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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the crowds of protesters fill the streets of tel aviv balance is really, is the prime minister. netanyahu make a deal with problem of truly sol remaining hostages. from cancer we came to call on the government to resign. this is the worst government that was in the as well since its inception. also, it had this, our rush, it strikes back at western that tends to seize itself. that's due to the print conflict with face and petersburg court. screening of america's biggest fight must paid at most ago in 1st, most of the west, the small states that demonstrate its power at all costs. according to the president of republic, a search scott entered exclusive interview with our team. it is true, the republican service defines itself under immense pressure. i think the people in
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the west have become friends each and the dates in their powerlessness and rage are looking for someone who is small enough, which we are for sure to demonstrate their power on the 11th at night this saturday in jerusalem in cairo. and here in moscow, welcome to the our team, use our the warning gas is shaking off is released society does. i'm think government protests grip tel aviv again. demonstrators are also demanding the release of hostages still held by come us in the end tape since the october 7th terrorist attack ortiz, middle east correspondent, and re if an auction. the reports from that rally. this became a typical sauce here and tell of even the last month, thousands have gathered on democracy square behind me for
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a weekly time. the rally called prime minister and the major made for elections to be held in grand for a reason which always rarely failed to protect the country. or when you remember more than 3000 military entities rogue from guys like ceiling 1200 israelis, military and civilian, and taking 100000000 a number of israel's military offensive. the return of all hostages hasn't been achieved in almost 7 months now. and the day of freedom that celebrates the exalt as of jews from slavery,
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and biblical aged protests, or se sick tons of the celebrations as $133.00 captive men and women, old and sick children, among them still being held somewhere deep in her mouth. and tunnels in gaza, probably with no free them. no the yeah, nothing really just trying to create a c as in his own interest in the interests of the nation. no, we haven't been able to speak to. * earlier, let's say to people, how would you mind there's like a like the last the months to bring back those to that which is very important and still replace this surplus. there's a government that are doing very bad thing for us. it's a typical baby. uh,
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a way of uh, of that behaving like no, to think anything for, for the people and they will live and we will be add those to send them away. i carry the us flag because over the last 15 months, this country has degraded and i am a little concerned about the police. this american flag is an insurance policy for me because i'm concerned that they will take excessive violence with a regular protesters. we came here to call on the government to resign. this is the worst government that was in the as well since its inception. earlier on monday, the idea of military intelligence changed became the 1st high profile, the official to resign, because of the military's nailer. to present to the tags and protests are here, believed that many and foreign minister before anybody else. sure to follow his example. israel has launched an investigation into the negligence of the military. with the most traders we are safe for. i'm going to search to step down regardless
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of what the probes will find out and before or even it ends added to domestic discontent. global concern, mountaintop, where is road warren gaza. last week is really me. there we pull to sub for international criminal court. maybe consider an issue in international around the relatively near future. again, prime minister and others home, these really officials for alleged war crimes. given yahoo doesn't seem to care. this is how he commented on business boards on demand leadership. israel will never accept any attempt by the i to see to on demand. it's inherent rights of self defense. israel will continue to wage. i would just watch victory against genocidal terrorist and it will never stop defending no celts while the sea will not affect these rose actions. it would set a dangerous precedent that threatens the soldiers and the officials of all democracies fight in savage terrorism and want them to aggression. meanwhile,
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israel and her mass, i'm back to negotiations around the active, pulls from into playing the role of a mediator. the intentions are concerned about a possible raven mills reparation in the southern gaza. city of ross or near the egyptian mode are working very hard to help the sides reach an agreement. but the way to is the fire and the invasion of israel has been saying for weeks, it wouldn't be rough for where the 1000000 displays is. and i was sheltering. i mean, and i'm going human is hearing crisis agency or but the need for tens of thousands of, of probably the region, the bill and answer an exemption territory that will of course, endangered agent will secure a team on thursday. the idea of people hold off and the head of israel security service, travel to cairo, and also that a donation of interest to intelligence officials or businesses as well as the about
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some whole brands. and since optimistic messages to the media now have mass examines the jail, one us official earlier is that he's familiar with negotiations that the current bill meets almost all the masses demands in both the return ways route. so it's really officials told their different towns of powers, and that was the message for israel gives hostage negotiations one last chance. if the reason all the time they move forward with the operation a re, if an osh there will palestinians have gathered to more and the victims of over night is released strikes and gals as southern low city rough on of least 8 people were reportedly killed in the bottom bard length of our residential building, gasoline officials say 2 children, 86, and they are among the dead. some 14 and a half 1000 mind sir said to have been killed inside this trip since october 7th,
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on the overall policy ending in depth at total lowest density over $34300.00 people . according to local authorities mean lost in a significant development. the us state department has been fully informed of israel, could be violating international by killing civilians in gather that's according to a lead confidential paper from the u. s. a agency, which is not a circulating on media outlets. the findings conclude the american arms exports to israel could be in breach of us restrictions. the bottom such supplies to parties that break the serious concerns that the killing of nearly so the 2000 people of which the government, the reason really itself assess, is rather too, so to civilians may well amount to you, validation of international humanitarian law. that haven't commented on the book we did get reaction from journalist and documentary filmmaker, robert in the kitchen,
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who say is american officials who sign off on the legal aid to israel could be complicit in war crimes and counsel the knowledge that israel officially tibbets in the public sphere knowledge from members of the us government, that israel is committing war crimes with their logistical support, with their political support and with their weapons. will of course, paid the way to potentially lawsuits and arrests of those involved in the united states. maybe not now, but in the future that could happen. so it's very apparent to anyone which is looking at the situation and goes out with the mass graves and the murder of aid workers, the assassination of children and innocent people. and we have all of the video evidence, the forensic evidence, we know more crimes are being committed. every one does, i think it's very evident that of course, on a political level, they have to cover this up because they con,
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openly admit their committing work crimes. so it looks at this point like they're just trying to cover their bases and make sure they don't have most, it's coming against them. and that later in life, maybe some of these politicians will end up in jail, or at least on trial. as something else running the war there a flotilla aimed at breaking it through israel's blockade of gas. it is prepared to set sail from trickier. but the project is facing some resistance more than a 1000 international volunteers have organized to send 3 ships from tricky to gasoline as part of their so called freedom for to us. but the emissions being delayed, reportedly, after all these really delegation put pressure on port authority into some of a grouping from the international register of shipping board at the vessels and remove their flags, meaning they couldn't stay long. so tele plans to deliver 5 fathers in terms of age, from donors around the globe to ease the humanitarian crisis in the or
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despite all the western attempts to cripple russia. president putting how's the curtain operates economic forecasts for this year with the state budget increasing on inflation spending time in the progressive development of our economy is positively reflected in the federal budget on the home federal budget revenues for the 3 months have increased more than one and a half times, compared to last year, we need to muster and occupy our own market, displace imports not through administrative actions and resources, but through fair market competition. meanwhile, a st. petersburg cortez sided with a russian bike and its efforts to recruit $440000000.00 from jp morgan chase. that is money that america's largest bank froze in u. s. accounts. in response to the frank conflict. jp morgan has responded by
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culture assuming in a us court to block v t b banks. temps. the american lender also claims it tons return assets to the to be due to us sanctions. really, my colleague, nicky, are in our to contributor for sams, broke down the details for us a v t b, which is a very large russian bank is the 2nd largest bank in russia. was a, you know, as a lot of banks do, holding assets in the us, which then effectively stolen from the steel someone's money. you can't expect for a quote in russian not to rule in favor of that bank to recover those stolen funds . there isn't really any reason for that. none of the funds from what we understand from the information had been used for anything but to invest in very a vanilla investments in the united states. there wasn't an issue with that. it wasn't funds that made it true. industrial complex or anything like that and, and to be honest, i don't think jp morgan all going to be able to react in any significant way unless
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they want to challenge it in the russian quote, which i think they know they're going to lose because they really don't have a leg to stand on here, the laces, ukraine, and as well as age legislation allows the us to seize russians. they asked is do you expect to 2 percent response for most and we just have to day a speech from president pacing where he explained that the russian economy is doing very, very well indeed at j d p guys, he's saying could be up to 3 percent compare that to the west, but we have to have negative just need to be glad to do that. we minutes to do anything, right? so i think most people look cuz they always do. they never react overnights. they don't suddenly know when, when most gets punched, it waits before it punches back. but i think they'll see probably a level of different measures that come in that really, really hit then hit them where it hurts rather than just do it for the sake of doing it. this story. as an example, could we say that the us time since i've actually damaging the wrong box? oh yeah, absolutely. we thing that, i mean, at the end of the day, that money has to flow as a major banking institution like jp morgan. you have to have money deployed in
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different markets around the world. and that's, that's really the case of the united states, the united states, as always, use the dollar. it's used his own capital markets in order to exec influence uncontrolled around the world, the minute the this, the other countries turn around the go hang on a minute. you're making us do the things, so, you know, that's responding. let's take back what saws i think it could really have a huge detrimental effect. not just so the us going to be with the economy, good economies of the west, in general. the good, another story to bring you today. i'll poll faces potential legal action enough for the democratic republic of the congo has a cube use the us tech giant of using minerals smuggle from the countries at conflict when regions into neighboring rolanda regional journalist timothy a base who can fill in the blanks. so nice, 322 minerals that includes 10 ton tell them thompson and gold are found in
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commercial quantities, east of the democratic republic of congo. however, for more than 2 decades, the region has essentially turned into a battlefield. as rab, i will see, control the costs to see that power has been paid by millions who lost their lives in one of the confidence longest running complex this week. but the received documents through it's lawyer of accused tech giants, apples of use in minerals that are changed by the blog people, n quotes in the, our products. the message was where the tech giants has read. the benefits from products including lots and i phones that are made with minerals extracted illegally from the war song as legal action is on the way if they don't cease and desist. apple has sold technology made with mineral source from a region whose population is being devastated. by grave human rights violations,
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the responsibility of apple and other major tech manufacturers when they use blood minerals has for too long remained the black box set so balanced on the tops and widespread corruption of size providing minerals, apple, or just some of the allegations leveled in the letter, the region has been robbed by violent since the ninety's, but tensions escalated in late 2021. when em 23 rebels began recapturing swats of territory. the g r c office at apple parties, minerals small boot out of the country into neighboring rhonda where the age of weight it is a global supply chain. apple has consistently relied on a range of suppliers that by minerals from rwanda, a mineral poor country that has preyed upon the d, r c and plundered its natural resources for nearly 3 decades. it's not the 1st time, but when the blame on the use of what the point at the galleys un and western countries have a ques, wanda,
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supporting the m 23 rebels in the beach to take control of the regents of mineral resources. but the guy, the has denied the claims as apple. straws, of all the allegations it pointed to statements embedded in its 2023 on more reports. based on our due diligence efforts, we found no reasonable basis for concluding that any of the smelters are refiners of 3 d, g, 1010 to them, tungsten and gold. determined to be in our supply chain as of december 31st, 2023 directly or indirectly financed or benefited aren't groups in the d. r. c. or in the adjoining country. the company seems to rely mainly on the due diligence of its suppliers to as the source it's raw materials. but the suppliers rely on a certification from a supply chain initiative. no one of the ideas that was settled over 10 years ago
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when solve a supply of conflict, free minerals from the g r c. however, apple is not the only major corporation and relies on the system to as all info and samsung are among some of the other companies that depend on the i guess. yeah. but the devil isn't the details, according to record by global witness. 90 percent of the minerals from specific mining sites reviewed by the program did not come from accredited mines. while the g r c has demanded that apple responds to each notice. within 3 weeks. it's not a wait and see game as to web are global tech science will put people's lives or profits 1st. going to be a visa, archie. well let's say with this story, because we heard from the head of a human rights grouping that promotes local access to from his natural resources. he stays awful, isn't the only trans national corporation that's seizing on the riches of the d. r
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. c is risky. yeah, it is true that the d r c, like other african countries faces the problem of illegal mining of, or, and minerals. but the key issue here is the problem of governance at the political level in all african countries. since contracts are generally agreed upon with the authorities and not with the technical government organizations. and when we talk about the east of the d r c, where there are arns conflicts with human rights violations. it is because there are irregular forces that exploit natural resources and earn serious and come from this. it is because of these revenues that the security situation continues to deteriorate as funds generated from the exploitation of natural resources are difficult to control. today the d r c blames apple, and this is good. this is natural, this is correct, but it is not just apple. in general,
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the talk is about all transnational corporations, google and so on. the are the final consumers of our resources. they are the root of our problems. and finally, the west is looking for someone small enough to demonstrate its power on. that's according to the presidents of republic, a serv, scan, one of 2 entities on bosnia and herzegovina, exclusive interview with our tea. miller on dick added that russia plays an important role in maintaining a system based on the rule of law on an international level. i'll leave, you know, with the main parts of that discussion. actually, that is true. this republic, a service confines itself under immense pressure. i think the people in the west have become friends at the end of the day in their powerlessness and rage are looking for someone who's small enough, which we are for sure to demonstrate their power on this making life difficult for
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public. a service good does not require much skill nor force to great. this is measured by understanding and helping the weaker and not by impugning them to an extent which threatens to the store, their political and even the biological existence of cause. on an, on the russian federation is one of the guarantor. so the dates on peace agreement as such, it has undoubtedly been contributing to the agreements implementation like the u. s . u k. and even you members such as germany and funds, as well as that you itself who model the data and agreement, bypass and adequate procedures are on the fact that you are fighting for the rule of law and russian has been doing so all the time. absolutely shows are on the right path to establish instability, the others can say the same or they have been pursuing their own rules which would change virtually every day and demanding the whole system to bend in order to stick with their requests for which was impossible to this is why russia plays a very important role, which is insane in the system based on the rule of law on the international level. the role of russia in the un security council has proven to be very important from the point of understanding the whole situation. but in that regard,
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we find ourselves in the situation we're posting it in here to covina has its constitution, which is integrity. part of the dayton agreement today, which was guaranteed by the great forces which has written the precise clear or functional translatable. and yet there's a completely different valley which came into being by costs and interventions, primarily from the west. the u. k. the u countries are full in lifestyle. and even when you're at to the fact foreigners who come from what the names of the west are involved in the system of decision making, you'll see there is a german who falsely introduce himself as the high representative who was his name in accordance with an extent and was just brought here and introduced as a high representative for an exam. it's positive that it's fine, even with serbia and cray ship republican service go. federation of boston, hurts of aveena and bosnia herzegovina, on the whole have to agree on who the high representative is. going to be somewhat have to which the choice has to be confirmed, but disagree with the comments will cover this problem. none of those things happen . and yet you have a man whose decisions are being broken into a lot further to stabilize in boston here. it's convenient,
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i think that they approach russia has, which is preserving the rule of law and that which is the norm, as well as on when the agreements between internal access without choosing sides is the best approach. a true friend of boston here to give you that can happen flooded, however, western propaganda in tribute it. and there are different milan influence to russia, which suggest that the very existence of prussia, which is interested in local affairs. and somehow, if there's anything malign, then it's us or british influence for giving you maligned influenza, which turns down all of its fundamental rule of law princess if by doing so, the you is also turn itself down, but not just an awesome about the my, the world of lies which were seen the west and which stems not from honoring agreements from dayton, which was thought as one of the most important examples of the complex. so when buying agreement to the mixing agreements and one of agreements many agree miss created by those in the west had what merkel and holland set as they're to go for. they said, we just bought time with the conflict. of course of the show survey is having coastal taking away from me by circumvention,
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any kind of procedure even don't have a human majority which supports the cost of those independent options. in our case, they're taking away all the rights suite for to the dates in the agreement, because allegedly they're unhappy with them. when you think question, when you realize there are 2 causes for the wes aggressive opposed to republicans strips going to be one republican service that is consistent through refusing to join nato. and is vito in any procedure that would take it in a direction and to from the very start of the special military operation ukraine. we've kept to a position where we didn't agree to sanction. and russians, or whether it's some boston muscle investors in the name of bosnia and herzegovina, may have agreed to something that is somewhere in the world, but not one govern body in boston. here it's a convenient agreed to introduce in any kind of sanctions on the russian federation, some of those and that's why they have become friends that that's why they're mat. they think that everyone has to follow suit in their falling where people who knew sanctions we would think not suggesting that for some kind of heroes or villains know that the best was practicing on us, i think would do to rush out under the circumstances or provoke conflict and see which the vast is making war with russia by using your credit. people as
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approximately, that's with everything that's coming from the west is a lot of the conflicts and boston hurts a given a hadn't even started when the west started qualifying for service behavior as a genocide and weakness having been served as a key that they were claiming how the strips were preparing for genocide. so when you look at bosses reward demographic structure and the more victims the percentages of serbian muslim and quote, victims correspond to the percentages of those people living in boston before the wor. usually, genocide is an event where one people strives to eliminate another in every sense, culturally and even biological. that didn't happen. that is a lie or a made up narrative fitness that ability bush not because there's so much just work on justice where they wanted to cover up the mistakes. the u. s. had been making the entire time violate the un, embargoed by and then would you have been coming from other words that was really violated. you an embargo and important aren't as integrated all of this on it. that's why they're trying to cover up that part of a story and maintain the narrative serves as perpetrators because rebuild against
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is false scripts. and that's why we're guilty of this today. unfortunately, most people in the current through us administration were assistance to people from american democrat structures during the time of boston and civil war. o'brien who was an assistant to madeline albright jim is now in charge of balkans and the you. the current investor to boston. it wasn't the system to richard holbrooke who was working on the piece agreement there, charlie, who had been writing the taken peace agreements, was the deputy to the state secretary. so the, so all of them are now back to, as they like to say, finished and finished business, but only they know what didn't finish business is for them. it's to know republican service, good create unitary boston hertz and convenient dominated by boston must be fold. it for you, i respect islam. i respect people in countries who follow that faith and which makes this country successful. i've got nothing against them of what you were dealing with, the relations between boston and her. it's a good being as others and as others are both. so you have to bear in mind that the board remains that the collective west. i think that the term west is wrong, just like the impulse narrative of some western buttons on us impressions serve it
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to stop making friends in the world which withdraw the recognition of the cost of only serbia, which serve to uphold some of the agreements. it hadn't with the west, and they usually believe the west and what we have now in the council of europe. as a result of the only members of the united nations can also be members of the council if you're in the cost of all is not that $1.00. and yet they're holding a vote. all of that is breaking the rules or creating the rules as we see fit under the only sticks of help remediating. such moves are like absolutes of belief. those things are coordinated after all, the part is promoting these 2 events are the same. and so we're not asking for any richard actions against any one in the bulk is enough. we're not even looking for allies. would only stick to our policies if you were looking for an ally who would understand and have a dialogue with us about the problems. and not those who make decisions and offices are far away in impulse solutions with no real basis. that will succeed anywhere in the world is the wes tried to push its liberalism narrative on so many countries and look out that way that all these are, of course the one 3rd choose to be the only one eastern. and i believe that in order to maintain it, you have to choose
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a place where you control force from that to do so on serves or someone else has to . ukraine, for instance, is a complete fast go for the west, mostly through the i was present that the 2007 unit security conference when we can deliver to speak to you. and it was she was doing all the years afterwards. and there weren't many demands for the west of, of don't go into ukraine. we don't want later, they're just like the america doesn't want anyone in canada, nor in mexico or in cuba. so why russia can have the same, the reality they ukrainians are doing the west through the work and the west is thrilling. the conflict to the less recreating with billions changing into the fact is that the west lost the ability to have a true leader in me that there is no one who can assume that wrong. on the other hand, through us very, definitely used and we can be used to such an extent that i believe the you will become obsolete in a few years. so invested on it the
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issue. but when you go into the most, the most to the start of the so people to pick up the, to the get the skews before you think that it was of them go to the but of the order. so that's what this all right, just to kind of what the
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the step through. yep. so, so i know it was about us, the book flowing, ready some way english community. so wanted to give you the political go up on the should see us getting close to the media. and we thought if you want to plug into that because i'm homeless. so the server is a show thing. if someone of us is the level of thought, if somebody could have our somebody else, the customer laughed to cut them. but they discuss took the shift that i see myself that go for the sort of which move into.


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