i wanted greece and turkey. let's add to it the countries where the universities were involved, you can see the universities in both greece and turkey and they are expanding in every direction. politically, the struggle for the rights of the american people was not an exception, that is, the same way they committed crimes in vietnam, the same way they support israel today to oppress the people of gaza, when
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there is a black struggle or a women struggle, it is a student struggle for their own social and civil rights. with the repression of the police , it was compulsory to be a student during our student period. i will make a short story . in that period, we had a committee called the committee for freedom and the art of thought in iran with an abbreviation. you were at texas state university before the revolution. yes, before the revolution. revolutionary victory. yes, i did yes, i came to iran before the victory of the revolution, which has its own story . in texas, you had an association that supported political prisoners in iran . it was nationwide. texas was one of the branches of this committee, but it was widespread in the united states. this
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committee gained its reputation to the extent that shah farah's wife, when she came to the united states, had an interview with her. in the case of the same committee, when he was asked , i think he said that it was a snow trick that turned into an avalanche and american universities and now texas state university where you have lived experience. these student protests have a history. according to you , this is nothing new. you can't say that it is not new because now we are getting to it
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. the palestinian nation must return to its former state more than a hundred years ago. the former goes back to the british government issuing the balofour declaration, which recognizes israel's right to form a state and territory. at the same time, palestinian medical students and palestinian doctors who were in the united states protested against b. that means we went to 1917. we can go through a few sections quickly like this.
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let's see how this struggle has continued, despite the chastity that chal has had, we will mention it . look at 1917, which is at the beginning of the matter, when the palestinians raised their voice and their protest there , then we have 1902, when they formed an organization called the palestinian community. the anti-zionists form this organization, and in the same year, two of them testify in the us congress and speak about their protest against the actions of the british government and the forces that went there to evict the palestinians from their homes and shelters. to go we are continuing this, there is almost no period when these struggles have not taken place, now we will come to why it is like this now, but let
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me quickly
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come up with a few episodes, in the 1967 war between israel and the countries of egypt , syria, and these, we have the palestinian protests, which is a peak market. how has it been in recent years? now we will soon reach the recent years of 1967. after 1967, at some point in time , for example, let's say that during the period when the oslo negotiations are taking shape, so that a compromise is made, this decline occurs. residents of the united states connect with the movement boycott of israel, we have 30 seconds, then we will come back to the conversation with you, summarize this , we will come to how many now
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, we will mention it later, we will come to today, when the struggle of the people in gaza is an epic, where the creation of the solidarity movement and the rise of children are shown. thank you for finding the news. let's go back to the conversation with mr. shahrabi . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello fellow countrymen . at 17:30 , i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. iran ranks 17th in artificial intelligence in the world. presidential knowledge economy by announcing this khabar said that this year the national center for artificial intelligence will be created for the dedicated user of artificial intelligence in the country . the planning that has been done is that


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