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tv   Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  October 1, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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"eyewitness news". >> right now at 11:00 o'clock, a center city woman says she was stalked, harassed and burglarized by the man in this video. someone who was supposed to protect her. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. right now, police are actively looking for this man leonard burton and they're asking for your help. there is a warrant for his arrest and tonight investigate testify reporter charlotte huffman shows the emotional story of the woman who was targeted. it's an "eyewitness news" exclusive. >> reporter: imagine this. your stalker has key to your apartment. he enters when you're not home and goes through your most personal things like your underwear. sounds like a nightmare. kendall stevens says this is no dream. >> i can't sleep at night. i have to consult a therapist. at this point i mean i just --
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it's tragic. it's absolutely tragic to have to live that way. >> reporter: leonard burton worked as the security guard at the front desk at stevens center city app building the west bury. he acted inappropriately. >> he would make sexual innuendos. i don't care what it takes, i want you. >> reporter: burton unlock her door and entered her apartment one day unannounced and saw her nude. >> he's right there in my doorway in my kitchen. i'm like get out, get out now. worried he'd go in her apartment again she installed a hidden camera before going on vacation. when she returned -- >> my apartment was ransack. all my money is gone and my underwear is missing. i couldn't believe it. he went through every drawer. he looked under my bed. he left no stone unturned in this apartment and he had plenty of time to do that. >> reporter: steven filed a police report claiming burton stole numerous items worth 7,800-dollar. there's now a warrant for his arrest on charges including
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burglary, theft and criminal press tas. >> we traced burton to seven addresses across the city. but when we went looking for him, he was nowhere to be found. police haven't located him either. >> there are thousands and thousands of warrants that are in our system. so it's not quite that easy to locate individuals especial physical they have any indication that they may be wanted. >> reporter: button has been fired from his job at the west bury but stevens is still worried. >> he's out there. he's on the loose. >> reporter: she'd concerned about her neighbors because burton had access to keys. stevens says university city housing which owns the west bury changed her locks but no one else's. >> it was told to me that they were going to change every lock in the building but that has yet to be done. >> reporter: we just want to ask you a few questions about the security of the building and -- the apartment manager wouldn't answer our questions and told us to make an appointment. we tried but that didn't get us anywhere either. >> i am extremely paranoid.
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extremely paranoid. i'm looking over my shoulder. he could be hiding in plane sight and i don't know where he is at any given time much that's what's scary. >> reporter: now the owner here at the west bury denied our on camera interview request and has failed to answer any of our questions. again police are asking for your help in identifying and locating burton. you can take another look at this photo on our website cbs philly p the com/i-team. live in center city charlotte huffman, cbs-3 "eyewitness news" g if you have story you think we should investigate the i-team wants to hear from you. you can send an the mail to i-team at >> well tonight a sinister twist in the deaths of cooper health's ceo and his wife. their bodies of course were found in their burning somerset cun tee, new jersey, home on sunday. now, we know the fire was intentionally set. our todd quinones is in montgomery township with new details. >> reporter: the fire was contained to just the upstairs master bedroom here and now that
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we know it was intentionally set, it raises questions as to who set it and why. sunday morning on september 28th there was a fire inside the home of the ceo of cooper university hospital. inside 72 year old ceo john sheridan and his wife joyce were found. sheridan was pronounced dead at the scene much his 6589 year old wife died at the hospital a short time later. neighbors i spoke with in this montgomery township neighborhood say they are already had their suspicions about the fire. off camera they tell me now that arson is involved, they are even more concerned. wednesday we learned the somerset cun tee prosecutor's arson task force ruled the fire was intentionally set. however, no new details were released and we're still waiting to hear the results of the autopsies and other laboratory tests to learn how the couple may have died. in the meantime cooper university health released this statement saying "we are saddened and shocked by what has been reported about the death of john sheridan and his wife joyce. their deaths already
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unbelievably sad are now tragic. our deepest condolences go out to john and joyce's family for their terrible loss ". >> citing the on-going investigation authorities would not comment on camera about the case. reporting in somerset county, new jersey, todd quinones cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> call to action in a philadelphia neighborhood tonight after a tragic accident leaves a six year old dead. that child was hit with a car while crossing the street. natasha brown spoke with an eyewitness she's life at the scene in nicetown where neighbors need something to change. natasha? >> reporter: well, chris, as you can imagine it's been emotionally draining day here along this block of 15th street as many witnesses say they saw this little boy struck and killed by this car that was passing by earlier today. many neighbors say this is block that's usually filled with school children, and more safety measures need to be taken. frenzied seen in the 3600 block of 15th street as crews
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scrambled to free a six year old boy struck by a passing car. no one more horrified by the scene than a man who tried to save the child. >> i seen a lot of things but that's going to stick me for while. >> this witness chose not to show his face but the unshakeable image of the little boy trapped be 19 the vehicle brings him to tears. he tried to use a carjack to hoist the car off the injury but had no idea the gravity of his injuries. >> in hindsight i didn't know how bad it was. i'm glad i wasn't able to jack the car. seen more than i seen -- that was nothing for nobody to see. >> the child was walking home from school and that's all i know at this point. unfortunately, walked between the parked vehicles and was struck by the vehicle. >> reporter: police say the distraught 52 year old male driver behind the wheel of this buick never left the scene. >> they definitely need crossing guards. >> reporter: long time residents say on any given
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afternoon the block is filled with kids leaving a 94 by charter school. she's calling for more crossing guards in the wake of this tragedy. >> but as long as i've been around who are there's never been a crossing guard on none of these corners from erie avenue from allegheny and only in front of the schools. >> reporter: well at this point we can tell you that this little boy's name has not been released just yet. meantime, police tell us the driver has been cooperative. they don't believe that alcohol, drugs or speed were factors in this case. they do believe this was just a tragic accident at this point. life here in nicetown tonight, natasha brown, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> natasha, thank you. big change at the top of the secret service. director julie pearson stepped down and was replaced by a philadelphia native. pearson's resignation comes a mid multiple revelations of white house security breaches and a err eroding confidence following her testimony before congress. today we learned president obama shared an elevator last month in
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atlanta with an arm guard not authorized to be around him. >> over the last several days, we've seen recent and accumula accumulating reports raising questions about the performance of the agency. and the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was require. >> the new temporary head of the secret service is joseph clancy who has deep roots in our area. clancy worked for the secret service before he served as head of the president's protective division until 2011. that's when he became director of corporate security at com raft. clancy is a graduate of villanova university and was a teacher at father judge high school here in philadelphia. we are learning more tonight about the pennsylvania state trooper killed in an accidental shooting in montgomery county. flags flew at half staff today in honor of 26 year old david kedra the trooper based at skippack barrack was killed at a training exercise at montgomery county pub look training center. he was shot in the chest when sources say another trooper was demonstrate agnew weapon.
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that's when it accidentally discharged. >> highly motivated and you could tell every single day walk in he was he can treatmently proud to be a pennsylvania state trooper and he showed it. >> he was a graduate of temple university's criminal justice program and roman catholic high school of philadelphia. >> new at 11:00 o'clock tonight, pennsylvania closes portions of the delaware state forest in monroe county as they search for eric frein the accused cop killer. the game commission also banned all hunting in this area. those decisions came after police found two pipe bombs in the woods where they believe frein is hiding. he's of course wanted in last month's deadly ambush at the state police barracks in blooming grove. one trooper was killed that day. another was wounded. the cam pan trail traveled through the cbs broadcast center today. this morning pennsylvania governor tom corbett and his arrival tom wolf sat down for breakfast with the candidates.
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a free wheeling hour we hashed out the issues that matter. >> teachers unions of pennsylvania are trying to convince people that i cut education. >> but did you. >> no, i didn't. >> they were miles apart on the issues. but separated by just sick inches on stage. a dynamic that led the candidates to engage. >> first of all so he is saying he did cut funding. he's saying -- i never said i cut funding. >> they sparred over the commonwealth's critical challenges and for just mommy tom corbett and tom wolf took time to show the voters who they really are. >> all right. mr. wolf, steelers or eagles? >> penn state. i'm from york. >> governor? >> steelers. >> all right. >> governor and his challenger agreed that in the wake of a suspected gay bashing in philadelphia, the state' hate crimes law should be changed. >> general assembly gets that bill passed i'll sign it when it gets to my desk. >> but on every other issue they remained at odds including the budget. a did you go of which turned personal. >> 2132014 budget suffered from what, a 700 million plus dollar
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revenue shortfall. so you obviously, you know, cooked the books to make it look look it was balanced but it wasn't. >> cook the books? >> yeah. i mean it doesn't -- you actually -- >> you're accusing me of a criminal act? i'm accusing you of over -- over estimate wagon the revenues were going to be in last year' budget. we were seven hadn't dread million dollars short. >> be informed before you cast your vote. mack sure to watch this debate. we'll rebroadcast it sunday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock here on cbs-3. you can watch it any time online. it's on our website right now >> alarming new information about the first case of ebola here in the us. we'll tell you who the patient was exposed to and also why this tech text hospital is now under fire for the way they handled the patient. >> kathy? >> in weather we're talking about more clouds in the delaware valley. we have an area of low pressure parked off the coast keeping the clouds into the region as this pulls away, another storm will keep it wet and keep it cool.
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we'll talk more about that coming up with the seven day. >> and it was the 20-cent tip that sparked controversy. to night, a waiter finally gets his pay day and wait until you hear who zen the check. >> plus, a philadelphia favorite receives a national honor. why reading terminal market is in the spotlight tonight.
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>> we now know the man diagnosed with the first case of ebola in the united states and the c d.c. is investigating why thomas duncan was not admitted to hospital earlier. duncan first visited the hospital in dallas texas on september 26th with a fever and abdominal pains. a nurse using a checklist asked the man whether he had traveled from africa. he told the nurse he had but was still released. the cdc says duncan flew from laborer ya to the us back on september 19th. >> regretfully, that information was not fully communicated throughout the full team. and as a result, the full import of that information wasn't factored in to the clip decision
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making. >> as a result of all of this health officials in north texas are monitoring as many as 18 people who may have had direct contact with duncan. five children among that group though apparently none has shown signsigns of ebola. >> pediatric case of enterovirus 68 has shown up in camden coun county. officials provided no details about the 784 old child citing medical privacy laws but that virus has been spreading across the nature. there are now seven confirm cases of enterovirus 68 in new jersey. >> philadelphia is now the largest city to decriminalize possession of small amount of marijuana. mayor michael nutter signed the new legislation today. person caught with less than an ounce of pot would receive a $25 fine. if someone is caught spoking marijuana in public, they face $100 fine or community service. this new policy will go into effect october 20th. >> well there's new own are in tonight for the failed revel kaseen no in atlantic city. brook field us holdings out of
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tour reason tow summited the winning bid of $110 million during a bankruptcy court auction. the company says it will operate the boardwalk property as a casino. this is the same company that owns the hard rock in las vegas and atlantic paradise island in the bahamas. >> not far from the revel the search is on tonight for the cause of this fire that nearly wiped out a block in atlantic city. flames broke out on atlantic avenue between pennsylvania and north carolina last night. the flames engulfed several apartments and businesses. 17 people including children were home at the time but all managed to escape the flames. there were no injuries. >> new at 11:00 tonight, gm now says enough parts of available to fix the faulty ignition switches in their cars. those switches are now blamed for 23 deaths nationwide. gm ruled two-point sick million cars worldwide earlier this year to fix faulty ignition switches. so far only about 1.2 million cars have had the repairs.
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>> now to a rare site caught on camera. a diver records two great white sharks attacking each other. the diver says the bigger shark became aggressive when a smaller shark tried to oat some bait. this rare mommy unfollowed off the southern australian coast. the smaller shark did manage to get away in one piece. experts say larger great whites assert their authority. >> charlie sheen kept his promise to a server. take look at the now infamous receipt. shane tweeted he pledging $1,000 to rob nellie after hearing about the incident earlier this month. sheen has come through and deliver that $1,000 to the server. no word on what he's going to do with the money. >> a very special honor tonight for philadelphia's reading terminal mark. >> the american planning association has name the market one of the 10 great public spaces in america for 2014. of course from great food to
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unique crafts you can find just about anything at reading terminal market. >> for sick million residents and tourists visit this mark year. vendor businesses are one had dread owned. they rep the heart and soul of the philadelphia region. >> yes it does. reading terminal mark the only philadelphia location to make this year' list. >> what fun place to be. yes. this weekend we'll see a little rain. so if you want to spend some time inside -- >> perfect. >> as they say in italian man gentlemen, man gentlemen. >> weather wise we're looking at a pleasant evening. some clouds out there. but that's keeping temperature on the mild side. take look outside where it is a pretty nice evening from the city to the shore. we're looking good in atlantic city. some low clouds earlier this evening but they have dissipated. on storm scan3, we do see some higher clouds, some cumulus clouds moving on in.
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we have an area of low pressure that's keeping the clouds from philadelphia and its suburbs points eastward with some break in the action these clouds will slowly move offshore as the storm system offshore moves little bit farther away. if you're having hard time seeing the clouds, i'll put it in black and white so you can see it easier here where you see the gray that's actually the clouds. and the black is the clear ski skies. a sliver of clearing right through places like chester county, delaware county, and down through delaware but the clouds hanging tough through montgomery county, buck county, and points to the east through philadelphia. we will see those overnight low temperatures comfortable in the 60s were you take look at some of these high temperatures. our life neighborhood network shows us to the north and west of the city where we didn't see much cloud cover temperatures were well into the 70s. in reading and malvern malvern prep but medford in south jersey and also princeton high temperatures only in the mid to upper exacts. so that's a 10-degree difference. shows you how powerful the cloud cover can be this time of year. we're watching storm pulls away
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and skies clear during the day on thursday. it will ab pleasant day with seasonable temperatures. as this front moves in from the west on friday, we still see clear skies with temperature in the 70s. the rain will arrive with this front late friday night into saturday. the good news is, that this rain will be moving eastward right after the noon hour and by the afternoon we will be seeing some sunshine. so sunshine saturday before sunset but it will be getting cooler. right now temperatures mainly in the 60s with the exception of the poconos checking in the 57. to the west, through the northern plains war looking at temperature in the 50s and this is the air that's going to be moving our way. so that weekend chill will progress eastward and be here in time for saturday and even sunday when temperatures really bottom out right in time for the eagles football game. it will be good football weather as we like to say. mostly cloudy skies around overnight. low temperature around 56 degrees. during the day on thursday, parly sunny with a cool breeze. high pressure settles in to the
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north. the high temperature 72 degrees. and for kickoff on sunday for the bird as they take on the rams, kickoff time 1:00 o'clock. kickoff temperature only 64 degrees. on the exclusive "eyewitness weather" seven day forecast the numbers are going to be falling. friday, 73, yom kippur begins at sunset much it will be raining saturday for the holiday. but only through midday. the temperature 68. 63 on sunday. monday, tuesday and wednesday slowly warming up. so temperatures will not stay cool for long but it will ab little shock to the system. look at sunday morning and monday morning. highs in the city only in the fours. that is the coldest air of the season. if you love the weather and you like to talk about it, and report on it like we do, we want to you join our team and be an "eyewitness weather" watcher. sign up now at all the information is there. >> we love more team members. come on g kathy, the bigger the better.
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>> that's right. >> everybody hoping the eagles can deliver a shock at the system to the st. louis rams. >> lot of question marks surrounding the eagles offense. shady mccoy talks about his less than stellar numbers so far this season. jason kelce mapping out his return to the feel. find out when he
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five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. >> from injuries to missed plays goals offense not performed quiet like everyone expected. lesean mccoy averaging 2.7 yards per carry this season. compared to 6 yards per carry after four games last season. he's working with beat up offense is he line. put up only 192 grounds on the yard. another 64 in the air but it is a long season and he's not letting the stats get in his
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head. >> i know who i am of i'm still confident. what ick do. it doesn't rolly bother me that much. we're winning games many we're three and one. at times it can be frustrating but at the end of the day i know who i am. >> center jason kelce back on his feet after under going surgery for sports hernia. he hopes to be ready for the carolina panthers game november 10th that would also be when guard evan mathis hopes to be back. >> i don't want to get too ahead of myself. right now it's a very active recovery. you're up and moving the day after surgery. trying to get all the swelling and flam paying out of the area as that goes and as it heels and you obviously star lifting waits again start running again. >> we have prime time football tomorrow in it. a classic rivalry from the nfc north minnesota vikings take on aaron rodgers and green bay packers right here on cbs-3. pre-game coverage begins at 7:30. >> it's time for to you help us pick the game of the week for friday football frenzy. where should beasley go this week our choices are bristol at
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jenkintown. maple shade at pitman and haddon heights at gateway. cast your vote on the awed crow yo road show app and we'll announce that winner tomorrow night at 11:00 o'clock. >> it's the game a lot of baseball fans will be talking for long long time. the kansas city royals clinched a spot in the playoffs for the first time in 29 years. just about everyone in the city was watching even the police department. check this out. they sent out a tweet saying "we really need everyone to not commit crimes and drive safely right now. we'd like to hear the royals clinch this ". you know what, it might have work. there were no crimes, none, reported near the stadium until after the game was over. we'll be right back. ♪
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theredelaware just like us. fire companies in the state of something went wrong with the new health care law that threatened to shut us all down, and then chris coons got involved. chris did one heck of a job. he got senators in both parties to see that there was a problem. they fixed it, so now volunteer fire companies can stay in service. most guys in washington just want to argue. but our chris coons got results. i'm chris coons and i approve this message. it's not easy to get things done in washington, but i'm working hard to find common ground. well a reason why a lot of philadelphia to atlantic city is because it's so close, it's like a quick getaway. the ocean is a big draw. you can come and get some exercise, get some ice cream. love to come to the casinos, get some good food, put your feet in the water, and of course fishing.
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i love to fish off the pier. i'm a great fisherman. flounder, sea bass, striped bass, you name it, i'll eat it. and you can, like i say, be home within an hour. done it many times.
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♪ >> new at 11:00 o'clock tonight, the kickoff to an annual campaign that is designed to save lives. "eyewitness news" at the parkway central library for the lights for the cure launch party. this campaign is joint effort between cbs-3 and susan g. komen philadelphia. you'll notice local landmark will be glowing pink all across the region. this is a reminder for women to schedule a mammogram. i was very proud to take part in the festivities tonight along with the women of "eyewitness news". >> philadelphia franklin square is just one of the land marks taking part. the fountain look at that. doesn't that look great in pink. lights for the cure is now in
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its 13th year and as you well know october is breast cancer awareness month. schedule that mammogram. we'll be right back. ♪
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rdevry university's merit-based career catalyst scholarship can help you get started with up to $20,000 for qualified new students. apply now and start working toward your career, like devry grad, shelly joseph. as a student at devry, a business career was my goal. this was my career training ground... my professors, were also my coaches. their guidance helped me find career success... at microsoft. find your success with our career catalyst scholarship. classes start october 27. get started now. visit
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have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change.
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>> we want to thank you for watching "eyewitness news" at 11:00 o'clock. "eyewitness news" returns tomorrow morning at 4:30 with ukee washington and erika von tiehl. for lesley, kathy and all of us here at "eyewitness news" i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. you can always fine us at the late show david letterman is next with guest bill o'reilly.
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have a good night. we'll see you tomorrow. have a good night. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now resolute and unwavering whirly bird pilot. david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs