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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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now i'm getting in the balance. they want to be all yeah, yeah. i have been collaborating outside the j. c. po, a framework to maintain their working relationship. both parties are now working on a documents based on the previous agreement for future cooperation on is the photos of the swamp republic oberon are perpetually discontented bounty, iran and the i a, a ties and one to make doubts and difficult to use on the path of iran and the i a a and the value the decisions that they make. but mr. grossey and i recognize the joint statement as a proper cornerstone for the ties between iran and the i a, a visa instrument. it is a clear indication of the area where we need to work the space to a concrete steps. well, progress appears to be on track between one and the atomic agency to one has voice
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concerns about what it perceives as, as well as disruptive role. and the process. one says israel has provided fabricated documents through media on the i, a officials and it it to tarnish or was nuclear reputation. everyone says we all use impartiality regarding its nuclear programs has been compromised by political pressures from israel and the western world which are pushing for closer scrutiny of it was nuclear activities. i had the opportunity to investigate groceries approach to it was claims about as well as yours. i would you to mitigate professional external influence is particularly from countries such as well on your professional and our oversight program. we don't excelitas here. ideally, we'd be some my role is to look into the actions that we're on immensely, the satisfied, the cell, any doubts may exist,
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passed because it's my gro seats where i won't have seen him adopt a conciliatory and soft tone towards that one's nuclear program only to shift gears upon returning home. however, there one is hopeful that a draft cooperation document will ensure the a's on biased assessment of its nuclear program. and she'll the countries engagement with the agency from western. and he's really madeline star to the commer square. you can get for the details of all the story will for, for like, i'll see you again on top of the all the borrower, buddy. i'm rick sanchez. and these are the stories that you need to know about today. india has a us style corruption problem,
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a big one. bizarre handshake between my crohn and the presidency. one that you have to see also as a dead puppy, a dead puppy, a dead puppy becomes the country's most important new story right now. yeah, it is. this is direct impact. let's do it the so india has a corruption problem. it's getting a lot of news these days. you want to see what it looks like. 2 the way i just this, this video, this, this, this image is amazing. go ahead, victor, showing the bit, look at that. you see that what you're looking at right there is the lute, from what police in india are calling one of the biggest ever black money holes by any single agency and a single operation in the country's history. you know, obviously the currency in india's, rubies. but if those were american dollars, you'd be looking at roughly $35000000.00. if you want to know what that is
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from basically corruption correction, government officials, taking what appears to be bribes from construction projects and other assorted entities. and when the morning government apparently credit right, goes to the mode of government. if it's true, what are your reports or the mode of government found out about this? they sent it authorities and authorities conducted raids. and, and that's what led to that, lou, that i just showed you all that money there. by the way, before we get to high in our horse, you know about the corruption and other countries or not us. let's don't forget what you're seeing right there in india is likely not too different from what happens here, except here in the us. it tends to be dark money. it comes from individuals, it comes from corporations and for the most part it's legal, legal, legal, bribery, yeah, that's right. there were some citizens united credit. president modi when he found
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out about this, he held a news conference and here's what he said. or i'm going to dig, i will gladly go to the tv, but they're going off today. mountains of currency notes are being found in the neighboring state jargon. people are saying he did the fact in money is being taken by moody. now tell me if i stop there says to stop their earning. i will stop there lou. will they abuse moody or not? i'm with you, but i should i do this work or not got to do it says he's got to do the work and even for that, he's being criticized by the way. don't worry about moody, not winning his election. it looks like it's going to be a landslide on another side of the story. and i think this is really important when we look at this is the fact that the indian government recently has been making overtures, right? we reported this what last week with the united states, with, with tesla, with the mosque, with the black rock, et cetera. and i guess you can help but think that, well if, if they want to be like the united states, well least are starting to get the corruption part right. manila chang joins me to talk a little bit about this. but what, what is your take on this situation in,
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in india, vanilla jeffrey a couple of things we have to point out here. so that big pile of money, right? is something what 202300 1000000 rupees that were found in the rural development ministers, domestic helpers, bedroom. so basically this is, this is like the, the, the made if you will, i don't know if it's a man or woman, but the domestic helpers, federal. so either this is corruption or the development minister pays really, really well. what's your right? this is american style. i wouldn't know, but i would just speak to what we've been talking about how india is the economy is zooming soon to be the 2nd or 3rd biggest economy in the world may be reaching any, be 10 trillion they're doing so well. the domestic help is paid in the millions of dollars. i think that's a fascinating point. you raised, i want to move on to something else now. no,
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go ahead. can i do want one more thing? sure. on the american part here, we need to point out that it's not just citizens united, rick, it's also nowadays, it's somewhat blatantly out in the open if we compare what's happening right now. right. this very moment right here in washington with the new jersey democratic congressman bob menendez. there was a rate on his home just this past the paper. they found half a $1000000.00 into hash stuck in random spots in his house and coat pockets and shoes and his wife, extra purses and gold borrowed bars. it's exactly said in congressman with open indictment charges, so you know, they're, they're really going after the american style over there in india. i want to show you another piece of video now that caught my attention. this is fascinating and i think when you see it, you're going to think about the same thing that i thought when i watch this video, go ahead play this vector. this is a presidency of china meeting with president mac cronum for i look at the handshake . look at the eyes right. there it is. if you can tell for whom this is
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a big deal and for a home, this is not the one guys impressed and wants to show that all the other guys, like whatever the handshake tells everything. maybe one more time. victor, if you, if you can show that video, look at their expressions it's, it's the start of a 2 day visit and according to the associated press and other reports coming out of their, i'm a chrome is trying to woo g. well, trying to get him to turn on russia, china is been mostly somewhere between neutral or supportive. depends on what you read of russia and the ukraine conflict. mcclung is trying to turn him. but judging from the pix manila, as far as i'm not a body language expert, but whatever my crown is selling, i'm not sure she is buying. yeah, i'm no body language expert either. but, you know, usually if you're trying to court somebody, i've been a lady that was single once upon a time and you can read from body language, right? when a lady is not interested, she crosses her leg the other way. her feet are pointing in the other direction.
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she looks away from you. that's exactly what we're seeing here with president cheese or my crone is trying to court china to play ball with the you and what's france. i don't think this is a great start to this to day state visit slash date. i would agree with you, although those guards, they look really cool by the way. just saying, um, who dresses like that? look at what happened at a commencement ceremony recently. what i'm about to show you occurred at the university of michigan roll it now this is fascinating because as we watch this and i think we've got some sound that should come up here, people are reacting to these. protestors suddenly stood up. this is totally organic . in the middle of a graduation ceremony and, and they stood up and essentially, you know, what they're arguing is that the, you know,
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the situation and gaza should be controlled, that the united states should stop giving money to israel and they're supportive of palestinians. what's fascinating is it wasn't like other protests because most of the people in the audience, among them, students and their families stood up and applauded them while they were doing this organic protest. usually what? yeah, i think it's important to point out that this is the university of michigan and arbor graduation. this is the big graduation ceremony. tens of thousands of people were in the stand similar to like a football game. yeah. and when this protest does many protests kind of broke out one, it was completely peaceful. as you can see, there was no counter demonstrations that made a scene, but we should point out the michigan, michigan, the state of michigan is whole into the biggest error of american population in the united states. so i think this,
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this particular feeling and sentiment is supported by so many people and friends of people that are, i have families impacted over in palestine right now. so i think, you know, this is reflective of what's happening here in the united states. and it's also reflective in many ways of how the people in the united states at the time don't agree with either their media or their politicians who are telling a very different story. and the fact that something like this, as you and i just discuss, can happen organically, is what really is the driver and something like this, which really i think makes a difference. and why i think this is gonna be ongoing story, especially when it comes to the election of the president of the united states right now. joe biden, or at least what he's trying to do to get re elected. all right, i never michigan to swing state rec, bring one day. i'm forget something just happened in um, something just happen in, in, in the news world and cable news in particular. and i want you to see this,
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this, this is possibly one of the most foolhardy, most ridiculous comments i've ever heard from a see and a news presenter in. busy i've heard a lot remember which santa bash, i used to work with them as most of you know, i worked at cnn and i worked at fox and i worked at the, you know, a lot of other networks. but when i worked at cnn, she was one of my colleagues, she's suggesting that prior to october 7, palestinians lived wonderful peaceful lives in a ceasefire situation. then she goes on to say that too many jewish americans are feeling uncomfortable right now. she's fair to say that, but isn't that simply a byproduct of free speech? some people are made aren't comfortable when you have free speech. democratic republicans feel uncomfortable. it's the other way around. angle americans make some african americans feel uncomfortable and vice versa versa. but wait, i'm about to play this for you. okay. and it gets worse because according to bash, the pro palestinian supporters should be compared to wait for it not seats.
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here. this is protest started peacefully with legitimate questions about the war, but in many cases they lost the plot. they're calling for a states fire. well, there was a ceasefire on october 6th, the day before last terrorist brutally murdered more than a 1000 people inside israel and took hundreds more as hostages now protesting the way, the israel and government, the israeli prime minister, is prosecuting the retaliatory war against. tomas is one thing, making jewish students feel unsafe at their own schools is unacceptable and it is happening way too much. right now. i'm used to a student. i deserve to go here. we pay tuition, this is our school and they're not letting me walk in my classes over there. i want to use that interest was like what you let me go in. this could be over in a 2nd, just let me and my friends go in. again,
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what you just saw is 2024 in los angeles, hearkening back to the 1930s in europe. and i do not say that lightly. what in the hell, compelling a protest because some young man can't get into his school for one entrance. by the way, you can go through the other entrance, but he wants to go into that countries. is the same as people being slaughtered in nazi germany. jews being essentially sent to concentration camps it seems on for habitable to me. manila, your thoughts? yeah, yeah. yeah. i mean, i think that's crazy that she would go out that far, rick, to say that this is comparable to nazi germany. i mean, to your point, everybody has feelings and everybody's going to have them hurt once in a while. you can feel how you want only you are in control of how you feel these students who are demonstrating so long as it'd be peaceful. and there's no physical
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violence, the students have the right to do that. now this kid like you said he, there's a 1000000 entrances and you silly you feel he is a huge campus. i'm sure he could find a different way around. but this harkens back to the 19 fifties and sixties right here in the united states. when somebody like rosa parks decides to not get up out of her seat. did the, the white lady that demanded that seat, that she feel uncomfortable problem. yeah. yeah. you know, how come all right, listen, i'm hispanic. i know how many hispanics in the united states are often made uncomfortable when they're called illegal, although their ancestors have been here for 300 years. i'm sure asian americans are often made uncomfortable. and in fact, i know that that's happening right now in certain parts of the west part of the united states. this is part of free speech. people are made uncomfortable, but oh yeah, this, this, the good and the bad free speech is there to allow people to voice. whatever that opinion is, sometimes it's hateful. sometimes it's hurtful. but you know what?
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you cannot legislate hate if you believe somebody is hateful. you can't legislate hate that comes from the heart. what you can legislate against is physical acts of violence and we already have laws around that. we don't need dana bash lecturing, people about people's feelings, how they should protect feeling. yeah, no, i listen. i could not, i think most americans agree with you 100 percent. thanks. partner. good to see. you take good care of the family. all right, when we come back is the u. s. preparing for a war with china. and is that why we're sending taiwan so many billions of dollars and money and weapons? we're going to talk to the author of that report. stage i know, joins us. he's up next. don't go away. the the the
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a welcome back. this is direct and back and i'm rick sanchez. k j no is a journalist. he's a political unless he's a writer and a teacher is specializing in the geo politics of the asia pacific region. and we joined him now or should i say he enjoys us?
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did j thank so much for being with us, but should it be with you? hey, so you recently wrote, and i read with interest, but the us sending communication systems to taiwan is like painting eyes on buddha . it just thought was a fascinating way to express yourself and you go on to say that it could be a lisa link and a trans national coalition killed chain for a war with china. but those are big words, scary words. what do you mean? explain us. explain that to us as well. the term trends national till chain is not my language. it's the language of the us military. this is how they describe what they're doing, that they're building out a trans national kill chain against china. what that means specifically, is that they are giving the trip to cool data link system to the tie one military that allows them to share a common operational and tactical picture of the battle field with the united
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states, with south korea, with japan who they're all carolling into uh, you know, this multinational coalition for us to, in my opinion, wage war against china. so it literally is, as i put it, like painting the eyes on the boot or when you build a boat, a sculpture or you paint one, that is the last piece that you paint. and when that is done, it's considered that the statute is seeing it. it can see it has this vision, and that's what this link 16 does. i'm wondering if you had a chance to save this video of the present and she going to paris to meet with the president of the president, the crown of france. and the story is frances now trying to woo, she even though they've had some serious problems in the past. and as you look at this picture, it looks like she is not buying whatever metronome is selling. tell us about the
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relationship between these 2 men and these 2 countries. well, it's a complex one. on the one hand, a china does one to reach out to you, or certainly it seems that my call is a person that he sees as a potential ally in europe. the rest of the e u is, is not favorably disposed. certainly, the 5 buys a, a and other countries are not well disposed to china. oh, why not? you said what, why, why not what? what are you trying to say with that? essentially they're following the lead of the united states, which is escalating to war with china. it's very clear to what it was like. so why did you invite a guide to your house and shake his hand or try to shake his hand and he doesn't really want to shake your hand lee from what i can tell right there. if, if you really hate them and you want to go to work with them, i mean, go to war. i mean, i want to kill you and i want to kill your people. but by the way,
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come on in and have some hors d'oeuvres. what the hell is that all about? well, you know, the chinese don't want to kill anybody. they want good relations. they want to good trade relations with china, with your, with the rest of the world. that's what they're doing. they build, they don't bomb. it is the united states which is in circling china with $330.00 bases. it's placing miss silos on every single one of the islands of the 1st island, shane intermediate, nuclear, intermediate range, messiah of the gift. china. absolutely no strategic that it has to react immediately and those messiahs could be new, clear. and so this is a situation very, very similar to what we saw in the ukraine. now, why does the u. s. one to do this? one makes me think that the us wants to do this. well, certainly there's the massive information warfare and that level of information work is what you see in preparation for genetic war. you also see the shaping of
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the environment. i'm talking about military exercises. i'm talking about pre positioning of troops and logistical elements as well as fuel. i'm talking about this inc. gridable escalation. this building together of lines is this constant rehearsal of war exercises against china. very, very much in your face. very, very real. these are not, you know, these are not just standard run of the mill exercises. and then the most important thing is you see the constant publication. you see the us constantly using it's proxies, namely the philippines and other countries to drive into the paint over and over again, trying to draw the file. that's what you see happening right now. you know, there are yeah, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt, but i wanted to pick up on what you were about to say about troops. and there's an
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image that too few americans understand that i think is a martin. and that is what you mentioned about these military exercises that seems to be going on. seemed to be going on constantly by the way. there were military exercises in the black sea just before we invaded ukraine. there are now military exercises in the areas of the south china sea and even around pylon, which makes people think if you did it before, you'll do it again. but this is the point i wanted to make to you that i think too few in the west understand because the media doesn't cover. this wouldn't be the same. like i happen to be talking to right now from south florida. i'm in, we're in miami. if tomorrow, either the russians or the chinese or the iranians, or any country, or even maybe one of our allies started doing military exercises off the coast of miami beach. while people are on the beach signing themselves. and they watch the soldiers and jumping out of helicopters and, you know, missiles being fired, of course, fall missiles or whatever, being fired. not that they're killing anybody off the coast of miami beach. it
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would not be the same as what people in china are seeing with us and its allies doing military exercises off their coast. or am i wrong? no, you're absolutely right. that's exactly what they're saying. seeing. and not only are they seeing uh, you know, these x sites, i mean, in recent exercises they, using like half a $1000000.00 missed solves. they've actually firing them and using them in live exercises. you don't usually do that unless you're getting very, very serious about war. but the key thing that i want to point out is right now, the united states has troops on jenman island, which is about 3 kilometers away from the chinese mainland. that's one of the small islands that belongs to taiwan province. but it is so close that it is within visual distance of shopping and the major mainland city. this is like the chinese p l. a. placing troops onto west or if they were doing ex sizes.
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if you would p l, a troops placed onto west, would the united states consider that to be some kind of a probably cation. all right, let me push and let me, let me push back on that just a little bit because i certainly understand the point that's very well made by you . and i think the example of key west or miami beach, or even the bahamas or puerto rico would certainly fit what's going on in the south china sea. but let's move away from the south trying to see. let's talk a little bit about what's going on in taiwan. as the us state department sees that taiwan is a country that is being threatened by china. they say that again, the us, the department says the taiwan is a country that is being threatened by china. china would argue what china would argue, what exactly the united states itself agrees to that. the us state department agrees that taiwan is not a country. they agree that there is only one china. this is in the state department
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website. you can go up and read it and so there's only one. china and taiwan is a province. it is a part of china. and the p r. c. this is the legitimate government the but that, but let me do something. what was recognized. yes, but let me just stop here with you just be communicate, i get it that i had, i think most of the nomenclature that you were stating is correct from what i have read as well. but then the us would argue, yeah, but there's a very strong separatist movement in taiwan. there are people in taiwan who no longer want to be a part of china that has it's a historic roots as well. therefore, china should back to hell off and let us go in there and help these for taiwan. these people establish their independence to which you say what to which i say 1st, that is not true. the vast majority of people on taiwan island want to keep the status quote and the constitution itself recognizes the tie. one province is
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part of china and they have never had the votes to be able to change that in their own constitution. so both the us state department, the taiwanese constitution, the taiwanese people, the united nations, and the vast majority of people on the planet recognize taiwan as a part of china, k j, a final port before we run out of time. i would be remiss if i didn't ask you about what's going on in india. i know, you know, the region it looks like body is going to be re elected by a landslide. what are the pitfalls there that they need to be concerned about, and is there an issue with the relationship with china that continues? oh, i think there is a ongoing relationship with china that is very problematic. the united states has created the quad formation, which is essentially using india as the left tackle against china in this, in stockholm. and that is to say, the quad is the us, india,
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australia and japan. and they are kind of a block that they are forming in order to contend and contain china along with august jack, because jeff is, it's one of a series of what they refer to as many lateral alliances that they want to stitch together into a plan. nation, the nato, to essentially take down china. india is very, very important in this, but india also has a dual role because it has not come along for the ride completely. it still has good relations with russia. this has to do with historical reasons and death. it's partially in the dog house and partially at the dining table and a little remains to be seen which way india will go. final question, yes or no more crown the u. s. other western countries will be able to convince china to back off its adherence, and it's uh,
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amicable relationship with china. yes or no. ship, papa, i don't think so. going to happen. got it. okay. j. know it's a pleasure to be able to talk to you. congratulations. on your writings and we'll be looking forward to talking to you here once again. thank you. always a pleasure. before we go, i want to remind you of something. it's our mission really up to the silo, the world. i mean, that's how we do this show, right? we've got to stop living in these little boxes. we're only are truth matters or maybe me and my neighbor, etc. to still live in boxes. terms are everywhere. that's what we try to say here. night and night out. i'm rick sanchez and we'll be looking for you again next time right here. hoping to make a direct impact the the
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russian president vladimir put in his swan in for a new 6 year term, saying he is determined to overcome another period of difficult minus the consolidated will of millions of people as a colossal force evidence of our coming from belief that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of today's and future generations. the majority of forces take the guards inside of the rough and crossing with egypt on the control. and that's despite him my saying it is willing to accept the see slide proposal earlier last you have been.


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