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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 8, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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websites all the same called lots of things and analysis, but i will be back with especially update for you and the top the everybody advert sanchez. and these are the stories that you need to know about today. mike johnson does an interview where he sounds you almost sizes in same. meanwhile, a very same us conservative congressman says it is wrong to police thought and how a dead puppy. yes, a dead puppy has become the most important story in america. i'm rick sanchez. this
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is direct impact. let's do it. the . all right, so here we go. uh, congress has passed the law 320 to 91 different bid anti semitism in the united states. let me make clear, really clear. i didn't hear the semitism is deplorable. i also think racism is the horrible. i think, hating indians is deplorable. heating russians or mexicans is the parable. it's wrong. but when you pass the law telling me what i'm not allowed to like, aren't you also telling me what i have to like? isn't that really the same thing? passing a law that says you're not allowed to hate something. it's think about that. think about that for a minute. as you listen to this guy right here, i'm gonna play and for you, there's a guy, he's a republican congressman,
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his name is chip, roy. conservative dude, don't always agree with them. i do here. he also does not agree with his colleagues in congress, the ones who just passed the anti semitism long yet again today on the floor of the house of representatives, we had another show vote to make people feel good about themselves by passing a bill that says the anti semitism in the title when we want to insert the government into what you're thinking and what motivates you, your empowering that which should never be empowered. the ability of the government to believe, thought dubois speech to police, your views. not the views, the carry out, been the actions i gotta tell you, he is a 150 percent. correct. the idea that any government would pass a law, i'm telling you what you're allowed to think. that's like passing
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a law that says you're not allowed to be stupid, or you're not allowed to like the color being more disliked the color red. that's crazy. once you start going there, can you really call yourself a democracy? i mean, pardon me for getting worked up about this, but i mean, we're really treading on some dangerous turf right now. by the way, they didn't listen to him. they passed the measure $320.00 to $91.00 and now goes to the senate and then it goes to the president. you're going to be guaranteed to send. it's going to pass it and you know, damn well sure that the president of the united states is going to pass this as well. since it's basically his, his rhetoric, everything he's been saying to try to get re elected. let me bring my colleague manila in here. when you hear chip roy, say these, you can't police stop isn't a right. what do you say? yeah, he's absolutely right rick. i mean we talked about this the other day, right? but you cannot legislate out how somebody feels you can't place laws to make
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anybody like or dislike. yeah. hate or love. you can do that. but more importantly, we have a constitution here in the united states. i know they don't have that in, in the much of europe, like in the u. k. but we have a constitution. the 1st amendment right secures that for us to like, and a spouse what we like. and more importantly, a spouse is what we hate. and this is what congress or at least the lower chamber is trying to impede on. last time i checked, it's called the 1st amendment, and there's a reason. it's 1st, it's about the 2nd amendment. it's about the 3rd amendment. it's the very 1st thing that the people found in the united states of america decided to put at the very front of the constitution. they said, this is the most important thing. congress shall pass. no law, in fact, is what they wrote. by the way, believe it or not, we now have a congress that's led by some guy named mike johnson, who says, just the opposite of what you and i are talking about. he's saying the only reason
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people are protesting and that we need to get rid of these people and the rest of them is because they hate the jewish face. let's listen. this is not who we are as americans. this is not an expression of the 1st amendment. this isn't on a exchange of ideas. this is, this is threats and intimidation of violence against the jewish students for who they are for, for their faith. and that's a terrible trend that's going on in the country right now. by the way, one of the reasons that is so ridiculous is they have found that there are as many jewish students, protesting as there are no non jewish students in many of these protests. so to say that these people are only protesting because they like jews, doesn't make any sense. if you consider that some of the protesters are jews themselves. point to most of these people are protesting. v for and power, think of a nation called israel, which has nothing to do with people's religions. but before i go to you manila, i want you to hear this next one. here's mike johnson. now he's asked. and by the
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way, yesterday i think on this newscast, i was blasting cnn for some of the stupid things that they do and have done here. you know what, i'm giving them props. this is an interview. he sat down and did with cnn, and they actually ask them some pretty tough questions. here, mike johnson as asked why they should be, what, why these people who are protesting should be expelled or arrested if all their chan thing is. we palestine listen to his response. the main thing they were chanting was free palestine. how is that anti semitic? well, what's anti semitic is that how mos endorsed this protest today with within the last 2 hours, they issued an endorsement statement and harold of the students here and said this, this is the next generation of leadership in america. so if you're getting endorsed by a mos, that's not a good look, it's not a good science. some of these students apparently are unaware of the atrocities of october 7th, where they're denied. they denied that women and children were brutally raped and
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murdered the incense were placed in the ovens and cooked a live manila to wreck. i mean, i mean of his statement there was peppered with falls to it's like the whole headed babies. the babies cooked in ovens, you know, like, like some, some grim grimm's fairy tales, right? like this is, this is exactly what my johnson is espousing and this is the speaker of the house. again, this to your point, use that incorrectly. a huge number of the people protests protesting and saying free palestine. first of all, it is their 1st amendment right to say what ever the hell it is that they want to say number one, number 2, a lot of them are jewish. people themselves on that side of the argument, the name of the, of the drum you, the drum know can be wrong. you can what trump you can think from so many of you
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can lead time, you can find it isn't any of that sort of work. yeah. we start passing last thing, know you, you've got to like this guy. you've got to hate that guy. oh, my goodness, or new trouble, right. what mike, mike johnson is on the ropes and the only people saving his hide are the democrats . and as we know, the democrats are very much so backed by a pack, and the atl and other groups that are very, very pro zionist. so, you know, if you, you gotta make sure that you keep your gamble, then you better make those people happy. and what's happening is the democrat party are the ones that have said, so they are saving him from getting expelled from being house speaker. let me let me get to see these others and then we'll get to the next comment. but up, johnson has asked about the 324-0000 dead palestinians including the 15000 or so children, and the journalist and the aid workers that have been killed to which he responds.
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there had been civilians murdered, but that is not the fault of israel is the fault of the terrorist, the loss operators and soldiers. the tear is to have use these people and put them into harm's way. israel i convince is doing its very best to prevent civilian casualties, but this is a war and they're finding for their very existence. and they are not the aggressors . it is the other side. some of the people here seem not to understand that. and i, i think that's the real problem. we can debate the merits of all these things. but what they're doing here is intimidating jewish students. that's the thing that is so problem that so it's a balanced city is, are basically deserved to be killed and everything they're doing is because they want to be killed. this is amazing. let's go to the next one. when johnson is told, not a single jewish person has been physically harmed, injured, or attacked. during those the disturbances in columbia, he says it's not about them physically being attacked. it's about their emotional wellbeing. here it is, you have to speak to these jewish students who are in figure their lives were
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cowering in their apartments right now who are not coming to class. in fact, the administration recognized the threat was so great, they canceled classes. now they've come out with this hybrid idea, well if you're jewish, maybe you do want to stay at home, maybe be better off for you. but it's so discriminatory it's so wrong in every way . the responsibility of a university administrator is to keep peace on campus and ensure the safety of students, job number one, if they're on capable of doing that, they need different leadership. i think we need to go back and talk to our forefathers and ask them why they inconvenience those poor british people when they had those protests. and they demonstrated when we started this country and why the civil rights movement caused disturbances that stop people from being able to drive and traffic and things like that. this is crazy top. i don't even think we need to say anything else about this. anybody listening to this who's read the constitution of the united states can help but look at this man and say, what the hell are you talking about? i want to show you something else. now though, something that's going to kind of blow you away for those of you watching us from
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overseas and don't know the guy you're about to see. he's a very famous radio person. he's a personality he used to make his living. attacking politicians, celebrities, me included, by the way, everyone to me support for everything under the sun. well, this guy, uh, he just did an interview with the president of the united states and you know what? i think he's in love. let's listen. thank you for doing this today. i want to thank you for your compassion. you know, the reason i'm so excited to talk to you was because i wanted to understand the tragedy in your life and how you dealt with it. and you're the kind of leader i loved because we're lucky to have you in the oval office and serving as the father of the country. because if you're a good father to your family, what you are, i know you'll be a good father to the country and i, and i want to thank you for providing a calming influence. manila, the. hi rick. rick, is that the same howard stern or a clone?
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or who, who was that guy? that guy was giving a tongue bath to the most powerful man on earth who has the purse strings of a planet at his disposal. the ability to stop $34000.00 plus palestinians from dine, the ability to stop $600000.00 other ukrainians from dies, and he's the most compassionate. the greatest power steering has lost driving these mother teresa, he's of the are these abraham lincoln. he's. 2 i don't know j a k name, you're but i want you to i that i don't know what to say other than i cannot believe. we just watched howard stern. do that with the guy who's the president of the united states right now. there's something else happening right now in america that you need to know about it has to do with a certain governor who happens to be a republican of course, who wrote a book where she said that when she was in her farm growing up. and she was much
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younger, she shot a dog because it was out of control. yeah, i would think that after she wrote that in the book, the reaction of the media is basically taking it as she admitted to killing her mother, her father, her children. and then a 100 other people who lived in their neighborhood watch, watch what they're doing with this story. horrible enough to kill a dog, but even crazier to brag about it. that's the level of psycho i didn't even know existed in her new book. no admitted to killing her dog. now i know that sounds terrible. well, i know it sounds terrible, but it's much worse. can only imagine christie known with the dog trainer. uh so governor, we evaluated cricket. and we think, yeah, we should, killer. she also managed to unite the right in the lab. because america, if nothing else, we are dog lovers and don't tell me you shot a pop because it wasn't used to a hunting. you know, maybe you're not a good teacher. you know, what's funny is i watch these people,
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all of them in their condition studios in new york. not a single one of them has ever been to a farm growing up in a farm growing up in a rural area or knows anything about where their hamburgers actually come from. i'm not for killing any kind of animal, but the fact that they've spent an entire week talking about this. well, not talking about what's going on, a new crane, not talking about what's going on and gaza. just tends to make me a little bit on the crazy side as in loco, as my mom and dad would say, look, i'm not saying i love christie. no. but it was a different era. and if you remember the movie old yeller rick, i mean, sometimes you got to do difficult things like that. if you're out in a rural place, in a farm with your animal. yeah. you know, may pose a threat. that's what the usually known as lizzy borden. yeah. exactly, it's, it's worth a story. it's interesting. i may say something about her character. but manila, as you well know, because you monitor this stuff for a living. we've spent
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a week now of people doing this story over and over and over again. every newspaper, every, every newscast, i mean really, really distraction rick distraction distraction from the real difficult stuff from the things that really do need to be discussed here in the united states. mainstream media here in the us. you know, as in a deplorable position, which is obviously why you and i are not in it. yeah. as we can't stomach injuries, nothing like that. talking about this day in a day, or maybe why we have millions more viewers than they do right now. because it's getting to the point where last i checked people watching cnn, there may be a 150000 people watching in their demographic that they care about. and that's out of 350000000 people who live in this country. even though always a pleasure. let's talk again soon. ok. when we come back, when we come back, we're going to talk to somebody who is there on the ground. this guys, this is courageous. let me tell you is covering what's actually happening and gaza
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at the camps were palestinians are trying to survive. his name is correct, josh, and he's going to join us next. don't go away. the the
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the, this is direct impact. direct jobs is gaza corresponded for mando weiss specialize on matters related to the middle east and us a foreign policy. this is what he just wrote, by the way, in case you want to look for the title is palestinians and thousands displacement cam space rampant disease due to destroyed infrastructure. he writes about these
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thousands of people who, whose homes have been leveled. and now they're living in camps, which is really, i mean, if you look at the picture, look at that, look at that. it's like nothing more than cloth spread out over the ground, scattered among raw sewage, where children are forced to play in that urine. and that crap, this is where they play, this is where they live. it's just horrible. correct? joins us now. he is live from egypt direct. thank you so much for joining us. over to um, how would you describe the living conditions in these cabs that you visited? tell us about a, tell us about these people. well, there's no life there. you can see again say that there's some kind of life here for people to do the har circumstances and conditions that as a the army is forcing them to live and tens are just next to each other. every one
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and every family got attend that family which got to attend. and these can consider themselves as lucky family because they some place to, to cover them. they are not on the street, they are not out there for nothing to live or know where to go. what if i what, what do they, how do i get through the day where, where do they go to the bathroom or how many are there dr. pay me the picture, i mean it will, the pictures that you're in your article look like misery. first of all, those don't look like tends to me. looks like somebody found a sheet and threw it over themselves. yeah, we can say there is a bathroom or we can say there is a kitchen inside that then. so they just dig a hole inside. there tend a hole in the air and they use it as a bathroom. this is for the bathroom for fluid. they can light
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a fi or they can go to any 3, cut off some of the branches and get him home as their home, as a temp. now trying to flame this branches out of this fluid and they go what they, where they have from food, from a door to the market. if they have money to go to the market and get something, because even the price is extremely expensive in gaza, if you can't find digits of goals or fruit fruit, it's hard to get. it's hard to have money. do i have anything to say? why are they all there because their homes have been destroyed? and if so, how many of the what, what percentage of the population in that area right there? i think you're close to rafa. have had to leave their homes and how many are bunching into this area. that you're reporting from as well according to the u. s. instead, it's big. they say like there are almost $400000.00 family in this area in milwaukee area,
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which is west of that off i city and it is for now there's no new space for any new family. it seems like shelter or, or they want to evacuate for this area specifically. and recently, when there's really army war and people are of rough, i the evacuated their homes, do the army or the that he was a rough. i've to go to and what was the do the same area to families in the rough. i went to this area and found that they don't have a space to do have a den there, or they even don't have any place to to go. so that specific area looks like a huge oh, with the old beaver round it and the same place they think the same food they're using, the same tours does have to survive. and if you go to their only ones,
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you will get your heart broken from the scenes you will see from the children who will beg you to give them anything to eat. will beg you to help them. anyone in this place just needs any want to help him when we hear that there are people starving, literally starving, that you can actually say people who are dying of bell nourishment. is that true? can you confirm that? i reported some stories, vermont voice about a guy, a children and a child who just starved to death and i own was boasted some photos for people i. i cannot about kids in my voting and they all was interesting in their stories. so i go to like 1000, let hundreds of the kids inside garza who starving and their families just make a bills to anyone who can help feeding them who can help evacuating them from guys
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that do i saved? blaze like egypt. it's amazing. especially considering the last story i did where in america the journalists are spending days talking about a dead puppy. when we have children dying in gaza from starvation it's it's, by the way, it's out and it's wrong. yeah, i'm sorry for that, but they have also to tell you something every hour, according to the united nation, every hour there are like 12 kids are dying and god says at the beginning of this one, good god, let me ask you about you. um, i haven't heard reports that the idea is targeting journalists. we've heard reports by the way, they've targeted doctors and nurses that doctors are actually changing their clothes because they don't want people to know that their doctors when they leave the hospital areas, whatever hospitals are left, we know how to 0. it was recently kicked out. did did,
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did you feel safe being there covering the story. and did you feel safe, even if you weren't the journalist just to somebody going into an area that's constantly being bombed and showed what was that like? it looks like you live, i live expecting you to be killed in every 2nd. if you are at home or going to the street to a board or going through these camps, do bind stories and find people to speak about them. the drones, the bomb being the shilling of the area around you never stopped. never stop every thing. my life is mice meeting with them just is right. it does not say for me as a journalist, i used to work in garza without my shelter without my vest,
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without my breast card or anything that indicates that i am as your need. i was walking on the street feeling that maybe in, in any 2nd, the drawings were just fired, a missile at me because i'm joining us. i'm speaking about people that as a doesn't want the war to know their stories. that before we got we, before we went out of time, we have about a minute left and, and i want to get your response to this is really is saying the reason the has to do this is because home off is there. they're killing him off members and sometimes in an effort to kill him off member, they accidentally kill a woman or a child, etc. is that true? was not because in a previous wars, again, this goes in 2014, 20220082009 in every war as a kill dozens of children, dozens of women, they don't care about who is going to get killed they only care about their bumping
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and their destruction to the guys doesn't sell, but that doesn't say let me, let me stop you before you run. it doesn't seem to you. they are doing it indiscriminately. in other words, they know they are killing people who are not members of hamas, but they are doing it anyway. that's an important distinction. this was of course i can confirm this because when they want to bump an area without harming any should be the they simply call the owner of the house, telling them that you have to evacuate and build people around with you. but when they want to destroy, they would do it like having their strike and a place. they just hit it without warning anyone. so the more casual as you just get killed the trouble during women and it takes a lot of courage to do what you do, sir, and direct ca, josh. we thank you, sir, for taking time to take us through this story and to take us through what you have learned for we go, i want to remind you of our mission. really. we just kind of want to decide all the
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world tell all truths, not just one specific truth. truths they don't live in boxes truths are everywhere . there in egypt, through the voice of direct as jobs you just heard from. and many other people on many different sides of many different stories until next time. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct in the garage. it is the screen of the boss with you. i just need to see what was the meeting with key at the washington state. the pals to complete
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the rest of the guys as to the phone of send 2 professional in the city and to keep the list of over but huge. but they use the at the end of the 18th century, great britain began to conquer and colonize australia. from the very beginning of the british penetration to the continent, natives were subjected to severe violence and deliberate,
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extra patient. according to modern historians, in the 1st 140 years, there were at least 270 massacres of local b. both any resistance to the british was answered with double parole. the hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance has they are men, women and children are shot when ever they can be met with squatter. henry myrick wrote in a letter to his family in england, in $1846.00 plus scro. you as fast is rightly described as blood. so, and racist eve at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent. then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had degrees still 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical facts, the problem of old recognition of the crimes of white australians against the aborigines
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has not been resolved so far. the sum of the security of systems that we're providing, the palestinian protest, the pack over us defense secretary and coal, where i found key concerns to pause of ownership is where i live. it's for sold to leave golf course to take the shoot, shoot you over the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient incentives to be merging. multiple will gladly appreciate the hardest will visit the tendency range and economic union so much in moscow. locate the 1st official international meeting all the his presidential you know, grace.


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