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tv   Today  NBC  October 9, 2014 7:00am-11:01am EDT

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>> for more news and weather go to our website nbc10 have a good one. growing fear. a deputy who visited the family is being tested for the disease while five u.s. airports prepare to step up screenings of all passengers coming in from west africa. inspired by isills. abc news has learned intelligence official picked upt chatter of possible terror attacks in canada. one included mowing down shoppers at a crowded mall. new fallout, he loses another role aftershocking allegations of child molestation. he and hills wife trade allegations that collins sexually abused three young
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girls. mack is back. one of the legendary pop band, fleetwood mack live on our plaza. don't stop thinking about today, thursday, october 9, 2014. from nbc knew, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome to "today" on a special thursday morning around here. i'm willie geist, with natalie morales and al roker and tamron hall. >> poor matt missing out today. >> this is what he waited for. >> look at that crowd. it is huge. a little less than our one direction crowd but just as
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fervent and dedicated. >> this is huge, singing several songs. >> the question, how do you narrow it down? you can choose from 50 hits. what will they play? you have to wait to find out, but let's begin this morning with the re-concern over the ebola virus in the wake of the death of the first person in this country. kate snow is in omaha where a patient from liberia is being treated. >> reporter: good morning, doctors here are hoping maybe ashoka mukpo, after a courageous fight, eric duncan is gone. >> reporter: people are gathering to mourn thomas eric duncan, the first person to die of ebola in the united states. his wish was to see his son he
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hasn't seen in 16 years. he died wednesday morning before his son could visit. duncan's dpi onsay and others are quarantined, the service live streamed so they can watch. they had to take special precautions with the bid. this morning, many are asking whether duncan had been aleave if he had been hospitalized the first time he showed up at the e.r. including his fiancee. >> she felt he should have been admitted right away. >> reporter: with much of the community on edge, a sheriffs family served his family with the order, he said he felt ill. >> the risk is minimal but again we are talking all precautions. >> starting next week in 92 new york, newark, authorities will take the temperature and ask questions of passengers coming in from three west african nations. >> so we are talking about for each airport, only a handful of
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people. >> reporter: but it's not happening yet. a veteran's customsosis at newark airport spoke to nbc news with his identity concealed. >> we don't have the proper safety. officers done even have lysol and purell to use. >> reporter: a nurse contracting ebola was euthanized. the spanish government saying it didn't want to take chance, even though scientists are sure it does contain ebola. we reached out on what that long-time act said. they said agents will be responsible for identifying anyone who has potential symptoms and turning those people over to health professionals at airports for proper screening. back to you. >> kate snow, thank you. according to an nbc news survey conducted by survey monkey before the death of thomas erin duncan, 73% said they agree the u.s. should start screening for
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ebola. >> that will now happen at five u.s. airports. tom costello covers aviation. good morning. >> flies to see you. >> they will screen people from those west african countries. that's not how he got here. he went from dulles to brussels. how do we track these people? >> these five airports make up 94% they believe of the passengers transiting from west africa. some will be coming from london or brussels, but they will be come nook newark, jfk, dulles, atlanta. they think that will be most of the passengers coming from that region. >> now i step off the plane from west africa from that region, what does the process look like, what happens? >> you will be met by customs and control. that's normal. you might be met by cdc personnel and coast guard personnel. i have a prop, to be candid with you, this is not exactly what they will be doing. they will take your temp. they will use a hands-free device.
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they will see, are you running a temp. you are about normal right now. few had a 101.5 and are symptomatic. they will ask you about your travel history, where have you been, have you been exposed to anyone with ebola. >> the problem is, if you don't have a temp, even if you have been exposed, your symptoms may not show up. they will ask you, keep an eye on your symptoms, if any develop over the next 21 days, then see a medical professional but also report yourself to the health department or the cdc. it's a bit of a hole in the system. >> we should point out in the survey we conducted. 51% of those surveyed are worried about an outbreak in the u.s. these procedures may not have prevented mr. duncan, though, from entering the country? >> he showed up from damascus. if somebody shows up without a temperature and have been exposed to ebola, they may not become symptomatic in a couple
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of days. they want to point out that this will do as much as they can. >> tamron. there are growing concerns this morning about isis-inspired terrorism on u.s. targets in canada and they could lead to increased security around public buildings there. nbc correspondent pete williams las the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. health officials in canada say they are monitoring hundreds of people there who have either gone to syria and returned or who have tried and failed to make the trip. they have isis prompted attacks, a shooting attack, to unspecified beheadings. they stopped the potential shopping mall attack before it got anywhere. this increased concern is prompted in part by the vote in the cade parliament to join the coalition of nations in carrying out airstrikes against isis
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targets in iraq. while intelligence officials say some of the interceptions raise the possibility of both canadian and u.s. targets in canada. they have not picked up any talk of coming to the u.s. to stage it here. >> thank you very much, pete. >> natalie is here with another shooting of a teenager sparking outrage. >> in st. louis, another deadly officer-involved shooting. officials say an off duty officer working a private security job approached four men who ran from him. the officer then gave chase and caught an 18-year-old and police say that man then fired shots at the officer who then returned fire killing the young man. after the shooting, a large crowd gathered at the scene to protest. the incident occurred on the eve of demonstrations scheduled to take place in nova scotia ferguson over the fatal shooting of michael brown two months agompblts another wildfire is sparking mandatory evacuations and has closed part of the
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interstate t. applegate fire destroyed one home. officials are calling it spishls. about 80 structures are threatened. eastbound interstate-80 is closed to traffic. the search is back on this morning for 24 missing passengers after a boat sank on the way to the wedding on the island of bali. 49 passengers, including a dozen wedding guests were on board at the time. officials said the boat sank after amal function of the engine and water pump. eight people have been rescued. the rescue was suspended wednesday night due to high waves there. a houston bus stop turned into a flood. the bus shelter and intersection were completely flooded in the middle of the afternoon commute. not good timing. and the cat burglar caught on tape. take a look at this under surveillance video from san jose, california. now that is a mountain lion on
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top of that car. if you can see, it seems to be taking a look around. neighbors believe the big cat came from a monita park. residents there of course a little worried because a lot of people lost their dogs late at night. they don't want that mountain lion around. >> the good news is he is hot wired. >> a good security device to keep your car safe. >> we have flooding to talk about back to the southwest, remnants of simon. we also have another area. that is our top story today. we got the possibility of flash flooding in two areas. one in the rockies, one in the upper mid-west, strong storms approaching, some really severe weather as we watch this area mark its way into the central rockies, amarillo, texas. we are watching strong storms. the heaviest activity right back through kansas city on into st.
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louis. denver will be looking at showers. back to the mountains, you may see light snow, heavy rain and thunderstorms will continue. here you go, you can see that activity getting itself back together, back in the plains, kansas city, on into cincinnati. some areas may be looking at severe flooding. anywhere one to two inches, denver, dodge city. as you get into the mid-west, isolated areas of five inches. >> that can lead to signif
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bright sign today and the temperatures climb in the upper 60s and low 70s. a little breezy at times, winds to 20 miles an hour. a little chillier tomorrow as clouds move in. later in the day, we'll likely see showers develop and steadier rainfall friday night and into saturday morning but we'll see sunshine saturday. another round of showers possible later on sunday. and a warmup next week. tuesday afternoon and partly sunny and 78 degrees. have a great day. . >> thanks, a lot. a 63 gathering of key owners and commissioner roger goodell. they are working on a new strategy to deal with cases like ray rice's. today national correspondent craig melvin is here. good morning. >> good morning. this is the first time all the owners have met with the commissioner since he admitted he mishandled that case with former baltimore ray rice. on the same day goodell met with his bosses, another star running
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back was facing a judge. nfl owner and commissioner roger goodell huddled up. >> we won't let bitter get perfect. >> owners are considering who should conduct investigations, law enforcement or independent agents. how to handle players awaiting a trial and who house is discipline players? it's been goodell. >> that could change. >> how valley it under the new plan that your power to discipline unilaterally? >> well, i said everything is on the table. >> reporter: nfl owners also watched 40 minutes domestic violence video. >> think about the women in your life. the women that you love. >> reporter: the nfl can lead on this issue. >> i think the nfl has a dominant position to put its
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stake in the ground and make a difference. >> reporter: as owners and the commissioner met in a manhattan hotel. minnesota viking star adrian peterson answers charges of negligence recklessness to a child. they say he beat his 4-year-old with a tree branch. >> he can publicly defend himself. i urge all of to you wait. don't rush to judgment. >> reporter: peterson still draws his $691,000 a week salary but they are trying to force the team to put him on leave. as to the leak, commissioner goodell hopes to have that first conduct policy in place by the super bowl. >> let's hope all these meetings lead to real change. if are you an at&t wireless customer, you could have money coming your way. the company will pay $105 million to settle allegations it put unauthorized charges on cell
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phone bills. nbc's national correspondent peter alexander has the latest for us. good morning. >> so this has to do with those tech messages that pop up on your phone and come out of nowhere, hor ro scopes, siems celebrity gossip. it turns out you may have been paying for them, too. today's cell phone bill can be as long as they are confusing. not reading that fine print could cost you. maybe you've heard this. and received a text message like this and this is a real example. the placement of a donkey's eyes on its head enables it to seal all four feet at all time. random, right? they say at&t customers were build for unsolicited tech through spam to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. >> they call this craming. >> yes. that means placing charges, cramming charges on bills that you don't know are there. >> now, at&t will pay $105
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million in penalties, including $80 million for unlawful billing where the fee shows up as an unauthorized $9.99 monthly description. at&t says it discontinued billing for those charges last year. aare currently checking t-mobile for the same thing. >> reporter: you never checked your bill? >> no. >> reporter: do you think maybe you should? >> yeah, i should. >> you may get a spam message and be inclined to ignore it. that's a big mistake. you should probably run your computer and check your bill. >> reporter: he says look for vague terms like usage or service charge or $4.99 or $999 and check your total bill. if it's higher than usual, calm your provider and make sure you didn't get crammed. so if you have at&t and you think you may have been unfairly charged, the federal government has set up a special website
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where you can apply for a refund. to make it easier for you, we posted the link to this site on our site at willie, tamron. >> thank you so much. we were all saying it's so difficult to read through your bill. >> like you said your bill is online. it's even harder. >> it is really agra- 58. the nobel peace prize will be announced tomorrow. leading the field of two potential winners are two different world figures, nbc's kir simmons has more on this story. good morning. >> reporter: according to odds maker, tomorrow's announcement is pope frances and unlikely company, his biggest challenger is said to be edward snowden. pope frances would be the first pontiff in history to receive the nobel peace prize. in his 18 months as pope, conflicts of syria and iraq. in july, appealing tearful, he urged an end to war.
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>> he actually said, stop, just stop. it was really totally unscripttured and passion fat. >> reporter: on a trip to the holy land, he urged juice and palestinians to make peace. humbly, he famously paid his own hotel bill. while some say he hasn't fully addressed the abuse scandal, he has reached out to the young and the poor. >> reporter: the pope has held our position of solidarity with the poor, solidarity marginalized. in a deeper sense, a common responsibility in the world. >> reporter: another peace prize nominee edward snowden would be deeply divisive despite his claim that leaking nsa secrets was good for the world. >> it's actually not just costing us our safety about our life and our way of life. >> reporter: he is still viewed as a criminal by the u.s.
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government live income asylum in russia. speaking of russia, another surprise name on the list, vladmir putin nominated to fight the war if you crane and shooting down ms-17. another reason he soon may be named one of the world's great peace makers. now, of course, you could argue calling for peace is the pope's job, but during the very, very difficult time, guys, pope frances has spoken out again and again. >> what a fascinating collection of people. thanks, so much. if you bought a red bull over the last decade or so, you could have money coming your way. carson is here. >> fleetwood mack, you saw this before the magic. give me ten minutes. it will get better. you are right, red bull halls agreed to pay check this out $13 million after consumers claimed false advertising.
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let's go into the o.r. >> what? >> that's right. the company promised increased performance and reaction speed, none of which they experienced after drink a red bull. red bull maintains that its marketing and labeling have always been truthful. here's the slogan, red bull gives you wings. social media had fun with that. hey red bull, i drank some red bull, it gave me wings, for the problem. so victor writes in, for the sake of humanity, i hope this red bull class action lawsuit settlement is satire. here's the deal, it is not. if you had one between these days, you can get $10 in cash by filing a claim online or go to the site. it crashed last night as you can imagine, everybody is going there trying to get their $10 or $15 in products. that's on you. any other slogans you think are
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misleading. #orange room. it's the greatest thing in the morning. >> i got one in "it's a wonderful life." every time you hear a bell ring, an any gel gets its wings. >> are you on your own with that one, al. >> how do you prove it? if i had one in 2003, how do i prove that happened? >> willie the time in the o.r. is up. back to you. >> all right. >> we're not here to answer questions. >> get out of here. >> if i had a case a day. >> stop drinking the thing. >> i think it's a one time $10, one time and you are out. coming up, the new accusations being traded between steven collins and his estranged wife. this is a disturbing story. a lot of people are talking about in the wake of his alleged confession to child molestation. >> plus how safe is an
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artificial turf? nbc investigates serious health concerns raised over those synthetic fields. first this is "today" on nbc.
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. >> meet the guy that how do you eat your eggo? you can start with the syrup all on top, maybe not apple chunks and cinnamon and honey if you got bring on the chocolate spread somethin' green, somethin' blue somethin' orange, somethin' red ham and egg, tomato sandwich cut it nice and do some damage cream cheese, pomegranate make it look like jack or janet x's and o's and a tic tac toe. you can fill in the holes. let the syrup flow, yeah stack it snack it maybe you can bend it you can slice it up and dice it up and big it up and friend it there are millions of ways to eggo. enter your eggo recipe on facebook for your chance to win $10,000. just l'eggo my eggo how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally.
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[ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's for 15% off special order windows and doors. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. before we craft it into a sandwich. the tender, slow-roasted turkey, the zesty cranberry mostarda,
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the freshly baked flatbread paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. a delicious meal made just for you only at panera bread. >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. at 7:26 this thursday morning, skyforce 10 is on its way to the scene of a transit bus that collided with a horse. this is on cold spring creamery road in bucks county. one person, we're told, was injured and taken to the hospital. we're also told that the horse got loose just before this crash happened. there's no word on other injuries or condition of the animal. of course, stay with nbc10 and for updates. >> let's get a check on traffic with jillian. >> you can zoom in on the location and find that exact
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spot which is what is it is trying to do. this is happening on cold spring creamery road. take landis road as your alternate. this is a live look at 95. southbound slow moving at girard avenue. southbound from woodhaven to the vine is almost 40 minutes right now. let's get a check on the "first alert" forecast from meteorologist bill henley. >> good morning. we're enjoy, lots of sunshine that's going to stay with us all morning long. it's still chilly outside. the sun's up and we'll see bright sunshine. the view from lake wallenpaupack. 22 minutes after sunrise. it's currently 42 degrees in the pocono mountains. 53 degrees in philadelphia. parts of the area, 17 degrees cooler. millville, 45 degrees. sunny skies through the day. a little breezier. >> bill, thank you. i'm vai sikahema. another weatherup date in 25 minutes. we'll take you back to the "today" show. see you then.
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first this is "today" on nbc. . >> it's 7:30 on this thursday morning, the 9th of october. >> what is that? >> no. . >> bring your kids to the television. ask them what is that beautiful woman holding in her hand? >> an 8-track. >> back in our day, you had to play music on. >> you had to warm it up before you put it in there. that's amazing. >> we are counting down, of course, through the legendary fleetwood mac live in concert. >> they were born in '64 t. last one you could find anywhere was 1982, really the end of the
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'70s, that was the end of the 8-track. >> i think my dad has a collection. >> it's the size of a vhs tape. what's next? >> it will be a long show. keep it going. >> it starts off with the history of the vhs and the beta. we go back in time. >> meanwhile, let's take a look at what's making headlines, a prayer service was held in dallas last night to remember dallas ebola victim thomas eric duncan. duncan, the first person diagnosed in the u.s. died on wednesday, meantime, a sheriffs deputy who visited the apartment where duncan was staying has been hospitalized over an abundance of caution. people are stranded at hospitals, new procedures, including passenger checks will begin on saturday, dulles, atlanta, chicago will be added to the list next week. police in north carolina under fire for using pepper spray on a black teenager pence the home he shared with his
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white foster parents. cops responded to a call that something was wrong at the address, when the 18-year-old came downstairs and said he lived there, those officers did not believe him. coming up, an eye opening news investigation, could the artificial turf your kids play on be making them sick? my kids spend six days a week on astroturf. a lot of people concerned about the. is your office desk making you fat? there are small changes you can make at work and at the grocery store that can help you actually slow down. >> we begin this half hour into the allegation of the actor steven collins after sexual allegations surfaced. he and his estranged wife are speaking out. halle jackson has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, collins soon to be ex-wife calls this a deeply sad situation for everyone involved, but the actor's lawyer says she has other motives for going public
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now. >> you've made it. >> i did. >> millions of viewers know steven collins as the dedicated dad and devoted reverend on "7th heaven." >> i've heard people say that they were afraid that if they went back to church, the roof would fall in, but you -- >> reporter: now it's not a tv show but an audio recording that has collins back in the spotlight. tmz released the tape, he has been heard in a therapy session molesting to three young girls. >> it happened. >> with a 10-year-old? >> no, she was 11 then 12 and 13. >> om god. >> reporter: the actor's estranged wife says two years ago, she gave authorities what she called an extremely private recording at their request and denies releasing it to the media. 2012 is the year divorce proceedings began. in documents filed in court, grant states more than a decade
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ago steven used his celebrity status to engender the trust of the families of the children hemolefted. less than 48 hours after the recording was made public, come lins was dropped from the tv show "scandal," cut to the sequel of the movie "ten." his reruns no longer airing on networks. >> there is no question steven now branded and is not a product that people want to buy. >> reporter: collins' lawyer who did not respond to requests for comment said grant has tried to peddle the tape in numerous ways to numerous different people. questioning the timing quote on the eve of the trial in the divorce says, where, again, she is seeking more than what she is entitled. they say to falsely characterize these requests as extortion threats is reckless and continues constitutes yet criminal abuse. no charges have been filed against collins. some of his co-stars from "7th
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heaven." another recuring character said he never noticed anything suspicious on set. tamron, willie. >> thank you very much. >> let's get a check of the weather now from al. the super typhoon vongfong out in the pacific. this has a direct impact on one of our major air force bases. this is southeast of kadena air force base in okinawa. the wednesday are down from yesterday. still a potentially dangerous storm. we could be looking at up to 20 inches of rain out of this. strong winds, damage winds on okinawa. so we will continue to track this today in the northeast, we are looking at a fabulous day. 69 in new york city. boston 63. a lot of soaking rain stretching from the mid mississippi valley into the rockies. flash flooding possible there. sunshine in the pacific northwest.
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good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a chilly start but bright sunshine today and the temperatures climb in the upper 60s and low 70s. a little breezy at times, winds to 20 miles an hour. a little chillier tomorrow as clouds move in. later in the day, we'll likely see showers develop and steadier rainfall friday night and into saturday morning but we'll see sunshine later on saturday. another round of showers possible later on sunday. and a warmup next week. tuesday afternoon and partly sunny and 78 degrees. have a great day. . >> and that's your latest weather. thanks, a lots. coming up next, is the artificial turf on sports fields across the country pose a potential health risk the your kids? we have an eye opening investigation parents will want to see. on trending, you, mr. roker, that is a new thing happening. at first these messages. ow...
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my scalp hurts. my hair hurts. this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful, blistering, rash. look at me. she's embarrassed by the way she looks. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. as you get older, your immune system weakens and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. well i had to go to the eye doctor last week and i have to go back today. the doctor's worried its so close to her eye. the shingles rash can last up to 30 days. it hurts. it's hard. don't wait until you someone you love develops shingles. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk.
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back now at 7:40 with an nbc news investigation. on artificial turf children across this country play on, could the material be making some people sick? stephanie goss has a report. >> willie, this is an issue that resonates with parents. especially people that pick up those black dots in practices or games. in communities, natural grass has been replaced with turf. a determined college soccer coach are asking, is it really safe? casey sullivan may have taken an afternoon soccer game like this for granted if he had never gotten that diagnosis. >> the doctor came in and he said in all my years of medical practice, this is the worst x-ray i have ever seen the worst x-ray i have ever seen. >> reporter: hodgkin's lymphoma
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stage 4 he was a young goalkeeper on the soccer team. >> the doctors never had a good answer. >> reporter: years later after beating the cancer, he saw university of washington soccer coach. two of her goalkeepers have been diagnosed with similar cancers, a terrible coincidence she thought until taking one of her sick players for chemotherapy. the nurse said, you are like the fourth goal keeper i hooked up this week. >> reporter: the goalie had a theory. >> she says i have a feeling it has something to do with the black dots. >> reporter: the black dots crum rubber are shredded car and truck tires, used in turf fields between artificial blades of grass. they contain the capitals found in most tires t. international agency for cancer research labels four carcinogens. adding at low levels of exposure, they are considers
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safe. on a soccer field, goalkeepers, more than any other player roll around on the turf every practice. >> you end up ingesting the crum rubber by accident. it's unavoidable. >> reporter: he reached out to coach griffin. now he's on the list, names they gather of soccer players who have developed different times of cancer, 38 altogether, 34 of them are goalkeepers a. list is not scientific proof. there is no research wage linking crum rubber exposure to cancer. >> mr. of them are lymph-related cancers. there are others in there, too. what i would say is that in general it's very difficult to study the environment, the relationship between environmental exposure and cancer. >> reporter: no available studies replicate goalkeeper's playing conditions, but many researchers, states and localitys defend the turf safety. david lee has a ph.d. in chemistry and sits on the turf
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board. >> there is certainly a preponderance of evidence to this point that said it is safe. >> reporter: an nbc news investigation put that assertion to the test, gathering available studies and speaking with pediatricians, scientists and advocacy groups who say more research should be done. >> turf fields come with a number of real risks and a number of real benefits and every community that's based with deciding what they want to put in has to kind of weigh in the different risks and benefits for that situation. >> reporter: among the available studies the synthetic turf council points to was one done by the e in 2009. the agency, itself, describes the conclusions as limited. nbc news repeatedly requested an interview. after several e-mails and two phone calls, the e refused. in a statement, a spokesperson says the use of crum rubber remains a state and local decision and more testing feeds to be done. well, if more research needs to be done, why are we allowing our children to play on this
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surface? >> sure. more research can always be done. the question is whether or not the synthetic turf is safe. we got 14 studies on our website that says we can find no negative health effects. >> reporter: pro athletes and school kids alike are playing on more than 5,000 crum rubber fields around the country. new york city parks and los angeles schools no longer install the surface, citing multiple health concerns. other cities with the turch say it's cheaper and more durable than grass and provides more outdoor space for kids to play. sullivan wants his girls to play soccer burks he worries about their exposure to crum rubber. >> our oldest is four-years-old. she started playing soccer. i wouldn't want her to be a goalkeeper. >> anybody that has a kid has seen this stuff. you were talking about it. soccer football, whatever the sport s. there is no medical connection right now between these people getting sick and the turf they are playing on. this is a calm for more research
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to look further into it. right? >> yeah, that's absolutely right t. wide ranging research that's being called for my some people is both difficult and very expensive. and many of the people we catted with have said they hope the federal government will step in, in some way, and conduct that kind of research. both the e and the consumer product safety commission have done studies in the past, limited studies. now people like coach griffin you saw in that piece with casey sullivan are hoping they step in and do much more. >> it sounds like some people will step in now. thank you so much for that report. really interesting. coming up, we will sit down with the legendary members of fleetwood mac. >> first, here's a question for you. do you dress your pet up for halloween? carson is in the orange room with costumes you have to see carson is in the orange room with costumes you have to see this i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer.
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imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!® ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ♪ i to the acidity in any never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. welcome back.
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carson is in the orange room. >> we are talking pets here. a whopping 23 million pets will be in costumes. >> that is a business unto itself. that brings in $350 million bucks. let's get to it. your pet costumes, number 4 the bumble bee, number two the devil. number one, the hot dog. quincy buckingham is here. come here. number 1, guys the pumpkin. >> quincy come here. camera shy. >> come on. >> come on quince. >> let's hope quincy doesn't leave us a trick for a tweet. >> you sent us an alarming number of pet picks on facebook. we saw a clear theme the wizard of oz. wendy sent in the professional look. you got lindsay's eight puppies there. send us your picks there, keep
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them coming on face book and send us your picks there, keep them coming on face book and twitter. ♪ decay. send us your picks there, keep them coming on face book and twitter. it's the opposite of evolution. the absence of improvement. and the enemy of perfection. which is why you can never stop moving forward. never stop inventing. introducing the mercedes-benz gla. a breakthrough in design, aerodynamics and engineering. because the only way to triumph over decay... is to leave it in its own dust. ♪
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now, that's a burger. and now you can pay and go when you're ready. now, isn't that convenient? the new lunch double burger from chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. ♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella.
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spread the happy. hmm. trade in your old iphone and get a new iphone free at verizon. did you say something, paul? huh? no. can i route our trip? i love our trips. oh, me too. but no i'm good i know where i'm headed. how about music? nah i don't really feel like- ♪ just the two of us ♪ we can make it if we-- what a fun drive. we always have so much fun. remember that one time we- okay. sure you loved your old iphone. but you'll love your free new iphone you trade it for even more. we asked people a question how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to like, pull it a little further
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got me to 70 years old i'm going to have to rethink this thing it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower.
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nbc10 breaking news. just before 4 minutes before 8:00. we're following a crash in bucks county involving a bus and a horse. skyforce 10 was over the scene on cold spring creamery road in doylestown. police are telling us one person was injured and taken to the hospital. we're told the horse got loose just before the crash happened. we're not showing you the animal which appears to be dead just out of camera range. and she did before the crash and just before it happened, jillian mele is following traffic conditions. >> that area is shut down so crews can get throughout and get that accident off the road. colt spring creamery road is closed between burthouse wrote
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and cold spring road. we have an accident 95 southbound on the shoulder. near route 320. cause see it's slowing down traffic. >> let's get our "first alert" forecast from meteorologist bill henley. >> it's a chilly start, vai. we've got great sunshine. even though it's cool outside in the 50s and center city. those scattered clouds will not have an impact. 54, philadelphia international, pottstown is 44. it's in the 40s for trenton and doylestown. at the airport, 52 degrees right now. sunny skies. the numbers climb. 65 at lunchtime. a bit breezy, 70s this afternoon. the ebola outbreak is sparking a discussion and possible solution that could come out of the center city conference. we'll send you back to the "today" show. see new a half hour.
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. >> it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, mind over meals, how to navigate the grocery store to where you should sit in a restaurant. extra tips on how to lose those extra pounds. over the hump, google gives a whole new meaning, their camel map of the arabian desert. we are not lying, fleetwood mac is back. one of the most iconic rock bands of all time, getting ready to hit our plaza to perform some of their greatest hits, today, thursday, october 9, 2014.
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[ music playing ] >> i love fleetwood mac! >> we love stevie! >> hi, mom and dad, south carolina! [ music playing ] ♪ you can go your own way ♪ don't go away ♪ you can go your own way. >> fleetwood mac is back! >> we love fleetwood mac! [ music playing ] ♪ you can go your own way ♪ don't go away ♪ >> all right. welcome back to "today." willie geist along with al roker, tamron hall. >> is that legal? >> my people! >> we're going to get banned
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from this neighborhood. >> fleetwood with the coolest drum kit ever? is it fair to say? unbelievable! >> yes. you know what, guys, we actually have a trivia question for all the fleetwood mac fans, what's the only fleetwood mac song written by all members of the band? here's the choices. silver springs, the chain, or don't stop. >> what do you think? >> i'll say b the chain. >> we'll reveal that later. >> we will see the band in the next half hour. >> just a few minutes away, a big concert coming up. first, natalie is pence with this morning's top stories. >> good morning to you all once again. a texas sheriff deputy wanted limited contact with thomas eric duncan was hospitalized after a precaution after saying he felt
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ill. we have kate snow in omaha where another ebola victim is being treated. >> reporter: good morning. let's start in dallas. that sheriff deputy hours after the death of the first person to die from ebola in this country. >> that sheriffs deputy went to a clinic outside of dallas complaining of feeling ill. he had been to the apartment where duncan was staying to search a quarantine warning. it's very slim. they are taking every precaution in case. last night, a church service for thomas eric duncan at whiff it was said by the pastor his last wish was to see his son he hasn't seen in 16 years, unfortunately, he never got the chance to see his son. others are raising questions whether he had been alive if he had not been sent home from an e.r. the first time he went to the hospital. meanwhile, here in omaha, doctors are hopeful the patient here may show improvement after
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he was given a transfusion of blood of a survivor of ebola. >> thanks. new measures to stop the spread of ebola, meanwhile, are coming to five major airports. about 150 travelaries day will have their temperatures checked. fever is a symptom of ebola. the screenings roll out saturday at new york's kennedy airport and will be expanded next week to include atlanta, chicago, newark and washington dulles. despite new u.s.-led airstrikes, isis fighters have reportedly seized more than a third of the syrian border town of kobani. meantime, there is new concern that isis imitators might try to attack canadian or american targets in canada. intelligence officials say they disrupted a plan for a mass shootth at a shopping mall before it got started. they also heard chatter about a public beheading plot. canadian leaders voted to join airstrikes against isis in iraq.
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it was the first time all of the owners gathered with league commissioner roger goodell since he admitted he mishandled the case of former baltimore star ray rice. they watched a player appealing for action on domestic violence. commissioner goodell says he hopes to have a new personal conduct policy in place before the super bowl. at least a dozen firms including philadelphia elt and etrade were -- hacked. they were so concerned they had periodic briefings on the cyber attacks. motive has not yet been uncovered. last week j.p. morgan said 83 million customers and small businesses had their personal information compromised. you might want to hold the ketchup if you shell out $1,768
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for that. that's the most expensive hamburger. it is made with beef and venison. it includes lobster, caviar toppings and bacon and edible gold leaf. the glam burger as it is called is being offered as a grand prize in a contest. not like it's coming here any time soon. 8:106. let's get another check of the weather with al. >> ley, i found fleetwood mac's biggest fan. >> that is huge. fantastic. what is your name? >> jen. >> what you from? >> new jersey. >> favorite fleetwood mac sauce. >> oh. >> you could have won $50 million. >> put me on the spot. >> too many. >> that's a good answer. too many. let's show you what we are looking at today. we expect to see again our showers and thunderstorms. kansas city, missouri, looking at showers and storms,
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temperatures getting into the low 60s. as you look at the afternoon temperatures, we got toasty temperatures in texas, texas toast continuing. 90s in southern california and also against the west coast of florida, 60s and 70s along the northern plains. we found the youngest fleetwood mac fan. what is your name? >> zach. >> how old are you? >> te test. good morning i'm bill henley, a chilly start be bright sunshine today and the temperatures climb into the upper 60s and low 70s. clouds move in later in the day. showers will move in and steady rainfall friday night into saturday morning. another round of showers possible later on sunday and a warm up next week. tuesday afternoon partly sunny
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and 78 degrees. have a great day. latest weather. >> look at the fans. this is chelsea from easton, pennsylvania. huge fan. look at the diy effort. >> look at this sign, ten-year-old zach. >> cool. the concert starts in a few minutes. up next, camel cam! taking their mapping skills to a whole new place with some surprising help. we will show you in a minute. plus, getting slim by design. why chewing gum at the grocery store could actually help you lose wangt. if you said get ready, fleetwood mac performs live on our toyota concert stage. fi dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash,
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with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. ♪hey! i found a happy space... after-school snacking should be fun and nutritious that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. what matters most should always come first. general mills. goodness first. you're unpacking already? yeah. help me find some mugs? ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ [ beep ] hey. [ giggles ]ok. ♪ folgers in your cup ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra.
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♪ ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement.
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4 hundred million vacation days go unused every year. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. they're paid vacation days. if you guys agreed to travel more we'll all do better in school. we'll have a better understanding of other cultures. i will learn to parler français. oui oui. we're not asking for much we just want one more day. "one more day" for help planning your one more day, contact mastercard concierge services or download our new app. because one more day is priceless. before we craft it into a sandwich. the tender, slow-roasted turkey, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. a delicious meal made just for you only at panera bread.
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duke's family only feeds him iams, afor a love that can endure any fashion trend, with two times the meat than other leading brands. it helps keep him strong from tiara to toenail. just one of many iams formulas to keep love strong.
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drove to her wedding. started my camry. did not forever hold my peace. [laughing] wow! the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. [ music playing ] >> back now at 8:13. the band is getting ready. we will give eight peek. we heard some of the set list. suffice it to say, you fans at home and that big crowd on the plaza are going to be very, very lane there morning. >> no matter what they play, they are hits. >> there are so many. >> they got some real good ones left today. we will hear from them in a few
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minutes. first it's time for what's trending today. a new survey reveals what cities get the most and least sleep. they break it down by county. the lighter the color, they hit the sheets the earliest. on the other end of the spectrum on the other side of the country, people out in brooklyn are out the latest. i have to say it like that. they don't get up until after midnight. bed time? >> 9:00 p.m. latest. >> mine is like 11:00. >> 10-something. >> we fall in the middle. >> we're not brooklyn. >> sorry. >> all right. for months, we've heard rumors about an all female version of "ghost busters." now we finally have confirmation from the director, himself, palm fieg tweeting, it's official. i'm making a new ghostbusters and writing it with katie
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dippold and, yes, it will star hilarious women. that's who i'm going to call. >> yes. >> no word yet on exactly who this is going to be. some of the names we are hearing, christine gray. tina fey. naturally. bill murray suggested emma stone might be a good choice. >> most popular choice is melissa mccarthy. >> yes. >> i cannot wait. >> that is going to be amazing. all right. it is one of the world's oldest sites. i don't think you have seen it like this google using its street view tool to transport you to the mean streets of the arabian desert. a new feature allowing armchair explorers, like yourself, to take this sandy oasis. how did google go about getting these incredible pictures? as you see the camel cam. courtesy of that animal, using
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the camel allows them to get the images with minimal disruption to the environment. >> it took 150 years. >> because they could only shoot it on wednesday. >> oh. >> how long have you been thinking about that one? >> i just -- >> oh. okay. >> your hair didn't even move. it's a makeup transformation you have to see to believe. check out these pictures of katy perry, jennifer lawrence, kim kardashian. look more closely. it's the same person and he's a guy. >> he's a tv host in the philipines. as you can see, he is quite good into transforming himself into the most recognizable women. he was a big hit on instagram where he posted these pictures. >> i can see you being kim kardashian. >> thanks. >> that's what's trending today. coming up, our stars of the
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morning, fleetwood mac. we a . we are back now with the look at the psychology of eating and simple fixs to help you shed pounds. jenna wolf is "today's" lifestyle fit and nitness guru. >> from fast food and fine dining, food is the greatest pleasures. the latest stats show more than one-third of adults in the u.s. are obese. new research shows that's due in part to the more than 200 subconscious food choices that we make every day. i recently met with an expert who says reprograming your mind in very simple ways might help you win the battle of the bulge.
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it's a common belief you need to tackle the mind if you want to successfully tackle the belly? how do you do that? enter food psychologist and behavioral economist brian wansick. >> what is a food psychologist? >> the eating behavior with the subjective to come up with solutions to help people eat a little less and enjoy fruit a whole lot more. >> reporter: he literally wrote the book on "mindless eating," now his latest offering, "slim by design," says our environment helps those choices. >> we want to think we are master of our influence? we are not. the lighting in the room, what annoys me. >> show 93 courses i can make over the course of the day. >> yeah, let's do it. >> reporter: americans buy and eat 80% of their food within 5 miles of where they live. it's a concept he calls your food radius. the food market is my downfall.
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i always walk in hungry. >> it's where the best and worst hoo eating habits begin here. we will pop a piece of gum. >> reporter: why the gum? >> reporter: so we don't pick up one of these. >> this will help you do this? . >> we found chewing gum reduces the appeal. you can't imagine the crunchiness and tasteiness when you are eating gum. >> he says divide the cart if two, leaving the biggest section in front for fruits. start in the produce aisle first. >> bring the salad out first and the pasta. >> you tell that to my one-year-old. >> i'm an apple loving guy. >> filling the smaller cart of your section last. are we ready for aisle two yet? >> i am a massive cereal lover. >> we haven't left much room for anything non-prau. >> there is divided. instead of three box, i will get just one or two. >>let check out.
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brian had brought me to the "today" show offices. do not steal any of our secrets. we don't have any. because you say there is something in the office that's a total no-no. >> so many people are doing it. what's the biggest problem here? sorry matt? >> the thing about eating at your desk, you tend to pay attention to what you eat. you tend to eat more and you don't enjo i the food as much. >> reporter: research shows people who eat away from their desks are slimmer, happier, more productive. don't tell me i have to stop eating at my favorite restaurants? >> no way. >> are you sure? >> reporter: it starts with picking the right table. >> there are fat tables in the restaurant and skinny tables. >> reporter: please, show me a skinny table west virginia makes a fat table? something in the back, near a tv, often a booth. >> you can order a lot more dessert. you are likely to order fried food or more to drink.
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>> why is there a skinny table? >> it's well lit. okay. the prime is self discipline and awareness. statistically you are twice as like like this a salad. half as as likely to order dessert. >> reporter: finally the rule of food. >> you can have a cola, an appetizer, a piece of bread and a dessert. you just can't have everything. to good health. >> reporter: absolutely. and hess having diet soda no less. a couple interests tips here, clean the clutter from your kitchen. people with a cluttered kitchen are more prone to mindless eating. people with snacks on the counter are more likely to mindlessly snack. few keen cereal, boxes of cereal on the counter, they weigh up to 21 pounds more than their neighbor. you don't think about that making a choice of moving the cereal boxes from your counter. >> i can't sit in a booth?
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that's my go-to move. >> three-and-a-half minutes of television. that was your take away? i love it. >> are there members of the "today" show staff you didn't expose? >> no, sorry about. that not really. not really sorry. >> for more tips to eat less every day, led to thanks. let's head out to tamron. >> everyone out here is all smiles. just the excitement level is immeasurable, guys. we are counting down to the big performance of the day. they just kicked off a brand-new tour. we are so bited to welcome to the plaza the band, that is fleetwood mac! with us christine mc53, stevie knicks, lindsay buckingham and good morning! >> good morning. >> have you ever awakened this early before? >> only for this show. >> only for the "today" show. >> we didn't go to sleep until 3:00. >> oh, stevie.
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>> i went to sleep at 10:00 p.m. >> mitch says no. >> me. i did, really. >> that's early for me. that's the best i could do. >> the best you could do. well take all of that. it's so interesting, christine the band wasn't kidding. 40 years ago you wrote the line "you can never break the chain." now looking at these shows that you have behind you altogether now, what does that mean? >> oh, well it's funny that stevie brought me a bracelet not long ago. it was a chain, the a chain and i wore it around my wrist. it broke. so i had somebody tie it on. it really means the cane is never going to break again. >> always prepared. stevie, you said our dream girl is back now and you are rubbing her shoulder. when you look at her and see she is with you all, the first family.
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what does that mean for you? >> it's almost like it's hard to really believe that she actually ever left because she came back and she just threw herself into it in such a strong and confident way that it was like really, almost like it was a parallel universe that maybe we left. i'm not sure. you know, it's like, i hear her count off songs, it's like the 16 years she was gone didn't exist. we didn't really know what to expect when she came back. she came back stronger than all of us. so it was crazy. >> well it's amazing lindsay, sold out shows to stevie's point, it's as if those 16 years in some way did not exist. how is it for you? >> well, you know, it was, there were a set of unknowns going into it and everything has just come back better than ever. you know, it really feels very
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much like a beautiful, profound poetic new chapter for this band. it's something that's going to go on for quite some time. >> and, john, i mentioned that you guys are night owls. how do you get pumped up or how do you get motivated this time of the morning? is it all about the career? >> it's about, obviously the people and a lot of coffee, too. >> a lots of coffee. did we give you good coffee? >> yes, okay. >> we got to work on our "today" show co. of course, nick, your full fabulousness the red shoes the scarf! [ cheers ] . >> being back with this crew, being back with these bands, how do you describe it? >> like lindsay said, stevie, all of us are overjoyed at this lovely lady's return to the
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ranks of fleetwood mac! >> what she has returned, they will return after a break and will answer that trivia this morning sky force 10 over the scene of a deadly accident in delaware county. a worker fell from the bucket equipment at a work site. we're kwatherring information and trying to find out how that worker fell out of the bucket that was suspended high off the ground. an nbc 10 crew is on it's way to the scene. now let's get a check of the weather from bill henley, sunny out there today, bill. a good looking morning. still chilly, chillier than yesterday. cape may is looking nice and
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sunny. inland the temperatures are even chillier. 49 right now in millville. 44 in pottstown. the wind will be picking up, we have a few scattered clouds but mainly sunny today. 65 at lunchtime and 70 this afternoon with winds gusting to 20 miles per hour. >> jillian mele is watching the roads. there is an accident on 95 right now on the northbound side we have activity out there in both directions. we're dealing with lane restrictions there. the leaderboard said of the ben franklin bridge. and the 42 freeway, very slow on the northbound side. >> we'll see you back here in 25 minutes for another update. have a good one.
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♪ don't stop thinking about tomorrow ♪ don't stop it will soon be here ♪ >> 8:30 on this thursday morning, october 9th, 2014 t. moment is almost here. rock royalty, fleetwood mac live on our toyota concert stage. >> we have the full group, fleetwood mac back together for the first time in 16 years. we have a massive crowd on the plaza. they are dialled up. now a little earlier, we asked you fleetwood mac fans, a trivia question, wlafls the only song written by all five band members? was it silver springs, the chain, or don't stop? guesses?
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>> the fans know. what do the fans say? >> it's the chain. that's right. it's one of the classic songs. guess what, the band is performing "the chain" with one of its own. >> very cool. meanwhile, carson is in the orange room. he has a special guest with him. carson, who is in there? >> emmy ross, star of the new movie "you are not you." she plays an irreverent college student who takes the care giver to an amazing level. we will get to that in a second. first you have taken over "today" social media, 26th, instagram. your preparation, i love this hyper thing you did. >> i took over savannah's room. thank god she's on maternity leave. do you think she's mad i used her mouth wash.
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it was delicious. >> well, your prep started much earlier, we were following you. you were in l.a. last night and that means a little showering in a delta lounge restroom. how'd that go? >> there wasn't a shower. there was a line for a shower. so i had to kind of make eight french shower as people were going in and out of the lounge. it was interesting. >> you wear it well. let's talk about that movie. it's great. hillary has als in the movie. you said it's not a movie about an illness. it's a movie about friendship. >> it's a non-romantic love story between two unlikely friends, hilary swank obviously a wonderful actress, bringing attention to the hot topic with the ice bucket challenge this summer. i think seeing this movie will add that human element. >> that ice bucket challenge was an incredible thing. i know you finish it in the movie. how'd that impact the film? >> it was exciting. als is a disease, people don't know what causes it. they are nowhere close to a
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cure. to kind of educate people $128 million was raised. i hope people seeing the movie, it will add that emotional component of what the disease is like. >> were you and hillary friends? >> there is a bond from this movie that is magic. >> we didn't know each other. we dove right n. kind of how the characters get to know each other. >> we will have much more on this. the movie is out tomorrow and on demand. you are not it. you can take over our show. let's go back to al. >> all right. thanks, so much, guys. you know what, people come to see all sorts of things, they come to see fleetwood mac. all right. guess what, are you ready to see the world's largest whoopi pie? oh man look at that thing. >> from gardner, maine. >> from gart in other words, maine, that's a big twinky. that's a big whoopi pie.
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wow. let's show you what we got. it's almost as big as whoopi goldberg. anyway, for today, plenty of sunshine in l.a. more wet weather from the ohio river valley back in the rockies tomorrow. >> that wet weather extends into the mid-atlantic states, northeast, new england looking really good. good morning i'm bill henley, a bright start today. upper 60 esz and low 70s. chillier tomorrow as clouds move in. later in the day we'll likely see showers develop and steadier rainfall into saturday morning. we'll see sunshine later on sunday. a warm up next week. tuesday afternoon is partly
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sunny and 78 degrees. on, just a second, our cameraman. i know jim, here you go, jim. take a bite! that's it go ahead, bite it, jim! ah yeah! oh, yeah! all right. back to you, guys. oh. [ music playing ] . >> all right. are you all ready? you have waited long enough. ladies and gentlemen, fleetwood mac! [ music playing ]
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♪ if i could turn the page ♪ and time would rearrange just a day or two ♪ close my, close my, close my eyes ♪ but i couldn't find a way ♪ so i'll telephone one day ♪ to meet with you ♪ tell me, tell me, tell me ♪ tell me lies ♪ tell me sweet little lies all along you can't disguise ♪ you can't disguise ♪ you can't disguise ♪ tell me lies ♪ tell me sweet little lies
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♪ we're not making plans ♪ i hope you understand ♪ there is a reason why ♪ close your, close your, close your eyes ♪ no more broken hearts ♪ we're better off apart ♪ let's give it a try ♪ tell me, tell me, tell me lies ♪ tell me lies ♪ tell me sweet little lies ♪ tell me lies ♪ oh, no, no you can't disguise ♪ you can't disguise ♪ no you can't disguise ♪ tell me lies ♪ tell me sweet little lies [ music playing ]
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♪ if i could turn the page ♪ in time then i'd rearrange just a day or two ♪ close my, close my, close my eyes ♪ but i couldn't find a way ♪ so i'll settle for one day to believe in you ♪ tell me, tell me, tell me lies ♪ tell me lies ♪ tell me sweet little lies ♪ tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies ♪ o, no, no you can't disguise ♪ you can't disguise, no you can't disguise ♪ tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies ♪ tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies
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[ music playing ] . >> and we are just getting started with fleetwood mac, much more music from the band. first this is "today" on nbc. [ music playing ]
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[ music playing ] >> as we mentioned, fleetwood mac just launched a new tour. we are thrilled they made it to our concert state with one of those stops. before the next song, mike, you got a big announcement? >> i do. i do. we are having a ball on the road. we have announced i think another 20 or shows in the new
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year! in the new year, coming up, after christmas. so we are overjoyed. see you out there! >> all right. neatwood mac! >> more, more, more, more. [ music playing ] [ music playing ]
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♪ ♪ [ music playing ] so i'm back ♪ to the velvet underground ♪ back to the floor that i love ♪ to a room with some lace and paper flowers
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♪ back to the gypsy that i was ♪ to the gypsy that i was ♪ and it all comes down to you ♪ well, you know that it does ♪ and lightning strikes ♪ maybe once, maybe twice ♪ oh, and it lights up the night ♪ and you see your gypsy ♪ you see your gypsy ♪ to the gypsy that remains faces freedom with a little fear ♪ i have no fear ♪ i have only love ♪ and if i was a child ♪ then the child was enough ♪ enough for me to love ♪ enough to love ♪ she is dancing away from me now ♪ she was just a wish
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♪ she was just a wish ♪ and a memory is all that is left for you now ♪ you see your gypsy, oh ♪ you say, hey, baby ♪ you see your gypsy ♪ still see your bright eyes, your bright eyes [ music playing ] more co come from fleetwood mac!
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this is "today" on
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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. >> all right. you know the words to this when we return. sing along with fleetwood mac! [ music playing ] ♪ loving you is the wrong thing to do ♪
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how can i ever change things that i feel? if i could ♪ baby i'd give you my world ♪ how can i ♪ when you won't take it from me ♪ you can go your own way ♪ go your own way ♪ you can call it ♪ another lonely day ♪ you can go your own way, go your own way ♪ tell me why ♪ everything turned around ♪ packing up, shacking up's all you wanna do ♪ if i could ♪ baby, i'd give you my world ♪ open up, everything's waiting for you ♪ you can go your own way ♪ go your own way ♪ you can call it ♪ another lonely day ♪ you can go your own way
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♪ go your own way ♪ [ music playing ] ♪ you can go your own way ♪ go your own way ♪ you can go your own way ♪ you can call it ♪ another lonely day ♪ another lonely day ♪ you can go your own way ♪ go your own way ♪ you can call it ♪ another lonely day ♪ you can go your own way
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[ music playing ] [ cheers ]
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[ applause ] >> wow, fleetwood mac are back with one more song in our next hour. but first, there is "today" on nbc. [ music playing ]
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. >> we are still catching your breath. you know it was an amazing performance. >> back in the '70s, it was a part of --
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>> i know where you are going with this. >> willard scott. >> he is with us now with the birthdays. >> fluport, rhode island, this is for you. you all will love it. you did a show here once. happy birthday, bertha dupuis. she says a glass of wine with her meal is like a day without sun. i don't know, i never did get that right. this is lillian webb from sebring, florida. she is 100-years-old. get this, she has 200 medals from the olympics. kenneth nonomaker. 100-years-old. he loves to grow vegetables and eat them. this is dennis aker, wytheville,
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virginia. we love him very much. dennis has read the bible 226 times. that's it. what a beautiful state this is. back to new york and my friends. >> thank you. we got good stuff coming up. another song from fleetwood mac. do you need to know engels? plus the ultimate halloween house. it will be a wild hour of halloween. >> spooky. >> bats nbc 10 with sky force 10 covering a deadly accident in southern delaware county. a worker fell from the budget of a construction truck. we're reaching out to police and first responders for details to find out how the worker fell
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from the bucket a rpperatis. now let's get the forecast with bill henley. just a few scattered fair weather clouds that will be blowing through the area. you is see them in this live view from center city. sun any here from the nbc 10 studios. just a few high clouds. a little bit of a breeze right now out of the southwest at 6 miles per hour nap will be increasing into the afternoon. look at the airport. 60 degrees right now. wilmington is up. in wild wood, still a few cool spots. lots of sunshine and a nice breeze, and near 70s this afternoon. new this morning a crash
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with a transit bus and a horse. according to police, one person was injured and taken to the hospital. we're told that just before the crash the horse got has. we're not showing you the animal that appears to be dead just outside of camera rage. no other word on injures. now back to "the today show" have a good one.
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. >> welcome to "today" on a special thursday morning, october the 9th, 2014 a. massi crowd outside on our plaza for an absolutely thrilling concert. i'm willie geist, with al, natalie, tamron. >> we are all coming down from it. >> oh, my god. >> i must have been a little disappointed. >> there is one more chance. we got a song in this hour. we'll see what that fourth song will be. >> i can solve this. they extended their tour. they added 20 other dates. we can go to the concert.
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>> done. >> roadtrip. >> meets up. >> mick getting after it on the world's greatest drum kit. >> that is incredible. the amount of equipment on that stage, crazy. >> al was having fun with that gun. >> their chemistry together, just, the fluidity of it all is amazing. >> that guitar player lindsay played at the end there. >> major. >> they are all still so hot, aren't they? >> they look good, everyone. >> you were saying earlier, smokin'. >> i didn't hear the words, you were talking. >> i was crushing on mick. i said, i don't remember, i just -- >> i think i do. i think you said, is it me or is hit really hot? >> he is really hot. yeah. >> thank you, al. thank you. >> in fact, i was talking to him earlier. he said, you know what would be hot. >> what? >> if either tamron or natalie
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went into a dunk tank. >> here we go. >> mick, we can make your dreams come true. >> think or swim time. the voting tomorrow. 9:00 a.m. eastern time. if we raise $10,000 we're at 8 right now. we got to get there. whoever has the most votes according to you on natalie with a slim lead at 41%. >> very slim. 300 votes. >> tamron at 40. al and i are glad to be on the board. >> i'm wondering about this vote system. i stayed up all night voting for willie. his number didn't move. >> are you saying voter fraud? >> i voted for willie every ten minutes last night. number didn't move. >> so each of you gets let's call it 30 seconds to make the pitch why the other. >> i don't need 30 seconds. >> why the other should be
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dunked on live television. >> i explained why natalie, she would. >> go first, natalie. >> you go first. time starts now. go. >> natalie is fearless, she is brave, when she dunks, her hair is so long, she will coming up like bo derek, fly back like that. shake and replay over and over. >> time. >> okay. >> mine will take less than 30 seconds. >> you got ten. >> tamron does not want to do it. so, therefore, tamron should go in the water. tamron needs to be dunked. >> and done. >> fantastic. >> here's the deal. with reat what 8,000? >> yes. >> a little more than $18,000. you got until 9:15. we hope you will do nate. i will tell you right now that at 9:14, if we are not there, i'm writing a check. >> yes, we are getting there. >> whoever number comes in number 2 they get to throw the ball. >> we learned this. we had a party last night.
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we learned. >> it's 2:00 in the afternoon. we had a today's take party at 2:00 in the afternoon. >> water wrong with that? do you have a second party. we learned that the person that comes in second in the polling gets to throw the ball at the person. >> are you working on that? i know i am. >> whew. >> i'm going to make that awesome. >> what. >> you know, i used to play catcher in high school. so my arm is good. they throw to 2nd from home base a lot. >> all right. go. if you knew about it. >> so this all benefits the avon foundation for women. we are not doing this for laughs. though it will be hilarious. >> that is why one of you guys. we are doing this obviously for a great cause. it is to humiliate the person.
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i was huh mail yatd on bear grill is show. >> you heard the audio tapes. >> al and i are out of the race. it comes down to these two. >> are you not out of the race. >> as roberts downey, jr. would say, you are never quite out of the race. >> you are never out of the race. >> this is a good one. how do you guys feel about catching up with an ex? >> not great. >> or your spouse catching up with an ex? >> not great. >> good answer. christy narcs i got you on this interesting, robert downey jr. junior is on the howard stern show, apparently, he dated sarah jessica parker in the ''80s. i forgot about this, too. here's what he said when he visited howard stern. take a listen. >> i'll make a point of trying to share while i'm here. don't you think matthew broad rick. >> i will check in for a few many wants. >> you will call him, listen, sarah and i were close for seven
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years, you will say, hey, are you cool with me perhaps having lunch with her? >> this is the same thing as him asking me. >> howard takes it to a different place, he made a different leap. >> what a shock, howard stern taking a leap. >> i said he would take his wife along as well. i don't know that's necessarily going to go over well with a spouse. >> it was 30 years ago. >> he has a new wife. >> they haven't seen each other since. >> do you keep up with your exs? >> i don't. >> i don't even know what they're doing. i don't even know where they are. i never googled them. do you google your ex? >> facebook? no. >> no, i don't. >> do you? >> i figure, if you were such great friends, you would be together, right? how uncomfortable would it be, you are with your wife, you bring the woman you dated for seven years ago it wasn't like you kind of went out once, a seven-year relationship, you are
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all sitting there. >> you know each other though, it's not weird. >> in hollywood, it's a little different. everybody's connected 6 degrees or less than that. we want your opinions, how do you feel about this, hashtag us yes to the ex, or no to the ex. tell us what you think. it can be a dot, dot, dot. >> it should almost be like fedex in there. would you ship your ex overnight? i'm in. >> that's why he should be dunked. see, exactly. right there. >> halloween is getting bigger and bigner this country. we spend upwards of $6 billion on halloween. and a big part of that on decorations. check out this light show in na naperville, illinois [ music playing ] >> i love. oh, man. >> is it always the same song? >> no, they got different ones synced to the music. >> that is unbelievable.
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other lights in the neighborhood actually dim as they draw the juice off of that. amazing stuff. then look at a nightmare fear factor. this is in niagara falls. >> how slowly i turn. >> what am i looking at? are those actors? >> what is that? >> that's not quite as impressive as the light there. >> wait minute. >> okay. what's going on there? >> somebody hacked our system. >> getting their reaction. >> to what? >> we done see water going on there. you have it. >> are we going to see what they're reacting to? >>. you can only imagine. >> i was in the conference call when they were discussing this. they were like there is going to be fun. >> it's just blow your mind. that's why you can't show people. >> that's famous last words of our team. trust us. just go with it. just look at i. you know what, it's throwback thursday. peruseing the internet i came across a tweet from. >> do you have to do that when you peruse the internet?
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>> i'm a costume character earthquake done you know by now? kate walsh tweeted a throwback photo of what she described as an unfortunate hair choice in the late '90s. >> that's her throwback thursday. >> i guess it's bad when you think it's bad. so we're asking, what would your worst haircut throwback thursday bad haircuts, do you have a bad hair photo? show it with today's take, we will share it. >> you pretty much have kept the same haircut. >> since 1986, she hasn't moved. >> she? >> that's how i talk about my head of hair. >> she. she. >> willie had, when i met willie. >> that's long hair. >> i used to call him lasagna. >> you look like a sit-com star from the nooets 1980s. >> anthony michael hall. >> david hasselhoff. >> i'm flattered you think so.
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when the hair gets long, it gets very wavy. >> i like the waves. >> tamron has that. there is mine. yeah, that's me. that's me. look at that. the mutton chops dude. you called them pork chops. >> you could take them. >> lamb chops. that was a puppet from schaari lewis. >> that was my days at a flautist. >> please. >> that's the earliest mullet i have ever seen. >> the worst are the teeth t. teeth were terrible. >> i'm going to make that my avatar. >> that's good. >> so much love. >> oh, yeah! . >> you are not getting off so easy. >> hey. that's hot. >> you look like diana ross. >> people used to tell me that. that was my 9th grade. how did you guys find that? look at all that makeup and the
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tie. >> tie vest combo. >> i was hot back then in whatever year that was. >> that was 9th grade. you were never hot. >> but here's this. . >> there just in, let me get clarification, britney, is it true there are only 12 votes between natalie and tamron? >> they're really close right now. >> who is in the lead, yell it out a little. >> it's too tight to tell right now. >> what does that mean? >> it means i can't pull up the website. >> we are crash d.c. website. >> we pitched. >> i'm frustrated. >> we will show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned and vote. we have flash flooding possible through two portions of the country today. we are looking at a wide swath of showers and thunderstorms.
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we are approaching severe weather later today with dangerous winds, lightning, gusty winds from amarillo into kansas. look at the showers and thunderstorms firing up. st. louis has been looking at activity lately. denver, colorado, it looks like right now, you are in the clear. we do still have showers making their way through the area. can you see heavy thunderstorms through kansas city and st. louis. we will watch this fire up as the day wears on and rainfall amounts, anywhere from about an inch or so as you make your way into the rockies. but as you get into the central plains, that's where we are looking for trouble today. some places up to five inches of rain. good morning, i'm bill henley, a chilly start but bright sunshine today and the temperatures climb to the upper 60s and low 70s. winds to 20 miles per hour. clouds move in later in the day we'll likely see showers dwoup
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and steadier rainfall friday night into saturday morning. another round of showers possible later on sunday and a warm up next week. tuesday afternoon partly sunny and 78 degrees. . >> guys this is unbelievable. 40%, tamron is ahead by five votes. five votes this is amazing, willie is at 12. i'm there at 7%. >> really. >> there is still time, al. >> i don't want to get greedy. i'd like to drop down to single digits if that's possible leave it to the two of you. >> you know it's bad when your hairstylist went against you. johnny tweeted dunk me. >> we will continue this fight in a moment. coming up, he delivered the laughs. he is taking on a more serious laughs. he is taking on a more serious role that has your relaxing sideside is calling...
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all right, this man is an actor, writer, direct ore, screen writer, you probably know him as ted on "how i met your mother". >> now he is taking a turn into politics and a play "disgraced." good morning josh radner. we don't see people around the dinner table. this is sort of like the last supper. it applied because in the show you are seated around the dinner table. >> for quite a bit of the show. the centerpiece is a dinner party. >> things get heated, though? >> correct. >> tell us about the discussions that go on. >> well, i describe the centerpiece of the play as everything you shouldn't say about race, culture, politics and religion at a dinner party gets said in this play. >> does anybody toss the dinner table? >> not quite. >> that happens. yeah. >> but when you have something like this, do you expect, people start talking about these kind
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of issues, they're hoping that the audience takes them home and maybe starts talking. >> oh, certainly. one of the reasons i wanted to do this play, it's kind of impossible to see this play and go home and go to sleep. like you will want to be talking about it. i feel how you feel about it when the curtain comes down might be different than three days later. >> do you feel like, josh, at a dinner party, there are taboo topics in your own life, do you go there? >> i try i to avoid politics at a dinner party. i think that's a good role. >> i hear you do a mean woody allen impression in this? >> it's not me, it might be mean. >> mean good? >> it might be mean bad. it's not meant to be. my character references this woody allen bit and does a little one line, oh, come on there is not meant to be good by the way. it's something like this is
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everything you need to know about me. >> that's really good. >> you can also hear that in your repertoire you have a little tootsie. >> we're killing you. >> yeah, this is an incredibly topical impersonation of tootsie from fine 82. >> let's go. >> let's get it. >> i'm a character actress. i play this part anyway you want me to. >> great. >> you earned your dinner today. >> that's what i do at dinner parties. >> do people stalk when you do a twitter feed, i was, you said you were coming on to defend the finally. >> no, all the press after the show i have done, i had to meld a spirited defense. >> i'm guessing, defending the finale. >> i love the show. i love the whole series. and i actually like the ending,
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too. >> a lot of people like the ending. it's just the people that didn't like the ending were very vocal of it. >> give us your best defense of it. >> every evidence was a switcheroo. 70% you thought it was one thin and it switches. the whole show in a kind of a macrolevel had that. so i think that, you know, if you watch the show from the beginning, the seeds of what was going to happen was always there. >> i wish the show on some level, i wish we had ten extra minutes in the finale, there were some things that got cut i thought were really beautiful, but i think the show ended how it should have end and i think that the people who were quieter about it actually enjoyed it. >> perfect. >> cool. >> well, josh, love having you here. by the way, he will be on broadway through february. >> it's a great play. i hope people come see it. >> october 23rd. so exciting. >> thanks, for my morning dinner party. cheers. >> cheers. coming up next, a big
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consumer alert to tell you about. in her new movie, she plays a journalist chasing a story, did her character get involved a journalist chasing a story, did her character get involved in a messy love i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there.
9:22 am
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from at&t wireless, you pay have money coming back to you. the company has agreed to a settlement, including $80 pll to customers after they were accused of billing for bogus charges, a practice known as cramming. customers were charged for things like horoscope texts and tips. can you apply for a refund on the ftc's website afternoon. a new study finds most senior versus not saved enough for retirement. many financial analysts say retirees need at least 70% of the annual income they earned during their working years. according to a study by, seniors in 49 of the 50 states fall short of that. the makers of red bull have settled a false advertising lawsuit. some customers said they were misled by the slogan red bull gives you wings and that any claims of increased performance and reaction speed were not backed up by scientific evidence. the company will pay anyone who bought one of its drinks during the that was 12 years, either
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$10 cash or $15 in red bull the that was 12 years, either $10 cash or $15 in red bull products. i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity the that was 12 years, either $10 cash or $15 in red bull products. in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. the "r" word i want good digestive health... ... but i don't want to think about the word regularity. benefiber helps support good digestive health... and maintain... the "r" word. you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber. now in stick packs.
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. >> it is 9:26. a worker has died after falling from the bucket of a utility truck. this happened around 7:30 on keenan drive in ogden. we're waiting to find out more details and we'll bring this to you as soon as we get them on let's go to bill henley for your forecast. >> a little wind, too. i wonder if that might be part of that accident. you see the winds pick up, you see the flags, lots of sunshine and after a cool morning the temperatures are starting to
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climb now. 60 in northeast philadelphia. upper 50s in wilmington. also this morning police are looking at surveillance video trying to find out who spray painted a racial slur on the doors of a philadelphia school. common called police shortly after midnight to report the graffiti. squlrchlgts happening now a montgomery county jury is deliberating the fate of a man accused of killing a 10 month old girl and her mother. the jurors started to deliberate yesterday. look for the news of the verdict on air and online. you can always get the latest news and weather at
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now we go back to "the today show." have a great thursday.
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. >> welcome back to "today," i'm willie, al, tamron, natalie. think or swim update. we are now only $800 away from one of these two lovely ladies being dunked tomorrow morning, 24 hours from this very moment. oh, tamron has pulled way ahead. >> my stump speech is work zblk you know what it is, i think when folks found out tamron's hairstylist wanted her dunked. i think they decided. >> johnny's fault. >> we have a guest coming up, roads mary dewitt, where are
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you? the famous celebrity. come over with all your beautifulness. >> good morning. >> what did you say to me? >> i said i hope they don't dunk you. i think they should dunk al. >> this is one of the greatest comebacks in history. >> yeah, it happens. >> some days. >> we will be talking. >> so cute. >> yet you are ahead. >> the voters don't agree. >> stick with me on this. >> i really would like one of 2000 to go in. >> the voters have spoken. >> if one of us gets weather, it doesn't matter, everybody is getting wet. >> that was my initial pick. that's what i said. >> it should be, exactly. >> you are changing your tune now. >> i'm not saying we're all dunking. i'm not saying we're all going in. >> what do you think we all have one bench and we all sat on the duchging bench together. >> there is just sad now.
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>> these are the statement osf a desperate woman. >> it's a great cause. >> al really believes in the cause. >> he believes so much he doesn't want to get dunked. >> here's what i'm going to do. i'm going to take your mind off of this by showing you. >> thank you. >> what would happen, jimmy kimmel, of course, we love all our jimmys, jimmy fallon, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel has this thing, what would happen if suri was a waitress on your iphone? >> not good. >> what can i help you with? >> i'm still deciding on what to eat. but i would like a coffee. >> here's what i found. there are several coffee shops close to you, six of them are very close. starbucks. >> i don't want starbucks. i don't have to, just bring me a coca-cola. >> the time in angola zaiere is 1:16 a.m. >> you know what, no drink. i'll have the chicken cesar
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salad. >> i found five results for wicked wezar ballots. >> that's so true. >> oh, that's great. >> never gets it. all right. roker. >> that sounded very threatening. good morning i'm bill henley, a chilly start but bright sunshine today and the temperatures climb into the upper 60s and low 70s. a little breedsy at times. chillier tomorrow as clouds move in later in the day we'll likely see showers develop and steadier rainfall friday night into saturday morning. another round of showers responsible later on sunday and then warm up next week. tuesday afternoon partly sunny and 78 degrees. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. >> actress rosemary dewitt has appeared in critically acclaimed
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film projects. >> now she is co-starring opposite jeremy rener in a remarkable true story called "killed kill the messenger" good morning. well col home, a queen's girl. >> flushing. >> i moved out to jersey. >> what part of jersey? >> caesar knolls, nort. morris town, seven minutes from the -- >> we all know. >> we can talk about this all day. >> we will get to this great movie you are playing jeremy rener's wife. you keep him ground him tell us about what's going on here. >> jeremy plays real life gary webb who was sort of discredited by his peers in the media when he uncovered a story there is a link between the cia sort of funding the contras in return
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for cocaine shipped back to the states. actually, his wife who is still alive, sue webb, it was a real honor to play somebody who is alive. i think you feel a real responsibility in that case to get it right. unfortunately, gary took his whole life after this whole thing. he kind of went down a big spiral. but i got a text from sue after she saw the movie t. kids saw the movie and they were so proud of him and i feel that maybe gary has been vindicated through the telling of this story. jeremy is amazing in the movie. >> did you change the way you felt about this story? i think it's a story a lot of us have heard of over the last 25 years or so. did you change your point of view on what happened there? >> the weird thing is i didn't have a point of view. that's what made me want to be a part of telling this story. i couldn't believe it got so buried under the monica lewinsky, bill clinton scandal. i couldn't believe more people didn't know, the truth came out. it was too late to save gary's career, it was his passion and everything he was about and so,
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yeah, i feel like now is a good time for people to hear it. yeah. >> meanwhile, in other parts of your life, you are celebrating. you have a 17-month-old now? >> yeah. >> congratulations to you. >> thank you. >> how exciting. so what is the 17-month-old up to? what is she up to? >> she is just up. she is getting the two year molars early. so, yeah, there is a lot of mama in the middle of the fight. she started doing this thing, my husband, when she falls down, i know it hurts, or she's fussing in the car. oh, i know, now i hear her in the crib going i know, i know. you know, sort of soothe herself. we'll come in, we'll be back on. she's loving new york, she's planning a city girl. >> a mom from queens. >> she can point at everything and run around the playground. >> you have been open about adopting and your decision to do that as well. that's obviously, fantastic venlth its not even a message,
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it is beyond that. >> for us it was just about becoming a mom and dad. people are like, it's so great what you did. it's so great what she did. she kind of saved us. i have never. if i knew it was going to be this good, i would have done it 20 years ago. >> you are going to have us in tears and baby-sit. >> once you meet her, you will see what i'm talking about. she's really cool kid. >> thank you so much. "kill the messenger" opposite in theaters tomorrow. >> up next, another thrilling crime drama. a felony starring these stars. check out the two
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♪ ted what are you doing? i was trying to get these skittles, but i got stuck. [ crickets chirping ] maybe i should try. [ spider ] i say go for it. [ crickets chirping ] trap the rainbow! taste the rainbow! dry skin heal it... want to hibernate? ...with nivea extended moisture body lotion. it intensively moisturizes for 48 hours. that's twice as long as the leading lotion claims. soft and smooth all winter... ...with nivea.
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looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, olivendless bowls of pastag pastwith new sauces at $9.99. like roasted mushroom alfredo, and toppings like crispy chicken fritta. never ending pasta bowl, unlimited pasta, garden salad, and fresh baked breadsticks. starting at $9.99. only at olive garden. you'rbam!ean. charmin ultra strong cleans so much better it meets even the highest standards of clean. with a soft duraclean texture,
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charmin ultra strong is 4 times stronger. and you can use up to 4x less. charmin ultra strong. the "r" word i want good digestive health... ... but i don't want to think about the word regularity. benefiber helps support good digestive health... and maintain... the "r" word. you know what it tastes like in water? water! except this water makes you feel great. benefiber. now in stick packs. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth.
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it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? . >> first in answer to a trivia question asked earlier, rosemary has the answer on what popular tv show did rosemary dewitt's character get involved in a messy love triangle.
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>> the answer is b, "mad men." >> look at that. >> bohemian, so many messy love triangles on that show. thanks, so much. all right, joel edgerton and gy courtney are two of australia's biggest actors. now they are starring in a new film. >> when a rookie detective gets involved in the investigation, his life slowly begins to unravel. joel and gy with us, j squared. do you like that? >> kind of a team group. >> you can be an awesome boy band. >> we don't have the dance routines already in the works. >> so, jy started in the special break what are we going to talk
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about? you tell us the craziest story that comes in your head about you. >> that is dangerous. >> that is dangerous, seriously. >> this movie, an hornery guy tells a lie and spins out of control. does it make you think of what we thought was black and white and realize there is a lot of grey around. >> the movie has jee as the young naive cop that sees the world in a black turn. my middle is lacking that transition towards tom wilkerson's character. who sees that there are lot more grey areas in life in crime and punishment. it becomes antics and what punishment fits what crime. >> police officer cover-up story. sort of the brotherhood coming together to protect them. >> we are dancing on the blue
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line which allows us to take the law out of the equation so to speak. >> joel, you wrote this while you were shooting scenes for "dark 30." how did you image to act and direct in this? >> you know, i think there is a myth that actors are very hard working people. >> you are debunking? >> they are working really hard. i'm an actor, it's like, look at these soft hands. you know, there is a lot of spare time sitting around waiting while the real people do the hard work. and i'm doing that, well, not that, i'm doing that. so i also never worked to hard. >> would you like to defend actors and how hard they work? >> well, it gets tough sometimes. >> and they're dangerous, too i asked him about this tattoo. he said if he told me, he would
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have to kill me. >> that's a quote. >> real prison tats. >> that's intense. >> acting prison. it's really acting that you are in prison. none of us down here, we're always playing these sort of top guys. but apart from jy, the rest of us. >> you are tough guys that can play the piano a bit? right? >> it's a little bit. chopstick chopsticks. >> a little slow motion run. >> let's see it in action. >> we are running so slow. we're at the beach now and you would all know [ music playing ] >> all right. that's so much fun. available on demand. october 17th.
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kind of fun. >> a good job. i love to be in a boy band and slow dance with al roker. you made it! >> coming up next, one in every six american households has within of their albums. ♪ [ woman ] i will embrace change... everything life throws my way. except for frown lines. those i'm throwing back. [ female announcer ] olay total effects. nourishing vitamins, and seven beautiful benefits in one. for younger-looking skin. so while your life may be ever-changing... ♪ ...your beautiful skin will stay beautiful. total effects from olay. your best beautiful. ♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place
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♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. so why treat your half mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. sfx: ahhh listerine®. power to your mouth™! ♪hey! i found a happy space... after-school snacking should be fun and nutritious that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. what matters most should always come first. general mills. goodness first.
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l'oreal presents volume filler. have you always dreamed of thicker hair? our first haircare system with filloxane. increases hair's diameter. so it's amplified, densified. feels 2x thicker. l'oreal volume filler... sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. we go. eggo? one berry, two berry mixed berry, blueberry peanut butter, nothing's better gimmie jam to make it redder cream cheese, cherry please score some honey from the bees stack it up, it's what you do mix it up, it's up to you. enter your eggo recipe on facebook,
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you could win $10,000. coube a breakthrough wayrip to get immediate and long lasting sensitivity relief instead of sensitivity toothpaste? find out, with new crest sensi-stop strips. just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. the special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. crest sensi-stop strips. a whole new way to treat sensitivity. that's 1 strip. 10 minutes. and up to 1 month of protection. satisfaction guaranteed. life opens up when you relieve sensitivity. went to the auction. started my camry. won a storage locker. found an old guitar.
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tracked down the previous owner. reunited them. hit the jackpot. the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. [ music playing ] >> our plaza is jam packed todayed with die hard fans that cannot miss the chance to see fleetwood mac. here they are again with "the chain." [ music playing ] ♪ listen to the wend blow
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♪ watch the sun rise ♪ run in the shadows ♪ damn your love, damn your lies ♪ and if you don't know love me now ♪ you will never love me again ♪ i can still hear you sayin' ♪ you would never break the chain ♪ never break the cane ♪ and if you don't love me now ♪ you don't love me now ♪ you will never love me again ♪ i can still hear you sayin' ♪ you would never break the chain ♪ never break the chain ♪ ♪listen to the wind blow
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♪ down comes the night ♪ run in the shadows ♪ damn your love, damn your lies ♪ and if you don't love me now ♪ you will never love me again ♪ i can still hear you sayin' ♪ you would never break the chain ♪ never break the chain ♪ and if you don't love me now ♪ you don't love me now ♪ you will never love me again ♪ i can still hear you sayin' ♪ you would never break the chain ♪ never break the chain
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[music playing ] [ music playing ] . >> amazing
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good morning, i am chris cato. let's get your first alert forecast with bill henley. >> we do all around from the city to the mountainsing with nothing but sunshine over lakes in the pocono mountains. temperatures climbing around the area. we're at 63 in wildwood and
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atlantic city, about 52. temperatures are climbing today. upper 60s and low 70s. >> investigators are still looking into the cause of this deadly fire in delaware county. it happened at the elwin institute in middletown township. the fire started in one room and it was contained to that room. the name of the victim has not been released. more than three dozen others have been evacuated to another part of the facility. now to division 2014, the two candidates for governor in pennsylvania have brought in big names, chris christie and hillary clinton will be speaking at events for tom kcorbett and tom wolf events today. we'll have another update for you in about 25 minutes. you can always get the latest
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news and weather at that a great thursday opinion .
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> oh, yes. oh, yes. >> indeed. >> indeed. it is thirsty thursday, oober 9th. she's all jazzed up. >> i am. >> we have a great show today. new movie that is just -- we're going to talk about with a wonderful actress emmy ros rossn a few -- and hilary swank plays a young woman suffering from als. an extraordinary performance from both actactresses. this is so worth watching.
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>> and we have our "ambush makeovers" and our everyone has a story candidate. >> and caralee carmelo is singing. >> when she sings, you will stop in your living room, and pause and stare at the television. >> nobody like her in the world. >> speak of awesome, incredible singers. you know who was out on the plaza today? >> fleetwood mac and you were rocking out there, hoda. >> it was a party. they just performed at the garden last night. they're singing, people in a great mood. like an instant good mood ingestion i injection at the plaza. >> they packed out the garden last night. just added 20 new shows for the new year. people are -- i think one of our producers said he saw the eagles the other day and just packed. that was music when music was music. >> speaking of music, by the
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way, i'm walking blake through central park and i hear something. i'm, like, is someone singing? central park is so crazy. i walked up on three kids who go to laguardia high school and i said will you finish your song and they did. they were embarrassed and they didn't know what i was doing. so i taped a little bit. that's what i do. ♪ walking out the door because there will be no sunlight if i lose you baby ♪ ♪ there will be no blue skies ♪ ♪ if i lose you baby just like the crowds ♪ ♪ if you walk away >> so i was so excited. but watch, people are applauding. >> and then look at them. >> they didn't know people were watching. >> they were so cute, just spreading joy and laughter and
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lightness everywhere. >> they were so fun. >> we didn't tell you everything you needed to know yesterday about the uggs covered in the swarovski crystals. >> we said, guess how many there are and you win a pair. >> so we didn't know, we're not holding this contest. they are. tiffany, jane, jena, diane and even you, brad, if you -- >> they guessed on our facebook. >> that's not where you guess. where you should be guessing is go into the swarovski store -- >> no, the ugg australia. >> the ugg australia store. >> thank you god it is not the -- uggs and submit your guess there. go to >> good news if you love "the ghostbusters." there is a new one coming out and the new director confirms the news on twitter. he's also the director of "bridesmaids," paul feeg.
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>> great detectiirector but wou it be nice to have a female director direct it? >> he said it would be all women, or someone said it. here is a great dream cast for "ghostbusters." we put their heads in. kristin wiig, melissa mccarthy, maya rudolph, tina fey, amy poehler. you know who else should be in there? mindy cal ilive. >> or carol burnett. she's on our show tomorrow. put in some icons, okay. so andy cohen -- >> yes -- >> has the show. you guys know. "watch what happens live." joe and teresa giudice did an interview and it will continue tonight. so joe was sentenced to 41 months and teresa got 15 months for fraudulent mortgage and construction loans. they also pleaded guilty to mail fraud -- >> mail wire, bankruptcy fraud and --
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>> here's what happened when andy asked teresa and this is a critical question, if she resents her husband. this is what she had to say. >> a lot of women who are fans of you may watch you and wonder if you have any resentment towards your husband for putting you in this position. do you feel like he put you in this position? >> you know, i don't think he meant to hurt me in any way. >> were you angry at him when you found out what was going on? >> i think it is a learning lesson for both of us, right, honey? >> absolutely. >> because i'll start crying -- i know he didn't mean to hurt me in any way. >> how does it feel knowing that your actions resulted in your wife being a convicted felon and facing prison? >> obviously not good. i know. i mean definitely not good.
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>> oh, my god. >> i don't know how i would have handled it, you know? everybody is accepting the fact she wasn't a co-conspirator in any of this stuff -- >> she's saying she wasn't, but -- >> but is it just because they have her signature on things? >> her signature -- >> there is no other evidence that she -- >> i don't know. she pled, so there is something there. again, the kids ages are 13, 11, 8 and 5. so anyway the rest will be on tonight at bravo at 9:00. >> all right. >> i love jennifer garner anyway. so she had three kids, right? >> three. >> three kids. people are asking her does she have a baby bump, is she pregnant again. she went on "ellen" and this is what she had to say. take a look. >> apparently i have a baby bump. and i'm here to tell you that i do. and i am -- hold up. hold right up. i am not pregnant.
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but i have had three kids and there is a bump. i will, from now on, ladies, i will have a bump. and it will be my baby bump and let's just all settle in and get used to it. it is not going anywhere. i have a bump. >> best answer. >> yes. >> it only gets bigger. wait until menopause, baby. and then post menopause. you really -- yeah yeah. >> aren't you glad, because i think women are always trying to, you know, get the flat stomach right after, and all that. >> some people do. >> what happened after your kids right away. >> for a long time i was still pretty good. then menopause, honestly, just everything changes with that. hormonally -- >> it's over. >> it's all ahead of you, hoda. >> i can't wait. >> are you still having hot flashes by the way? >> can i tell you something weird -- no, i'm not. it went back to the old way. >> really? >> i thought it was over. >> give it time.
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>> okay. >> here, you're going to like this. this sanis an ihoda play list. a country song, but the feeling when your boyfriend has broken up with you and cheated on you and you go out and you don't -- you just want to be and have fun with somebody else. it is the payback guy. okay. so this song is called "payback" by rascal flatts. >> i'm going to love it. >> okay, go. ♪ like foot stomping honky-tonk. ♪ got your tight jeans on your hair done right ♪ ♪ all your girlfriends throwing down tonight ♪ ♪ somebody done you wrong and you're looking for a way to get your feel good on ♪ ♪ instagram and show him ♪ ♪ baby i could be your payback wanna help you get
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your sway back ♪ ♪ go way back i'm gonna lean way back ♪ ♪ come on >> gonna lean me way back. >> i found it. i found the song. >> i love that. >> awesome. >> so good. >> if you would like to listen to us on the radio -- >> sirius xm channel 108. >> is it okay or not okay to skip a friend or a family member's wedding. here's what we had to say about it. >> okay, hoda, nobody knows the details in any family's life. when you think you do, you're probably wrong. >> i say no, it is not okay, not to sound all judge judy. >> you are. >> but there are very few momentous occasions in a life and a wedding is one of them. so just go anyway. >> your first one wasn't. >> whatever. >> yeah. >> remember that? >> talk about payback.
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whoo! >> one is a social worker from new york state, both were surprised by our "ambush makeover" team. we'll check out the results. >> and the actress who doesn't mind being called a little bit shameless, ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement.
10:11 am
ladies, we need to talk... ... about haircolor. it's garnier nutrisse nourishing color creme. rich, radiant... ravishing color! nutrisse nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils.
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garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color break the ice, with breath freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. stronger than peoples twice her was and that strength inspired his liquid muscle cleaner. it lifts tough dirt so you do less scrubbing. and its nozzle stops by itself... less is wasted sure made grandma proud. mr. clean liquid muscle. mmmmmmm. look out. now there's even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares even more.
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. now back on this thirsty thursday, ready for what else, "ambush makeovers." >> two lucky ladies were swept off the plaza and into our hair and makeup chair for the surprises of fire livetheir liv >> and here is louis licari and "today" contributor and author jill martin. >> hi, kiddos. >> jill martini. >> big crowd, fleetwood mac. >> we were tiptoeing through the crowd. >> and dancing. >> and dancing as we went, yes. >> the first lucky lady, holly jewel from rockland, maine, she
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has not cut her hair in three years. she goes back and forth between coloring and trimming it all by herself. she is a cancer survivor and for her 39th birthday her husband and son begged us to give her a brand-new style. let's take a look. >> two reasons we picked holly. check out the t-shirts for her birthday. the whole family is in on this. and shawn, it is pretty amazing you actually wanted this "ambush makeover" for her and you tried to get it. >> yeah, i did. i left a message for hoda and kathie lee and another one on the wall. i just wanted to give her a surprise and i'm disabled and i couldn't surprise a new york trip without her help and one thing i could do and i wouldn't be a good husband if i didn't, right? >> you're such a good husband. how does that make you feel? >> good. i'm glad he appreciates me. >> we're going to appreciate you and you're going to look hot. are you excited? >> i'm very excited. >> all right, she is. there is husband shawn and son matthew. please keep on your blindfolds for a second. here is holly jewel before.
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all right, holly. let's see the new you! >> wow. >> oh, my goodness. >> all right. are you ready? take off your blindfolds. >> that's great. >> spin right around. >> oh, my goodness. >> wow. >> that looks great. >> turn around, sweetie and look right there at that camera. tell us about the hair, louis. >> holly has very fine hair. so cut off the length off to make her hair look twice as big. very simple but very edgy. and i gave her a choice, do you want to be a red head or blonde or brunette? she said, i love red. we gave her what she wanted because it is her birthday. >> that's right. happy 39th, honey. >> shawn, what do you think? >> it looks awesome. >> matthew. >> good. >> tell us about the outfit,
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jill. >> it is a perfect day for this too. wanted to give all the items you could use your birthday here. andrew, mark, great leather jacket. nydj jeans and the shoes from shoe dazzle, under $50. >> happy birthday. >> holly, join your family right over there. >> our second lady is abbie grasso. she is 36 from rockland county, new york. never wore makeup ever. and her daily beauty routine consists of pulling her hair back into a ponytail. she got here at 5:00 a.m. to see fleetwood mac but missed the concert for this once in a lifetime opportunity. she's ready for a brand-new look. she looks beautiful. >> she has not stopped jumping up and down and we yanked her away from fleetwood mac which i know was a struggle. but you're psyched. >> i am totally psyched. >> tell me why. >> because i wear my hair up in a ponytail all the time. it would be nice to see what magic can do. i'm excited to see what the end result is going to be.
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>> we're going to work our magic. you're not going to recognize her. >> don't tell anybody, but her sister mary just came in and her friend marie. take one last look at abbie before and bring out the new abbie grasso. >> wow. >> all right. ladies, take a look. >> oh, my god! >> that's your sister. >> i know. >> oh, my god. >> that is my sister. >> apparently they don't get along. >> you want to see what you look like? abbie, turn around, please. >> oh, my god. >> you look fantastic. >> are you kidding me? >> no. are you kidding us? >> is this really me? >> that's you. >> unbelievable. this is me, really? >> look right here at 12, honey.
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>> oh, my goodness. >> you look wonderful. >> she colored her hair herself at home, she had black ends. we had to lighten the ends, give her this warm color. we just -- she wanted a softer, more glamorous look, she said she only wears her hair back. so this is a chance to be a glam girl with a little -- >> you can still pull it back. >> this is makeup by enid oh. >> you look absolutely beautiful. i'm going to cry because you look so gorgeous. i love you so much. >> i love this. is this a one piece -- >> it is a dress and then we added a belt. the dress is -- she has a beautiful waist. jacket is a wool blend from ann taylor which is great for this time of year. >> good job, guys. will you be the fan of the week and win the grand prize giveaway? >> who knows. probably not. but stick around to find out right after this.
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♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. new dove body wash with at one breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. every time. i let him know every time i save a dollar. now there is a tool made for you. introducing savings catcher from walmart. it compares prices to top stores in your area. if there's a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an egift card. oh! money!
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for a limited time get two times the savings catcher reward dollars when you redeem to your bluebird card. every penny counts! yep! join the millions of people saving money with savings catcher. go to save money. live better. walmart. he loves me, he loves me not he loves me, he loves me not he loves me! warm and flaky in fifteen... everyone loves pillsbury grands. make dinner pop.
10:21 am
so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. ththen the spill.lower cholesterol 2 times more. now the scrub and the second guess. finally, the rewash. or you can make it easy and do the pop with tide pods. the first 3 in 1 laundry pack. it cleans, brightens, and removes stains in one step. tide pods one step to an amazing clean.
10:22 am
it is that time when we like to surprise our fan of the week. >> drum roll. today we landed in -- >> where? >> kaysville, kansas, amanda watches us on ksn-tv channel 3. who's your puppy? >> this is lilly. >> oh, my gosh. >> she's precious. >> so cute. all right, amanda, before we put you to the test, let's tell you why you were chosen. you are in the last year of your nursing school and you said this is the last hour that completes your day. >> it can be stressful, but she said the fourth hour makes her laugh and reminds her to celebrate life. >> i love her before and after. >> she will run her first half marathon, taking some of that klg and hoda motivation with her. >> ready for the trivia question? >> yes. >> 15 seconds and only one guess, okay?
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you need to answer correctly to win the grand prize. >> as you just saw, every thursday we give two lucky ladies "ambush makeovers." where do we find our fans? >> where do we find the ladys? >> at the top of the rock, outside on the plaza or times square. >> outside on the plaza. >> yes. >> you have won the grand prize. fabulous trip. >> yes, this week is cruise week for cruise line international association, guess where you're going? norwegian cruise line is sending you and a guest -- >> aboard the norwegian getaway sailing round trip from miami. >> you can swim on the aqua park, catch a show, enjoy a variety of dining options and more. ports of call, st. thomas, bahamas, st. martin where you go sailing on a regatta excursion. >> congratulations, sweetie. >> thank you! >> i don't think you'll be able to take lilly, but take a good friend or somebody special.
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>> thank you so much. >> thank you, amanda. >> it is a great movie, getting a lot of buzz called "you're not you." we're talking to one of the tremendous stars of the movie, emmy rossum. >> and the single mom who lived her life to the fullest, she's our everyone has a story winner. >> and a special performance by caralee carmelo. don't miss her singing. what shall we do for dinner? pizza!
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with a little help, it's easy to whip up a great meal on a week night. pepperoni on your side... more pepperoni. cheers! pillsbury pizza crust. make dinner pop we lovchocolaty, creamy... with a little something extra. mmm deliciousness. cookies or almonds. yumminess. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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good morning. i'm chris cato. it's 10:26. lots of sunshine out there. let's get your forecast with bill henley. it's a day for lunch outdoors. >> that's an excellent plan.
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we will see sunshine all day long. temperatures are climbing. cape may, doesn't that look nice? the rest of the area enjoying sunshine and warmer temperatures than where we started this morning in the 40s and 50s. now it's 50s and 60s. 63 in northeast philadelphia, millville and atlantic city at 63. a few scattered clouds. low 70s in a few areas today. we are following what appears to be a tragic accident. a worker has died after falling from the bucket of a utility truck in delaware county. it happened around 7:30 this morning. police haven't said how this happened or what kind of utility truck was involved. a full report at 11:00 a.m. a jury is still deliberating the fate of the man accused killing a baby and her grandmother. the man is accused of killing a 10-month-old girl and her grandmother in 2012. the jury began deliberating
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yesterday. they worked until 10:00 last night. if convicted, he could get the death penalty. count on nbc 10 news for news of the verdict on air and online. a doctor who helped two people with ebola is sharing his experience in philadelphia. he spoke yesterday. the recent ebola outbreak has put a larger focus on the virus at the conference. the event continues today. topics include enterovirus. i'm chris cato. stay tuned for a full hour of news at 11:00.
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revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. emmy rossum appeared in more than two dozen tv shows and films. you may remember her from "phantom of the opera." or perhaps the tv series "shakele"shak "shameless" where she's anything but. >> now in a new movie called "you're not you." she plays a caregiver to hilary swank's character kate who was diagnosed with lou gehrig's disease. >> kate is looking for something different in a caretaker, someone that can make her feel alive. she gets a college student with rock star aspirations. >> you brought a cv? >> no, i brought a -- i her on
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the university website. >> it says here your most recent place of employment was the red lobster on sam houston -- >> wait. sorry. wrong one. yeah. little different than the one i put in the e-mail. i kind of padded that one. >> that's one of the few light moments. but there are -- congratulations. >> thank you. >> this movie, i didn't know what to expect. i see your name is there and you're expecting great performances but the story is for anybody that has ever had a friend that has suffered with als, it is just devastating illness and this woman turns your life around and you turn hers. it is a beautiful story of a friendship that develops between the two of you. when you read the script, what happened? >> i sobbed like a baby and felt incredibly inspired. you're right, it is this kind of unlikely friendship between two women, not something we see a lot in movies as the main theme
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of the story. >> who needs -- >> who changes each other, who inspire each other to be their authentic selves and live the lives they always wanted to live. >> hilary swank's character has people caring for her but not in the way she wants. there is one scene where her husband -- she wants to put on her own lip gloss and her husband says let me do it, i can do it and she's desperate to do things on her own. and the connect you guys have in this film, did you ever deal or work with anyone who is going through a difficult thing like this? >> in prep for the movie, hilary worked with patients who had als, i worked with a nurse, to get the physicality of it. >> the physicality is amazing, she's such a fine actress, but your transformation from this chaotic college person who is very indiscriminate sex, may i say -- >> she does. >> then you meet your parents and you sort of understand why, but it is such a well done film. what do you want people to take away from this movie? >> well, als is a disease that
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we don't know what causes it. there is no cure. the ice bucket challenge this summer was incredible. but i want people to see this movie and learn about the illness and to know that we don't -- nothing is guaranteed. we need to carpy diem, do our bucket list, be really true to ourselves and surround ourselves with the people and the kind of life we really want to live today. >> must be so proud of something like this. we were talking about the films that come and go and you don't really remember. and i walk by kath's dressing room and she's like i can't. you don't want to be interrupted while you're watching this. this is coming out not only in theaters, but you can watch it in the privacy of your own home. >> if you don't like to sob in movie theaters -- >> right. >> you can snot in your own living room. >> you look for something light next, do you want something that -- >> i don't know. i don't gravitate towards light now. but i like characters that are
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challenging that are real, that may transition working with hilary swank, she has two oscars, so that didn't -- >> just a matter of time. >> thank you. >> i think we have time to play a quick game. you starred off sit great co-stars. we want to know how good you are at knowing just their eyes. call the eye that co-star. who are those? >> jake gyllenhaal. >> ding, ding, ding. next up, whose eyes are these? >> i don't know who that is. >> yes, you do. >> pull back, everybody. it is sean penn. >> wow. >> how about these? >> that's macy. bill macy. >> you got it. you're on a roll. next, a few seconds. >> is that justin chapman -- >> no, one more guess. >> that's rude. >> oh, girard.
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>> one more. >> is that me? i don't know him. is that orlando bloom but i never worked with him. >> josh duhamel. >> oh, handsome. >> he's terrific. >> i better look at people better. >> i knew everyone i had gazed into for hours. >> emmy, we're so happy for you and your success. thank you for coming to see us. >> thank you so much. >> catch "you're not you" in theaters and on demand tomorrow. >> nothing like the love between a mother and a daughter. >> wait until you meet our everyone has a story winner. it is very special and carolee everyone has a story winner. it is very special and carolee will those little sunken places? not anymore! from l'oreal, revitalift triple power moisturizer. with 3% pro-xlyane l'oreal triple fights all three dimensions of aging: one...repairs wrinkles two...refirms contours three...replenishes facial volume and now, l'oreal triple power night mask.
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now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. ♪ everyone has a moment that changes their life ♪ >> today we meet our newest everyone has a story winner. nina brumbau, her mom wrote in.
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>> let's listen to what sharon had to say about her daughter. >> my daughter nina is a 33-year-old single mother of a 7-year-old little boy. at 28, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. she went through chemotherapy, radiation, and lost her hair, but didn't miss a single day of work. she managed her disease, her work, and her son with an amazing spirit. she was cancer free for two years following treatment, but then another devastating blow. the cancer had returned and spread to her bones. with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, she underwent seven surgeries and procedures in a three-week period, including a total hysterectomy, but she held on to her belief in the healing power of god. with treatments, her condition is improving. she is on disability, but now enrolled in college to be a medical assistant. when she graduates, she will work with cancer patients to
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encourage them and help others with the disease. i cannot begin to express her amazing spirit. when she says began as a bump in the road has changed into a story of living life to its fullest, my little girl has become my big super hero. she is my greatest gift, my miracle child. >> oh, awesome. nina is here. >> you're a rock star. >> with her son, devin, and her mom sharon. >> great to see you all. devin is very excited because he's never been on a train before and never been to new york and never been on tv. >> you look great. >> your mom is a rock star, you know that? >> yeah. >> were you a big help to her when she was going through all this tough stuff? >> yes. >> what a guy. >> when you wrote that letter about your daughter, i mean, it is evident why, but what was it that made you send it into kathy and us? >> nina has been an inspiration throughout it all. her positive attitude, her faith
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in god to get her through it, and although it is still emotional for me, we don't get emotional because she's on a journey of just purpose. and her purpose, she just continues to help everyone throughout her journey, and we know that in the end, you know, life has exactly what is meant to be, a purpose and her purpose, she continues to follow. >> she's got a pulse, she's got a purpose. >> right. >> you didn't miss a day of work. that was amazing. you were parenting and doing everything. how did you manage all that? >> you know, i had him and i had to fight every single day for him. and the only time i did miss was chemo days, in the chemo room for almost eight hours during the day. couldn't go to work that day, but every other day, i had to keep going, make sure my bills are paid, make sure he had as normal a life as possible. it is one day at a time. got to keep going.
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>> tell us about this faith that got you through? >> well, we go to christ fellowship church, they just opened one here in new york. and we love it. i just know that things get rough, but everything happens for a reason, and god will take care of us and we just continue to stay positive and keep fighting. >> you know what i love about devin, i love everybody here -- >> what's not to love about devin. >> i love how he looks at his mom when she's talking. what do you think of your mom? how do you describe your mom to someone who never met her? >> that she's beautiful and my favorite. >> she's beautiful and your favorite. >> and grandma, the other beautiful favorite one? >> how are you feeling? are you feeling okay? >> i feel great. >> it has been a year since i was rediagnosed with stage four and i'm on a steady medication with the university of miami cancer center and my doctors, the whole system, the nurses,
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they have been family. they have -- it is not even like doctors and nurses. it is family. >> how much they love you. >> yes. >> well, we're very excited because one of our favorite people in the whole world -- >> one of most inkribcredible singers i've ever heard. >> three-time tony nominee carolee carmello will sing a song that david and i wrote just for you, called "my little girl." ♪ [ female announcer ] most of the time it's easy to know which option is better. other times, not so much. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love and cook deliciously. mazola makes it better.
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take care of those you love and cook deliciously. because i make the best chicken noodle soup >>because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson® (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! ed a lift? covergirl and olay invented facelift effect firming makeup. luxurious coverage plus the firming power of a night cream to plump skin with moisture. new facelift effect makeup from olay and easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl.
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♪ everyone has a moment >> we're back now with our everyone has a story winner, nina brumbaugh, her son devin and her mom sharon. >> time to hear the song david friedman and i wrote just for you. please welcome carolee carmello singing "my little girl."
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♪ my little girl sweetest girl in the world ♪ ♪ grew up with butterflies and flowers ♪ ♪ hopes and big dreams and spring showers ♪ ♪ she grew up and spread her wings ♪ ♪ doing her big girl things ♪ my little girl had a child of her own ♪ ♪ when she hit a big bump in the road ♪ ♪ she thought her life would implode ♪ ♪ but she looked up and believed ♪ ♪ she asked and she receive received ♪ ♪ knock and the door will be opened ♪ ♪ seek and you will find ♪ ♪ ask and you will be given ♪ ♪ joy and peace of mind ♪ the supernatural kind ♪ ♪ just like my little girl
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♪ me little girl is still on her journey ♪ ♪ how can she understand her life is all in god's hands ♪ ♪ so she looks up and sings ♪ ♪ for she can do all things ♪ ♪ knock on the door will be opened ♪ ♪ seek and you will find ♪ ♪ ask and you will be given ♪ ♪ joy and peace of mind ♪ the supernatural kind just like my little girl ♪ ♪ if we open our hearts ♪ ♪ and truly believe there is no end to the gifts ♪ ♪ that we can receive
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just like my little girl ♪ >> whoo! >> beautiful. >> we'll be back with a very special surprise. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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>> today we're honoring a very special moment. the kid has taste. nina brumbaugh, just treated to a performance by carolee carmello, david friedman and dave wild on keyboards. what did you think? >> that was beautiful. i loved it. >> wow!
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>> so great. >> i owe devin 20 bucks for that comment. >> we like to give a little present, okay? we think we're going to give you something you're really going to love and we want you to hear it from miami dolphins pro bowl offensive lineman brandon albert. take a listen. >> nina, we hear that you're a huge dolphins fan and we are moved by your story. i personally want to invite you and three guests on an up and coming game. we also have a bunch of items from the team, bunch of gifts for you and your family from the dcc dolphins cycling challenge. the dcc has raised over $7 million for the cancer institute where you are being treated at. we are all strong together. we are here with you in this battle. fins up. >> fins up. >> god bless him. >> you didn't cry about anything but the dolphins. >> here is the other thing you get. you get -- there is a helmet.
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there is a helmet that was signed by brandon. and you get a whole bunch of other stuff. >> thank you! >> that's awesome. >> you're welcome. >> a lot of love. >> you're the best. >> i want to thank carolee, just learned it last night and she is coming to a broadway theater near you very soon. dave has a new -- >> new project we're working on. you can find it. >> and dave, what's going on? >> working in hollywood. >> yes, that's why we call him wild man. >> you guys are awesome. >> have fun at the game. >> devin! >> tomorrow we have legendary comedienne carol burnett will join us. >> and giada de laurentiis cooks with us.
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>> enjoy thirsty thursday. you know what tomorrow is? try day friday. >> that's the way we roll. >> you look good. >> and then saturday. >> we like t
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this is breaking news we just got in. we have learned a juror is being replaced. last night the jury started deliberating. they worked until 10:00. they thought they reached a verdict. before court resumed, a juror became inxcan a pass tated. the man is accused of killing a 10-month-old and the grandmother. he could face the death penalty. we will let you know as soon as there is a verdict. also right now at 11:00,