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tv   Udivitelnie lyudi  RUSSIA1  April 27, 2024 9:30pm-11:56pm MSK

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it’s worth it, eat it, and generally imagine how many calories your body burns with such brain activity, and everything would be very tasty, but i’m just making a quick meal, you ’re probably just unaccustomed to home-cooked food, your wife probably doesn’t cook for you at all, yes, she left as she left, we quarreled, she packed her things and flew to that one. i don’t understand such women at all, well, how can you blame your husband because of work, i don’t know, i would never do that, of course, i probably need to go to her, no, no, no way, why, yes what are you saying, let her be there will he calm down and come to his senses? and then she comes,
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she will also ask for your forgiveness, i don’t know, i’m not sure, this is turkey, everything is included there, there are turks, so what, is she really like that, does she need an affair with a turkish man, no, no , no, irina is not like that, well , even more so, but distance only inflames feelings, you think, of course, this is actually the basis of psychology. are you eating, girls, hello, please come in, what do you have here, and we’re having a five-minute date for a minute, what’s a five-minute date, what’s so cool like in cinema, great, really, no, not great, i ’ll probably go,
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but i’ll go diving, rafting and personal growth. here is my former job at a travel agency. wonderful. it’s terrible, i went on a promotional tour with a turk and snorted. sympathy. what do i need your sympathy for? i got an apartment on credit, a car on credit, a fur coat on credit, and she exchanged me for a turk. i'm so sorry, it's so easy to be a woman. listen, husband, you will be happy. are you seriously? well, cook, clean, look
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decent and don’t burden the man with your problems, that is, the woman still has problems one problem, pms, and to avoid this, you need to give birth as often as possible. irish, hello, it’s so good that you picked up the phone, how are you doing, great, i’m terribly, i miss you very much, maybe i should come, what’s your hobby like? or have you already
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gotten rid of it? i can't get rid of her. she will help me a lot with writing my dissertation. how can you not understand this? i don't understand and never will. ira, ira. i don’t want to say that i warned you, well , you say, but i say, it’s not normal that ira got so worked up because of a book, because of a very dear books, this is a reason, she just decided to leave, relax without you, alone, she would like to go alone, she would have said so, well, that means she’s not alone. i decided to have a blast,
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find someone for myself, but what if they suddenly find out, you were the one who messed up first, so what’s wrong? nothing, sit down, read a book, write a dissertation, you’re crazy, go see her, you fossil, ali hussein invited you to give lectures, yes, well, combine the useful with the pleasant, kolya, what lectures, what kind of flare ali hussein, ira, that he decided to leave me, not yet, that’s why go quickly, my god, my god, there is no money, i spent everything on the book. oh, lenya, lenya, for the sake of saving your family, i will give you money, but on credit. come on, go before irka makes a mess. irisha, what is it? hello. lord,
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what happened to you here? dates, horror and darkness, and i found myself a millionaire, i was sitting so lonely in a bar, congratulations to you, and it seems that i didn’t just find it, everything is fine, well, how about five minutes , but i was hooked, think about it, he invited me on a date to his own yacht, cool, he lives in our hotel, no, of course, what are you, at his place? your own home, you just need to preen yourself properly, so tomorrow we are planning a trip to the beauty salon, i can’t, i ’m going on a hike to the mountains tomorrow, you see how it coincided,
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you have your own mountains, i have mine, this man will my everest yes... god, in general, instructions, rules for hiking in the mountains, simple and complex, simple, you need to hear and see me always, complex means stop, stop, where are you going, no one should leave the path, never , god forbid, you fall kaput, so i’m not scaring you, it’s just that mountains are dangerous, of course, it’s dangerous if such a contingent, only women , went to the mountains. why did you come here and why can’t we go on a hike now? you can, you can, but if you have a male rescuer with you, i didn’t come up with this, that’s how life works, who are you going to save here, well , i don’t know, i don’t know, what if we meet in the rocks and there are tigers with teeth, what then,
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what will you do , what a tiger, there are not a single tiger here, well, well, not tigers, well , for example, you fall off a cliff and fall into a mountain river, who will save you then, but i’m a great swimmer, i can handle it myself, huh? so no we’re stretching out, and the hike promises to be interesting, we’re going where, listen, it ’s actually an ideal place to meet, can you imagine, five-minute dates twice a week, there’s a party town nearby, all sorts of bars, karookas, cafes, dancing, well, everything, what happens on vacation stays on vacation. by the way, i recently flew girls from perm for a bachelorette party, can you imagine, they were so happy, especially two, they say the turks are so courteous, marina, yes, uh-huh, please help me, i know that she wanted to fly with me, we she just had a fight
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i flew alone, and did the right thing, i told her that’s why, then i sent you a reservation by email, to the same one, yes, that’s it, agreed, bye. overseas, what does a woman need? karaoke dance bars five minute date? sea, sun, warmth, air, love! when was the last time you took your wife to the sea? the correct answer is never. i know i want to make things right. really? that's why i came. tell me please, which hotel is she in? no. if ira decided so, no. i love her. i want to save our family. marina, i’m an archaeologist, i’ll get to the bottom of it, so the turks, ottomans they created a whole world, from baghdad to belgrade, yes, the ottoman empire is a power, i just can’t understand one thing, i’m sad, here
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you don’t know how to deal with one woman, and if there are several of them with each addition, they’ll start on you, it’s a disaster , well, a woman should be happy, my friend, if. 20 women, how many? 20, why not? how do you even imagine this? you know that every woman, instead of yes and no, has several possible answers, well, well, yes, well, no. yes, well , not now, yes, but not with you, and in general, if a woman is silent - this is a disaster, and you say 20, what an interesting man, a woman hater, exactly, so, me, come with me, come here, give me your hand, everything is fine, i’m able to walk on my own, oh, okay, anyone. .. a woman loves when someone takes care of her. our woman stopped a galloping horse and
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entered a hot hut. well, that means she was just unlucky, there was no knight next to her. why do you treat women as some kind of second-class creatures? yes, why second class? i just consider women to be the weaker sex, well, physically weak. it's biologically ordered. ugh, how corny that is. oh, come on, would you really want your husband to be henpecked, well, to support him? please don’t lose track of the time, but i ’ve got you here, time has passed, there’s a big
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film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank, here we are , this is the front line, bring us here, from the directors of the liquidation, save this , what is this, remember, we have never lost this, even in the... bad times, what are they doing? they pray, celebrate saturday, okay, that's enough to meet, saturday is already coming, they have been praying for this for 2,000 years, but you don’t know how the groom will be in hebrew, huson, stop, because it’s in the eyes, stop, i want to talk, i need two who know how to shoot, i’m from i can do everything, just show me how, we have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his dad, for his... sasha’s brother, the fucking kofmans. film by sergei ursulyak. and the task is to
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survive and get there. and there is no choice. righteous. but there is a chance. may 9 on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is. think about nothing when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anexc. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration
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of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. hotel. where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. here. veda, a product of the stellar group,
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who are you anyway? tolya, well, i mean anatoly. who is an infiltrator by profession, a spy, you are persecuting me, i am a military man, a doctor, i am used to following orders, i am ordered to look at beauty, so i don’t look, ugh, what... veiled flattery, why are you bullshitting all the time? ? no, this is the honest truth, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a holiday romance, forget it, i’m not like that, i’m not like that, look how much we have in common, that for example, well, for example, i’m looking for my only one, to help, take care of her, a hand, myself, ah, neatly, neatly,
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wait, leg, where, leg, here, ah, it hurts, god, i understand, okay, come here, i’ll get there myself. i hope you got a ticket to the same hotel where ira is vacationing? yes, of course, everything was arranged in her travel agency touret, town hotel, five stars, well, great, behave like king solomon, i mean, well, i mean, go as a surprise, without warning, well, remember your candy-bouquet period, this is 100 years ago it was, well, you remember king solomon, and you will remember this too, you have a skill, you are from... yes, but my topic is the mamluks, your mamluks will not run away anywhere, unlike your wife, yes, yes, if you miss the mamluks, call alli khuseenin, there will be something to discuss, but first of all, irina, i understand, yeah, come on.
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“here is your feminism, would you give a hand, would you not extend your legs, just give me a finger, and an arm and a leg, although to be, i felt that i had hooked you, it will be a very long time, so, come on, put me in in place, please, i’ll give it to the emergency room myself, oh, finally, here it is our little guy, let's all get together, carefully, oh, like this, is there anyone, let 's go to the bus, carefully, so come on , where are they all, do they have everything or something, sest in
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spain, but i don't need a doctor, but it's swelling, i'll come tomorrow. oh, with such a leg you won’t get far, let’s go, come on, come on, carefully, thank you, anatoly, what’s this for, they dragged me, put a bandage on, put up with my whims, well, putting up with the whims of a woman is an option for a real man, you’re married, my husband was, therefore, divorced, great news, it’s unlikely, but i myself cut off the divorce relationship with his wife, and not at a stroke, he cheated on me, can you imagine, yes, no, so i was surprised, but anything can happen, in any case, you and i are both
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offended by life, so with a clear conscience i... invite you on a date, i don’t know , really, i’ll think about it, what’s he thinking here , hello, what are you doing here, hello marish, sorry, i didn’t see you called, you’re fine there, tell me, you haven’t hooked up with a turk yet, don’t start, in short irka . “yours is on its way to you, tomorrow it will be with you, okay, imagine, it came, it was lying at my feet, i hope you don’t mind that i i told him somewhere, i can’t even believe it, and i can’t believe it myself, ir, i’m just in shock, i’ve never seen him like this, he wants to save your marriage, it’s clear, thank you for warning me.”
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“so i’m all for him - i’m still not indifferent, my husband is coming to see me, okay, you’re married, why were you silent, well, quiet little thing, who’s our husband?” “ a cheater, and i knew, i just felt that you’re not just here alone, asking for forgiveness let’s have a plan, maybe, in short, i figured out the approximate time...
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eat, i’ll fill up before dinner. will do it looks like i’m a healthy woman, like, oh, i just need a salad, a cunning plan, experience, experience, i have to spin, let them think that i’m slim and fit, you’re already slim, oh, you flatter me, and good evening, oh, what kind of people, this, this,
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it turns out, we are neighbors, you are in good shape, thank you, like a leg, maybe we can go for a walk, my leg hurts, well, that’s okay, tomorrow it will pass, you promise, i swear. “i’m a doctor, then i suggest we take a walk tomorrow after breakfast, great, yeah, for the meeting, help yourself, but i’m just a salad, everything here is very tasty, i love women with a good appetite, it’s true, i’m so happy, otherwise lately many men think that a woman should peck like a bird, and i love to eat deliciously, but
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we’re alike here, we love seafood, i adore shrimp and... sminogi, i’ll definitely have to take you to a fish restaurant, i’ll be happy to, come on, don’t move, there’s such a beautiful reflection of the moon on you, i need to capture it, give me your phone number, otherwise mine’s in the cabin, how beautiful you are, what cat? 1 2 3 4 you're kidding, me too, i'm for simplicity in everything, for so long
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i have never met such a beautiful woman. are you feeling tense today, are you looking for someone? hello, hello, anna anatoly, anatoly, anna. should i bring you something, yes, i’ll just have some juice, please, that’s good, but you know what, bring another omelette, why not some toast,
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well cooked, thank you, ira, ira, that’s it, consider it, i won the lottery, i got a millionaire, smart, kind, rich, intelligent, well, not ali hussein, of course, but also quite good, and you already... everything was wonderful, and you’re not in too much of a hurry, you would n’t be late before other women were attracted to him they swooped in, what happened to my husband, my husband is coming, here, here, i just want him to see me , stoliy, already stoliy, that’s right, my school, here you go! it suits me, but even a saddle will suit you, well , i mean, you’re very beautiful, it’s already possible.
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of course, of course, we are almost comrades in arms, you treated my wound, so of course, yes, we can, this is all great, of course, but i would like to be more than a comrade in arms for you, i have a chance, there’s a man here, i’m straight as an excused officer, i was demobilized due to age, saved up for my own house. i want my woman, and my military comrade her, you hear the rooftops, i understand, but do you want a family of children? leonid, what? victoria, what are you doing here? i don’t leave my
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supervisor in the lurch.
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i’ll walk you to your room, objections are not accepted, and in general, you need to keep your leg at rest now, it’s better to apply ice, if you want , i’ll go, don’t, of course, i myself will need ice now, when i’m next to you, i’m just getting hot, now, it hurts so much, yes,
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let's be careful, here. something’s wrong, i’m probably warming up in the sun, i’ll bring ice, no need, i’ll lie down now, everything will pass, then see you. this is his reaction to me, well, he’s dizzy from love, you still don’t understand anything.
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“hello, irka, well, i’m already burning with impatience, tell me, you sold lena a trip for two, no, he came with her, with whom, with her, with his mistress, it can’t be, but he’s crazy, and look, listen, what, is she like this"? white thin glesta, yes, did he come with her? no, she came after him, and i think why she keeps asking to go to the same hotel, i offer her another one, but she’s not into it, listen, ir, well, if you want, i’ll call the hotel and say that they are scammers, let them be evicted to their damn grandmother, no need, ir, listen, just hang in there, meet some turk
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and make your lenya jealous. i don’t want to play these games, but you force yourself, let him run after you, and then you get a divorce. how can i help you? lives in your hotel? do not understand? i don't understand. in which room? i don’t understand russian, not ruscha, but rusichi, but okay, what’s your question, well, my wife lives here in a hotel, and i don’t know which room, so why don’t you call her, i wanted to make a surprise, and the phone was still
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dead, as always, not by the way, a surprise is good, i respect such romantics, anatoly, leonid, listen, he won’t tell you anything anyway, well, he has no right, well, five stars, take care of the hotel about our safety, i’m a military man and i understand something about this, but this, this is your number, or what? yes, you’ll live next to such a woman, listen, let’s exchange numbers, well, we’re just on the lower floor, yes, no question, exactly, you’re not supposed to exchange numbers, what are you, an enemy, do you understand russian or something? are you above us? now he was mocking me, or what? well, i’m for you, i’m for you now, no need,
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well, that means we’ll be friends. lenya, tolya.
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yes, marina, hello, it’s me, leonid, please tell me, what room does ira live in, otherwise they won’t tell me at the reception, you overseas are completely crazy to ask me such questions, and did you bury your last conscience at the excavations? what, what, what, what's wrong? everything is wrong with you, you understand, everything is wrong with you, i was still a fool to help you, don’t call me anymore, everything, well, hello, i feel better, yes, yes, thank you, this medicine of mine helped, what medicine? so are these flowers from you? well , of course, what other options are there? well, i don’t know, it would just be somehow clearer with a note, if you want, i’ll write, look, with a date, a date,
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i don’t even know, you don’t know how to refuse? well then, don’t refuse, just go to dinner with me. yes, great, unloved, unloved, how he let you go, oh, how he let you go, as if i was going straight, but i don’t know, when i told andrey i was going, everyone said hello, all the women are beautiful, only you and i haven’t aged , after 47 years of marriage.
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enjoy contemporary design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for betting and relax in comfort and style rixos golf villas and suites sharmal shake rom castro - a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection. whiskey mancacher is a product of the steller group. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group.
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ta-dam, here i am, so, shall we go to dinner? yes, i’m not hungry, i still need to find a wife, the hotel is so big, i even... i don't know where to start, well, she'll probably go to dinner too, isn't it, that's a thought, you look like a star, i ordered the alyakard restaurant, well, you have a leg, so that you don’t have to run again, or so that you don’t have to run, but because of my leg, good evening, hello, come in, i just wanted... more romantic, what’s yours,
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please, you're kidding me, it's just great, right? you look amazing, what is it, something happened that i was so afraid of, why are you looking there all the time, do you know him or something, this is my husband, what, this is my wife, yes, i’ll go find out what this guy is doing next to my wife, so lazy, sit down and relax. now everything will be easier, i mean, well, you came here,
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to make excuses to her, but now you don’t need to do that, look, she herself is in deep trouble, wait, wait, wait, he knows that you’re in this hotel and came here again, herd, not quite, but close, this is how he takes revenge on you, yes, and what should you do now, well, make her run after you and ask for forgiveness, how is that? very simple, jealousy, simple jealousy, show that everything is fine with you, that you are happy, you have all the cards in your hands, you have me, yes, where are you going, i’ll go, i’ll explain to this student that this is not possible to do, neither to you nor to me, sit down, explain to me first what’s going on, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong, but i believed him, he said that... he came to his wife, i even told him was going to help make a surprise, and he's
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a freak, hey-hey-hey, good evening, dear friends, it's me, your first host, let's just leave, well, no, giving up is not in my rules, a super game called battle of couples, okay, here is our first couple, who else is brave, guys, and we, we, come on, come on, we are the first in line to fly out, wow, wow, wow, guys, how hot are you? i feel like we’re going to have a real battle today, italian passions, i’m in seventh heaven, you brought us there yourself. “thank you for, no, thank you for that too, for making me strong, passionate, a real tiger, my striped predator, by the way, about stripes, tomorrow we will go
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with you on a yacht, of course, there will be a striped flight, you are mine ukraitelnitsa, take friends if you want. well, actually, i don’t know many people here, although i have a friend here, the owner of a travel agency, her man, oligarch. but this is the right company. we don't keep others. you know, sometimes the environment says more about a person than he does himself.
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we are ready to start our most important competition, draw love! so why did you come to turkey? shut your mouth, brought your little hobby with you, who else? it would be nice if sultan suleiman, but
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what is this anyway? look at your shaherizade! so, so, so, so, so, oh-oh, the turkish are passionate! kargona and botanik are tempered into battle, conceptually, and we begin our dance battle.
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gifts, be happy, good mood to everyone, bye, love to everyone, we won! who cares? which? don't you understand anything? you evoked emotions in her, really strong ones. yes, she's mad. yes, and this means that all is not lost for your relationship. yes? well, of course. irish, open up, it's me! and irisa! i promise you that at my wedding you won’t cut salads, there’s simply no need for that, because i’m marrying ... a millionaire, so what happened to us,
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nothing, i’m leaving, wait, wait, what are you doing? , you give up so quickly, you came to dinner with her, i understand, so... you need to unwind, take a ride on a yacht, the sea, the sun, vitamin d, what a yacht, my life has suddenly changed for me, well, just imagine, here you are now you return home, and what will you do there, cry into your pillow, i don’t know, but i know, i’ve been there 100 times, i have a discount on these pillows, and here is the sea, the sun, new people, it will be easier for you here... the door, seeing him with his mistress is easier, you need to beat him off , throw him away, as if it were so easy, you
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will succeed, well, that’s not what i wanted at all, when i came here, the mood. for a long game, everything is going according to plan, just imagine, our ali hussein was robbed again, some valuable artifact was stolen from his collection, oh-oh-oh, remember, back in moscow how you were worried about his bag, you have to i definitely need to call him, i also promised to give him lectures, we ’re not in the mood for that right now, you understand, i don’t want any games with my wife, you don’t want games, decide for yourself whether you need such a wife, you do. well then, go and fight off this warrior, even though he is a serious rival and he won’t give up his own so easily. leonid, i am
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a peace-loving person, but if you pester your ex-wife, big one, don’t overdrink, i repeat, if you pester your ex-wife, you will deal with me, and what will you do to me? "let's go shopping, we'll buy you a stunning outfit, why? like why, to
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win back your husband? oh, you're going too, right? turkish shopping, cruel, merciless, how could i pass by? don't worry, your ex is bothering you anymore no, what happened? nothing, i just talked to him. i hope he didn't harm lena. also tell him that you are worried about him. yes, i'm worried. let's go, don't strain yourself, come closer to me, you need to show that you don't give a damn about them, naira too, the less we love a woman, i understand.
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unexpectedly, well, also interesting. this is probably worth my salary again, i never gave this to ira, you gave her more, i’m not talking about money, forgive me, please,
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i can’t accept such an expensive gift, but why him? he’s so handsome, but i can’t, stop looking at what the right excursion is, misha, misha, what are you doing, products from my vineyards are sold here. came to sign an agreement for a new batch, mikhail, anatoly, very nice, uh-huh, irina, very nice, cool car, and you are a winemaker, this is my little hobby, little hobby, and i make moonshine, yes, well, this is also my little hobby , mish, these are the same friends i told you about,
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but i hope they have already accepted my invitation to a boat trip. but i don’t know, and so far i ’ve only told ira, i agree, that’s great, yes, oh, it’s time for us to go, okay, i ’ll run, we’ll see you soon, my tick, ira, thank you for supporting me with this sea walk, thank you, don’t look at her, you are the wrists, the shock is pouring from her shoulders. i was looking for happiness in this woman, i accidentally found death, i didn’t know that love was an infection, i didn’t know that love, let me help you, probably from the views, i, too, from such views,
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where did the roof go, the roof, the roof went , let me help you. “this is a joke, it’s also the next room, lord, where did i sin so much, but apparently your marina did her best when booking, so your complaints are in the wrong place, go away, fly away, i i beg you, but why are you torturing me so much, i ’m torturing you, i’m torturing, who got involved with the general, who else is torturing who, that’s it, that’s it, i
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won’t say a word anymore, i won’t say it either, well , our life can’t it’s so easy to fall apart, okay, you want to talk , let’s talk, come on, come on, why are you standing , your young one is probably coming to you, or to you, your governor, has come to take his fortress, no, dear, still to you, i 'll be right back.
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make an appointment in the prescribed manner, no need to pretend that you don’t recognize me, love overcomes everything from monday on rtr. oldbar cognac, a product of the steller group. a hotel for an unforgettable experience - rixos
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sharma sheikh, adults only. 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. sharmel is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired! cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic
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lakshery collection bodrum. stirsman bourbon, a product of stellor group. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. watch on sunday. ukray. why do captured ukrainians go over to the side of russia and now fight for us? alexander sladkov about the special detachment of the legendary maxim krivonos. and what's on the fronts? surround
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them! 10 years since the monstrous massacre in the house of trade unions in odessa. more than a hundred odessa residents were burned alive. arkady mamontov about how they mocked those who were raised then. with the west , the nazis over those who thought in russian, shouting glory to ukraine, simply broke their heads with metal rods, and sergei zenin from the secret tomb of the afghan rulers, they say that if you make a full circle around the galley, then any dreams will come true. what remains of the soviet quarter in kabul and why do afghans choose cricket? a news weeks with dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr. hello. hello. sorry,
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how can i help? have you forgotten me already? oh yes, i fell on your car. sorry, please, did i damage it? lord, my pa! thank you, i was so confused, you just saved me. tell me, this was in the passport, is it ali by any chance? yes, this is ali hussein, do you know him? of course, i know, he is a rich man, a famous collector, everyone who is interested in archeology knows him. yes, we met many times at conferences, and so did i. archaeologist. i know, leonid, i know, i read your articles, how lucky you fell into my hands, it’s just an incredible coincidence. “i’m so pleased to meet you, and mikhail, leonid, maybe we’ll drink to meet you at the bar, i ’m afraid i’ll lose my passport again, coffee, coffee, yes,
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of course, of course, i’m ready, leonid, from the slipper, i’m stressed, what happened ? i don’t know what to wear on the yacht tomorrow, i’m panicking, breathe, can you help me, what will our civilization leave for its descendants, what will archaeologists find after 500 years, glass and concrete, silicone implants, decaffeinated coffee gluten-free bread, how nice it is to meet such a great scientist, let’s tell you tomorrow in more detail about
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your work, on my yacht, and on the yacht? yes, my friends and i were just planning to sail to the excavation site, on a yacht to the excavation site, here in turkey, where namysirlyk heinrich schliemann excavated three, what are you saying, this is a dream, and i also want to go on a yacht, to the excavation site? or are you against women on board, a woman on board is a pleasant trip, victoria, mikhail. ira, ir, ir, well, come out, please, what kind of people, after all, he returned, what a joy, well, forgive me, please, they called me on business, everything is as always, why am i... surprised,
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business is much more important than your wife, you wanted to talk, why are you silent, let’s talk, here, like this, why shouldn’t you be here? i like it, at least you’re safe, i’m unlikely to be able to hit you with something heavy through this roof, okay, come on, as they say now, tell me about your feelings, i’ll tell you, i’ll tell you everything, how i put it on you all my life, as i plowed while you were writing your dissertation, i didn’t see the white light, i asked you about it, i'll leave, you won't see me again, you can schweik, then please, downstairs, go away, forget my name, ira, ira, hello,
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hello, friends, welcome on board, how did you get here, we were invited, please, well , how do you like the knitting needle at night, when you beat off other people's men, the happy ones don't sleep at all, thank you, oh, what an interesting company, i warned you to behave decently, and you just behave yourself, i 'm watching you, you're immortal , you? why give away the loose ends, untie the knots, mikhail, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work out, we’ll help you now, that’s all, you’re so lazy, you can’t be dissolute in your life, don’t ask for your opinion, didn’t you immediately serve wine in the army with your hands out of your ass?
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“what a wife, but it’s immediately clear from you that you’ve read three books in your life, a red one, a thin one and one more, i read the charter, that’s the main thing, yes, but it doesn’t say that these are the mooring lines, this is the duck, this is a crazy knot, what a crazy one, but how did this knowledge help you in life, what are you worth?” "
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vika, now, come here, we agreed, well now, now, no, well, you see it, she’s taking my millionaire away, misha, misha, and what kind of fortress is that visible there in the distance? koskolesi, yes, mikhail, a maiden's castle, a maiden's, why a maiden's, a fortune teller predicted to the ruler that his daughter would die from a snake bite on her eighteenth birthday, a fairy tale about a snake, we also have creepy ones here, the ruler ordered to exterminate all the snakes in the area, but one was hiding in a fruit basket. and the prophecy came true, lord,
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that's it, that's it, enough sad stories for today, misha, and he, what are our plans for today, of course, fishing, oh, fishing, great, but i thought we’d listen to fairy tales all the way, mikhail, but show me how to use a fishing rod, yes, of course, lenya, it’s not written how to hold a fishing rod correctly, but take care of yourself, i see you’ve already i caught a whole bucket, yes, oh, i pulled, hook, hook, oops, it worked. wow, well done, tolya, you are our savior, you will be good, leon, but what is it like to feel like you are a loser, baby, you think, i don’t see what you are doing, but what am i doing, i’m just catching
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fish, big and small, no think that the age difference will help you fight off my man, yes, my age is an advantage, but it’s far from the only one i have, i ’ll tell you... i warned you, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, fight as best you can, and don’t whine, as you say, hey ! hey, hey, what are you doing, what is it? let me out, hey somebody, can you even hear me? and you know what i believe in, in real estate, i’m about to buy a house for myself, but this is a classic approach, you need to invest in
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brains, especially for those who don’t have them, i’m so glad that no one got burned, in what sense, i tell him said: that you are millionaires, but so give yourself weight, come on, your methods will ruin you, as you can see, while everything is working, irina, what are you investing in, i wanted to invest in children, but they are not there, yeah, let's finish this financial talk, i'm so hungry, i love women with a good appetite, what a bite, come on! well, go ahead , come on, come on, hook the trout, well , hook the trout, come on, fish, it’s okay, it’s okay, no amount of brains will help crooked hands, leonid, don’t worry, with every accident, he deprived us of lunch, nothing scary, i have a piano
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in the bushes for any occasion, now it will bring something, what a piano, we are at sea, fishing, catching a horse. hey hey, someone help! mikhail, what a blessing, i was so scared, but how did it slam shut, i don’t know! “i was so scared, i have claustrophobia, i couldn’t even breathe, and you, you saved me, just now, and
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you know how to behave so that a man will swim, well, learn while i’m around.” fruits for my beauty, thank you, feast! did you run to elena? yes. irina, you are too soft. a i need to somehow deal with this bastard. need to come up with something. be above it. she's
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just a stupid girl. stupid girl? that stupid girl almost stole your husband. and now that she fell for my man, are you protecting her? anh. slow down, will you? okay, you care about me, you’re pale, you’re not motion sick, you’re motion sick from the way you flirt. with this soldier eyebrow, you are so beautiful,
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what a beauty, let’s go for a swim, and stop, stop, stop, there are cold currents here, let’s better take a photo together, and hurray, here’s leonid, leonid, irina, come here for the photo, go where to stand, let’s go to the swimming area so that it’s against the backdrop of the sea, we’ll do everything like this.
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it tells me that if it matures, it won’t be soon, well, i would raise laziness to become a millionaire, why, when the universe gives me a ready-made universe, of course, when you do everything right, the world gives you gifts, very beautiful, very beautiful, look here , man overboard, i don’t know how to swim, that i can’t throw a yakta, throw a circle, hold on. guys, let's quit, guys, hold on, second
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i need it, thank you, let's go here, here, swim to the ladder, to the ladder, let's paddle, that's it, the photos turned out beautifully, come on, come on, vika, don't worry, i 'll bring you some dry clothes, a towel, just go away! i'm so cold, i can't even feel my legs, why the hell did you throw me off? yes, i didn’t do it on purpose, but if i didn’t know how to swim, this wouldn’t sink. okay, girls, you’re stressed, don’t fight, please, i’m sure it’s an accident, yes, yeah, of course, and if i get sick, now we’ll warm it up well. just because you're a hero, i
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i know, but they were with you, i wouldn’t go along with the little girl, i’m such a cretin, and now i suggest you all come ashore together, this bay is called a pirate’s harbor, there are excavations going on up there, yes, let’s not forget why we’ve gathered here. we look at turkish antiquities, we just didn’t have enough antiquities here, by the way, yes, unfortunately, i can’t get closer on a yacht, but it’s good that we have a little boat, a dog, it’s a motor boat, it’s not just like that, it’s with us, i i’ll look after the yacht, and you leave your things here, there’s no communications, no shops, nothing, especially since we not for long, not for long, oh, what’s so, oh, you know, this doesn’t usually happen to me, such an unusual feeling, as if after a fall my head is very dizzy, but can i stay on the yacht too? and i
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’ll stay here too, i took medical assistance courses, oh, this won’t be needed, i just want to lie down and relax, but it seems to me that i will, anechka, swim with the guys, leonid is an excellent guide, the places are interesting, and this opportunity is a must use, mikhail, you know, i always tell everyone that too, you and i are just like as if on the same wavelength, the main thing is that these waves... do not carry you beyond the boundaries of adequacy, yes, mishanya, of course, maybe it’s my first time, happily, happily, happily, happily, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she is adopted as soon as she took her from the orphanage, mom... dad, i adore you, hello, hello,
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i’m your mother, the real one, maybe we’ll meet, a test that not everyone... will survive , who is she anyway, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone will decide to do, you won’t refuse to do a dna test, the result has arrived, honey, we’ll explain everything to you, feather fly! sunday on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where
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there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. vodka veda. product of steller group. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh. ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmel-sheikh. rum. castro, a product of the stellar group. titanic delux hotel, golf belle, where every moment is
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exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. attention, everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone. premiere for victory day. we need to liberate the sky of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major roman, what would you do, come on, who mr. imprisoned, then you are personally separate from me, thank you, let’s go dance, nikolaevich, i don’t dance, he doesn’t dance and she doesn’t drink, she’s a specimen,
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you officer's shoulder straps behave like the last ones, "anh, and you're a fighter, what are you talking about? well, are you fighting for your millionaire? i don't need to fight, like me, i still need to look, you're in vain to be offended, in love all means are good, i 'm respect, i don’t understand, are you flirting with me, or did it seem to me, it seemed,
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you know, what are the similarities between archeology and women, i studied this issue for many years, now i realized that the deeper you dig, there are more mysteries, and that’s why archaeologists poke with my shovels i can’t get anywhere, unlike some new ones i haven’t carried out excavations, so here you are, lady, the board has questions about the feasibility of the work being carried out, i don’t know, i’m not an archaeologist, i don’t do such things, it seems that we are caught up in a family conflict on the tuzik, oh-oh-oh- oh, look, what’s there, what, where, i don’t see anything, over there on the mountain, nothing, right ahead of the very top. nothing, i understand where we ended up, it’s you who see me, how come, no, it’s not science fiction, this archaeological site of turkey is amazing, i’ll tell you so much, you ’ll be in complete ecstasy, yeah, in ecstasy, how
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well, listen, i didn’t hire myself here, i’m the only one with a mattress, let’s help you out, yeah. come on, let’s be careful with our hands! well, well, thank you, tolya, be careful, but what kind of guy doesn’t know how to swim, he can barely move on land, storyteller, i don’t understand how you married such a guy, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with us, we’ll soon we'll return it. vika, don’t rush, what is she saying, do n’t rush, is she making fun of us, she said don’t rush, vika, come to us,
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it’s great here, no, no, we can’t now, we the two of us will now go downstairs to cook - food there, and what will they do there, come on, i want it too, food, they will do it, food, i hope the excursion will be very short, well, actually we should be grateful, mikhail, this is an amazing place, perhaps this will be one of the best days of our lives, lenya, or are you doing a short excursion, or yes, yes, of course, so, in short, archaeologist, let’s move with your artifacts, otherwise i want to eat, but i’m hungry officer, you know, this is the most terrible beast, follow me, be careful girls, wow. which one happiness to be here, this city was founded by the lycians in the third millennium bc, finally abandoned only in the 6th century, already in
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the byzantine era, city walls, ogors, roman baths, a stadium, an amphitheater have been preserved here, and these are the loopholes of the mamelukes, for you as a military man a person should be interested, walls are like walls, stones are like stones, we are generally interested in others. vika is the cunning one, she takes men whom we have already fed and comes to everything ready, don’t cheat yourself, if i cheated something in my life, so just hair, now i’m learning what the working strategy of seduction is, oh, here i would like to play pintball, ride an indurik. you 're crazy, these walls have stood for several thousand years, well, it means it's time for them to fall apart, maybe we'll go to the yacht already, otherwise i
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'll fall apart myself, but think holistically, listen, you happened to be in such a place with a doctor of historical sciences, doctor , well, actually i’m a candidate, it doesn’t matter, you whine like children, you could at least learn something new, interesting about turkey, besides all-inclusive, alone all the time thinks about how to devour it, the second one counts future millions. let's go, tol, let the intelligentsia enjoy their ruins, and we'll find something more interesting. let's go, are you feeling better? yes, thank you, it would be even better if you remembered that we switched to you. sorry! i was just wondering if you would like to join your friends? leonid, of course , is a wonderful storyteller, and the views there
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are stunning, but carefully, yeah, carefully, carefully, carefully, yes, yes, hand, hey, i think we went out the wrong way? listen, i thought you went for it on purpose another beach, so i didn’t say anything, but it’s also beautiful here, but you can’t see the yag, let’s go up, and what did you catch on this yak? it’s none of your business to understand that it’s not mine, it’s just a shame that you’re running after this, firstly, not after this, but after a millionaire, and secondly, i’m not running, but defending my territory. this is useless, i’m also an expert in relationships, you would understand a lot, if someone understands relationships, it’s military, love is that, it’s a strategy, it’s a tactic,
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and what? well, take the initiative into your own hands, be late, let him be jealous, let him think, that something happened to you, and we ’ll sunbathe here while they look for us, even if that millionaire goes crazy there, i think... it will work 100%. why do you think i left ira with you? and why? all for the same reasons. now she’s there with her stifling bespectacled boy, she’s bored and understands that i’m the best. and you are cunning, yes, a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar, okay, let's stay, come on, you cheated on me, you know what i see, somehow
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i look at... in ruins, our family life, these seem to be values, but only for stories, ira, i want to know, they lenya are right, it’s boring here, like in our life, iran, come with me, i want you to come with me. hey, tactician, at least go and taste the water, it’s not that cold, but actually i don’t really want it on an empty stomach, i left her swimming trunks on the yacht, no, if you want, i can go for a swim, but no, thank you, oh-oh, i’m shy, actually, you’re not my type, i know, because your type is only you
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... yeah, stand here, why, please stand up, lazy, what did you come up with again? imagine what it was like here 2.0 years ago, imagine, there was a choir in the orchestra, and there... here the spectators were sitting, and here a special worker walked along the rows, who beat the noisiest people on the head with a stick, and where you are standing, midea came out and said i would like to die, breath just flour. everything that
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i have merged into one, and it was my husband, and i found out that this husband is the last of the people, why are you telling me all this, there’s no better place to sort things out, come on, tell me everything , what do you think. i'm not joking, look at me, idiot, just shout, just me i ask you, don’t be silent anymore, but...
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come here quietly carefully where and foot on the trigger on the jacket on the trigger come on come on come on the jellyfish stung you gave it all to me with your tactics and strategies, if it weren’t for you you would have long ago i was sitting on the yagt with misha, take your hands off, hiss, listen, there is one folk remedy, they taught me in the army, what? it was, well, choose either a burn or a folk remedy, no, only through my corpse, well, whatever you want, but what is it, where is this our path to the shore, you set it up on purpose, you confuse it, as in in the labyrinth, yes, and you know, by the way, among the ancient
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greeks... in the labyrinth there was a rule of one hand, if you constantly hold on to the wall with your hand and slowly move along it, and if there is an obstacle, change the direction of movement to the opposite side, you will easily find a way out. yeah, it’s a pity that it’s not so easy to find a way out of problems in your personal life, you just need two hands and a sharp change in the direction of movement. anya, it was you who screamed, what happened, the darkness is terrible, even in mortal hell i’ll tell you what happened there. i acted like a hero, one more word, and i’m right here at the kokokoshu, this is people’s gratitude, and lord, i now have one thought, to quickly return to the yacht, hug my millionaire and exhale, finally, these are three thoughts, for men these are three thoughts, and for
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women one is completely connected , wait, is this exactly that bay, yes, it seems to be the same, but what about the fact that mikhail seems to have swam away, no, this cannot be, misha could not have sailed away, misha is a completely decent person. or maybe we really mixed up the bay? we didn’t mix up anything, there’s our boat, well, that means something happened, but what could have happened that he left us without money, without documents, without cards? no, he couldn’t leave us, anh, you don’t know him well, ira, i know him very well, and for a long time, no matter, wait, enough of the negativity, maybe victoria became ill and mikhail took her to the doctor, yes, he he'll come back for us soon, you're worried about victoria, god, what does this have to do with you? this is just an assumption, why should you immediately think the worst? let's wait, he will return. so, we won’t wait for anyone, there’s our boat, we’ll sail ourselves, everyone follows me, be careful there, yeah
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start up already, damn it, what happened, there’s no gas, how come? and here. why are you asking me? over there mis asked? wait, don't panic, we need to solve problems. come on, let 's decide, come on, come on, cry, here you, me, anya, ira, oh, i forgot, one of us doesn't know how to swim, right? we can go into the forest, so, let’s find sticks, we’ll row with them, who will row, you with these sticks of yours? why did we even come here? i feel bad, i’m cold, a jellyfish stung me, and i’m hungry, me too, tolya, tolya, where are you going? yes, wherever i throw the mountain, somewhere caught everywhere, either at a gas station, or in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone at all, beg, humiliate yourself or
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extend your hands, they will have to take us into account, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how many you devote time to the progress of a special military operation for us. this is fate, this is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. trump. what do you like best? look at herring under a fur coat or olivier, which is snacking. alexander grigorievich, hello. let her go, there are no forces that could hold her. this impressive. hello. after your interview, many new questions arose. it's good that they are watching and listening to what i say. first person. volodya, well done, thank you. and at 3:30 a.m., of course, i always do. there must be connections, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come again, on sunday on rtr,
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welcome to rixsas premium magavish suites & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach , 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish hereds & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. hey you i didn’t come here to sunbathe, let’s get on with it, come on, you know what i thought, what? misha cheated us, you think, i’m sure, well, think for yourself,
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well, well, in the other direction, when we were taking pictures on the yacht, remember, yes, we told him all the passwords for the phone, yes, we are such idiots, stop slandering misha, no i need this pack here, don’t, yes please, why does a millionaire need your pennies, well, firstly, not pennies, meagerly earned, and secondly, i’m a millionaire myself, damn it, it was on my card that i had all the money for the house, and hold the boat, share, and they're still there, i'm sure? rest there normally, i put it exactly, i see, there is, yes, yeah, oh, beauty, so-so mischief, hear, you, think of something else from the theory, i don’t even understand why we fenced all this off, we you have to go to the road and hitch a ride from here to the boiler, this is an island, you know, an island, a genius, semi, what? i mean, this ancient city is located on
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a peninsula, i know for sure, but we don’t know where this road is, and what difference does it make, it’s dangerous to go somewhere now, it’s getting dark and what, we are without connection without water, well, welcome to our hut, what? what kind of bullshit is this? these are cairns or tours. and in norway they are called trolls. why are they? good luck charm. yes, we could use some luck right now. so, are you two getting naked? what? do you mean right there? yes, do you like fish? yes, no, so, you give your belt to this earring,
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come on, come on, come on, come on, survivalist, feed us fish soup, yes, but first you will catch us a fish, i knew how to catch a fish, fucked up they covered themselves with women , during the hike you shouted the loudest of all that the man is the breadwinner, and the woman sits at home, yes, i don’t i understand that you went on a hike together, yes, you did, now we’ll go together, just for firewood, who are we, right? am i looking for brushwood or am i going to catch fish? why is there something incomprehensible irish, as always, we women will be the breadwinners, so leave the talkers aside, in this situation there is neither a man nor a woman, we are all soldiers and are fighting for our survival, but let’s go out into the forest, let’s go, i’ll make a fishing rod first, and then we’ll go out.
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so stop, explain to me lenya that you have your ex, it seems to me that this is the last thing to come to the hotel where she arrived, going through a divorce with you, in the sense of a divorce, in the sense of with an ex, ira, my wife, and now i ’ll ask, what’s going on with you and my wife, and what did you get up to? “in general, by the way, i respect marriage, i noticed, yeah, if i had known that she was married, i would have stopped caring for her altogether, but i didn’t stop, i’m not blind, no, you’re blind, lenya, if you don’t notice that your wife is deeply unhappy, your marriage is bursting at the seams, the last person i’ll ask for advice on family psychology is an old soldier who doesn’t know the word of love!”
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ira, tell me, what am i doing wrong, why do i get caught. there are only goats, and why do i come across only goats? come on, at least you’re married, but my clock is already ticking. don’t think about this watch, you will definitely meet your person. yeah, i'll definitely meet you. i can’t even meet this damn fish for you. either my fishing rod is stupid, or i’m stupid. drag, drag, drag, drag, fish, fish. and i caught a fish,
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hold it, and water! the press, the water truce, damn it, what is it, and wow, thank you, thank you. look, an intellectual is an intellectual, and since
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they immediately threw robinson into nature, he even looks somehow more attractive, he... is always like this in nature, where does everything come from? i haven’t seen him like this for a long time, go, go, go, go, go, fire, go, fire. tolya, it’s just wonderful, i never thought in my life that fish could be so tasty, you can do it whenever you want, i can, i can do anything, it’s just that someone caught such a delicious fish, where
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was the last time you and i did this? at the excavations, i forgot how great it is, we haven’t gone anywhere for a long time it’s been a while since we got out, it’s getting colder, i’ll go for a walk, maybe i’ll warm up. so i ’ll take a walk too,
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i understand you, but my leg just hurts, it’s all a damn jellyfish. “me too, when i see these happy married couples, but that ’s the point, they have a lot of problems, infidelity, ongoing divorce, but they are still happier than me, at least they have something to remember, they, you, and anya found another alphonse.” come here,
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now it's my turn to ask. “i never cheated on you, i came here for you, if only i had realized earlier why you were angry, everything would be different, just as i would be less interested in archeology and more interested in being an archaeologist’s wife. i said that this is him, that means it’s not an island, that means the trolls are working, that means i was right, this is a nature reserve and this is not an island, breeding is prohibited, fires are prohibited, fire is prohibited,
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it’s a ban, i know it’s a ban, why, but what , i watch turkish tv series, isaac diamond, the ban on diamonds. we’ll put it out now, it was impossible to light a fire, excavations are a historical heritage, but what could we do, we were cold, we were hungry, here we are we lit a fire and prepared oak, what ’s the problem? who are they, crazy russians, a translator has already been called, and he’s already on his way, mikhail, mikhail,
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i don’t know his last name, he was involved in investments, height, 80 meters, brunette, european facial features, and special features and a scar. a little lower than the back, just please, don’t inform the association of archaeologists that i made a fire next to a historical site, but we had a cultural rest, there was another girl with us, this is victoria, victoria rogova, my graduate student, very decent, a fidgety girl, here i am i'm absolutely sure that she's with was at the same time with him, you will definitely break through to her,
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thank you very much, why didn’t you tell me that you were married? well, otherwise, i wouldn’t
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have gone on this yacht then, i wouldn’t have lost all these savings. it wasn't me who dragged you onto the yacht. who? what? or maybe it’s you who ’s doing it? you introduced us all to misha? by the way, yes. i didn't do it on purpose. you are an adult, how could you not recognize a scammer? how do you know that misha is a fraudster? “if you hadn’t brought that vika of yours onto the yacht, she wouldn’t have led astray a truly good person like nisha, all because this bitch. guys, let's not quarrel endlessly and look for those to blame, let's unite together and decide what we will do, without me, without me, not with you, but i want to. listen, where victoria rogova lives, well
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, look at what room she lives in, i can’t give you such information, you’re a ghoul, but i can punch you in your face, and i ’ll call the police now, i’ve already been there, i’m not either don’t be pissed, tell me, thank you, i remember you and i’m giving you the key, and where is our vase, i have the vase... thank you, beautiful girl, beautiful girl i’m very unhappy, she’s in trouble, i’m your new
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neighbor, well, a new part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, what a wedding, come with us guys, this is my girlfriend, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha. i survived, it’s already good, can i hug you, i’m afraid, i don’t advise you to complain, if you blurt out a word somewhere, we’ll bury you in the forest. despair, there is no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be, please do not interfere with an honest fair investigation, then you are now for without explanations, that it was honest, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman, love will overcome everything from monday on rtr. rest
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is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex burbon steersman product of stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection vodka veda productlar group, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collectionshrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and atmosphere complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures for... entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, romcastra product of the stellar group, vika, vika, please open, this is leonid, with you everything is fine, how are you, i really need
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to talk to you, has kost left? irochka, do you miss your little girl? but no, that’s not what or are you worried that she left you for a millionaire? no, i just wanted, i was ready to trust you, and you? ira, ira! well, did you find out? he didn’t leave a penny, how did he figure out your bank password? yes, i didn’t bother too much, i have one password in the bank on my phone, where did you get your phone from? you know that sometimes a kind word can
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solve more than fists, check your accounts, check them! the same result, i turned out to be a little smarter than you, i wrote down my password in the phone note, yes, you shouldn’t be a scout’s wife, some water, if you want, yes, what, you cleaned out the whole company, i’m shocked, ir, yes, can you imagine, we have lena had nothing special to do would.
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do you really think that i set mikhail against you? of course not, forgive me, i said it out of fatigue, forgive me, hold it, drink, go ahead! i saved this money for my beauty salon, there was a lot there, a lot for me, listen, what about it?
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he has his own winemaker, so a scammer could have cheated here, we need to call the nearest hotel, they are unlikely to have gone far, marina will do it, she knows
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victoria’s passport details, this is our trump card, and we will find the yacht, yes, we will definitely recognize the yacht, so you search on the internet, well, since you got your phone number little turkish friend, you know that at least i did something useful, and you ’re just ruining everything with your forceful methods, please, let’s start quarreling , let’s introduce rules of communication, it’s interesting to hear what the rules are, don’t blame each other, don’t we swear, what was, what was, class, so convenient, a purely male position, you know that if we introduce rules, then ours, female, yes, irochka, and you yourself will live by them, yes, girls, as you say, ir. . wait, but i want to talk to you, but i don’t want to talk to you, i’m tired, lyun, go away, please, at the excavations you didn’t push me away, at the excavations
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the situation was different, tell me, the fact that you and i kissed means something to you, maybe yes, but the first thing in the morning you rushed to your wiki i.. your lies. well, why are you standing here? and what do you suggest? throw yourself? i suggest you climb over
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to your wife. club. she doesn't want to see me, she doesn't want to. you're a slobber, but honestly, i would, i would have climbed over a long time ago, honestly. and i, i, i, respect the right of another person to make his own decision. yes, woman and solution. think about what you are talking about, even if a woman says no to your face, she dreams, dreams that you will take her fortress as a conqueror, you understand, yes, yes, that’s what kind of historian-archaeologist are you, if you can’t even use your knowledge in practice, everything that everything, everything that you look at me, i told you flattery.
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in general, our mikhail, aka sergei, aka egor and even erakli. the names are different, as i
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say, it’s possible, he was seen both here and there, he deceived at least eight women from this chat, you women are so gullible, yes, and you you use this, i personally never, oh, look, i found a wiki page, so what does this give us, besides the fact that misha proposed to her after the day they met, so what, well, what a proposal, he’s just scamming her, well yes, he was seduced by a pretty girl and will leave her as a sailor. “maybe she, well, is some kind of rich heiress, we don’t know, otherwise, where did she, for example, get the money for a trip to this hotel? yes, she said that she has a rich uncle in nadym who often visits her helps, you will be surprised, but i know where this place,
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yes, i understood, thank you. well, well, as i said, an expensive villa, which was rented specifically for an archaeological event for several days. you can get there only with a special pass through the international club of archaeologists. no bullshit, we'll take it by storm. you're kidding me, it's a closed event under special security. yes, lenya, i know how we will get there, it’s just an incredible coincidence. you took the archaeologist’s card with you, it was in your passport, how come? ira, ira, it doesn't matter at all, because i i remember the number by heart. so, now, now. i don't understand. some kind of error? wait, did you type everything in correctly? i entered everything correctly, it’s just overseas leonite.
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i’m so glad to see you, it’s very nice, very nice that you are hosting us in such a luxurious place, are you kidding me, dear sir, have you seen yours?
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smykalka, yeah, and you will find someone there something, thank you, i don’t know what to find there, but i will only say one thing, that the russians were in turkey before our era, i knew it, i knew it, that means this is why we love russian people so much, especially women, yes, only now a problem has arisen, what problem? our investor has failed, we will have to return to russia, look for something new, but there are some positive aspects, due to the fact that the excavations failed, there is more free time in this beautiful country, there is time to relax, relax, relax, this is for us, i i suggest you stay in the best room of this villa about our respected ali hussein, i can’t afford this, i... well, why, why can’t you
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afford it, you are his guest, and he is ready to support you in difficult times. please yes i beg. thank you, no, but i don’t understand why the scammer needs an archaeological club, what his goal is, it’s too much luxury to understand his plans, i suggest we just push him against the wall and shake out our money, yes, yes, but first we need to get to him, and how can we get there, it’s a house, like at home, it’s not a fortress, well, we can quite easily land there, like by sea and over rocks, well, by sea on a mattress, and through rocks... with our feet, there are four of us, so let's go in from both sides, that's not an option at all, paratrooper, well ok, then offer your option, since you don’t want to listen to a person with extensive military experience, and i’ll offer it, and offer it, now
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i’ll offer it, yes, offer it, i’ll take it and offer it, this is ali hussein, a turkish philanthropist and collector, this is the same one. the person who spoke at your institute, yes, he finances various archaeological events, and this meeting is also taking place under his patronage, so, i won’t be long, wait, that ’s what’s in her head, she probably came up with something, too like me, and it’s better than a sea cruise on a mattress, i don’t understand anything, and i, anna ivanovna, am very glad that you are my doctor, i immediately liked you, i love you, everything will be fine, defibrillator,
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urgently, the unexpected death of andrei volunteer shocked russia, but you have been officially charged, face to sleep, you don’t want anything to me? tell me they don’t die from anesthesia, that is, you think they’re setting you up, it’s she who knocked down the general, it means she’ll be in prison, sovelev and dobrovolsky began a whirlwind romance, at the beginning of the novel, in fact, no one kills anyone, doctor anna, from monday to rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true
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excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life is. family fun starts here, with every detail designed for your enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sigi. rixas premium segate, monte cognac shokoka, a product of the stellar group, titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by
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our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. everyone is here. room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group.
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wow, you are just a different person, you changed your image, everything is for you, dear, i realized that my fiancée is an archaeologist, a smart rudir. i've decided correspond, you’re very welcome, let’s go have a drink or something, uh-huh, sir, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s me, me, i... hacked the system? better yet, i took
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the club card number from my friend from the department, koligorsky. great, did you register me? no, i registered the raw one under the names of nikolai and ekaterina gorsky. why vasta? and what? otherwise, well, you end up in this hotel with ira, well, will you find this ghoul? and what will you do? will you put him to sleep with your lectures? he was either lazy or right, he should have gone there. why? because tolya can, what? twist, shake and knock out. tolya can do anything, but there’s no need to knock anyone out. me and my wife will go to ali hussein, i will explain everything to him, and i will make sure that his guards take down the fraudster. oh, what am i going to do? will you drink cocktails at the bar and will you wait for us on the beach? should i wait for her? no, no, no, that's not my style at all.
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we’ll disperse you, nikolai gorsky and his wife, through the main entrance, you just need to get a car to drive up as guests, you’ll manage, and how, and we’ll look for the service entrance, we’re now serving staff, but i object. that is, they, like white people, drive up in a car and chew sofas, and you and i, the service staff, cut salads, well, that’s what we studied for, as
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they say, so nikolai gorsky, i can show who studied for what, well, please, well that’s enough, no need, tol, you’re unlikely to pass for an archaeologist, however, i still don’t agree, stop quarreling, i shouldn’t have gotten these badges, i also heard from this turk that i’m beautiful, like a horse, a horse, no only, then there was pistache and gases, so leave the women's chatter aside. everyone is in place, come on, go, look for a car, i still don’t agree, consider that you are an undercover agent , yes, i’m ready for them, they will remember forever, thank you, you can go. good morning, and good morning, where is your beautiful
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wife, she is still sleeping, tired from the road, and resting, mr. ali hussein instructed me that i learned from you, you will give us a report about your new unforging, please, well, this information it’s better not to disclose it, and i wasn’t prepared, why do you always? glad to hear, please, please, we are waiting, thank you very much, i’m so upset about the failure of the excavations, the investor set me up at the last moment, i’m just wildly depressed, yes, sadness,
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russian blues, and how much is 50 million rubles, that’s about 11 million turkish lera, yes, yes, we have to put camp, feed the team, and every time... yes, i understand that archeology is very expensive, but i will tell mr. ali hussein about your problem, he will come up with something. after all, he has great opportunities, uh-huh, thank you, yes, tell me, ali husenino, he will be there today, yes he will be, he will be, calm down, but later, but still you need
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to speak at the meeting, because for scientists this is very important, please, yes, we have to, so we’ll speak, today, right now, why wait? yes, yes, i just ask you, don’t take pictures of me, okay, publish it, publish information about my presence, okay, why, otherwise i ’ll be calling from the institute, asking about the event, and i’m on vacation, but rest,
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fine, in have you often found yourself in a car group? yes, what do i have to do with the army, i lived without a wife for a long time, please, after you, here’s a matchmaker, where to you, you can’t do this, where to go next, thank you, and what are you trying to achieve, you need to stick to the plan you’ve developed, the best plan is unexpected... well, where did it go? wait, where are you standing? don't hold me, woman. what is your guest card? what? on what basis are you here? and this is your vaunted service? what are you allowing yourself? is this nikolai gorsky? yes,
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a famous archaeologist. yes, a participant in this one. excuse me, but you and this, this is my wife, yes, i beg your pardon, now we will formalize you, a couple of minutes, friends, allow me, as the president turkish club of archaeologists, to introduce you to the outstanding russian archaeologist leonid zamorsky. before giving the floor to our dear guest, i want to give him a special award from our main sponsor and philanthropist, well-known, mr. ali hussein, thank you, thank you, i am very touched, thank you, this is an honorary award from the turkish
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society of archaeologists, i have you like that famous, it turns out. well, how so, how so? lyon, i think everything will fall into place. and i 'm proud of you. kolya, kolya, what a surprise, these are our old friends, we they haven’t been seen for 100 years, we’ll go and meet them. it's no secret where archeology is right now.
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archeology, archeology is not a job, it is a calling to which we dedicate ourselves... work, very hard and thankless. well, that's it,
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gotcha. where are you going? generation processing this president, i'll take it right here. in front of everyone?


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