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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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>gianna>now at 9. the allegations against the bay area mcdonald's restaurant at workers says he's seen rats screen around the kitchen. what employees are demanding from the establishment. plus. are you looking to upgrade your ipad? apple reveals new products. tech is a tech expert talks to us about the new features on our wired wednesday
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report. well, thank you so much for joining us. i'm gianna franco. so let's start with this morning. top top stories. streets left flooded in richmond after a water main break this morning. this happened south at south 45th and carlson boulevard, east bay. mud says they believe the problem is a 12 inch cast iron pipe. we don't know how many people this has affected but crews estimate it will take hours. to fully repair. amidst weeks of pro palestinian encampments that uc berkeley the us department of education is investigating. allegations. that the berkeley unified school district has failed to address anti semitism. in its schools. the complaint alleges that jewish students have been subjected to quote severe and persistent bullying and harassment. and that administrators have not done enough to stop it. berkeley school superintendent has been called upon to testify at a congressional hearing on anti semitism that supposed to happen today. well. the us paused its latest shipment of bombs to israel as a sign of
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disapproval against prime minister benjamin netanyahu's plan to fully invade rafa, the white house worries a promised ground invasion would worsen an already dire humanitarian crisis. today, cia director bill burns will be traveling to israel to speak with the israeli prime minister about the ongoing ceasefire negotiations. over the war in gaza. now for a look across the bay on this wednesday morning. yes, happy wednesday. we're halfway through the work week and you can see a lot of sunny skies out there his chest with your forecast. >
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as we get closer to the weekend, but we're also seeing offshore winds to gusty conditions are going to last for us throughout this afternoon. we can see wind speeds from the north. so from our inland areas to the coast, anywhere up to around 30 to 40 mph, especially up near solano county. going to continue to watch those winds develop as we head into this afternoon. and luckily will start to see them. died down heading into this weekend forecast. yeah. >gianna>jessica. thank you will now to allegations of a rat infestation. at an east bay fast food restaurant. now, some of the employees who work there say it was so bad they decided to walk off the job and a warning to those of you who have maybe a phobia of rats. some of these images here are a bit disturbing. so take a look at this video over here going to show you this. it actually came from a cal osha. this is a complaint. you can see these rats scurrying around the establishment. there, and they also took some images of the animals. definitely not the cleanest environment at all. well yesterday, a group of workers picketed outside the franchise. mcdonald's on jackson. the health department shut that restaurant down last
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week. but as lauren toms explains the employees say they want some assurances before they go back to work. >i don't know. >>lucha. to most days, oscar ramirez is serving customers at this mcdonald's drive thru in oakland. but today he's taping notices on that same facility demanding change after he and other employees say are a rat infestation. has caused unhealthy conditions for employees. and customers. >embarrassed, but what >>well. >>we can do. we can do anything for nearly a year. oscar says he's been ashamed to call attention to conditions inside this location on the corner of 14th in jackson. that has been temporarily closed by the health department. screaming feet. feces and urine and indescribable stench of decaying rodents. are just some of the scenes he's lived through. just to earn a living. there are some containers where
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they put the sauces. it is. sometimes >>they get the right to get into the containers. >>and sometimes >>sure. >>you're going to get like a sauce and the red came out ramirez along with 5 other workers from this mcdonald's have declared a strike until the conditions are professionally. cleaned. anjelica garcia works in the prep kitchen. she says, alongside rodents. darting between appliances. >all right. >>it's so wrapped problem has progressed >>since i started my job here. wow. we've seen that >>rats. tell is terrible. >>the order from their feces in your it's gotten us to this where we're >>right >>now speaking up complaint letter to osha angelica stated quote. i see rats in the kitchen every day. i see rats at the grill where we make the hamburgers. i've seen rats nibbling on pieces of bacon or hamburgers that are ready to be sent to customers in the complaint are images of rats on
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what looks like kitchen equipment. including 1 wrapped that appears to be dead and surrounded by blood. the employee union also released video of rats scurrying across the kitchen. the workers are demanding a professional cleaning and want to be paid until the issue is resolved. we reacheout to mcdonalds on friday who gave us a statement from the locations owner operator that said. it's very important to me as a small business owner in oakland. oakland that my employees have a safe place to come to work when we became aware of the issue we immediately contacted pest control and continue to work with them to address oscar says he wants to return to work but has been scarred by what he's seen inside. for now, he's hopeful the workers voices will finally be heard. >gianna>reached out to mcdonalds again by email with more questions about the allegations from the workers, but we have not heard back as of this morning. well still ahead at 90, the oakland ballers are getting ready to make their debut. how the town
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is preparing ahead of opening day. for us if you're trying to upgrade your ipad, apple has unveiled new products. we're going to take a closer look that's coming up in our wir
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well, we were 1st to bring you news. of our
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exciting new part. with the oakland ballers. will be air. the ballers friday home games on picks, plus and crews. well, they've been working hard and getting ramani park ready in west oakland to make sure it's ready to go for the team's inaugural season, or wilson walker got a closer look at what it really takes to build a baseball team from scratch and how the community will benefit from the ballers. presence. >you know the hardest stuff that we had to do it. we were started. this about a month. ago was get the fields done, but you can see the field >entirely done. now. we got some time to let it seed from the outfield grass to the infield, dirt baseball is taking root in west oakland. again. so many little parts to do a ballpark right now. this is the guardrail for the for the dugout. and for ballers co founder paul friedman, seeing the vision become reality. has to happen in a hurry. final approval for the build out came just last week, so just about everything you see here has been done in a matter of days. and the folks that we're
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partnering with for the bleachers have done this before this company called in production. they're the company that turned all of las vegas into an f 1 race, so for them, you know, putting together 41. 4000 seat, you know, ballpark. in a month they feel like they got they got plenty of time for the ballers, however, the task is an enormous 1 with just over 4 weeks to pull everything together. we don't have a lot of extra time for unforeseen things to come up so we just got to keep chopping away and make sure that june 4th is a success. >away friedman's words, it is warp speed. on every level, and that's not just the ballpark itself. the city has committed to resurface. nearby roadways. and if you're familiar with the area, you know that some of them were >>nearly impassable. in real. ping
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>away on surrounding streets and sidewalks. project. proves that oakland can get stuff done. and can get stuff. done. faster. than anybody except monte park has a lot in history. the bonding brothers and some of the greats have played down here lately, lacey. uh, frank robinson, jessie gunn under >rondel harrison was born and raised in this neighborhood. he says the ballers arrival is great news for an area that has faced tremendous challenges on 1 end of the park is wood street. which just 2 years ago was home to 1 of the largest homeless encampments on the west >>well now affordable housing. is rising on that site just as the park is redeveloped for the ballers and for harrison. this >>a a good positive step for special. especially this community seems like it's been neglected. and hopefully okay. ballers to be be a real success. here and west oakland. yeah, i mean, this. this is a historic community. this is a historic park. it's a park that saw some tough times recently. but we think that the best times for this park for this
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community or are in front of us. the transformation reaches beyond the park and beyond baseball. but it has to happen fast. and for friedman, that means staying focused on every detail. and trying not to >>about that 1st >>i can't let myself start to think about baseball happening. because then i get a little bit emotional. started to get a little bit excited, but i will tell you that 1st opening day when the 1st let's go oakland chant. starts to break out. i don't know how going to start to stop from crying like it's going to be a very emotional event. i think it's going to be very energetic, and i think people don't want to be here. >gianna>yeah. an exciting day to come. and here is a look at the broadcast schedule. you can watch the ballers 1st game on picks plus on friday, june 7th. at 6:30 p.m. the season wraps up friday. august 30th. and if you'd like to see the followers games in person tickets on sale right now at a reduced price you can find all the details on tickets on our website at k p i >
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forecast, but we're still dealing with those offshore winds to those will continue to be the case for us heading into this afternoon with wind speeds anywhere up to around 40 miles. mph near solano county for the rest of us here in the bay. we are gearing up for some really warm temperatures and low relative humidity now, fire danger isn't too high. however, we do have a moderate heat risk starting tomorrow throughout our inland areas. anywhere from san jose stretch. off into the east bay, a similar trend up near napa and sonoma. county as well. that's mostly in those low lying intersections, though, where it really heats up, and as we take a look at our temperatures today, we're already starting to feel that heat in san francisco yesterday, we were talking about 60s in the forecast today. we're in the upper 70s. eighties just across the bay bridge over in oakland. we had all the way off into the east bay and see a similar trend with 80s in store for us today near antioch, redwood city is similar setup in the down into the santa clara valley by tomorrow, we're going to be warming up into the upper 80s. potentially some low 90s trickled in there all the way off into the east bay. so as we take a look at the next 7 days high pressure moves its way in.
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it warms us up. we continue to see sunshine in the forecast for us throughout the rest of this week, heading into this weekend throughout our inland areas where we're holding on tight to those upper 80s until around, son and a at that, we start to cool down just a little bit, at least in our inland areas. notice how much of a difference it is for our friends who live along the bay if you're closer to san francisco and oakland, we also are going to warm up into the 80s. but then we quickly cool down into the 70s by friday. 60s heading into sunday, and then we average out in the upper 60s and lower 70s heading into early next week. >gianna>well still ahead at 9. you upgrades to apple's ipads. we talked to a tech expert live on the latest models. revealed and nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent,
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all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. dupixent helps people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better.
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this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma.
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>>well, it's wired wednesday and today. we're talking all about apples lay event. they announced a big upgrade to their lineup of ipads, including a new pencil. so joining us right now is lisa at a chico senior editor at cnet, highly so welcome. >live>thanks for having >gianna>me. i'm excited to talk about this and there is so much to discuss because apple stream there let loose event yesterday so we got a good 1st look at their new ipad lineup and 2 new ipad airs. really? what are the new features? you can tell us
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about? >live>yeah. absolutely. so for the ipad air, the big thing is really the new size options that now comes an 11 inch and 13 inch options, which is the 1st time apple is doing this for the ipad air. there's also a processor upgrade. so these new tablets will run on apple's m to chip which isn't its newest m series chip, but it certainly is an upgrade. from the m 1 chip in the previous model, and then another new feature that is maybe a little bit underrated, but i think people will really find it useful. is the new location of the facetime. on camera. it's now on the landscape edge of the tablet so that is easier if you have your tablet and you're propping it up in a standard kickstand or something like that it will feel much more natural to use facetime. on that edge versus the portrait. orientation for the last >gianna>1. i like that shift. i think that will make it a little bit easier when you use them and comparatively, the ipad pros are behemoths for the 1st time ever. apple's is adding to led screens to its products. so how is this going to feel and look for users?
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>live>yes. so the big change here as you mentioned is the double olad panel, which apple calls tandem, olad and what? this really does here. is that really increases the brightness and for the ipad pro it's always been an ipad. that's really about the display 1st and foremost, because apple is positioning this as being a computer for creative people that maybe want to sketch and edit photos on the go. so what is doing here is really increasing that brightness and also with ola displays you typically get better. contrast as well. so i think that's something that people who do want to use their ipad for photo editing and things like that will find a lot of use >gianna>out of okay, so i'm learning oleds not led olin, okay, good. i'm glad i know that now. okay, so, really quick. we've got about 30 seconds left. it's not about just the software and the new ipads. we've got a new pencil pro. >live>yeah, absolutely. so the new pencil has find my in it, which can help you find it in case you lose it, and it also has some new sensors that let you kind of have finer control over the pen and paint. like tips that you'll be using as
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you're drawing. so this is really a 1st for the apple pencil. >gianna>that is cool. i love all this. i have a really old ipad, so i'm kind of excited to upgrade mine. lisa, thank you so much for all the info. >live>of course, thanks for >gianna>having me have a great day. all right? it is time now for your money watch report. tiktok is suing the federal government in efforts to block a law that would ban the app. nationwide on 1 side of the argument. the us government with national security concerns on the other side. tiktok users and their right to free speech if tiktok loses the lawsuit. the app will be removed from the app store unless it's chinese parent company bytedance can sell the app within a year. panera bread says it's phasing out its charged lemonade ring. this amid 3 separate lawsuits, claiming the highly caffeinated drink caused too. cardiac related deaths and left 1 customer with a long term heart problems. panera previously advertised the drink as plant based and clean with as much caffeine as their dark roast coffee. but have since updated their website saying the charged beverages have up to
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302. mg of caffeine and that they are not for children or people. sensitive to caffeine. the internal revenue service says there is more than 1 billion 0 in tax refunds. up for grabs. from 2020, but the deadline to claim it is about to expire. so if you have not yet filed your 2020 tax return and you think you could be eligible for refunds, be sure to file by may 17th. the i. r. s says there is no penalty for a late file. if a refund is due. well still ahead at 9. are you thinking of traveling across the us soon, the deadline to get your real i d next. and a historic change for 1 of the nation's oldest youth. organizations. the bay area teen who has been an early part of that push for inclusivity. >what's happening in the bay area this weekend? the west coast biggest taiwanese american celebration. brings lion dancers and delicious food to san francisco's union square saturday. the mill valley music
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festival is back and even bigger, with more artists. food and fun. at friends field on saturday and sunday. dorito marino awards see the top musical theater talent of tomorrow compete for a chance to advance to a national competition in new york city. you won't believe that these are high school >>show your support with $25 tickets at broadway. san events calendar i what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare?
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once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan. have questions? call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer. they know a lot about what makes these plans smart now and really smart later. or just ask for this free guide. benefits and rates in one place so it's easy to compare options. year to year, 94% of members renew their plan. and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp... meeting the high standards of service and quality. so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later.
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>gianna>okay, listen up, because this is on my to do list. as well. if you have any plans to fly around. the us s next year, you may want to hear this. the department of homeland security says it's real. i d deadline is now in effect the original deadline. was set for 2020. however, that date has been pushed back you now have until may 7th of 2025. so about a year to get yours issued. it failed to do so you will no longer be able to board flights. or have access to federal facilities. all right, well artificial intelligence strikes again. look at this. this time getting the best of katy perry's mom. while singer katy perry did not attend the
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annual mega gala in new york on monday. it really from these photos looks like she was there. what you're seeing here are a i generated photos of katie. in a garden. themed dress well, katie actually found the matter quite amusing she shared these pictures. these fake photos on her instagram. to which her mom actually thought it was her. she responded. saying to katie. i didn't know you went to the met. you look like the rose parade. it really is a beautiful dress, and i saw a lot of these popping up on social, including ones with lady gaga and rihanna. wow. well, that is it for the news at 9. coming up. next is the drew barrymore show celebrity couple, chrissy teigen and john legend. they're going to talk about their 10th wedding anniversary. their life with 4 children and they're going to play a game. but for local headlines, including weather, you can join us on our streaming service you can find us at cbs news bay area have a great wednesday.
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[theme music] [cheering] ok. oh my god, you guys, i am so ciexcited. i cannotel believe they're here together. they've tuactually both been on the show singularly, bu but they're, like, the ultimate couple goals and just so cool.


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